
Are you looking for a new depression treatment option? First, it's important to understand that depression can be treated and there are lots of different kinds of treatment for depression out there. It's just a matter of finding the right ones that work best for you. In this article, you'll find out more about some of the new depression treatments that might help you feel better.

New Depression Drugs

Most mild to moderate types of depression are usually successfully treated by natural depression treatments alone. However, most people who are struggling with severe depressive symptoms may need medical cures, such as antidepressants and other forms of therapy to help them. Understand that when you're taking medications, it's important to follow the right dosage that your doctor has prescribed for you. Keep in mind that it may not be a good idea to make any changes to your medications without the supervision of a mental health professional. 

Despite the growing popularity of some of the common antidepressants, many people still don't respond positively to them. However, scientists are continually working on discovering new depression drugs that can possibly cure even those who have treatment-resistant depression.

Some research shows that ketamine, also known as 'special K', has been found to work faster than most antidepressants. Usually, it takes several weeks before any effects from antidepressants can be noticed, whereas ketamine has worked for some people in just several hours or days. Ketamine is often used illegally as recreational drug, and is not yet commonly formally prescribed for depression treatment.

Most of the other new depression drugs that are on the horizon are known as 'me too' drugs as they target similar mechanisms to the existing drugs. This means that many 'new' antidepressants are much the same as the existing ones. 

Depression: New Medications On The Horizon

Other New Forms of Depression Treatment

There are brain stimulation techniques that can be used when medications don't seem to work in treating severe depressive symptoms, like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS and Deep Brain Stimulation DBS.

DBS is a surgical treatment, wherein a medical device sends electrical pulses in certain parts of the brain. The TMS is a relatively new depression treatment that is said to be safe, effective, non-invasive and free from the harmful side effects that usually come with depression drugs.  

Another new form of depression therapy is called the long-term cognitive behavioural therapy. This aims to help you develop the skills you need to manage your stress properly, and eventually cope better with your depression. It's important to understand that too much stress can lead to depression and other health problems. That is why proper stress management not only helps lower your stress, but also helps in reducing your depressive symptoms. 

New depression treatments reported

An all-natural new depression treatment?

Many people prefer an all natural approach to treating depression. Non of these are actually 'new', but they might be 'news' to you, as depression treatments. You may not realise that so many treatments exist that can have a positive affect on relieving and getting rid of depression.

Exercise is considered an excellent way to help improve your mood, and keep you physically healthy as well. Different forms of exercise can help give you a 'natural high', as it promotes the release of endorphins or 'happy hormones' in your brain. In studies, exercise has proved to be more effective than drug treatments in many cases.

Of course, exercise alone isn't guaranteed to cure depression. If that was true, there wouldn't be so many sports stars with depression. It is however an important part of your recovery plan alongside other helpful treatments. 

Other natural forms of depression treatment that may be new to you include: Tai Chi, aromatherapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, shiatsu, removing food intolerances, Jin shin jyutsu, massage, Meditation, mindfulness practises, Neuro-linguistic programming, laughter yoga, EFT, Bach flower remedies - to name just a few. 

It can be a good idea to continue educating yourself more about other new forms of treatment for depression. What's most important is for you to stay determined to overcome your depression, and to keep on helping yourself become happy once again.

See also

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Depression Treatments - Finding the right options ...



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Original article: New Depression Treatment.

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