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More and more consumers are taking their health into their own hands and using natural home remedy and alternative medicines like herbal remedies used for naturopathic medicine to treat common health problems.
Taking a natural approach, using herbs and other non-synthetic treatments, gives the consumer a whole body healing approach, rather than the dominant single-symptom treatments doctors seem so fond of in modern medicine.In addition to herbs, a diet rich in antioxidants can help improve your overall health and help to fight off degenerative diseases.
Naturopathy allows you to treat your entire body to put it back on track to good health. It combines the mind, body, and spirit in all treatments so that your internal and mental state gets back in balance and has a stronger ability to stave off infection and heal faster than usual.
For thousands of years, our ancestors have practiced natural cures usinghome remedies for naturopathic medicine because it’s all they knew and had on hand before the culmination of man-made prescriptions took root.
How Herbs Play a Part in Home Remedies like Naturopathy
Herbs today are being used in conjunction with spiritual rituals to treat hundreds of human illnesses. Your body was designed to be able to heal itself, as is evident with the natural antibodies you produce when infectionstrikes. But sometimes you need a boost, and herbs deliver what the body sometimes can’t.
Naturopathy uses herbs to help the body heal faster by boosting its natural abilities, not introducing foreign substances into the body that you eventually build up an immunity to over time.
You’ll notice that if you follow the teachings of naturopathic medicine, you won’t be sent on your way with an herb or two in your pocket to take care of the problem. Instead, you’ll be encouraged to live a better life spiritually and mentally, as well as take care of your physical health in all areas, such as diet and exercise.
Herbs can only do so much healing. If a consumer isn’t willing to take the necessary steps to eliminate bad things from their diet, or implement a positive outlook on life, then the disabilities ailing them will continue to return time and time again.
Those who use herbs to continue on a path to naturopathic treatmentsare people who believe in non-toxic therapies. Synthetic prescriptions are not natural to the body, and can sometimes produce disabling side effects on their own.
As the medicinal form of naturopathy develops even further over the coming years, you’ll see an increase in the number of other treatment paths who use a whole body approach and believe in treating the person, not the prognosis.
How Our Ancestors Introduced Herbal Remedies to the Modern World
Without herbal medicine, modern medicine would not be in the advanced stage that it is. Our species has relied on plants for thousands of years – not only for nutrition, but to ease ailments that develop within our minds and bodies.
The parts of an herb have helped us survive disease and pestilence and contributed to our survival for as long as humans have existed. Over time, we have learned which herbs and parts of a plant provide value to our lives and which have the potential to cause damage.
We know that our ancestors used herbal remedies because archeologists have unearthed evidence that they used plant-based treatments all over the world. What’s intriguing is that cultures on a global scale, which had no known contact with one another, all used herbal remedies in much the same way – testing and tracking what worked and what didn’t in the herbal world of remedies.
As time proved some assumptions correct, our ancestors passed the teachings about herbal treatments down through familial lineage. They also created texts to help others study and learn about the techniques used in taking a natural approach to healing.
It was from our ancestral roots that modern-day pharmaceutical companies derived their synthetic drugs today. They work to try to recreate the natural effects home remedy herbal treatments deliver to the human body, sometimes succeeding and often failing. Aspiring, for example, was created as a replica of the substance found in willow bark that provides anatural pain reliever.
Botanical treatments do not provide the same side effects that synthetic drugs do, which accounts for the reason why many modern-day consumers are steering away from man-made compounds and concentrating on the return to their roots of herbal remedies and natural treatments. When our ancestors began cultivating plants for their own use, they included herbal gardens that provided immediate access to particular plants they found soothing for their ailments, including aloe, peppermint, mustard, and more.
As the cultures began to merge throughout the years and travelers started exploring the world, ideas were exchanged and treatments one culture found useful were now in the hands of another culture who previously didn’t have access to such findings or even the plants themselves, before trade.
Herbs were so important to our ancestors that they became a part of religious rituals and were highly valued. Today, not only do consumers see the significance in promoting herbal treatments as powerful natural alternative medicine & home remedy, but doctors are aligning with this way of thinking as well.
Herbal Remedies for Some Common Everyday Ailments
Some of us suffer from common, everyday ailments that can be treated effectively by herbal home remedy rather than an expensive trip to the doctor and resulting prescriptions. Specific herbs can be made into healing salves, tonics and teas not only to relieve irritating symptoms that accompany these ailments, but also to cure them.
Herbal home remedy have innate benefits that can work for a variety of common ailments from acne to warts. Below are some herbal treatments for everyday ailments:
There are a number of conditions that can perpetuate acne, but the most common causes are hormonal imbalance (such as in adolescence), stress and some medications. Effective herbal home remedy include:
• Enchinacea – Reduces inflammation and has healing qualities.
• Witch Hazel – Used as a topical astringent.
• Aloe Gel – Topically applied as an antibacterial (and astringent) agent.
Bladder infections
This type of infection occurs when bacteria enters the urinary tract — generally, in women. Some symptoms include constant or painful urination. Treat bladder infections with the following herbal remedies:
• Barberry – Helps the immune system fight infection.
• Cranberry juice – Inhibits bacterial growth by increasing acid in the urine.
• Dandelion – Detoxifies the bladder.
Some types of food causes this digestive problem when the body has difficulty breaking them down. Use of cigarettes, processed foods, and too much coffee or alcohol can also cause rebellious digestive organs. Some herbal home remedy for indigestion include:
• Turmeric – Helps relieve stomach irritation.
• Peppermint – Soothes the stomach and relieves symptoms such as bloating.
• Angelica – Relieves cramping and gas.
Most warts are caused by viruses such as papillomas and are simply a common infection of the skin. Effective herbal home remedy include:
• Bloodroot – Can be made into a tincture or paste to remove warts.
• Comfrey – Used as a cream or tonic to treat warts.
• Astragalus – Boosts the immune system.
There are thousands of herbal home remedy available to treat a number of common ailments. Research will provide you with the herbal formula you need to treat almost any disorder.
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What Are the Different Ways That Herbs Can Be Prepared as Alternative Medicine?
If you’re a follower of natural alternative medicine, then you’ve undoubtedly been confused at some point about the different ways herbs can be prepared for your use in treating certain ailments or disease. There are many ways herbs can be prepared for your use.
The terminology may be confusing, but the processes are simple and allow you to enhance your herbal experience in any way you see fit. Depending on which methods you use in herbal preparation, you may need a scale, blender, (or grinder), glassware you can heat, enamel pots and double boilers that don’t contain aluminum or copper, cheesecloth, a strainer, wooden spoons, and jars with lids.
The first method is an herbal bath.
Hydrotherapy is an important aspect of naturopathic medicine. Primarily used for topical diseases, such as skin disorders, herbal baths can be made by adding large amounts of an herb to a cloth bag and submerging it in the bath to mix with the water.
An infusion is another way to consume herbs.
Similar to a tea, you pour a pint of boiling water over an ounce of the herb and steep for approximately ten minutes. A cold extract is prepared with cold water, when you add two ounces of herbs to the water and let it sit for up to twelve hours before drinking. A decoction is best used with bitter herbs, so that you can just boil the plant and strain it into a cup for consumption.
If you need to take the herb in powder form, you’ll need to pulverize it using a blender or mortar and pestle. After breaking the herb up into smaller parts, you continue grinding it until it’s in powder form and can be added to foods, drinks, and soups.
Once you have the powder, you can create a tincture by mixing four ounces of the herb to two and a half cups 60-proof alcohol. After the mixture sits in a warm environment for fourteen days, it can be strained and added to water as a tea mixture, or consumer straight.
Sometimes an herb needs to be used topically. Ointments and creamscan be created by making adding one part herbal powder to four pars petroleum jelly. If you want to save it for continued use, be sure to add some gum benzoin to each ounce.
If you need a compress of the herb, then soak a cloth in the infusion and apply it to the distressed area. You can create both hot and cold herbal compresses, depending on what the recipe calls for. A poultice is similar to a compress, but instead of using a liquid infusion, you would use mashed up parts of the herb and apply it in a gauze bandage directly to the affected area.
Read more herbal home remedy recipes on the article links below here, to learn how home remedies and natural cures can help you in preventing or treating common ailments. You can also enjoy more natural cures from our sister health site, the “Best Natural Cures Health Guide”!
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Here are some online health books with comprehensive natural home remedy for the subjects of:
Medicinal Herbs
For a healthy and natural living, Medicinal Herbs is the way to go. It is safe, inexpensive and a cure for all diseases and sicknesses. Some herbs are also used for culinary and spiritual purposes
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