
There are very few things that I obsessively collect. Beauty products, that goes without saying. I have a thing for hand blown glass – vases, bowls, jars. I’m also quite the collector of candles. Love everything about them. And then there are clutches. All bags, really, but a good clutch cannot be beat. That’s how I discovered Edie Parker, the exquisitely crafted collection of “acrylic clutches and handbags inspired by the original bags favored by showgirls and socialites during the 1950s and 1960s.” One evening, my friend Dani Stahl was wearing a clear clutch with milky white sides, and I immediately fell in love (especially when she showed me the mirror that is built into the inside of the box clutch – could this be anymore perfect for a woman obsessed with beauty and accessories?). Dani introduced me to the creator of this fantastic bag, Brett Heyman, and we’ve been friends ever since. Edie Parker has grown into a must-have accessory for actresses and fashionistas and Brett continues to churn out gorgeous design after gorgeous design. I love every single one of her creations, but am gunning for this, this, and this by summer.

Seeing that Brett is beautiful and talented (my favorite combo), I asked for her thoughts on makeup and skin products. Here, Brett discusses her must-have products, supermodel beauty tips that have saved her skin, and her adoration of face fringe.

What are your top 5, can’t-live-without products?

1. Kevin Aucoin The Mascara – I have been obsessed with Kevin Aucoin since Cindy Crawford used to pal around with him on House of Style. He taught me the importance of a brow and I used to reference his book constantly before applying my makeup. My favorite product from his line is the mascara. It lengthens and darkens and is easy to wash off.

2. By Terry Baume de Rose – I started using this around the time I moved to New York. I was horrified by how expensive it was at first but quickly realized it is the only lip gloss to use. I love how it makes my lips look: it’s not too shiny, not too sticky and it smells like roses.

3. Chanel Sculpting Eyebrow Pencil (with brush) – I love a good combo product. I love a thick brown but I don’t grow that much hair after my arch goes south. So I color in a bit and then brush away.

4. Sue Devitt Eyeliner Pencil, Black - I have always rimmed the inside of my eyelids (top and bottom) with black pencil. Someone at the NARS counter at Barney’s in Beverly Hills taught me how to do a smoky eye when I was in high school. I love this pencil because it’s easy to apply and very moisturizing. The one negative is that it can sometimes smudge but I am always prepared with a tissue.

5. Clinique Black Honey Lipstick – I haven’t fully embraced a red lip. Frankly, I just don’t think it looks good on me. But there are moments when I try to channel Guy Bourdin in my makeup application and I need something with a little pigment. Enter Black Honey. Its an oldie but a goodie; the perfect sheer dark and I love the consistency.

What is your all-time favorite product?
By Terry Baume de Rose. Even when my face is totally bare I think the lip balm makes me look better.

What product do you buy in bulk?
Dr. Perricone No Foundation Foundation. I wear it every day. It’s one of those bottles where you can’t tell if you are running out or not. So I very much err on the side of caution. It has SPF 20 and evens out my skin tone ever so slightly.

What is your favorite hair product?
It’s a 10 miracle leave-in product. I mean, the name alone is fantastic. Who wouldn’t want to buy that product? Plus it smells divine and detangles. As I get older I notice more and more clumps of hair falling out post-shower. So I have embraced detangler in an effort to preserve when brushing.

You moisturize your face with…

At the moment Joelle Ciocco products. This is an area where I have absolutely no loyalty. I will listen to whomever I have last met who has good skin, whoever gave me a facial last, or whoever I know who is into skincare. I have seen little difference between drug store brands and Creme de la Mer, so basically I will try anything.

Favorite body product?
Kiehl’s Creme de Corps Body Butter. I get uncomfortably dry in the winter and have tried everything to combat. This is the first product I have ever used that appears to be working — although I wasn’t anticipating the coldest winter ever, so we shall see.

Favorite beauty secret you’ve picked up along the way?
Mario Badescu Drying Lotion for blemishes. Naomi Campbell mentioned it in a magazine at least twenty years ago and I really appreciate the tip. And ‘never go to bed with your makeup’. I heard that tip from Claudia Schiffer around the same time and took it literally. I have never forgotten to wash my face before bed. Ever!

Beauty icon you admire?

Brigitte Bardot. Its cliché but her look never gets old. The updos, the bangs, the kohl rimmed eyes. My hair icons are Freja Ericson, Lou Doillon and Caroline de Maigret. I’m a sucker for fringe.

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