
Who: Choo Tze Keong
Claim to fame: One of five Candidates who passed the Financial Reporting module with Merit. There were no passes with high distinction and distinction.

After a six-month overseas exchange program in Canada, he realised the importance of an internationally recognised accounting designation for local graduates like him to practice overseas. Choo Tze Keong from Keppel Corporation shares his experience in the Singapore QP and dispenses some useful tips on preparing for the Financial Reporting module.

Tell us more about yourself.

I graduated from Nanyang Business School in 2012 with a Bachelor degree in Accountancy, second specialisation in Banking & Finance.

Why did you choose to pursue the Chartered Accountant of Singapore designation via the Singapore QP pathway?

On top of the global recognition attained upon the completion of the Singapore QP, Keppel gave me strong support and encouraged me to challenge myself with the rigorous program structure. In addition, I love to have the opportunity to meet and learn from other audit and accounting professionals via the sharing of experiences at the Professional Development Workshops.

Tell us about your Singapore QP journey so far.

It has been a great learning experience since taking my first module, Financial Reporting, in the January 2014 intake. Through the sharing of our facilitator’s professional experiences at the biweekly Professional Development Workshops, it has been an excellent and enjoyable platform for us to meet and discuss on the practical challenges presented in case study scenarios.

You’ve achieved a ‘Pass With Merit’ for the FR module. How do you feel about it?

Knowing that FR was one of the more demanding modules in the Singapore QP, I was pleasantly surprised by my result for the FR module as I honestly did not feel confident..

What was your strategy for studying the FR module?

I revisited the workshop materials to understand the key concepts reviewed for each question and attempting the previous intake’s exam paper to better anticipate the type of questions set in the paper. Since I knew that one of the four questions would be on the preparation of consolidated statements, I looked back at my university notes and textbooks to refresh my understanding of the topic.

What advice would you give to Candidates who are planning to take up the FR module?

As the FR module is demanding in the technical understanding of standards, analytical thinking and reasoning skills, it is important for Candidates to be well prepared for each Professional Development Workshop. Do not be afraid to ask questions when in doubt. I would recommend going through the past year exam papers under actual exam conditions. It is also useful to refer to the examiner’s report to understand the common mistakes made. Of course, studying together with friends help too!

What support has Keppel given you?

Keppel has given me the flexibility in my work commitment and thereby allowing me to take leave in preparation for the final exam.

What is your career aspiration?

With the skills and international recognition attained via the Singapore QP pathway, complemented with the relevant practical experiences and exposures provided by Keppel, I believe I would be able to perform as an effective finance business partner in our global offices to grow and execute our business in a sustainable and profitable manner.

Who: Eric Tse
Claim to fame: Candidate from Keppel Corporation who had to grapple with overseas stint and the Singapore QP

Joining Keppel Corporation gave Eric Tse the opportunity to undertake multiple job including overseas stints in Brazil and Philippines, while simultaneously taking up the Singapore QP. He shares his story on clocking the extra mile in coping with the Singapore QP amidst a packed travelling schedule.

Tell us more about yourself.

I graduated from Nanyang Technological University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Accountancy. Subsequently, I joined Keppel Corporation as a Management Associate.

Why did you choose to pursue the Chartered Accountant of Singapore designation via the Singapore QP pathway?

The Financial Reporting Standards are ever-changing, and so are the expectations of an accountant. Attending workshops and sitting for examinations guarantee that I am kept up to date on the recent developments to the Standards and their applications while accumulating relevant experience. Moreover, Singapore QP provides a platform for cross-industrial learning and sharing through interactions with young professionals from other firms.

We understand that you had to frequently fly in from Keppel’s offshore office in Philippines to attend the Singapore QP Professional Development Workshops and Examinations. Despite your busy schedule, what kept you going all this while?

I had to go the extra mile literally but definitely not metaphorically. It was a privilege having supportive managers and colleagues in Philippines. While I was in Singapore for the workshops, we would still keep in contact via emails and text messages to ensure that there weren’t any work disturbances. This gave me  peace of mind that my work was in good hands. I was also given adequate time off from work so that the journeys to the workshops during the weekends didn’t take a toll on me. I am really appreciative and fortunate to receive such generous support.

What support has Keppel given you?

Keppel provided examination leave and study leave for the Professional Development Workshops and examination. In addition, they helped with the sharing of workload during this period of time.

What is the next module that you will be embarking on and why?

Assurance and Business Value, Governance and Risk module will be the two modules that I’ll be embarking on. Now that I am back in Singapore, I feel that I can handle both modules which are held on the same weekends and have some overlapping areas.

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The post Meet the Keppelites appeared first on Bean There Count That.

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