This is my before and during! This site among a few others is part of what keeps me so motivated! I was inspired by so many others like me who needed to lose a large amount of weight. So thank you to any one who has submitted before and afters/during! I have struggled with body issues and my weight since elementary school, even when for many years I HAD no weight issue! I am on a journey and beginning to LOVE my body and watching it transform! I also believe that having my son helped me love my body even more. I also have a new S.O. who has been more supportive than I could imagine.
My highest weight is not shown, but I reached 210 lbs. I freaked when I saw this and got myself down to 196 where I stayed for the next 2 years. I went down to 182 after having my son but shamefully gained it all right back to 196 because I was still eating like crap.
Well, enough was enough. I am tired of making excuses! I took control of this problem I have had and the difference now is I FEEL like it is finally over! I am eating clean with the occastional treat, I exercise 5 days a week, and stregnth train about 4 out of those 5 days. However, I switch up my routines every week so my body does not get used to it. My calorie intake is different everyday and goes anywhere from 1200 to 1800. I am also starting a juice diet for 14 days next week and am very excited to cleanse my body and reboot!
I just started my journey one month ago and looking to follow others on a weight loss journey like myself! So please feel free to follow me and I will follow back!
Follow here for more before and after, weight loss, and healthy diet pictures!