
Oh, “life” it can be beautiful, can’t it? It’s not always easy, but I don’t really need to tell you that. We all have our own dealings with pain and despair that decide to visit us occasionally as well as various things to deal with in our lives. I’ve been battling chronic illness since I was a child and it was not until my late teens that it tried to consume most of my life. Since then I have had ups and downs. I have had months of adventure and joy and what seems like years of being stuck in bed or at home and feeling like I am missing out on the world outside of me.

With winter season being upon us in the cold Northeast, I find myself struggling more with working extra hard at staying positive. I, like many others, suffer from Seasonal affective disorder a.k.a. SAD. To help with this condition I recommend and use NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy Lamp (my absolute favorite). You will have most likely noticed that the photos in this post are from Spring time because I find myself always dreaming of Spring…

I also increase my Vitamin D3 intake. The company I love and use is LifeEquals. If you for some reason cannot tolerate capsules or pills, you can always try to use Liquid Vitamin D which is lovely as well. This one is my favorite. I recommend having your Vitamin D level taken the next time you go to your Primary so you know your exact number. Then do your homework and research about the benefits of an optimal Vitamin D level.

*’Research does seem to show a link between low levels of Vitamin D in the blood and symptoms of depression. However, research hasn’t yet shown clearly whether low Vitamin D levels develop because someone is depressed. Lack of Vitamin D may also be one the many factors that contribute to a depressed mood.’*

(I am not physician, so please do your own research or talk to your doctor to find out the dosage that is best for you specifically.)

I receive many emails from people worldwide, some from other chronic illness “survivors” (I prefer this word because of the positive connotation), and when I say “illness”, I refer to any physical ,emotional pain or severe discomfort that severely alters your life) asking me how and what I actively do to stay so positive and happy. They’re looking for secrets, tips, tricks, anything to help them in their own personal struggles.

Some ask how I can take photographs or have photographs taken of myself looking all made up and happy. I’m going to share with you some of the skills I’ve learned along the way. I’m also going to say, I’m not happy all of the time. If I were to portray that here on my blog, it would be unjust. Because the truth of the matter is I go through periods of time where I suffer severely.

However, I don’t ever want my blog to become a place where people look at me and think of me as an “ill” person or someone that doesn’t do everything and anything I can to help myself. What I’ve gone through and still continue to encounter pain wise, does not define me! And I’m here to say, I’ll never stop trying to improve myself and reach for that sometimes “seemingly” impossible goal of really feeling good for an extended period of time.

Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, GERD, Panic Disorder and Autoimmune diseases are a tough thing to deal with. I’m certain in my heart that I am going to find a way to get over and through these conditions and I will share it with every single soul I can. But in the meantime…. I will always, always, find a positive curve to throw back at whatever life puts in my way and I will continue to share that solution with all of you in the best way that I possibly can.

The truth is, we all need support and can learn from each other. We are all part of the same tribe, we can look to our friends in life, both in our social circle and here online for a loving (or virtual) hug, support, cure, idea, prayer, etc. All of the various ways we can support each other, help us to keep pushing past any limits we may have physically or emotionally and we can find solace in sharing and being heard.

Here are a few more of my tips for staying postive…

~Look for and Love the Little Things.

This tip or “rule” if you want to call it is possibly my favorite for mantra for finding happiness. It may seem hard at first if you are sad, depressed, in pain, lonely, etc. Try your hardest to find something, anything, that you find beautiful, unique or comforting and focus on that one thing. Think about it. Love it and appreciate it. I’ve learned to love my morning cup of coffee. This simple ritual of brewing, choosing my favorite cup, enjoying the gorgeous aroma, all make me feel joy. The physical act of putting on makeup and choosing the various beautiful layered colors, taking time to notice them, play with and apply them make me happy. There are so many things in life in front of us to notice, to appreciate and to find beautiful. If you LOOK, I promise you will FIND.

~Stay away from negativity…

This is a hard one. Easier said than done? Yes. Possible? Absolutely. However, it takes quite a bit of effort and self-control. Especially if you are a fellow blogger or are involved in some type of small (or large) community or work with some people who you don’t get along with but are forced to be around. I love blogging. I have met some of the most genuine, kind souls that I will forever be thankful for and that I call my friends. With that said, I’ve also found a few very negative, even cruel people in the blogging world and the beauty industry as well. I’ve since learned to just stop CARING so much about the people who don’t care about my feelings. There are too many wonderful people out there to waste a second over why they dislike you or are alienating you. I’ve learned that really you can’t “make” anyone like you or believe in you. You just have to live your life with the confidence that the truth always comes out and nobody really does have the power over you to make you feel bad. If you just speak the truth from your heart and conduct your life as a person of integrity, others can’t help but to know you are a peace-maker. Light always cancels out darkness after all!

A tip for avoiding negative energy from others: I almost always wear Black Tourmaline around my neck, or I have a special pouch of crystals in my purse with me. This helps to ward off negative energy.  If you would like to read more about how I use crystals you can read one of my latest articles on Mind Body Green. (I will touch more on crystals and their incredible healing abilities in another post.)

~Tell yourself you are happy. Even if you don’t feel it at that moment…

A very helpful skill I learned about and that truly works for me is: “fake it till you make it.” You may be thinking that this sounds completely ridiculous, pointless, and even hypocritical, but hear me out! Sometimes you have to imitate confidence or even feelings of happiness to generate the real thing! It’s a proven fact and really does work. If you want to cheer yourself up, sit up straight, (force) a smile and “imitate” the feelings of happiness or whatever positive feeling you want. Your literally “tricking”, or nudging your brain into thinking these feelings are real and true. You will find you DO feel better! What you put out to the universe will come back to you.

Here’s another example, you look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself over and over how ugly and unwanted you are. Well , actually you are unconsciously bringing that negativity into your world. Your going to “prove to yourself” that you were right all along. Therefore saving yourself from additional disappointment.

Chose instead to look at yourself and say, “I am beautiful. I’m doing the best that I can every day and today I am going to be happy no matter what.” you are starting to make a switch in your thinking patterns and this can make a tremendous difference in your life. It absolutely has made a positive difference in mine. The next time you feel like saying or thinking something negative, try to change that thought with something positive right away.

There you have it – just a few simple changes that we can all adapt into our lives to shift our attitudes about life!

A few other things that I highly recommend for a positive attitude and outlook: Guided Meditation (I love Doreen Virtue and Louise Hay) and Finding something that your truly passionate about and do all that you can to learn about it. Being passionate about something helps you to have something to look forward to and it can make you feel happy to put your time into something you really love.

Rumi said it best…

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi

Makeup & Outfit Details:

Nudus Australia Fairy Tales Lipstick

Kjaer Weis Radiance Cream Highlighter

Alima Pure Mimosa Blush

Red Apple Lipstick Gluten Free Mascara

Shop Urban Gypsy Flower Crown

I truly hope that this post was helpful. Please leave me comments about what you do in your life to stay positive and let me know if you learned anything new from this post. Remember – no matter how bad things are, we can only go up from where we are. Sending you ALL so much love.

In Beauty & Health,



Find Me On…


*All of my reviews are based on my own personal experiences with the brand/products. I am never paid to give my honest opinions and will only recommend products that I love and use myself! All Photographs are (C) Britanie Faith unless stated otherwise.*

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