Dengue fever is caused by mosquitoes that is infected by the dengue virus. It prevents in the tropical regions. This is a painful, disabling disease, with the severity of pain that is similar to that of bones breaking. It is known as ‘Breakbone fever’. Dengue fever is caused by a virus and is cured by antibiotics. The last stage of fever leads to death and the patient suffers from low levels of blood platelets and leakage of blood plasma. There are some other complications of dengue hemorrhagic fever are liver enlargement, damage to blood and lymph vessels, bleeding from the gums and nose and failure of the circulatory system.
Dengue fever develop dengue shock syndrome, which is extremely low blood pressure, shock and death. Mosquitoes can transmit dengue fever and it is divided into five types. The mosquito bite can infect a person with bites a new donor can be infected with the virus as well. This is mostly seen during rainy seasons, that dwell excellently in water and is filled cans, plastic bags and water filled flower pots. Mosquito bites can transmit this disease and is non-contagious, which can spread from one person to the other.
Dengue symptoms
Causes & symptoms of viral diseases
The dengue symptoms are from 3 – 6 within 15 days after being infected. Thus, the symptoms happen in stages that can start with a chill, headache, pain followed by a low backache and loss of appetite.
High fever with vomiting
Headache, joint and muscle pains
Skin rashes and severe diarrhea
Fatigue and nausea
Circulatory problems
Low blood pressure
Home remedies for dengue fever
Herbal for dengue
Dengue fever is a bug fear in most of the humans. The tropical and subtropical area. The hunt for anti-dengue herbs and other medicinal plants that have become more than ever. Medicinal plants are used to treat multiple diseases. The demand for medicinal plants can grow for natural, safe and free from toxic effect reasons.
The green chiretta, neem leaves, papaya leaves, coriander leaves, basil leaves, garlic cloves and pomegranate juice are herbal home remedies for dengue. Dengue is untreated and is severe complications that can result in dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Papaya home remedy for dengue fever
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Papaya leaf juice is rich and is beneficial to one of the best home remedy for dengue fever. Papaya leaves are rich in enzyme such as papain and chymopapain that helps in normalizing the platelet count. This also improves liver function that can deal with blood clotting and heals the liver damage. This is an organic compound and nutrients in papaya that can enhance the blood cells in the body. Papaya leaf is a rich resource of Vitamin C that can stimulate the immune system. This is rich in antioxidants that performs and eliminates other toxins from the blood.
Take a fresh papaya leaf and cut them into small slices. Make sure that you should remove the veins. Mix the leaves with 10 ml of cold water. Blend the mixture and filter it. Strain it, and drink the juice four times a day. Papaya leaf juice treats early stage of dengue. This is beneficial in the later stages with an increase of 10% volume of platelets that can turn downed to number of 150000 cu.m.
Papaya is rich in papain, chymopapain, caricain and glycine endopeptidase. This helps to improve pepsin degradation and has acidic pH conditions. The other medicinal components include ascorbic acid, cystatin, flavonoids, glucosinolates, cyanogenic glucosides etc.
Note:This remedy is not used by pregnant or breastfeeding, allergic to a compound, allergic to latex and undergone surgery.
Barley grass to cure dengue
Barley grass juice is effective to increase blood platelet count that too in seconds. Barley grass increase blood platelet count and can stimulate the production of more blood cells. This right against dengue infection. Barley tea helps to stimulate the bone marrow to generate healthy platelets. This is rich in chlorophyll content that increases the red blood cells. This helps to treat Vitamin deficiency and prolonged weakness.
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Barley grass is rich in Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, beta carotene, folic acid and pantothenic acid. This is also rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. This includes amino acids, chlorophyll, fiber and protein. This helps to boost the immune system that protects from cellular damage and can detoxify the internal organs.
Take some wheatgrass or barley grass Cut them into small pieces and blend them well by adding some water into the mixer. Strain the solution. Drink it twice a day. Drink barley tea or eat barley grass directly as it helps to rapid increase in platelet count. This is the one of the most serious effects of dengue fever that can prolong weakness and can increase the susceptibility of the body to dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is a serious complication. This can even treat vitamin deficiency and prolonged weakness.
Note: People who are suffering with gluten sensitivity or celiac diseases, allergic to cereals, diabetic and people who undergone surgery are not requested to use this home remedy.
Giloy for symptoms of dengue
Giloy is an important herb in Ayurveda. This helps to maintain the metabolic rate, strengthening the immune system. It can protect your body against infections. It is better to boil the stems and serve it as an herbal drink. Add few tulsi leaves in the drink.
Goldenseal to treat dengue
Goldenseal has herbal or natural home remedy that can approve or proven that homeopathic physicians have praised goldenseal for the ability to clear the symptoms of dengue fever quickly. This can eliminate the virus from the body. The goldenseal helps to ease fevers, chills, headaches, nausea and vomiting. This has natural antiviral capacity that helps to cure dengue fever.
Turmeric herbal treatment for dengue
Home remedies for viral fever
Turmeric helps to boost metabolism that helps to make the healing process faster. This can consume turmeric along with milk.
Water for dengue fever
Water is the common due to excessive sweating and bodily exertion. The internal tool that dengue fever takes on the body through extreme dehydration and is common. Drink plenty of water that keeps your body hydrated. This helps to ease symptoms such as headaches and muscle cramps. The exacerbated dehydration. Water helps to flush the body that eliminate excess toxins and can complicate the viral impact of the pathogen. Dengue is due to body pain, fever and blood circulation, which are due to dehydration. Drinking a sufficient amount of water helps to ease out the symptoms such as muscle cramps and headaches. Water helps to flush out the toxins that acts as a contributor to the detrimental effects of pathogen. Protein and water are the main components of blood cells. Drinking plenty of water stops the formation of low platelets, if you don’t like water, you can also include them as soup, clear broths, orange juice and lemon water.
Neem leaves of organic fact treatments for dengue
Neem leaves have a variety of ailments and dengue fever doesn’t have an exception. Neem helps to increase the blood platelet count as well as white blood cells. This can improve the immune system. Azadirachtin is the popular insecticidal component in neem leaves. This helps to control the inflammation such as nimbin, nimbidin and quercetin. Nimbidol and gedunin are anti-fungal agents that can destroy fungi. Neem leaves are known as analgesics, helps to provide relief in times of pain. Neem leaves help with detoxification, healthy digestive and respiratory system.
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Take a small bowl and add fresh neem leaves into it. Ground the leaves well and filter them. Drink 10ml of this mixture 3 – 4 times a day. Alternatively, neem leaves are steeped and leave them aside. Brew it as it increases blood platelet count and white blood cell count. This has most dangerous side effects of the virus. Thus, brewing neem leaves improves the immune system. This helps in strength which is faster than other home remedies.
Note: Neem leaves are not good for pregnant or who are looking for pregnancy. Refrain dose for children. Should avoid those who have diarrhea, seizures, brain disorders etc. Avoid diabetic patients as it can interact antidiabetic drugs.
Coriander leaves to get rid of dengue fever
Coriander leaves are best home remedy for dengue. This helps to reduce body temperature during infection. Thus, it includes leaves and you can add it as a regular diet. Take a bowl of coriander leaves and rinse them. Take a bowl of water and add coriander leaves into it. Blend them well. Drink this juice as many times as possible for quick recovery.
The cineole and linoleic acid are the two components in coriander leaves that possess anti-arthritic and anti-rheumatic properties. This is high in amounts of Vitamin C that helps to increase the immunity. This also includes linalool and borneol that helps in assisting in digestion. This helps in enhancing the regular functioning of the liver. The antibacterial effects that are seen in coriander leaves are alpha-pinene, beta-phellandrene, dodecanal and limonene. As this is a rich source of Vitamins such as niacin, beta carotene, folic acid, riboflavin essential, which is good for health.
Note: Coriander leaves are not good for the people who have allergies to aniseed, fennel, caraway, mugwort. This helps to suffer from allergic reactions. This should be avoided by the people who has diabetes as it can lower blood sugar levels.
Orange juice to cure symptoms of dengue
How to treat fever at home
Orange juice is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that make them ideal to treat the secondary symptoms of dengue fever. This helps to eliminate the virus. This helps to promote antibodies that can improve immune system and increase urination. This release toxins and can stimulates cellular repair due to Vitamin C that has a crucial role. It has a creation of collagen.
Pomegranate juice for dengue fever
Pomegranate juice can boost blood platelet counts. This has rich compounds such as punicalagin, which is a second important compound called punicalins. This has health benefits to the heart and antioxidant properties that can lower cholesterol and reduces blood pressure. The medicinal compounds in it can regulate the reduction in platelets that bring them to normal. This is a rich and good sources of Vitamin C. They are rich in anti-oxidant properties that has huge content of polyphenols. The three important types of antioxidants in it are anthocyanins, tannins and ellagic acid.
Note: Pomegranate juice is not good for people who has high blood pressure. People with medication for high BP. Using drugs such as Lisinopril, enalpril and captopril.
Fenugreek seeds to reduce fever
Fenugreek leaves help to reduce fever and can act as a sedative to ease pain. These help to promote more restful sleep for patients. This is the best natural home remedy for quick and numerous places around the world.
Basil leaves ayurveda treatment for dengue
Basil leaves are a traditional and tropical treatment. Boil some basil leaves in water and drink it. This can reduce the symptoms of dengue. Basil leaves are chewed without any sound that are particularly appetizing, which is known as immune boosting technique. You can treat dengue with this Ayurvedic medicine. Basil essential oil has natural insecticidal properties that make you less attractive mosquitoes. Basil treatment has a preventative strategy.
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The basil leaves treatment, causes the body to perspire to release sweat. Mosquitoes rarely bite a person whose skin has perspired. Basil leaves are rich in cinnamic acid, which promote circulation of blood. This also helps to improve breathing problems etc. The flavonoids provided in it protects to the cells, which are known as vicenin and orientin. The volatile oils are rich in anti-bacterial properties that are myrcene, limonene, cineole, sabinene, linalool and estragole. Basil leaves are rich in magnesium that can promote the cardiovascular health and causes blood vessels to relax and regulate the risk of irregular heartbeats.
Take 15 basil leaves and boil them in water. Leave until the mixture becomes to normal temperature. Drink this mixture 4 – 5 times a day based on the severity. Alternatively chew 15 basil leaves three times a day.
Note: Basil leaves treatment is not good for bleeding disorders and for low blood pressure people.
How to diagnosis and treat dengue fever?
Doctors can diagnose dengue infection with a blood test. We don’t have particular medicines or any anti-biotics to treat dengue fever. This is cause by a virus and is advised to take rest and drink plenty of fluids. But, many people are advised to turn them with some natural home remedies to control this dreaded disease. This can bring you with some of the most effective home remedy which is health experts and doctors suggested.