Well good morning cute people!...
I have missed you:)
Today is the
Quilty Barn Along
and this is barn 6...
Sunny Sunflower!!!
But first I need to apologise because yesterday...
I neglected to announce the winner of the giveaway from my last post.
I'm so sorry but time just got away from me.
The winner is
Stephanie from Quarter Incher
I will be sending her these
Bake Sale
And Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop will be
sending her a bundle of Lori Holt Solids!
A Big Thank You to Stephanie and
everyone so much to everyone
for leaving me bloggy love about the YouTube
you all put a smile on my face:)
Now onto the quilty Barn:)
Cut your pieces for the
sunny sunflower block.
I cut 12 background squares at 1 1/2"...
4 yellow 2 1/2" squares...
4 yellow 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" rectangles...
4 green 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" rectangles...
4 green 1 1/2" squares ...
and 1 green 2 1/2" square for the center.
Click Here
to go to my tutorial that I have previously done.
Now cut your barn block.
Cutting and tutorial for the barn block is here and here.
Stitch up your sunny sunflower block...
It should measure 6 1/2" square before you sew it into the side of the barn:)
One cute little
Sunny Sunflower Block.
Some of you may recognize this block
from a quilt pattern that I published and taught several years ago....
The blocks for that quilt finished at 12"
and I called the pattern Sunny Sunflower.
I thought one in yellow and green needed to go on the side of barn number 6.
It's not quite ready for harvest yet ....
so the center is still green:)
Now build your barn around it.
I thought that this barn needed
some honeybee's flying around inside:)
I didn't get a chance to put borders on barn 5 yet.
After market is over...
I'll get them both sashed....
but for right now they will remain
on the design wall in my little studio
keeping a bumblebee block company:)
We are halfway finished with the first
Quilty Barn Along quilt
and in 2 weeks from today
I will be posting barn number 7...
as well as..
the first block in the
next barn quilt I will be making!!!
Have a quilty barn kind of day...
and I will be stalking the
flickr group
to see your cute quilty barns!!!!