
Some of the most interesting facts about depression reveal some important information about what you can do to get over it. Educating yourself more about what depression is, can be a great way to help you understand better what you’re going through. Read on to learn some of the most interesting facts that can help you cope better with your depressive symptoms. 

At some point in life, anyone can experience a low mood or have a ‘case of the blues’. However, it’s important to understand that being sad or ‘depressed’ for quite some time could mean that you’re no longer just feeling a low mood. You could be suffering from a mental health problem.

Depression is a common mental disorder that can be treated. There are many types of depression and it can be classified according to the severity of its symptoms. One of the most common types of this mental illness is chronic depression, also known as Dysthymia or Dysthymic disorder. The symptoms of Dysthymia are less severe compared to those of major depression. Yet these often last longer, usually for 2 years or more. 

There hasn’t been an exact known cause for depression. However, there are factors that can trigger or increase your risks of suffering from a mental illness, such as too much stress, loss of a loved one due to death or failed relationships, poverty, having a member in the family diagnosed with a mental illness and having an underlying health problem.

No two people would experience depression in exactly the same way. Yet there are common depressive symptoms that people who are depressed would similarly go through. Some of these common symptoms include persistent sadness, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, sleep problems, poor eating habits, poor concentration, low self esteem and inability to make decisions. 

The first important step towards your recovery is to acknowledge the symptoms that you’re experiencing. It’s always best to seek help from a medical professional in order to get a proper diagnosis. It can be helpful to ask medical advice from your health care provider about which types of treatment can be most helpful for you. 

Did you know that a constant lack of sleep can lead to depression? You may have noticed that a ‘good sleep’ can make you feel refreshed and well rested when you wake up. Understand that it isn’t healthy to deprive yourself of getting a proper amount of sleep. It can only leave you feeling exhausted and have a lack of energy the following day. Studies show that some people who have poor sleeping habits have a higher risk of suffering from a mental health problem.

You might find it interesting to know that there are other ‘not so common’ factors that can surprisingly lead to depression. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD or winter blues is a type of depression that’s mostly experienced by people who have a lack of exposure to sunlight. An onset is usually triggered during the winter season, when the days are shorter. However, some people may also experience SAD during the summer season. Isn’t that interesting?

It’s surprising to know that for some people, an end of a TV show or a movie can have a significant impact on their lives. This can sometimes even be serious enough to make them feel depressed. 

12 Surprising Causes of Depression – Health.com

“It’s no surprise that sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, but it could also increase the risk of depression.”

 It has been estimated that about 1 in every 4 Americans will experience depression at some point in their lives. In addition to that, women are twice as much more likely to suffer from depression compared to men. However, most men who are depressed often display different signs. Instead of being sad, they usually appear angry or irritable.  

Did you know that even ‘happy events’ in life can still potentially lead to depression? Learn more about these interesting facts in the next article that I’ve found for you.

60 Random Facts about Depression

“Depression often presents itself in four ways: mood changes, cognitive (memory and thought process) changes, physical changes, and behavioral changes.”

Depression is a common mental illness. It can hit anyone, regardless of age and gender.

You’re not alone. There are many others out there who are also experiencing what you’re going through. Others may even suffer from more severe cases of depression. Yet, understand that there are lots of people who have successfully overcome depression. Like them, you can also get over it and move forward to living your life more.

Among the most interesting facts that many people would like to know about, are the names of famous people who have also suffered from depression. Somehow, this will help them feel that it’s not just them. Even famous celebrities go through it too. I’ve found an article for you where you’ll find out about 20 people who have survived depression. These are famous and successful people who have gone public about their depression.

20 Successful People Who Battled

Depression | Money Talks News

“As these famous survivors of depression prove, the illness can affect anyone, comes in various forms, and has various causes – but doesn’t have to disable you…”

I understand that life might seem hopeless when you’re in a bad place. However, it’s important to know that depression can be treated and cured.  Continue educating yourself about other facts that you might find useful in helping yourself get ‘unstuck’ from being depressed. Again, know that you’re not alone. There are many others who have suffered and overcome depression.

There are lots of places where you can find help. Keep in mind that there are always lots of things you can do to help yourself feel better and eventually overcome depression.

See also

See also

Are depression symptoms in men, women and ...



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Tags: interesting facts about depression, about depression, causes of depression, important information

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