
This Spring the attention has moved to the ears it seems so you need to tuck your hair behind the ear to reveal a beautiful ear cuff for this you must know how to wear dangling ear cuffs with chain. The trend was embraced on the runway by the likes of Chanel, Rodarte, Katie Gallagher. Celebrities like Alicia Keys, Rihanna, Lara Bingle and Bella Heathcote, all have sported their versions. So are you ready to dress up your ear lobe as well? If you are a jewelry junkie, you may already own one. But in case you are not, we give you ways to ease into this trend. We give you a list of ways that you can sport the ear cuff and also a curated list of the best ear-cuffs to shop for. To have a edgy yet subdues look, wear your ear cuff with a basic combination of tee and pants or blouse and denim shorts etc. You can absolutely wear this trend in the evening with a gown or your favorite dress. Do not wear a necklace with this trend. To save yourself from being OTT, absolutely give it a miss. Heavy makeup will also not do much good, but you can go bold with either the eyes or the lips – pick only one. If you are feeling bold, add a hair band that matched the aesthetics of your ear cuff. It will keep all the attention on your face and hair.

How To Wear Dangling Ear Cuffs With Chain

Ear cuffs/cuff earrings are jewelry meant for the ear cartilage for those without pierced cartilages. There are several ways to wear them. Ear cuffs wraps around the ear with No piercing required and should fit snugly into the ear canal. Here is a picture I got online showing how it should be worn. Basically, you start on the top rim of ear, turn the ear cuff inward to hook onto the inner rim and then slide it down. Ear cuffs can be adjusted to your size by stretching them out a bit and if worn correctly, you wouldn’t need to stretch them at all afterwards once you get this mechanism down. Ear cuffs come in a wide range of styles. Some are worn by themselves, making a striking statement. Others include dangling charms, gems or chains that hang loose or can be connected to other earrings.

The ear cuff is worn on the outer edge of the ear, falling in the middle of the ear’s outer rim. To put it on, simply slide the open end over the top of your ear and move it downward, looping one of the sides over the ear’s cartilage. The ear cuff should end up with the edges wrapped around the edge of the ear, resting comfortably right above the ear’s larger bottom portion. Many ear cuffs can be adjusted, slightly by carefully and gently bending them to make them a little larger or smaller. They should be form-fitting so they stay in place but not too tight that they pinch or dig into your ear. You can test the fit by gently pulling the ear cuff away from your face to make sure it doesn’t slip off. These instructions will help you to understand how you can wear dangling ear cuffs with chain.

Ear cuffs can also be worn with ear wraps, which are smaller and fit snugly at any place around the ear’s soft rim, rather than in the middle of the outer ear like the ear cuff.

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