
Romance is in the air.


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Book Case Club is one of my mom’s favorite subscriptions, because it’s all things books. The subscription has six different genres to choose from – Blind Date (Paranormal Romance), Strange Worlds (Sci-Fi), Teenage Dreams, Thrill Seeker, Read to Me, and Booking for Love. All genres come with two books with the exception of Read to Me, which has four children’s books. We’ve been getting the Thrill Seeker genre for awhile but changed over to romance from December onward. My mom’s a huge bibliophile, I mean, we practically have a library room and endless cases filled with books strewn about the house (including my Grandpa’s old gun case mom DIY’d into a multi-level bookshelf). The books arrive in wonderful condition and are usually hardbacks or large paperbacks.

The box always contains a hand-written note but this is the first month they did printed info cards. Instagram suggests that the book selection is no longer random and everyone receives the same books depending on which genre they choose. Either way I like the personal hand-written note. It’s a sweet touch.

The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott – 9.20$ on Amazon
“Tess, an aspiring seamstress, thinks she’s had an incredibly lucky break when she is hired by famous designer Lady Lucile Duff Gordon to be her personal maid on the Titanic. Once on board, Tess catches the eye of two men—a kind sailor and an enigmatic Chicago businessman—who offer differing views of what lies ahead for her in America. But on the fourth night, disaster strikes, and amidst the chaos, Tess is one of the last people allowed on a lifeboat.

The survivors are rescued and taken to New York, but when rumors begin to circulate about the choices they made, Tess is forced to confront a serious question.  Did Lady Duff Gordon save herself at the expense of others? Torn between loyalty to Lucile and her growing suspicion that the media’s charges might be true, Tess must decide whether to stay quiet and keep her fiery mentor’s good will or face what might be true and forever change her future.”

Bianca by Beatrice Small – 6.40$ on Amazon
“Florentine silk merchant Giovanni Pietro d’Angelo and his wife want only to marry their daughters to wealthy men of distinction. But when their son’s indiscretion implicates him in a tragic accident, their eldest daughter must pay the price. To buy the silence of Sebastiano Rovere, they must give beautiful Bianca to him in marriage. But Bianca flees this cruel union, and then her husband?s shocking murder frees Bianca to love at last. . .”

Eyyyy a murder mystery romance thriller, nifty, right? Unfortunately mom found it entirely too boring to finish, despite having all the makings of a great book. In her words, “There’s a lot of fluff but not a lot of action.” She didn’t touch The Dressmaker, while interesting, she says “This sounds more like a mystery thriller than a romance novel.” I kind of agree with her. This book was donated to a skilled nursing facility (take extra books to yours if you have one). December’s selections were duds, so here’s hoping January will be better. We may have to switch back to Thriller.

If interested in Book Case Club, the cost is 9.99$ plus 5$ shipping and you can get it by clicking here.

The post Book Case Club – December 2015 Review appeared first on Beeju Boxes.

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