
All the sector’s top brands, plants and induced activities taking part.

From 21st to 24th February Rimini Fiera

will be the capital of brewery specialities

(open to the general public only on the 21st and 22nd)

Rimini, 3rd February 2015 - Rimini Fiera was the first Italian expo organizer, approximately ten years ago, focus on a “pastime” that is now a business. Since then, the craft beer world, by means of trade, but above all the passion of some great personalities, has always been to the fore at the Rimini shows dedicated to food & beverage.

This expertise, and bearing in mind the great growth of the artisan sector in Italy, led to the launch of Beer Attraction, International Craft Breweries Show, the event featuring craft beer and specialities, that for four days (from 21stto 24th February) will make Rimini Fiera, the largest pub in Italy, able to combine the event with the strength, passion and professionalism of an area like Emilia-Romagna.

The expo will be open to the general public on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd February, whereas the 23rd and 24th will be strictly limited to top buyers and trade members (precisely for the high specialization of the product, the expo will address trade visitors only for two days, with the aim of expanding the B2B chain and business exchanges at international level).

There will be 200 companies, all of a very high level, exhibiting at Beer Attraction, an expo that for its unique nature, will have an international profile and will be a reference point not only for Italian and foreign breweries but also for the sector’s induced activity.

At national level, for example, all the top brands will be there: Baladin farm brewery, Birra Amarcord, Birra del Borgo and Birrificio Italiano, just to mention a few. There will also be breweries such as Bitburger Braugruppe with the pilot brewery Crafwerk Brewing, as well as Brouwerij L. Huyghe and Palm Belgian Craft Brewers.

The event’s internationalization process has led to great foreign participation, with over 10 nations represented: from Denmark with the Amager Bryghus brewery, to Belgium with the Brasserie Artisanale De Rulles, Spain with Guineu Beer and the United States with Pretty Things Beer.

The evolution of the rapidly expanding sector has also attracted the interest of leading companies at Italian level in the brewery plant sector, such as: Celli, Della Toffola and CFT, and the glass sector, such as: Vetro2 and Vetro Balsamo.


Dates: 21-24 February 2015; Organizers: Rimini Fiera SpA in collaboration with Unionbirrai; with the patronage of: Italgrob; media partners: GBI, Il Mondo della Birra; frequency: annual; edition: 1st; admittance: 21st and 22nd February open to the public of connoisseurs, tasters and trade, 23rd and 24th February – trade members only; hours: 21/02 and 22/02: 12:30-9:30 (open to the general public and trade); 23/02 and 24/02: 10 am – 6 pm trade only; business unit manager: Patrizia Cecchi;project manager: Gaetano Iaccarino; Visitor info: http://www.beerattraction.it/visitatori e-mail: infovisitatori@riminifiera.it; Web site: www.beerattraction.it


Rimini Fiera SpA Communication and Media Relations Service +39 0541 744510 press@riminifiera.it

manager: Elisabetta Vitali; press office coordinator: Marco Forcellini;

press staff: Alessandro Caprio and Nicoletta Evangelisti Mancini

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Alessandro Caprio

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(+39)  0541.744.601

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(+39)  0541.744.505


@alecaprio @riminifieraspa

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