
You pick up a gilt compact of a department store blush and instantly get a rush of pleasure even before popping the lid because you expect the inside to be just as exquisite as that container.   And yet, we all have paid top dollar for some of those products that disappointed us terribly.  However, if you want to avoid that expensive beauty trap when it comes to some excellent new blushers, then I think you need to check out Rimmel London's Lasting Finish Blendable Powder Blush & Highlighters.  The two shades  I received to review will treat you right with beautiful glows at a very affordable price.

006 Autumn Catwalk is the brighter of the two in peach-pink tones of three strips with a subtle shimmer.  In the compact, this compact looks more intense and I wondered if it would overpower my  light coloring, but this blush goes on sheer with enough color for a believable natural flush.

This is a photo of 006 Autumn Catwalk.

008 Spring Flower is a fantastic compact for when you're trying to go for a nude look in its light brown-pink tones.  This one is great to have because you can wear it practically with everything without clashing.

This next photo is 008 Spring Flower.

On the left in the following photo is 008 Spring Flower with 006 Autumn Catwalk on the right.  As I mentioned, these blushes go on sheer like a beautiful wash of color with a light shimmer.

These blushes are easy to apply, exceptionally blendable, and leave your cheeks with such a delicate gleam instead of just a simply matte powdery look or one with highly sparkling cheeks from too much glitter.

My only complaint revolves around the enclosed brush, which is a common problem with most brands--that is, if the product even still comes with an applicator.  I like to rely on my own fluffy blush brush to make sure I don't end up with spotty patches of color from these small brushes.  I use that blush brush for emergencies when thrown in my handbag when out.

I plan to pick up the other two compacts in this collection because these little gems are wonderful to experiment with and definitely worth a try.  Look for these Rimmel London Lasting Finish Blendable Powder Blush & Highlighters and test them out for yourself because once you do, I think you'll be hooked too!

*Disclaimer:  This is my own honest opinion.  Free products were products to facilitate this review.*

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