

Everyone talks about the right foods to eat, water to drink, vitamins to take, and more. The ‘masters of good health’ know all about what it takes to elongate your life by taking perfect care of everything from your heart to your kidneys to your mind. But there is a reason why more and more people are referring to Better Way as the ‘masters of good health,’ and it’s because they leave absolutely no stone unturned when it comes to making you and your family the healthiest you can be. They are well aware that for complete good health to be achieved, taking care of the outside layers of your body are just as important as saving the inside.


“Transfer Point’s High-End Beta Glucan” is not only something you ingest. In fact, this is a product that has also been re-worked into a skin lotion that focuses on delivering maximum epidermal refreshment. In other words, this is an advanced lotion that offers benefits beyond your imagination. Every day you can protect yourself and your loved ones from everything involving damaging chemicals to the ultraviolet rays that are growing more powerful and more hazardous to our health every single day.


And, no, they have not forgotten the fact that even though this lotion is ‘the one’ to protect our outside layers, that the fragrance also has to be enjoyable. Which is why this Aloe Vera-packed compound also emit’s a soft, subtle apricot fragrance that will leave your senses happy while nourishing your skin all day long.


When I say ‘packed,’ I mean it. “Transfer Pont’s Beta Glucan Lotion” has three times more Aloe Vera than any competitor, and contains a deep replenishment of Transfer Point’s Beta Glucan that we need in order to live longer, healthier lives.


It is no wonder that this is so important, considering the fact that our skin is the human body’s largest organ, making up fifteen percent of our total body weight. And our skin is the definite ‘wrapping paper’ that must be protected in order for the ‘gift’ inside to remain intact. Injury, bacteria – beta glucan protects us from all the negatives out there.


For those who are unfamiliar about how this ‘organ’ works, Right below our outermost layer of skin, known as the epidermis, lies the dermis, which includes the hair follicles, nerves and sebaceous glands. (Unfortunately those ‘icky’ wrinkles form in that layer as well.) Now the skin’s primary function is to protect the body from toxins, bacteria and extreme temperatures – but beta glucan makes sure that this ‘job’ is far easier to manage.


Oats have been used for the care of human skin since ancient times. Oat pastes have been utilized to relieve itching and pain and even help to heal minor injuries. Not to mention, oats have the gift of being moisturizing and soothing. Scientific breakthroughs occurred when it came to the use of beta glucan to help with this ‘job,’ because at the beginning doctors believed that beta glucan molecules were far too large to penetrate the skin. But with genius minds and a ‘never say die’ attitude, that theory has changed over time, and it soon came to be known that when applied to the skin, beta glucan can help in far more ways than one. And just recently it has also been discovered that, yes, beta glucan can reduce those ‘icky’ wrinkles and promotes anti-aging.


There are no known side effects from beta glucan, which is referred to as a ‘linear polymer consisting of glucose molecules linked together.’ I know…hard to understand what the terminology is all about. So let’s just say that beta glucan has a very long history of being a safe and long-lasting moisturizer for skin care. Not to mention being a truly fantastic anti-irritant which speeds up healing.


And with all the research and studies being done in the world of skincare and anti-aging, it has been found over and over again that skin roughness is diminished and firmness is increased by using beta glucan infused lotion. The work continues. More and more companies are doing research when it comes to this ‘miracle,’ and each and every day are discovering even more uses for beta-glucan that will not only protect the outside, but also protect what lies beneath.


Do yourself a huge favor. Instead of putting off what you can do today, head straight to the BetterWayHealth.com website and begin protecting yourself from all the issues that come from daily life. To save the interior, make sure that the exterior is ready for battle by purchasing “Transfer Point’s High-End Beta Glucan Lotion” today!



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