Dry and damaged hair have become a common problem nowadays. Your hair goes through a lot of stress, heated styling tools, sun exposure. Everyone wants beautiful hair, but due to lack of oil, moisture, excessive use of cosmetic products like shampoos and hair conditioners makes our hair dry and damaged.
People with dry hair get dandruff and skin shedding from your scalp. The skin cells get trapped on your scalp by your hair and clump together. It makes getting dandruff that can make your hair look dull. Dry hair results from external factors such as exposure to harsh chemicals, or from internal causes, such as an illness. The main causes are due to harsh shampoo, shampooing too often, hair dye, hair perms, chlorine in swimming pools and hot tubs, Overuse of the blow dryer or curling iron, high mineral content in local water supplies.
Home remedies for dry and damaged hair
Coconut oil to treat damaged hair
Coconut oil is rich in nutrient, which is good for hair. Coconut oil is the great source of saturated fats, proteins, Caprylic acid and Vitamin E. It has an exfoliating that can destroy excess dead skin and clean out the blocked pores. This is rich in sodium and high in potassium. Coconut reduces levels of high blood pressure and can lower the chance of stroke and heart attack. Coconut oil stimulates hair growth with a deep follicle and promotes the scalp health that fights against problems like insect bites, lice and dandruff. This prevents hair breakage and split ends. This can easily penetrate into your hair shaft and prevents the cuticles to become damaged and making your hair healthy. Gently massage your scalp every day with coconut oil. Repeat it at least 3 times a week for better results. Massage for about 5 minutes with warm coconut oil. Leave it overnight. Rinse your hair in the next day morning by using a mild shampoo.
Henna natural herbal treatment for hair care
Henna is the natural home remedy without any side effects. Henna is the natural home remedy to get rid of hair fall and improves your hair growth. Prepare a paste of henna, egg, yogurt, and water. Apply it on your hair and treat dry and damaged hair. Leave it for about an hour and then wash it off with normal water.
Hot oil massage to prevent dry hair
Oil works effective for dry and damaged hair. Massage the scalp with warm coconut oil or mustard oil on regular basis. It is more advisable to remove the oily only after 45 – 60 minutes. Use almond oil or olive oil to solve problem of dry damaged hair. You may also use sunflower oil that can be used to moisturize the hair. But in case of it, you should remove 20 -25 minutes to get best results.
Vinegar to get rid of dry and damaged hair
Apple cider vinegar is the most renowned home remedy. This is made from apple. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and acetic acid. This helps to repair the frizz and damaged hair. This is a potent antimicrobial and different types of bacteria. This helps to prevent cancer, stroke, diabetes and can lower the level of blood sugar. Take apple cider vinegar in equal proportions of water. Shampoo your hair and then rinse your hair with this mixture as a final rinse. Leave it on your hair for about 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Vinegar and water helps to improve the quality of hair. It can be used to treat the problem of dandruff.
Yogurt to treat damaged hair
Yogurt is the especially home made whole cream milk that proves the product for soft and moisturized crown. Yogurt has many good bacteria that have lots of moisturizing content. Apply it to your scalp as well as strands. Cover it with a shower cap and leave it for about an hour. Then wash it off with regular shampoo and conditioner.
Mayonnaise for dry hair
Mayonnaise is good for dry and damaged hair. Take 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise that can be rubbed on the lower part of the scalp to remove hair dryness. It works as a hair conditioner.
Baking soda to cleanse scalp and dandruff
Here you have that your scalp is accumulate a buildup of dust, grime, and even the residue of hair products. Wash your hair with shampoo and cleans the scalp. It creates blockages in the hair follicles, thereby not only discouraging the hair growth. It acts as a deep cleanse on the scalp. Add baking soda to the water in order to form a paste. Apply this paste on your scalp. Leave it for about 10 – 15 minutes. Then wash it off with water. Apply this warm oil to your scalp. Let it stay for about an hour and then wash it off with water.
Aloe vera to treat dry and damaged hair
Aloe vera has moisturizing properties and treats dry and damaged hair to become soft, lustrous, and shiny hair. Mix 3 – 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with 1 and ½ tablespoon of coconut oil. Add 3 tablespoons of yogurt and mix them well. Apply this mixture to your hair. Leave it for about 20 – 30 minutes. Then wash it off with water.
Egg for hair texture
Egg white does wonders for dry and damaged hair. A mixture of whipped egg and normal hot water can be applied on the scalp to deal with the problem of dry damaged hair. Apply a mixture of 2 – 3 eggs, 2 – 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, and 1 – 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Apply this mixture on your hair and leave it for about 30 minutes. A mixture of egg and honey improve the hair texture.
Banana and avocado mask to treat damaged hair
Avocado is high in vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. This helps to restore luster to your hair. Avocado helps to treat your damaged hair. Bananas are good to treat split ends. They are rich in vitamin A, C and E. This is rich in natural oils, carbohydrates, potassium, zinc and iron. This helps to improve the condition of hair. Banana helps to improve the natural elasticity of hair and add shine and even for hair growth. Prepare a mixture of ripe banana and avocado to treat the problem of dry damaged hair. It removes this mixture after 60 -75 minutes with the help of warm water to get better results.
Honey for dry and damaged hair
Honey is the best solution for hair that deals with the problem of dry damaged hair. It keeps this mixture that is applied for 20 – 30 minutes. Another way is that apply a mixture of 2 – 3 tablespoons of honey with 2 3 tablespoons of olive oil in order to obtain effective results. Apply this pack and leave it for 30 – 45 minutes. Cover your hair with a shower cap. Then wash it off with water.