
Walking through the streets of New York City, you are inundated with a bevy of stylish and edgy fashionistas. On every corner, at every turn, chic and fashionable are in abundance. So, how do you standout in a crowd when everyone in the crowd is a standout? Jewelry designer sister duo Satu and Celeste Greenberg have been helping the fashion set do just that with their high-fashion accessories line.

Satu and Celeste founded Tuleste (get it? Satu+Celeste=Tuleste) in 2007 with the intention of creating wearable accessories that could be easily integrated into anyone’s existing wardrobe.  From editors to celebrities (check out Kim Kardashian in their necklace above) to regular fashion folk, Tuleste is on the rise, adored and coveted by those looking for a little something special. Along with their stunning statement pieces, the pair created a collection for Kasher Potamkin art gallery, displaying their costume jewelry next to $100,000 sculptures. NBD.

When it comes to personal style, Satu and Celeste use the same practice that drives their jewelry designs: building from one key piece. The result?  Fresh yet timeless ensembles that combine flair, fun, and originality with a selection of standout accessories (naturally…).

I sat down with the duo to uncover the secrets behind their style and the places they turn for inspiration:

CASEY SHARBAUGH: How would you describe your personal style?

TULESTE: Tuleste personal style can be any of the following on any given day: granny chic, homeless chic, sporty schoolgirl, French/Japanese, rich b*tch (can we say that?!) and above all never too serious. Our style is really mood driven. It depends on what we’re feeling when we wake up, but it usually starts with one key piece. Whether it be a pair of tights, favorite new Tuleste piece, or a staple dress, we naturally build from there.

CS: Where are your favorite places to shop in NYC?

T: As surprising as it may seem to everyone, we really aren’t huge shoppers. Everything goes into creating more and more Tuleste.  We are blessed to have so many awesome friends who are designers, so there is a lot of trading and bartering, which is always the best.  When we do shop, it’s a bi-annual trip to Barneys shoe department to see the master, David Rosen, for season’s must haves. We also visit Pink Clouds for the best selection of designer vintage curated by Jennifer Collins.

CS: Who are your style icons?

T: Brigitte Bardot, Kate Blanchett, Tina Turner, Veruschka

CS: Who/what do you look to for inspiration?

T: We’re both really into film—that chic, timeless, and always playful fashion of sixties French and Italian cinema.  Art, furniture, and architecture also play a big role for shapes and texture.  Growing up in the mountains, the best inspiration of course comes from Mother Nature.  Other than that, our friends are some of the best people to look at for inspiration.  We think to ourselves, what would Mina wear?  What would Rianne look hot in?

CS: What fall fashion trend are you most excited about?

T: Trends are not really our thing.  We are more driven towards pieces that evoke emotion and that “I have to have that” feeling. The perfect example is literally every single piece from DELPOZO. To say we’re in love would be an understatement.

CS: What basics in your closet do you find yourselves gravitating towards time and time again?

T: Celeste loves her Uniqlo turtlenecks under everything for winter, as well as vintage floral bomber jackets.  Satu always grabs her Emilio Cavalini stockings, vintage black cape, and Chanel open toe booties.

CS: What Tuleste pieces do you wear the most?

T: Most of the time we would answer this question by saying it depends, but this season it’s definitely all about our stackable enamel channel rings and bangles.  They are a MUST MUST MUST for every single day and night. We’ve gotten an incredible response from these.

CS: Did you see anything on the runway recently that you think will influence future collections? Was there anything you personally want to invest in?

T: We usually have the vision for our next one to two seasons a few seasons before, so any one show wouldn’t particularly influence our upcoming season.  However, we definitely want anything DELPOZO, and are obsessing over that brand TataNaka.

As for my personal stash, this fall I’ll be adding one of their headbands ($125) and statement earrings ($107) into my accessories rotation.

You can follow Tuleste on Instagram at @Tuleste.  And make sure to stay tuned for a very exciting collaboration (shh!) that they are brewing up for a January 2015 launch…

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