Hello gorgeous,
another week, another round of Random Ramblings. Ready? Here we go:
Confessions Of A Beauty Blogger
Beauty bloggers have a reputation for always looking polished, taking perfect care of their skin, and just never put a food wrong beauty-wise. That’s what we show you. But, behind the scenes, the reality is very different. We don’t always practice what we preach, can be lazy, and have some pretty bad habits.
It’s time for me to ‘fess up some of my secret, shocking beauty confessions. Here we go:
1. I very rarely finish makeup products. I test so much stuff for the blog that it’s almost impossible for me to hit pan on anything. When I do, I know I’ve found a HG gem.
2. I don’t clean my brushes as often as I should. Probably only every couple of weeks, but sometimes, I can put it off for a month. The only exception are my foundation and concealer brushes. I do wash those often.
3. I don’t take as good care of my brows as I should either. It feels like a chore. Beauty should never feel like one. It should be fun. If it isn’t, I’ll put it off… and off… and off. Luckily, I like their natural shape, but I think I should tweeze them more often. *sighs*
4. I rarely wear nail polish. I love it, but both application and removal are a hassle I’d rather do without. So, it’s something I usually reserve for special occasions.
5. I stopped keeping count of how much stuff I have. My collection now fills five large and deep drawers, and keeps expanding. Soon, it’ll kick me out of my room. lol
6. I can’t stop buying pink lipglosses, even though I have too many and they are starting to look all the same. *ahem*
7. I don’t always leave the house with the FOTD. Sometimes, I create a look just to show you up how pretty something is, and then, I take it off.
8. I can spend up to two hours in a bath. I know it’s not good for skin, especially when the water is boiling hot. But it feels so warm and relaxing!
9. Whenever I can, I try to wash my hair in the evening, or on days I stay at home, so I can avoid blowdrying it. That’s just too boring.
10. I’m crap at styling my hair. I just don’t know what to do with it. Learning how to create a few basic hairstyles is one of my resolutions for 2015, but so far it’s been a slow and frustrating process.
11. I hate skincare press releases. They are all full of incomprehensible, scientific-sounding jargon touting this or that natural extract that, in reality, does nothing for skin. It’s just there to make the product look natural and good.
12. I also dread it when I’m sent skincare products before I had the chance to check the ingredients. Chances are, they are just over-hyped, basic formulas that moisturise and do nothing else. So disappointing!
I’d love to hear your secret beauty confessions too!
Beauty Wishlist, Vol.03
Contouring is in now, but a lot of us are still scared to give it a go. Having the right products is not enough to master one of the most challenging makeup techniques ever. You also need the right tips, tricks, and instructions. This gorgeous book contains both: contouring and highlight powders, and a helpful illustrated guide that teaches you how to apply them properly. Available at Sephora.
I hate bugs, but this one is adorable! It smells like vanilla, tonka, and sandalwood, and has eyes made from two types of chocolate. It promises to moisturise your skin too. Available at Lush.
Hop this cute bunny in your bath, and let its refreshing scent (violet, lime, and lavender) energize you. The bunny also contains green popping candles that crackle, pop, and sizzle as you bath! Available at Lush.
Gorgeous, creamy, and moisturising, the new shades of Art Sticks – Hot Berry, Hot Pink, and Hot Orange – are fun and perfectly complement a nude eye. Available at Bobbi Brown.
Don’t you hate it when lipstick feathers, bleeds into fine lines around the lips, and leaves stains everywhere? Now, you don’t have to put up with that anymore. Magic Fix comes to your rescue. It creates an invisible shield on the lips that makes your lippie transfer-proof and waterproof. Available at European drugstores.
What I’m Reading NowCrystallizing Public Opinion by Edward L. Bernays
Little known today, Edward L. Bernays was the father of public relations. In 1923, he wrote a book, or better a manifesto, about the significance of the public relation counsel, the scope and function of PR, the techniques used to shape public opinion, and the role this then new profession would play in a democratic society. That’s the most fascinating and terrifying part. Here, Bernays describes the “herd mentality” and explains how the masses are driven by emotions and primal instincts rather than logic and reason, which allows them to be easily manipulated by unscrupulous elites. Bernays, instead, believes the masses should be managed by an educated, honest elite, and stresses the ethical practices necessary to prevent the masses from being taken advantage of.
Although written soi long ago, everything Bernays says is still very relevant to our time. The only thing that’s dated is the writing style. Very formal, it is hardly engaging for modern readers used to a more colloquial tone. Even so, I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in understanding how PR, marketing, and advertising work, or who simply doesn’t want to be taken advantaged of by them. Available at Barnes And Noble.
The Links
How to rainbow color your hair for the weekend – Phyrra
Three Great Eyeliner Pens For Perfecting Cat Flicks – London Beauty Queen
My New Favourite Type of Packaging! Dr Lewinn’s, Code - Lab Muffin
Chemo Dry Skin: Care and Products to Help – Ageless Beauty
No More Mascara Marks - The Beauty Department
Sunday Survey, Vol.250
1. Your biggest boy band crush as a teen?
Boyzone. I was obsessed with them, and had a huge crush on Ronan Keating. He was so cute!
2. Have you ever had your makeup stolen?
Thankfully, not yet. I hope that’ll never happen.
3. Are you wearing your hair up or down today?
4. Gold, rose gold, or silver jewellery?
I’m a sucker for rose gold jewellery. So pretty!
5. Do you like jumpsuits?
Not really. Some are very pretty and flattering, but they are so not practical. You have to completely undress to use the bathroom!
It’s your turn now!
1. Your biggest boy band crush as a teen?
2. Have you ever had your makeup stolen?
3. Are you wearing your hair up or down today?
4. Gold, rose gold, or silver jewellery?
5. Do you like jumpsuits?
Disclosure: I received the book from Netgalley. In addition, this post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my disclaimer.