While it's free to open a Blogger account and write to your heart's content- when you're a beauty blogger, buying and spending can get a bit crazy. When there are new releases and pretty pictures of makeup at every turn, the bank balance is obviously going to take a hit now and again. While I only ever buy products I actually want and think I'll use, I've definitely been guilty of justifying purchases with the mindset 'I need it to review on the blog.' When you've got a nice stack of new products to test out and review, the blogging content comes easily- but once you decide to cut back on spending (or if you're simply blogging on a budget) it can be more tricky. At the start of this year I took a look at my hoard of hardly used makeup and decided I wanted to cut back a bit, I have so many things I've barely touched and many more I'll probably never get around to using. Without the constant stream of new things I've had to get a more creative with my blog post ideas and work with what I already have. I'm sure there are lots of us in the same boat, but don't get discouraged- almost all of my most viewed and popular posts were written without spending a penny on new products! Here are ten fail safe blog post ideas that you can write without buying new stuff.
1. Review What You Already Have
Probably one of the easiest things you can do is shop your stash and work with what you already have. As a beauty blogger you probably own a fair amount of products already. Go through everything and pick out anything you haven't already reviewed, just because a product isn't new to you doesn't mean it's not of interest to everyone else. You can have a sort through of your products at the same time, and you might even rediscover some forgotten gems!
2. Top Fives
Simply think of a theme and choose your top five products based on that theme. For example, 'Top Five Coral Lipsticks' 'Top Five Barry M Nail Paints' 'Top Five Jumbo Lip Crayons'. You get to compare similar products and write about them in a slightly different way to a standard review. This is handy if you've already written reviews for products as you can talk about them again.
3. Favourites
Whether it's a mixture of the products you've been loving that month, seasonal favourites, budget beauty favourites it doesn't matter. Whereas with 'Top Fives' you'll be speaking about similar products, favourites can be much more mixed. It can be anything from makeup to skincare to haircare to clothing all in the one post.
4. Share Your Haircare/ Skincare Routines
As a beauty blogger, chances are you probably have a pretty good skincare and haircare routine going on. So why not dedicate a post to each? I love reading about other bloggers routines and find it's a great way to discover new products without reading a great big in depth review of a single product. You could even talk about your morning routine, evening routine or daily routine in general as a more lifestyle based post.
5. Collection/ Storage/ Organisation
Whether it's a lipstick collection, nail varnish collection or a full makeup collection. They're always popular posts and are great way to share your makeup organisation tips. I'm always on the lookout for new efficient ways to store my makeup- even if your setup is really simple you might just inspire someone to organise their products more effectively.
6. Wishlists
I think a good way to write wishlists are by theme. For example: summer wishlist, Christmas wishlist, high end wishlist, haircare wishlist, Topshop wishlist. How many times can I say wishlist in one paragraph? Wishlist wishlist wishlist.
7. Use Polyvore to Create Outfit Ideas
If you like to play around with outfit and fashion ideas but don't have the equipment or confidence to take outfit photos, Polyvore is your new best friend. Simply click 'new' on the left hand side of the editor, and choose from thousands of pictures of different pieces of clothing. Using this you can demonstrate how you'd style certain items of clothing (like I have here) or come up with outfit ideas. You could even create a series: for example 'how to style a black skater dress' and show how you'd style it for different occasions.
If you're going out for the night and have done something special with your makeup, or have fallen in love with a new nail polish or outfit- take pictures and share it! Face of the day, nails of the day and outfit of the day posts are perfect for using products that you already have. Nails of the day are a great way to speak about different nail polishes in your collection without writing a straight-up review, and if you're good at nail art then even more of a bonus.
9. Tags
There are lots of tags floating around the blogging community, just google 'beauty tags' and find one you like the look of. They're easy to write and you probably wont even need to take any photos. I'd never advise posting a constant stream of tags, but they make a nice change every once in a while and also give your readers a bit of an insight about you as a person.
10. Share Your Knowledge
Some of my most popular posts have been my 'blogging tips', where I give advice to newer bloggers. If you're sat there thinking that you don't know enough to share a post, just think about it because I bet you do. Remember how confusing it was when you were a brand new blogger? What kind of tips and advice would you give to someone in the same position, it could be something as simple as how to set up a Bloglovin account to a guide to the Twitter chats. They're things you take forgranted when you've been blogging for a while, but you just don't have a clue about when you first start out. You could also share your knowledge on other topics too, in the form of a picture tutorial or 'how to' post.
Do you have any post ideas that don't involve buying new products?