
We all know about the black Friday deals that happen all over the USA at thanksgiving. Now US companies are rolling out these deals in the UK. Among them is Amazon UK. When you logon to Amazon UK you will see along the top – just above the search bar- “Today’s Deals”. tap it and you will be presented with Lightning Deals page where, over on the righthand side you will see the Black Friday countdown.

Below this you will see the All Available deals, most of which offer at least 30% off

About Lightning Deals

A Lightning Deal is a promotion in which a limited number of discounts are offered on an item for a short time.

All Lightning Deals appear on the “Today’s Deals” page. To view this page, click the Today’s Deals link above the search bar on any Amazon.co.uk page. These deals are available on Amazon.co.uk until either the time for that promotion expires or all the available promotional discounts are claimed. You can claim a particular deal once only.

When a Lightning Deal is available, here’s what you’ll see:

The item featured in the deal.

Any available variations of the item (for example: different sizes or colours).

The list price and the current price for the item on Amazon.co.uk.

The promotional discount amount and final price.

A status bar indicating the percentage of deals currently in customers’ baskets or purchased.

A timer showing how long you have to add the item to your basket and claim the promotional discount.

An “Add to Basket” button if there are available promotional discounts.

Note: When all the promotional discounts for a Lightning Deal are held by other customers, you’ll see a Join Waitlist button and the status bar will show that 100% if the promotional discounts are currently being held in other customers’ baskets or have already been used to purchase the deal.

So if you’re looking for a christmas present  then you might want to head over to Amazon and see if anything takes your fancy, you never know you could save a few bob.

Amazon UK


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