
Data Driven Security

Boulder, Colo. (PRWEB)

July 16, 2015

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), a leading IT and data management research and consulting firm, today released its latest research report titled, “EMA Research Report: Data-Driven Security Reloaded: A Look into Data and Tools Used for Prevention Detection and Response.” Based on research criteria defined by David Monahan, research director of security and risk management at EMA, this report is a guide to market perceptions about tools strengths and weaknesses from the vantage point of security and IT personnel.

The third in the data driven security series, “Data Driven Security Reloaded” examined not only what tools respondents used but also satisfaction levels. This insight helped determine perceived best tools and their use cases, as well as hindrances to adoption and users frustrations.

“In 2014, security budgets were generally strong, but it was still dubbed the year of the breach. Why? Poor tooling and the lack of staff availability made for the perfect storm for attackers,” said Monahan. “Finding the right tool for the right job is imperative. The Data Driven Security Reloaded report does what no other research report does. It asks the people using the tools how they use them, which classes of tools provide the greatest value, and why.”

One of the key findings from this research is insufficient staff is a problem that is only getting worse, primarily due to lack of skilled personnel available in the market.

68% of organizations are experiencing impacts from staffing shortages

43% of organizations said insufficient personnel was their top issue

34% of organizations indicated that security expertise was too difficult to find or retain

Staffing issues, however, were only two of the top five frustrations with security as a discipline. The other three frustrations were driven by a lack of tool capabilities.

50% of organizations said that too many false positives from tools was the primary driver for their lack of confidence in security tools

40% of organizations said that lack of integration among point solutions was their biggest frustration with their technologies

This frustration has driven a significant increase in point solution vendor integrations and reporting capabilities. Additionally, there has been an increase in the speed of technology updates to address emerging threats/attacks and improve reporting capabilities to enable security to better distinguish which policies or controls are effective and relate security impacts to business risk.

Some of the top use cases for security technology were enhancing incident response, enhancing breach or compromise detection, enhancing or accelerating post-incident forensics, and improving long term trend or anomaly analysis. It is clear from the research that teams are looking for improvements in all three phases of the security cycle.

Get all the data in the “EMA Research Report: Data-Driven Security Reloaded: A Look into Data and Tools Used for Prevention Detection and Response.”

Get an overview of key highlights from this new research via the on-demand Webinar.

About Enterprise Management Associates

Founded in 1996, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) is a leading industry analyst firm that provides deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts leverage a unique combination of practical experience, insight into industry best practices, and in-depth knowledge of current and planned vendor solutions to help its clients achieve their goals. Learn more about EMA research, analysis, and consulting services for enterprise line of business users, IT professionals and IT vendors at http://www.enterprisemanagement.com or blogs.enterprisemanagement.com.

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