
Ian Conrich writes:

Dear All – An exciting development for NZSA. Please see the message below from Lotta Schneidemesser, NZSA’s new Postgraduate and Social Media Officer. Hoping you can sign up to the Facebook pages. And note that the deadline for abstracts for our 2017 conference in Strasbourg is now just 2 months away. Finally, we are collecting photos from our past conferences to archive on NZSA’s website, with a selection on the Facebook page. Please forward to myself any photos you may like to share for any of the past 22 NZSA conferences (our current albums of photos can be found on the Conferences page of the NZSA website).

Best - Ian

Dear NZSA members, dear colleagues -

We are delighted to share exciting news with you. The New Zealand Studies Association now has an official Facebook page, and a Facebook group.
You can find them at:





A development of the Lugano conference has led to Lotta Schneidemesser being NZSA’s new Postgraduate and Social Media Officer. Lotta will administer both the Facebook page and the group, and it would be great if you could like the page, spread the word, and also join the Facebook group. This has been established with the aim of being a virtual meeting space where members of NZSA and people who are interested in New Zealand and Pacific Studies from all around the world can share ideas and CfPs, stay in touch with each other and post notices that are of interest to the community.

If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like Lotta to post something on your behalf on the Facebook page, please feel free to get in touch with her at ls1445@york.ac.uk

With best wishes

Lotta Schneidemesser

PhD candidate and part-time tutor

University of York

Contested Territories

in the Pacific

The 23rd annual conference of the

New Zealand Studies Association (NZSA),

together with the University of Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France, 7-10 July 2017

A 4-day international conference,

with coach excursion and conference dinner,

and first night boat-trip reception.

The conference venue is the University of Strasbourg,

very close to the city's historic centre.


Professor Tony Ballantyne

David Blyth

James George

Dr Bronwyn Labrum

Dr Selina Tusitala Marsh

Dr Conal McCarthy

Professor Katie Pickles

Professor Nicholas Thomas

Professor Kirsten Moana Thompson

The New Zealand Studies Association has a long and strong history in promoting New Zealand Studies, which now extends within the region through its twice-yearly Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies. Building on the successes of the conferences in Lugano (2016), Vienna (2015), Oslo (2014), Nijmegen (2013), Gdansk (2012), Frankfurt (2009), Florence (2008), London (2007), and Paris (2006), this major event will be held at the University of Strasbourg.

Proposals for 20 minute papers to be sent by 7 January to Ian Conrich (ian@ianconrich.co.uk). Papers can consider all topics related to the Pacific and New Zealand, with priority given to papers that address the theme of ‘contested territories’. Interpretations of the theme are broad and can include colonialism, neo-colonialism, multiculturalism, museum collections, land/sea claims and usage, the Gothic, the environment and climate change, war and conflict. The conference fee includes annual membership to the NZSA, which for 2017 includes a twice-yearly journal. A selection of papers from the conference will be published in the refereed Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies, published by Intellect.

The conference will accept proposals on a range of subjects including the following: literature, history, film, music, art, cultural studies, sociology, geography, tourism, war studies, politics, international relations, identity and multiculturalism, anthropology, Māori Studies, Pacific Studies, archaeology and museum studies.

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