Beautiful Body Ideal Weight Health & Nutrition Articles
” Staying Healthy – How to Live a Longer & Healthier Life !”
Health article from beautiful body ideal weight site about live longer health article on beautiful body ideal weight website with live longer tips.
• Tips and Advice for Better Health.
• Live a Longer and Healthier Life.
• Nature’s Miracle Energy Boosters.
• How to Boost Your Moods.
• Maintain a Healthy Body and Mind.
• Principles for Better Health and Living.
• Learn How to Relax.
• How to Stay Young Indefinitely.
• Maintenance for Smokers and Drinkers.
• What Stress is…
• Tension: Ten Easy Ways to Handle It.
• Tips to Help You Quit Smoking.
• Apples Will Keep You Happy.
• It Pays to Have a Good Attitude.
• Preventing Backache.
• The Best Foods for Your Health.
• Energize Yourself.
• The Wonders of Garlic.
Tips and Advice for Better Health.
Modest physical activity for 30 minutes per day will knock as much as 15 pounds off your weight within six months – assuming, of course, that calorie intake is not increased.
Saturday night is a bad time to be on the road. One out of every 10 drivers on that particular night is likely to be drunk. And the latest statistics tell us that drunk drivers now kill more than 25,000 people a year, and injure one-half million.
(1) Eat a high-fiber diet
(2) Consume milk and milk products daily (for calcium)
(3) Get 20 minutes of sun exposure a day (for Vitamin D)
(4) Exercise on a regular basis.
Researchers and common sense have long held that exercise enhances health and makes people feel better about themselves and their bodies. This, in turn, makes them more sexually attractive and responsive. Now studies are suggesting that exercise is a potent stimulus to hormone production in both men and women. It may, in fact, chemically increase basic libido by stepping up the levels of such hormones as testosterone.
Exercise is not restricted to merely flexing the bodies muscles, it also involves “feeding” & keeping the brain active as you start to get older. You never stop learning….so why not consider an online masters degree which not only will keep the brain stimulated, but could also lead to new career opportunities upon completion!.
Sit or stand upright and suck in your stomach. Hold for about 20 seconds, breathing normally. Repeat about once every waking hour. You should start seeing results in four to six weeks.
(1) Separate worries into those you can do something about and those you can’t. Deal with the first group, and forget the rest.
(2) Distract yourself with a walk, a book or a movie.
(3) Behave as though you aren’t worried. (Sometimes you can even fool yourself by blocking out worries)
(4) Have long talks about your worries and anxieties with a friend
(5) Use a relaxation technique such as meditation or yoga.
Leg cramps can usually be alleviated by firmly pinching your upper lip for 20 to 30 seconds.
Simply cut down on fatty foods and eat more foods with potassium bananas, tangerines, and oranges. For quick results, try a diet of rice, fruit and vegetables. And if you don’t already know your cholesterol level, ask your doctor about being tested.
Dissolve one-half teaspoon baking soda in a half cup of warm water and use as a mouthwash. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in castor oil and apply it directly to the canker sore. Apply a wet tea bag for temporary pain relieve. And once the sore has started to heal, gently apply some Vitamin E oil to the area.
Don’t overeat. Avoid tight clothing, especially waist-pinching belts. Stay upright for several hours after eating – don’t eat just before bedtime or lie down for a nap right after a meal. If you frequently suffer form heartburn, avoid those foods you know you have a problem with.
Limit fat intake since fat slows the emptying of the stomach. Elevate the head of your bed by six inches or more. This may be the single most important mechanical alteration heartburn sufferers can make.
Live a Longer and Healthier Life.
You should balance your activities with the proper amount of rest. Some of the leading experts in the field of aging now believe that regular exercise along with the proper amount of rest may actually add years to the life span. Results from a number of tests indicate that speed and muscular strength of many of the elderly can be extended.
Leading authorities agree that this new data is going to shatter many of the myths about aging and physical performance. The conclusion now is that the performance and ability of the elderly has long been underestimated.Diet, proper sleep and exercise along with rest and relaxation are all important factors in preserving our bodies.
Laughter is one of the best things for your mental and physical state. People are naturally attracted to someone who has a good sense of humor. You can develop a good outlook and a good sense of humor by associating with and surrounding yourself with pleasant happy people.
Recognize that stress is a killer. A life filled with stress can really wreck havoc on your body, causing a number of illnesses such as heart attacks, strokes, asthma, gastric problems, menstrual disorders, ulcerative colitis, angina, irritable colon, increased blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, etc.
There are different types of stress such as mental, emotional and physical. Emotional stress seems to take the greatest toll on everyone. All stress is not bad; in fact life would not be very interesting if it were not met with challenges.
However, too much stress, too often with no effective and appropriate outlet, does not allow the body and soul to recuperate. You might review a typical week to see if you can identify things that might be making you anxious or causing you stress. Once identified, stressors can be attacked and eliminated.
Are you a worrier? Chronic worriers don’t have more serious problems than others – they just think they do. Many worriers try to cope by trying not to think about their problems, but this just makes things worse.
Doctors say that chronic worriers feel less anxious if they actually spend a half-hour a day thinking specifically about their problems.
Get plenty of exercise. People who are physically fit look good and feel good. A good exercise regimen will lengthen your life, improve your appearance, build self confidence and help delay the aging process.
Remember that you need to do something physical every day. If you don’t use your joints, quite simply they’ll tighten up with age to create the stooped, bent and worn out appearance we so often associate with old age.
Studies have shown that people with arthritis experience less pain if they continue to keep their joints flexible. As one gets older, the bones tend to get brittle which is why it is common for senior citizens to break bones and especially their hips when they fall.
Eating right, getting proper sleep and learning to relax are all very valuable in maintaining a healthy body and mind. And keep in mind that eating healthy foods and avoiding those high in fats, sodium and cholesterol will help decrease your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and associated problems.
One of the best ways to help maintain digestive health is to get enough fiber. If you aren’t able to get adequate amounts of fiber from your diet, you can add a daily fiber supplement to your routine. Once or twice a year, you may also want to consider an herbal fiber colon cleanse. Cleansing is a great way to remove impacted waste and toxins, helping to boost your body’s own detoxification processes.
Nature’s Miracle Energy Boosters.
There are a number of nature’s miracle energy boosters that you can take advantage of. Most people don’t consider the value of foods, exercising and common sense when it comes to our daily lives.
OXYGEN: Fills the body and beats fatigue. If you’re feeling tired, just take a few deep breaths. Revitalize your mind by finding a quiet place and breathing deeply for ten minutes.
QUICK-FIX FOODS: These should not include candy. When you’re feeling low, reach for fruit, pasta or whole-grain muffins. Don’t snack on sugar filled sweets if you want to pep up. After the initial sugar high, you will just sink lower than ever.
EXCESS WEIGHT: We all know that being overweight is bad for a person’s health and makes energy levels plummet. Your body has to work harder and longer just to move and breathe! Each pound you lose will add to your vitality.
ZINC: An ideal remedy for fatigue, say most researchers. You can find the marvelous mineral in lean meats, eggs, cheese, breakfast cereals and whole-grain breads. Or, buy it in tablet form at any health food store.
USE YOUR MUSCLES: Too much rest can be exhausting. If your muscles are not worked for 24 hours, they’ll weaken – and you’ll feel tired. But there’s an easy remedy. Simply do any exercise for at least ten minutes a day. You’ll have so much pep in your step, you’ll want more.
WATER: Keeps your energy levels high. Your body needs at least two pints a day to function well. So drink up – and you’ll feel ready to tackle anything.
BREAKFAST: The most important meal of the day. Jump start your body into action with a healthy meal of low-fat favorites,, such as low-fat yogurt, fruit, unsweetened fruit juice or whole-grain cereal. A tasty treat in the morning will fortify you and help prevent an energy slump by lunchtime.
FITNESS: Is as easy as a 20 minute exercise session three times a week. Walking, swimming, jogging or easy stretching charges your battery and releases hormones that make you happy and make your body look younger and firmer.
SLEEP RIGHT: Erratic sleeping patterns often lead to irritability and lack of concentration. Experiment to find the sleep/wake rhythm that is right for your and your lifestyle.
LOVE COMPLETELY: The love you give will come back to you. Try to surround your-self with loving people and remember when dealing with others that no one loves a grouch or mean-spirited person. Live fully and show your happiness. Youre right here, right now. Make the most out of every day and accept those things that you cannot change.
LAUGHTER: Really is the best medicine. Go ahead and giggle. It speeds up your metabolism and makes your body work at peak efficiency. When you’re feeling fatigued, watch a sitcom, read the funnies or ask a friend if they have heard a good joke lately. You’ll feel better before the punch line.
IRON: Fortifies your blood. It’s a mineral you can’t be low on if you want to be full of vim and vigor. Make sure your daily diet includes plenty of iron-rich foods by eating liver, eggs, apricots, whole-grain bread, dark leafy green vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals.
KEEP ACTIVE: Activity begets more activity. Laziness only makes you lazier. The more you do, the more you want to do. Make a daily list in the morning and check off the things you accomplish as you finish them. Before you know it, you’ll be adding a second page.
Eating right, getting proper sleep, learning to relax – they’re all valuable in maintaining a healthy body and mind. And most people don’t consider the importance of proper foods, exercising and common sense when it comes to taking care of ourselves.
Medical experts now believe that man is built to last about 100 years; and with the advances in medicine plus more healthful living habits, we may soon be living longer.
The interest in health foods and exercising seems to have taking the country by storm and now almost every family has some kind of exercise activity. Some enjoy biking, swimming, walking and jogging while others may join and health club and get into some form of serious bodybuilding.
How to Boost Your Moods.
Do you wake up in the morning and dread facing the day ahead? Are you tired of housework? Did the boss put on too much pressure? Do you have too many personal problems? With the fast pace of today’s world it doesn’t take much to put us in a bad frame of mind. But a bad mood can be overcome if we try. Here are some suggestions:
- Go out into the fresh air or by an open window and breathe in and out slowly. Repeat several times.
- Clench fists and arms tightly and hold a few seconds, then relax. Repeat same procedure with shoulders, legs and feet.
- Relax on a chair or sofa. Visualize a relaxing stream of water or mountain of trees… anything tranquil. You can actually lower your blood pressure by 10 points or more within two or three minutes using this procedure.
- Take a short walk, possibly in an area you are not familiar with.
- Spend some time with your favorite hobby and forget everything else.
- Listen to your favorite music.
- Dark rooms can also have an effect on your frame of mind. Turn on lights and music if available. Open windows and doors.
- Avoid getting in a bad mood by never expecting too much. Nothing is perfect. Go about your daily routines and just do the best you can. That’s all anyone can do.
- Call friends on the phone. Visit your favorite club. Do something for your church so that you can be with people you do not see daily. Do something different!.
Principles for Better Health and Living.
This is what you are given from your parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents. If your mother or father had heart trouble, or any organ of their body did not work the way God intended that organ to work, then you know you may have a weakness towards that organ.
We know if there is a history of disease in the family you should take extra care of your health regarding that disease. Heredity is something you are born with. However, it is what you do and how you live with what God gives you that will determine your health.
2. DIET:
It has been said, “you are what your eat.” While heredity does play a large role in everyone’s health, it is not the only factor. A diet with good old common sense is essential! By eating the food God has given us, you will strengthen the organs of the body. You will have pep, vigor and be full of life.
What does a proper good old common sense diet mean? A diet chuck full of natural God-given food. We can always remind ourselves, that what man makes he make for a profit (money); what God makes he makes with love, for man’s good. Eat abundantly of herbs, raw or gently cooked vegetables, fruits of all kinds and raw nuts.
By eating the natural foods God has given us we strengthen the entire body, giving nourishment to a weak organ, helping eliminate waste matter from the body, and most importantly, cleansing and purifying the blood. Eat natural foods as often as possible. The Bible says, “Herbs were given to man as his food and medicine.”
3. WILL:
Your mental state of mind. How much do you want to be well, free of disease, discomfort and pain? You and you alone can improve the heredity factor.
Eat the proper food with good old common sense. Keep the body clean and exercise each day. Your good health is a life long commitment of your will, your attitude, and your thinking. Always remember, God loves you and wants you to be healthy.
Exercise means staying active. Look to each day as a day of activity. To be able to work is a blessing. Try to take a good long walk each day. Do not be afraid to use your body the way God intended.
Exercise so that you breath deeply. Oxygen is very important to your body’s needs. Research has shown that people in nursing homes, both men and women, in their 70s, 80s even 90s, who have been put on a daily exercise program feel better, and their health has improved. They even feel better about themselves. Do not let a day go by without some form of exercise
Learn How to Relax.
The following exercise will introduce you to deep relaxation. It will help create a refreshed and peaceful feeling for the body and mind. Try to do this especially upon arising and before retiring.
1. Lie flat of your back, placing the feet about 18 inches apart. The hands should rest slightly away from the trunk, with the palms up.
2. Close your eyes and gently move all the parts of the body to give a general feeling of relaxation.
3. Start relaxing the body by part. First think of the right leg. Inhale and raise the leg about one foot off the floor. Hold it fully tensed. After five seconds, exhale quickly and relax the muscles of the right leg, allowing it to fall to the floor on its own. Shake the leg gently from right to left, relax it fully and forget about the existence of this leg.
4. Repeat this process with the left leg, and then with both hands one at a time.
5. Then bring the mind to the muscles of the pelvis, buttocks and anus. Tense them and relax. Once again, tense them and relax. Next, think of the abdomen. Inhale deeply through the nose and bloat the abdomen. Hold your breath for five seconds and suddenly let the air burst out through the mouth, at the same time relaxing all the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm.
6. Move on to the chest region. Inhale deeply through the nose, bloating the chest. Hold your breath for five seconds and suddenly let the air out through the mouth while relaxing all the muscle of the chest and diaphragm.
7. Move on to the shoulders. Without moving the forearm off the flow, try to make the shoulders meet in front of the body. Then relax and let them drop to the floor.
8. Slowly, gently, turn the neck right and left, right and left then back to center, mentally relaxing the neck muscles.
9. Now coming to facial muscles, move the jaw up and down, left and right, a few times then relax. Squeeze the lips together in a pout, then relax. Such in the cheek muscles, then relax. Tense the tip of the nose, then relax. Wrinkle the forehead muscles, then relax.
10. Now you have relaxed all the muscles of the body. To make sure of this, allow your mind to wander over your entire body, from the tips of the toes to the head, searching for any spots of tension. If you come across any, concentrate upon this part and it will relax. If you do this mentally, without moving any muscle, you will notice that the part concerned obeys your command.
This is complete relaxation. Even your mind is at rest now. Observe your thoughts without trying to take your mind anywhere. Remain in this condition at least five minutes.
When you decide to wake from this conscious sleep, do so quite slowly. Imagine that fresh energy is gently entering each part of your body from the head down to the toes. Then slowly sit up. This exercise helps create a refreshed and peaceful feeling for the body and mind.
How to Stay Young Indefinitely.
- Forget your age. Your number of birthdays isn’t important. How you look, feel and most of all your enthusiasm for living determine your age.
- Be adventuresome! Always stay interested in life. Find new things to do daily. Do the things you enjoy and plan something “SPECIAL” to look forward to each day. Never, never let yourself be unhappy or depressed. This leads to poor health. You are as young as you feel.
- Eat nourishing food. A balanced diet is very important. And never, never overeat.
- Exercise daily. A good long enjoyable walk each day is a must for good health. Get into this habit, and each day you’ll find yourself looking forward to your walk.
- The most important exercise you can do other than walking is the “stomach lift”. This strengthens your abdominal muscles and enables you to permanently keep your waistline.
Here’s how to do it. Pull you stomach in and hold it for about 20 seconds. Relax, now pull your stomach in so that it feels as if your stomach is touching your backbone. Hold for a count of 30. Do this several times daily. Do it anytime you think of it.
- Follow a regular exercise routine about 10 minutes daily. If you don’t know any regular exercise routines, your public library should have several books on this.
- Good elimination. If you have poor bowel habits, try to correct them. Eat bran cereal for breakfast. Add high fiber bread to your menu.
- Relax. Remember, relaxation is beauty, tension is ugliness. Now here’s how to begin relaxing. Lie on your bed or couch. Pretend you’re floating on a cloud or drifting idly in the ocean. think of anything that will make you feel loose and free.
First tense your arms; stretch them as long as you can. Next tense your fingers. Then ball them into tight fists. Now, let your arms and hands relax. Pretend you’re a rag doll and you cannot move them. Do the same with your legs and feet. Next comes the neck. Roll your head from side to side as if you were saying no. Then pretend your head is so heavy you cannot lift it from the pillow.
Work at this daily until you teach yourself to relax. It can be done. When you’re at work or anywhere that you feel yourself become tense, take several deep breaths through your mouth. This will help relax you. Follow this plan and you should look and feel young INDEFINITELY.
- Keep your mind active and continue to learn. Take advantage of opportunities, like new friends, reading, movies, television, traveling and cultural activities. Take advantage of community resources. Most churches have programs for older people. YMCA college and hospitals have programs. Become a giver rather than a taker, beginning to look at the later years or life as time you can make major contributions to people at a personal level. Help out at the local Y. There are a lot of kids and young families that could use guidance and counseling from older people.
- Don’t let your self become sedentary. Don’t stay cooped up in the house. Plan short walks, visits and shopping trips around your neighborhood.
- Travel can be an aid to living a full and healthy life. Go some place new. It doesn’t have to be a trip around the world. Walk around your community, take a ride across town. Visit the local museum and other interesting places. If you live in a larger town go to the local airport. Travel can be an aid to living a full and healthy life. Go someplace new. A wonderful time can be had on bus tours. You meet lots of interesting people and see new places.
- Friends are a source of energy. Friends and family are important to a healthy lift. Friends make us feel good. They keep us wanting to be alive.
- Be less critical and more appreciative of others. Try not to put enormous demand and expectation on others. Be more appreciative of yourself. See yourself in terms of potentials and talents rather than weakness and problems.
- Learn to take care of your body. Develop a regular habit of exercise. Find some activity that will allow you to stretch, breath and gently exert yourself. Swimming, cycling and golf are good healthy activities.
- Search out and make friends with people who are active and OPTIMISTIC. Spend as little time as possible with people who do nothing but complain or gossip. Look for cheerful people.
- Avoid getting into religious or political arguments. They will just rattle you up. Speak and get involved in healthy projects. Nothing will put more jest into living than some good hobbies, especially ones that you can share with other people. Eat out with other people and go to different places to eat.
- To have real happiness and contentment, simplify your living. Get rid of half of the junk that you have no use for and never need anyway. Don’t clutter up your life with every gadget you see, but don’t want or need.
Preventive Maintenance for Smokers and Drinkers.
If you smoke, you already know you’re not going to quit until you’re darn good and ready. In the meantime, you know your health is at risk and you are going to suffer some ill effects. There are ways to cope with the physical damage caused by cigarettes, however. We are not medically accredited and cannot advocate the use of any of these ideas for your own personal use. We present them as information only.
Many smokers are using carotene supplements. This substance is a vegetable form of Vitamin A and converts to Vitamin A in the body. Both carotene and Vitamin A provide protection for mucous membranes and all surfaces coming in contact with air. Many diabetics cannot convert carotene to Vitamin A. There seems little difference in the action of the two substances, and a daily dose of 15,000 units of regular Vitamin A is probably as effective as a carotene supplement.
The amino acid cysteine is known to provide some tissue repair. It also protects against acetaldehyde, which causes lung tissue to age and scar. Vitamin C is an excellent complement to cysteine’s action. It is so vital in helping the body deal with smoke poisons that we burn about 25 mg for every cigarette smoked. If that is not replaced in the diet, the body will show signs elsewhere of Vitamin C deficiency, including most notably a premature wrinkling of the skin.
Cigarettes are also known to cause an increase in triglycerides or blood fats. Lecithin does an excellent job of keeping blood fats under control. Alcohol is not recommended for this job.
If you work in a smoky environment, and inexpensive air filter would be an excellent idea. It will filter smoke particles but not gases, so proper ventilation is another serious consideration. Ionizers have been highly touted, but here is some concern that they may cause premature aging of tissues so we do not consider them beneficial to health.
Vitamin E is of course a supplement that should be given serious consideration. Not only has it been recommended as a preventative measure against cancer, but it seems to help prevent heart disease, another serious complication of smoking. Starting doses above 200 units a day MUST be authorized by a doctor for safety and regular blood pressure checks are a must.
Almost no other drug forces man to pay so dearly for its pleasure than alcohol. When seriously examined, drinking for intoxication may be the stupidest form of recreation known to man… but who are we to argue with the billion or so people who do it anyway?
Recent study into the effects of alcohol has uncovered a number of interesting ideas that will ease the pain and reduce long-term damage from alcohol. Just as the athlete carries ASA, Gatorade and Ben-Gay, we think a conscientious drinker should have his own special “black bag”. As this article deals with the use of nutritional substances and non-prescription drugs for therapeutic effects, we cannot advise or condone the use of any of these ideas for self-treatment. We are not medically authorized and present this material as information only.
A good Thirst Aid Kit should contain the following items: Diet aid capsules containing moderate amounts of PPA or pseudoephedrine, instant coffee, magnesium oxide, cysteine, powdered fruit sugar, strong B vitamin preparation and a bottle of 500 mg Vitamin C. Glutamine is also recommended, especially for recovering alcoholics.
PPA, pseudoephedrine and caffeine as dual-purpose aids to the drinker. Taken before drinking, they can decrease intoxication (especially caffeine), and if you’re barely over the legal limit, PPA and pseudoephedrine can sober you up in a hurry.
Magnesium deficiency is a real risk for any regular drinker. For some unknown reason, it speeds the digestion of alcohol by an incredible degree and can literally save lives in cases of severe intoxication. It can also straighten you out in a hurry when you need it and reportedly reduces the degree of intoxication. Doses are active between four and 15 grams and it can be purchased quite cheaply at any drug store.
Alcohol washes B vitamins out of the body and makes them harder to absorb from food. A B-100 supplement is not excessive if you’ve got a big night planned.
Glutamine has a double action. This simple protein supplement not only reduces your desire for drinking (Note: In some types of alcoholics, it may increase cravings) but it also protects cells from damage. Doses from one to two grams are usually enough.
One last note: Blackouts are a serious problem. If you are prone to blackouts, you must take Vitamin B-1 or thiamine before you drink. It will keep your brain fed with energy and keep it from shutting down on you when taken for this purpose. Be advised that doses of 1/2 a gram will produce nothing more than a bit of nervousness.
Last but not least, it is agreed that eating before drinking, especially a high protein meal, does indeed reduce the harmful effects of alcohol. Protein binds with alcohol so it is absorbed through the intestine, not the stomach as usual, so it slows the punch.
What Stress is…
Stress is an abnormal condition that disrupts the normal functions of the body or mind. No two people are affected in exactly the same way, or to the same degree, but most people living in our highly industrialized society suffer from its effects at one or more times during their lives. Symptoms range from mind headaches, occasional bouts of insomnia, overall restlessness, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Death of Spouse.
Death of a close family member.
Death of a close friend.
Major personal injury, illness or pregnancy.
Sexual molestation, drug abuse.
Major change in the health or behavior of a family member.
Gaining or losing a new family member.
Sexual difficulties.
Marital separation from mate.
Marriage, marital reconciliation, divorce.
Arguments with spouse, family members, friends, co-workers.
Changes in sleeping habits or change in part of day when asleep.
Vacations, Major holidays. In-law troubles.
Financing major purchases.
Beginning or ceasing formal schooling.
Change in usual type and or amount of recreation.
Change in outside social activities, religions, etc.
Major change in eating habits, Iiving conditions, moving.
Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home.
Changing to a different line of work.
Major change in responsibilities at work.
Changes in working hours or conditions.
Troubles with the boss.
Being fired at work.
Starting a new job or career.
Retirement from work.
Business readjustment, changes in financial condition.
Minor violations of the law (e.g., traffic tickets, disturbing the peace, etc.)
Detention in jail or other institution.
Dealing With Work Related Stress
Examples that can cause work related stress are trying to get too much work done in too little time, cutting corners or otherwise taking chances that may put you, or someone else at risk, and trying to get along with superiors and co-workers.
Everybody has days when there simply seems there’s too much work to get done. Trying to get everything done by yourself can bring on stress. Some people try and deal with the pressure by delegating certain jobs to others. If you can unburden yourself and not worry about when and how the work gets done, if you can put full faith and trust in co-workers or subordinates it can be an effective escape valve. Trouble is, most people can’t let go. If you have the type of personality that demands to know how things are going, chances are you’re only increasing the pressure and stress on yourself by constantly worrying if the work is getting done or not.
To lessen stress you must either learn to trust others to get the job done, or prioritize jobs to get rid of “what must be done” first. Many people tend to “put off” the difficult jobs they hate to do until the last possible minute. Of course, this only makes it all the more difficult and stressful when you finally get around to doing what you should have done earlier.
When you feel the “walls closing in on you” if possible, take a break. Many people in trying to relax actually kick their bodies into overdrive by using their break time to either get a nicotine or caffeine fix. Instead of calming you down, both substances being stimulants speed up your body processes. You may think you’re relaxing, but your blood pressure and heart are working harder.
Instead of coffee or cigarettes try a brief chat with friends, a short leisurely walk, even just looking out the window for a few minutes. Never take breaks, or eat lunch at your work station. The point of a break is to get away from whatever work you’re doing. You can’t get your mind off your work if you’re chained to your work area.
Getting along with your co-workers and the boss can be more than a sore point. It can be something you learn to put up with, or it can turn into a festering wound that only gets worse with time. If you’re having problems, get them out in the open. Most managers today at least have some training in dealing with personal problems. If you can’t clear the air or have tried using all the company procedures to resolve a grievance, and you no longer enjoy your job, hate to go to work in the morning, or feel that the pressure is getting to be too much, it may be time to seriously consider a change.
Anyone who’s ever been stuck in a major traffic jam probably has seen the darker side of many people’s personalities. It seems everyone is always in a hurry to either get, or go somewhere, and never seem to allow enough time for the everyday problems that are bound to crop up from time to time.
Banging on the steering wheel, laying on the horn, giving someone the “finger,” or shooting a string of obscenities is only reacting to something that has already happened. You can’t make the guy in front of you go any faster, or prevent someone from cutting you off. Accidents, road repairs, and just plain heavy traffic happens. Learn to deal with it or don’t drive. If you must, at least change your route from time to time. Always allow plenty of time, and try and make all trips as pleasant as possible. You may not realize it, but how you act on your way to work, or on your way home will have either a positive or negative impact. Accept the fact that it’s something you just have to get through so you may as well try and make the best of it.
Most people are smart enough to know that they should set some time aside to take it easy. If you participate in some sports activity, remember you’re doing it to relax! While many people naturally have their competitive nature come to the surface when engaging athletics, don’t lose sight of the fact you’re participating to have fun. Don’t get bent out of shape if you don’t always win or otherwise play up to par. The whole point is to enjoy yourself and forget your everyday worries. Treat it as a night out with the “boys,” or gals and relax!
Families can be as source of support, an oasis away from the everyday pressures or sometimes it’s only a place to grab a few hours sleep and get back in the rat race. Your children, spouse, family members, in-laws can be a source of irritation at times. If someone is constantly doing something that really “bugs you,” tell the offending person or persons and see if things can be straightened out before things get out of control.
A man’s home (a woman’s too) should indeed be a place to rest and relax. Many people find it helpful unwind by sharing the day’s events with their loved ones. It should not develop into a daily routine, nor should you give a detailed blow by blow recap of the day’s events, but when things go wrong, who better to talk to than your family? Holding things back, keeping it inside yourself, almost always does more harm than good and can affect not only your well-being but everyone else in your family as well. Talking things over is a great way to get rid of built up stress that many people overlook.
You should also be a good listener. Don’t unload your problems and have no time for your mate’s or children’s problems. They may seem trivial to you, but they are real problems that need solving just like yours.
A great way to get rid of stress is, every once in a while, do something totally different and unexpected without any prior planning. Don’t fall into a trap when you must do such and such thing a certain way, or at specific time or place. If you always put on a blue suit on Thursday, or go to an Italian restaurant on Tuesday, break the habit every once in a while. Even doing things you like can become stressful if you’re stuck in the same old rut week after boring week.
Stress can best be managed by realizing what you can change about your life and knowing what you can’t. Learn how to recognize the difference and you’ll enjoy life more and be better able to deal the ups and downs that are part of everyone’s life.
Tension: Ten Easy Ways to Handle It.
* Pray and meditate.
* Sing or listen to music.
* Laugh and use humor.
* Hug someone. It’ll remind you you’re not alone.
* Get together regularly with your friends and family.
* Play a noncompetitive game or go swimming.
* Take a hot bath. Heat relaxes your muscles and causes stress to decrease.
*Take a brief rest during the day.
* Get away for a while.
* Spend money without overdoing it.
1. Inhale deeply through your nose, then purse your lips and exhale slowly through your mouth while letting out an audible sigh. Do this ten times, visualizing your troubles blowing away with each breath.
2. Lower your chin to your chest. Slowly rotate your head up the right shoulder and continue around and down the left shoulder in a complete wide and easy circle. Do this five times. Then straighten up, and shrug and wiggle your shoulders. Then do five more head rolls in the reverse direction.
3. While seated, take your shoes off and roll a walnut or golf ball under your foot, including heels and toes, for one minute. Then repeat the exercise with the other foot.
4. Sit down, close your eyes, relax and slowly rotate your shoulders forward, up-ward, backward and downwards. Do five complete rotations one way and five the other way.
5. Sit down and let your chin slump to your chest. Close your eyes and picture the most beautiful sunset you’ve ever seen. Then massage your temples and the corners of your jawbone under each earlobe. Use the tips of your fingers to tap rapidly and gently all over your head and the back of your neck. This entire exercise should take about five minutes.
6. Sit with your elbows propped on a table. Slowly rotate your wrists while keeping your hands limp. Do this five times in one direction, five times in the other. Then get up and shake your hands as if you were shaking water from them. Imagine you are shaking off whatever has been causing you to feel stressed.
7. Put your arms at your side and shake your hands vigorously. Bend your elbows, bring up hands up to shoulder height and shake your hands once more. Make a tight fist with each hand and hold for a minute or two. Now, extend your fingers into a wide span. Relax, and repeat the exercise about five times.
8. Rub your palms together briskly until they feel warm. Then quickly cup the palms of your hands over both eyes. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and quietly. Imagine the sound of your breath as a light wind rustling through the trees. When you feel completely relaxed, you can stop.
9. Slap your whole body with warm water for a few minutes.
10. Get into a warm bath, lean back, relax and breathe very deeply.
Tips to Help You Quit Smoking.
1. Taking 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 3 times a day will help you quit smoking. The soda neutralizes the body acids, retains nicotine in the blood, and thus reduces the desire for tobacco.
2. Eat plenty of fresh lemons and lemon juice to reduce your desire for cigarettes. Eating lots of salads and other fruits will also help.
3. To avoid irritability: take 1 tryptophan (667 mg.) tablet 3 times a day, plus 1 Vitamin B complex (100 mg., time release) with your evening meal.
4. Before breakfast, take 1/2 teaspoon each of Rochelle Salts and Cream of Tartar.
5. Try chewing Ginseng Root; swallow the juice.
6. Don’t keep cigarettes by your bed. When you wake up, breathe deeply and brush your teeth right away.
7. Eliminate situations in which you normally smoke; for example, give up one coffee break each day. Exercise or go for a walk instead. After dinner, brush your teeth immediately or go for a brisk walk.
8. Don’t take your cigarettes to work or anywhere else.
9. Always sit beside non-smokers in public situations such as meetings.
10. Always put away your cigarettes, lighter and ashtray so that getting them will require an effort.
11. Change your brand of cigarette often. Each week smoke a brand with a lower nicotine and tar content.
12. Switch to a brand of cigarette you dont like; change to filter if you prefer non-filter, menthol if you prefer regular.
13. Cut back on drinks which encourage your smoking habits; for example, eliminate lunchtime coffee.
14. Make a point of having your first cigarette a bit later each day. Stop smoking a little earlier each night.
15. Alternate between giving up a morning, afternoon and evening cigarette.
16. Avoid smoking in certain habitual places, for example, on the telephone, while watching TV or sitting with the newspaper.
17. Make a list of the reasons you want to quit and keep it with you all the time; whenever you feel the urge, read your list.
18. Always choose seats in No Smoking sections of restaurants, trains and other public places.
19. Initiate a 3-day program, each day smoking 1/2 of what you smoked the day before.
20. Limit your smoking to alternate hours; the next day or the next week increase your no-smoking periods to 1-1/2 hours; then increase them to 2 hours, etc., until you have stopped altogether.
Apples Will Keep You Happy.
Researchers now tell us that grandma was right when she said an apple a day would keep the doctor away! The apple is now being called the all-round health food.
Nutritionists suggest that eating two or three apples a day can boost the body’s protection against heart disease, thanks to the fruit’s amazing ability to reduce blood pressure and lower dangerously high cholesterol levels. In fact, they say, the higher the cholesterol, the greater the benefits will be if you increase your consumption of apples.
Apples are known for many potent healing powers and they contain chemicals scientists believe may fight certain types of cancer. The reason appears to be that apples are loaded with natural acids that have successfully blocked cancer formation in laboratory studies.
Remember that to get the best health benefit, you have to eat the whole thing, skin and all. The skin contains the high level of pectin fiber, which seems to be the basis for the fruit’s amazing power to lower cholesterol or blood pressure, balance blood sugar content and fight off cancer.
Apples are an excellent food source for diabetics and others who need to control blood sugar levels. They rank high among foods that best control blood sugar. Even though the apple is a rich source of natural sugar, something about its content does not cause a rapid, often dangerous rise in blood sugar. also, it prevents the body from pumping out too much insulin which, in turn, helps bring down blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
Whole apples (as opposed to just the juice) are great for dieters. They suppress appetite without robbing the body of necessary nutrients. The rise in blood glucose levels that occurs when you eat an apple makes you feel fuller.
Apple juice also helps keep you healthy and helps the healing process – especially if you’re suffering from colds or viruses. People who eat apples regularly have far fewer colds and upper respiratory problems. And researchers have noted that apple eaters also suffered far fewer stress-related illnesses.
The apple may also be the only healing food capable of taking care of two opposite complaints at the same time – constipation and diarrhea.
First apples or applesauce have been used for centuries to help people get back on a regular diet after suffering bouts of diarrhea. The pectin in the apple fiber apparently is the healing factor, which explains why it is included in one of the popular over-the-counter diarrhea remedies. Also, that same fiber is what dietitians have been telling us for decades is necessary to keep us regular and to prevent constipation.
Finally, apples are not only a super healing food, but, as nature’s original toothbrushes, they may even prevent cavities, a fact that many of our ancestors probably learned through trial and error, but that modern day researchers have confirmed in the laboratory.
One group of scientists doing a recent study found that apples actually helped clean teeth among a control group of children and therefore significantly cut down on the risk of tooth decay.
It Pays to Have a Good Attitude.
Attitude plays a big part in your chance of getting colds, flues, and other illnesses. Eating right, getting plenty of rest, and taking care of your body are important, of course, but thinking healthy is also important.
If negative thoughts invade your mind, banish them. Replace them with positive thoughts and feelings about yourself and keep on telling yourself that you are good and worthy. This good attitude seems to give us the added strength to fight off illnesses more easily. Some people do not know it but even the slightest negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.
Researchers now know that the mental attitude one has plays a definite role in the body’s immune system and its ability to fight off illnesses. A positive attitude won’t cure you of all illnesses and it can’t take the place of your doctor, but it can help you get better.
There are times when things are lousy, no doubt about it. This happens to everybody. Be optimistic along with being positive about yourself. Don’t blame yourself for things that go wrong, and don’t blame others either. Check into what you can do differently and work towards improving things for yourself and others.
In everything you attempt, always be the best you can be. And remember if a job is worth doing, it’s worth your best effort. Put time and attention into the small jobs as well as the bigger ones. You can reflect on some of your happy and successful experiences. Remember some of the actions you took, what you said to yourself and why things turned out as they did. And without boasting, take those past achievements as a legitimate part of your identity. Let others know about your accomplishments too, and encourage them to undertake difficult tasks as well.
When you are worried about how something will turn out, ask yourself what is the worst that could possibly happen. Very few things are really life and earth matters and we all tend to over-react when it comes to worrying. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. People who feel sorry for themselves have a tired and worn out look, walking as if they have the world on their shoulders, rarely smiling or laughing. On the other hand, people who feel good about themselves seem to walk tall and stand straight, looking alive and alert. They’re attractive and nice to be around and everybody wants to get to know them.
Treat your life as a learning experience. None of us are born knowing all that we need to know, and none of us ever knows enough. We can all benefit from looking at each experience as an opportunity to learn and to become wiser.
Your attitude plays a big part in how you feel about your body. You do what you can to look your best, but you should also try to accept yourself as you are. Feeling sorry for yourself because you think you’re not good looking will only make you unhappy. The feelings you have about yourself affects how much pleasure and satisfaction you will get out of life. People who have a good attitude look forward to new challenges and new experiences along with meeting new people.
Preventing Backache.
Lower back pain is a common complaint. Four out of five adults have it at one time or another. While only a few cases are serious enough to require hospitalization, and possibly surgery, backaches are a leading cause of absenteeism – second only to colds and flu as a cause of lost work days.
Most backaches are due to weakened and inflexible muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue in the back, hips, thighs, and abdomen – primarily caused by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. Over time, poor posture such as slouching, incorrect ways of sitting, standing and lifting, as well as excess weight, and the resulting stress, are all things that set the stage for painful episodes of back strain.
Most back pain is treatable with improved body mechanics and simple exercises that strengthen muscles and foster flexibility in the affected areas. This can also serve as prevention. As a start, take the time to do routine everyday activities in the right way.
- When sitting, keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and head up. Feet should be flat on the floor, which may mean adjusting the chair height or using a small footstool. Knees should be slightly lower than hips, to take pressure away from the back. A support pad or small pillow between the chair and the lower back can also relieve pressure. When you are working at a computer, the screen should be at eye level. Try not to sit for prolonged periods. If possible, get up and walk around periodically, every half-hour or so.
- When you are driving, move the seat close enough so that you can reach the steering wheel and foot pedals without undue stretching and straining. You may want to use a lower ack support pad while driving. On long trips, plan to stop, get out and stretch from time to time.
- When standing for any length of time, alternate resting each foot on a small stool about six inches high. Or you can improvise with a block of wood or phone books. Change your posture and walk around periodically.
- Whenever you are standing, avoid locking your knees and try to pull up with your abdominal muscles. This will keep your pelvis in a more natural position. Ideally, women should wear shoes with low heels no higher than one inch. High heels tend to force the back out of alignment.
- When sleeping, use a firm mattress or a plywood panel under a less firm mattress. If recovering from a back injury, you may even wish to sleep on a mat on the floor. Lying on your side with knees bent, a pillow between them, is the best sleeping position. It protects both curvature of the spine and hip alignment. If you prefer to lie on your back, place a pillow under your knees for proper circulation.
- Remember that improper bending and lifting are the most common causes of immediate back pain. Always bend from the knees, keeping the back straight, instead of bending at the waist. If you have a history of serious back problems, or if you need the services of a specialist, consult your physician for referrals.
The Best Foods for Your Health.
APPLES: Apples are a first-rate source of fiber. They help lower blood pressure, help the body absorb iron from other foods, and might help prevent colds. They can also help prevent night blindness and aid in bowel elimination.
APRICOTS: They speed the healing of wounds and are good for anemia. Good when eaten raw and can be prepared in many interesting dishes.
ARTICHOKES: Artichokes contain Vitamins A and C which are good for fighting infection. They are also high in calcium and iron.
ASPARAGUS: Asparagus has 35 calories per cup. Asparagus tips are high in Vitamin A and is a good blood builder.
BARLEY: Barley is a rich source of fiber and possibly inhibits the enzyme that controls cholesterol production. It is also a good source of protein and B vitamins.
BEETS: Beets have 58 calories per cup and are loaded with iron and potassium. Beets are valued for their laxative properties.
BEANS: Beans help slow down the onset of adult diabetes, lower cholesterol levels and help constipation problems. They are high in protein and are beneficial to the muscular system.
BLUEBERRIES: Blueberries are excellent weapons in the fight against yeast and urinary tract infections.
BROCCOLI: Broccoli is loaded with Vitamins A and C which helps ward off colds. Additionally, it can help prevent breast, gastric, and esophageal cancer, boost immunity, help prevent blood clots, and help wounds to heal faster. Broccoli is heart-healthy and has 40 calories per cup.
BROWN RICE: Brown rice contains Vitamin E and good quality protein. It also contains phosphorus and potassium. An excellent source of fiber, contains little fat or sodium and is easy to digest.
BRUSSELS SPROUTS: Brussels sprouts have only 56 calories per cup making it only slightly more than broccoli. They help prevent several different kinds of cancer, including breast, esophageal and gastric. Lemon juice can help remove a portion of the bitter flavor some people find offensive.
CABBAGE: Cabbage has only 17 calories per cup and it is loaded with Vitamin C. Good for the heart and fights stomach and colon cancer.
CANTALOUPE: Cantaloupes are loaded with Vitamin C. The fiber in cantaloupe helps lower the risk of colon cancer.
CARROTS: Carrots are particularly noted as a high source of beta carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A reduces the risk of several different kinds of cancer, including lung, esophageal, bladder and cancer of the larynx. At 48 calories a cup, carrots are an excellent, raw snack, full of fiber.
COLLARD GREENS: Collards are an excellent source of calcium, beta-carotene and dietary fiber. They will keep your heart healthy and are natural stomach and colon cancer fighters.
CORN: One ear of corn contains about 140 calories. It is high in magnesium and rich in carbohydrates. Good for the brain, the bowel and the nervous system.
DATES: Dates give energy for physical exercise, and they are a good source of copper. They also help heal stomach ulcers.
EGGS: Although high in cholesterol, eggs are considered by many to be excellent for the brain and nervous system. They help wounds to heal with less pain, plus they are an excellent source of protein.
FISH: fish is thought to lower the risk of heart and artery disease, as well as the risk of breast cancer. Fish oil has been shown to lessen the possibility of blood clots.
FLAXSEED: Flaxseed is helpful to those who have arthritis, asthma, migraines and some skin cancers. Helps prevent colon and breast cancer.
GARLIC: Garlic helps lower cholesterol levels and helps block the development of colon, esophageal, stomach and skin cancers. It also has beneficial effects on coagulation, which might help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. It may also help to lower blood pressure.
GINGER: Ginger has long been known to prevent stomach ulcers, to aid in preventing nausea such as motion and morning sickness, and may bring relief to arthritis sufferers.
GRAPEFRUIT: Grapefruit is packed with Vitamin C and is heart-healthy. The juice is thought to double the effect of some blood pressure drugs. In addition, grapefruit helps prevent cancer-causing agents from forming in the body.
KALE OR MUSTARD GREENS: These unique green vegetables are packed with Vitamins A and C. They help constipation problems, and hel