By Alwayshuntress
Once again, the acting this week was flawless, even newcomer Reign Edwards, who plays Nicole, hit all the right marks. Personally, my favorite scene of the week went to Scott and Jacob as their characters squared off, closely followed by a Brooke vs. Maya moment. It was a bangarang kind of week all around, though. (That’s a Hook reference for the non-parents out there – it means awesome. *grin*)
The first thing on our screens this week was Bill naming Liam as the new president of Spencer Publications. Katie, Justine, Jared and Ivy were all unceremoniously summoned to Bill’s office before he explained that nepotism was the reason he’d dragged them all away from all the things they do during the work day besides work (that jibe includes Bill and Liam, just to be clear). Liam asked Bill if the shiny new title came with a new office before clarifying that he just wanted to know if he was being shipped off somewhere.
“What are you talking about? It’s because you’re smart and hardworking… and the employees like you better than they like me.”
Huh. Wonder why? Then Bill brought up the fact that he’d created a vacancy in his executive staff. Apparently lacking a pres is no big deal, but a missing VP is HUGE.
“The role of vice president is a crucial one, both administratively and creatively. I need someone who has experience and demonstrated leadership qualities and can think outside the box. So, Katie. Whaddaya say? If you can stand me, I need you back.”
Of course. Katie promoted Liam to VP a little over a year ago. It would have made a lot more sense for Katie to be the president since she’d done well as CEO, even with Bustin actively sabotaging her. *shrugs*
Katie agreed to come back to work with a few minor conditions, including daycare being reinstated. Justin walked in with the contract all ready to be signed and Katie, in line with her punishing Bill’s cronies for HIS bad behavior, snootily commented that she’d be insane to sign anything he drew up without reading every word first, snatched the contract from the criminally liable lawyer and told Bill that he owed her a manicure before walking out.
Back in Liam’s office, Liv chatted about the promotion and how married Batie still seemed – much to my eternal sadness.
“It’s not going to change anything. I’m pretty sure this is just a sneaky ploy to get Katie back. She’s kind of like an MPV who’s been on the bench too long.”
Yeah, because Bill’s an ass who was punishing her for daring to take offense to his knocking her sister up and lying for months about his feelings.
“You know, I know we said we’d take it slow, but you have NO idea where I want to put my hands right now.”
She grinned and told him he better not and he assured her he’d be good.
“But if we’re going to play that wandering hands game, I have a feeling I might win.”
Cute and sexy… a welcome change from the rest of the crap going on right now.
Prick ordered Caroline to come to his office just so that he could rub her face in Maya’s ‘new responsibilities’ as head fluffer… I mean model. After telling her he was going to require Caroline to give him daily updates through Maya, Rick then dismissed her before asking her what she’d thought of Maya’s sister.
“Whatever the opposite of shyness is? It seems to run in the family… I don’t know – she seemed nice. Young, real young. Pretty. Her name’s Nicole. Are you done with me? Because you said go, then stay…”
“I HAD a question.”
Caro rolled her eyes and turned to walk out the door before Rick stopped her and asked if something had happened because she seemed different. I wish she’d said ‘Yeah, I gave up.’ I’d have liked to see his reaction to that information, instead she just told him that maybe he never knew her very well.
While Forrester’s CEO was doing his best to hurt his wife, his current bed-warmer received an unexpected caller at the Forrester mansion. Absolutely clueless as to what her sister looked like, she played lady of the manor to the hilt with a bored ‘yes?’ as she answered the door.
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying the whole time, but little sis was talking about Maya’s not recognizing her, not Maya’s romantic delusions. Maya quickly put two and two together and got four for a change, before hugging her little sister and inviting her into the house. Maya gushed about how gorgeous and grown-up she was, while her sister’s responses were chilly and reserved, a fact that seemed to go right over Maya’s head. Nicole commented that they hadn’t seen each other since before she’d hit puberty and Maya dismissed it with a laugh and said that it hadn’t been THAT long.
“Math was never your strong suit.”
If sarcasm is Nicole’s normal method of communication, I think I may just like this chick. She’s also as beautiful as her ‘older sister’, but I do wish she’d kept her gorgeous braids. *sigh* Nicole told Maya she was attending UCLA and Maya quickly realized she hadn’t bothered getting in touch when she’d moved to the city.
“You don’t see somebody for a long time, you wonder if that’s the way they wanted it.”
Ouch. Of course, this is the first sign that Maya’s history may be in the process of being rewritten. We’ll see. Nicole’s reaction to Maya’s portrait was deliciously amusing.
“DAMN, would hate to run into THAT by accident in the dark.”
Maya fake laughed before telling her it was Rick’s idea.
“And he’s married to who again?”
I really hope she keeps this up. Maya ignored the comment, deciding she was going to ditch work and hang out with her little sister before hugging a less than thrilled Nicole again.
Maya asked if everyone had just pretended she no longer existed and Nicole told her that she’d kept track of her and hadn’t told anyone, so maybe others had, too. She followed that up by asking her if Maya remembered when she’d gotten a hundred dollars while she was in jail and Maya (shocker) said she’d figured it was a mistake and had just kept quiet about it. Because nothing says sweet and innocent like thinking another inmate’s money had ended up in her account and staying quiet about it. Classy.
“I figured you’d want to get lotions and stuff for your hair, so I hacked the system and turned a zero into a hundred.”
Interesting. She had to have done that as a high schooler (or less) and that’s quite a coup for someone that young – of course, it also carries a large number of years slumming in the pen with her sister if she’d gotten caught.
They talked for a few more minutes as Maya grilled her about her future with a computer sciences degree and Maya’s response was less than supportive, especially for a woman with NO degree. It didn’t go well, but by the time Nicole left they seemed to be doing a little better. When they hugged goodbye, Nicole hugged Maya back.
Back in the FC CEO office, Rick was arguing with Pam. First they debated Stephanie’s picture, which Rick finally agreed to have wrapped up and stored as though it was the Mona Lisa, then they argued over his wanting her to track down any relatives of Maya’s that had left Illinois. Pam refused to Rick’s surprise.
“I’m not doing a deep background check on your girlfriend. You don’t trust her? I wonder why.”
I love Pam. Rick insisted that he did trust her. How could she doubt it?
“No Rick. You don’t trust anyone. You don’t even trust yourself. You knew it was wrong to take that woman into your father and Stephanie’s home – into their BED. But you also knew that she wanted it SO bad, that she’d push you to it. I’d love to feel sorry for you, but you spend enough time doing that for ALL of us.”
Caroline went to Bill’s office to talk to him about what was going on and Bill was completely surprised by the news that Caroline and Rick weren’t together. So Maya managed to move all of Caroline’s things outside, onto the lawn after packing them up with professional movers, move INTO Eric’s home with Rick and NO ONE picked up on it from a scandal rag? Really? Not even after Rick’s stunt at work where even the lowest peon would have heard about the power shift? Unreal.
Bill kept yammering on about how Ridge was a horrible playboy who was never to touch his niece and Caroline needed to be back with her husband. Of course, he’d see it that way since the lying, cheating hypocrite treated his own wife similarly on many occasions, and worse on a few, and he still thinks she should take HIM back. Apparently the writers agree with him. *head… desk* Caroline explained that she’d come by just to make sure Bill didn’t go ballistic and that she’d wanted to reunite, but Rick didn’t and Bill got pissy and self righteous.
Bill ‘stepped out for a minute’, conveniently leaving Caroline there for Katie to walk in on. The lovely brunette’s dialogue left a lot to be desired because the segue made no sense. I guess they cut the line that should have led up to it?
“So, this is really the first time we’ve been face to face?”
Caroline said ‘yeah’ and here’s where it got wonky.
“I’m glad. I like it when my friends are doing well.”
That made NO sense, although the sentiment was nice. Caroline looked like she was going to cry as she said that just made everything worse.
“You think you ruined my life, but you didn’t. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
I hate that. Kari/Kridge fans invested heavily in a couple that, according to the writers, didn’t matter to either one of them. Ugh.
“I know you think you took Ridge away from me, but you didn’t. We all make our own choices and I let him go because I realized that I really don’t understand him. He’s an amazing man and I lost myself in him and it felt good to be lost for a little while. But he’s an artist and his work will always be his first love and that makes his wants and his feelings and his needs all consuming. I wanted to be everything he needed me to be and I tried. The harder I tried, the more I realized that I wanted to be more than just what he needed me to be and that I had lost what I want and what I need and I’d forgotten who I am. Don’t do that. Don’t ever forget who you are.”
The few lines were very good advice that Caroline thanked her for. The first part was even okay, but the middle part was hogwash.
Naturally, Katie’s errant ex was stalking Maya over at the Forrester mansion and Maya asked him if he’d like to leave a message since she was the only one home.
“I’ve got a message for you. Home? No. You’re just the resident squatter. So is this your big achievement? Redecorating Stephanie’s home?”
Yeah, that portrait’s pretty hard to miss.
“I have asked you to leave.”
Really? When? Must be another piece of dialogue they cut to make time for scenery footage. Bill rolled his eyes and accused her of fulfilling a trailer park fantasy by moving in with his niece’s husband. Maya told him that Rick loved her.
“Are you kidding? I’m going to be sick. Look, Rick is in love with misery. He’s in love with tormenting himself. That’s just how some people get off. I don’t suppose it’s any more twisted than skydiving, but that’s another story. Rick married Caroline. He promised to love, cherish and keep her, etc, etc, and he is in mental agony as we speak over not fulfilling that promise. So LEAVE him alone. Let them work out their ‘love you, hate you, can’t live without you’ scenario.”
If he loves Caroline, WHY would he want her with a man who treated her so despicably? Maya ignored his monologue and threatened him with the police and a trespassing charge.
“I’m terrified. How long do you think it’ll be before YOU’RE removed? Are you forgetting that I know all about your ugly past and that I can make it stick to you in a New York minute? So you have twenty four hours to say you’re little goodbyes and by this time tomorrow you are gone. Do you understand me?”
“Oh, I get it. You’re telling me how to live, what to do, who to love and I’m supposed to listen and obey. Does that pretty much sum it up?”
Yes, it does, and I actually like she didn’t roll over and play dead. I’m hating Bill enough right now that I don’t want him getting his way about anything. When she made it clear she didn’t care what he had to say, he took a couple of pictures of her portrait (I’m hoping for one of his gossip rags) for ‘posterity’ and so that he could look back and laugh at the time when her picture hung on the wall of the Forrester mansion. She DOES know that Eric will take issue with it’s placement?
“The ‘new matriarch’. Pathetic. You’re a joke.”
Yep, but he’s worse.
Katie was settling in at Spencer Pubs in Bill’s office, when Liam dropped in to congratulate her. Katie told him that Bill was full of surprises and when Liam told her that Bill respected her business sense, she grimaced and said that she guessed. He assured her that his father would never have hired her if he didn’t and Katie conceded that he did seem to want her back in the business.
“I think he wants you back in his LIFE.”
I don’t care how charmingly said that is or how debonair Bill is playing things, how good they look together or, frankly, how adorably flirtatious he is being to Katie. He is still the man who abused her. Period.
Over at Forrester Creations, Rick was apparently still smarting over Pam’s comments as a meeting to review Rica’s designs began. Pam, Aly, Oliver, and Eva were gushing over them when he walked in and blasted Caroline, who was doing her best to be professional, over the fact that Ridge wasn’t present. When Caroline kept her cool and assured him that she was completely capable of answering any questions and discussing any critiques, he yelled at her.
“I will run them by the head designer, not the helper.”
Wow, we’ve come a long way from him insisting Caroline was the one responsible for their designs. What an ass.
Once everyone was sitting down at the table, Aly pitched her idea for a shoe line. Caroline remarked that they were fresh and it was a great idea and Rick tabled it, telling Aly to keep trying and maybe they’d do it sometime down the road. They moved on to discussing Ivy’s collection and Eva told Rick that the international buzz was all about her, not just her jewelry, and everyone had loved her Amsterdam model shoot. Rick ignored Pam and Eva’s comments about the numbers, dismissing anything positive about Ivy’s shoot. After calling her a neophyte, he said that they needed a real model to show off her jewelry so he was going to re-shoot it.
“We just got a great report from Eva. Sales are up, publicity is high and you want to re-shoot… with Maya?”
Well, gee. When she puts it like that it sounds even dumber than it did when I was hearing it myself. What a tool. Caroline reminded him that Maya had been a newbie when he’d hired her, too, and he completely ignored the legitimacy of that statement. Rick and Caroline traded barbed comments/accusations for a few minutes before he ordered everyone to leave except Ivy and Caroline. I get Caroline… but Ivy? She didn’t do anything to deserve being yelled at.
“What the HELL do you think you’re doing?”
Caroline told him she was doing HIS job, worrying about what was best for the company while he worried more about hurting everyone. His response was to attack the dress designs that everyone had been raving over when he’d walked in and that’s when Ivy stepped in.
“Caroline has begged and pleaded to try and save your marriage and you’re going to lash out at her over a couple of kisses?”
“Has there been more? Since our breakup? ANSWER me, Caroline. Have you kissed? Have your lips met?”
Oh, please. The MINUTE he faked a reconciliation with Caroline, he gave her permission to do whatever and whoever she wanted in her private life. What a baby.
While Rick was getting high on his power trip, the people who’d just evacuated the meeting were at Pam’s desk discussing his behavior. Eva asked what was going on and they cryptically filled her in on how he was punishing Ivy because he was angry at Caroline – something the rest of them already knew. They also brought her up to speed that he was taking his break-up out on everyone else as well and Aly and Pam commented on how Stephanie and Eric wouldn’t stand for his pathetic behavior if they were around.
Liam walked up right about them, fresh off a conversation with Katie about how he was going to stand up for Ivy because Rick’s behavior was out of line. When he asked if Ivy was in the meeting, Pam told him it was more of a dressing down than a discussion. When Pam told him that Rick was giving the two women a piece of his mind, Liam headed for the door.
“It’s demeaning.”
Eva assured him that Ivy and Aly had been holding their own and Pam told him that they could defend themselves.
“They shouldn’t have to.”
No one should, especially against the bullying man-child.
Over at Spencer Publications Bill and Katie were getting their flirt on. Bill was offering up lame lines like ‘you were exceptional in the bedroom, I mean, boardroom’ while Katie laughed and blushed. Seriously? I don’t care how charmingly said that is or how debonair Bill is playing things, how good they look together or, frankly, how adorably flirtatious he is being to Katie. He is still the man who abused her. Period.
The newly working mother asked him if he was serious about reinstating daycare since he’d had such nasty things to say about working mothers and their ‘brats’ before. He refused to believe he’d ever said that, but supposed that if it was then he’d changed his mind, prompting a back and forth between them where Katie tried to get him to admit he was wrong.
“Let’s call it a character building exercise.”
He growled at her before finally owning it and she told him it was the sexiest thing he’d ever said to her.
“It was the most painful thing I’ve ever said, but I’m going to take it a little bit further. The truth is everything you implemented was good for the company. You made the employees feel cared about and valued and that manifested itself in their work product.”
“Bill Spencer lives and learns. Who woulda thought.”
Yeah, it’s going to take a LOT more than that crap to build him good character and a lot more than cutesy dialogue to get me to back this couple. Let’s start with some actual soul deep contrition, him standing up to Brooke and actually not seeing her as a woman who’s sexy and he wants to boink. I’d also like to see him sign a pre-nup style document where Katie gets far more than 1% of his company and at least 50% of his money if he cheats again while they’re together, locks her in a room, drinks and drives, etc and so on. THEN I just might believe the asshat has changed.
Katie doesn’t seem to share my cynicism, but at least she didn’t jump into bed with the jerk, either. After telling him that she wasn’t ready to take a leap of faith with him (sounds a lot like something she said to Ridge), he told her he’d catch her if she stumbled. *eyeroll*
“You’re the reason I trip.”
At least she hasn’t lost EVERY single brain cell in that head of hers. She brought up what he’d done the last time they were together and how believing in them hadn’t turned out so well for her and he actually claimed all the responsibility for it. After telling her that the buck stopped with him, he told her that she’d been sick and he hadn’t appreciated what that meant. She pointed out that he’d turned to Brooke and chosen her and his lame ass response was that he knew that had stung. Stung? Being dumped for a younger woman stings. Being dumped for your older sister is emotional cancer. Even apologizing, he’s an utter idiot.
Inside the CEO’s office, Caroline finally looked at Rick and he knew the answer and he lost it. After accusing her of playing him while still sexing up Ridge, he told her to get her things and get out. Caroline looked utterly blindsided as Rick started actually screaming at her and Liam burst through the door. Grabbing Rick by the shoulders, he tossed him to the ground and stood between him and the women like an avenging angel.
“You do not speak to these women that way. You understand?”
Wow, new side to Liam. Cold anger. Looks good on him. Rick’s response was to laugh creepily and lick his lips while straightening his jacket while still on the ground.
“You don’t want to take me on.”
Shades of crazy Jack Nicholson in that moment. Liam told him that he didn’t want that, but he would if he had to.
“This is my company and my employees. I will speak to them however I need to.”
Obviously he has no idea of what the law says on that. Both of them could sue and win… and end up owning part of Forrester.
“No, no, not them. No. Caroline is my cousin. Ivy is my girlfriend and if you disrespect them, Rick, you go through me.”
Rick proceeded to throw another tantrum, this time telling him that Caroline had admitted that she and Ridge had never stopped carrying on and she bluntly told him she hadn’t said that.
“You said nothing. Which is as good as being guilty. You see, Liam, your cousin isn’t exactly blameless or innocent.”
“Yeah? Neither are you. How’s the new roommate by the way?”
I laughed and high-fived Liam in my head, especially over that side-eye he gave Rick. Classic.
Ivy pointed out that he’d threatened to fire her right before actually firing Caroline and Rick jumped right back on the ‘I’m a jackass’ train.
“Why would I want her around? The faithless liar.”
I’d make a ‘pot meet kettle’ reference, but Caroline’s far cleaner and shinier than Rick right now. Liam told Rick to cool it and he just couldn’t stop digging in.
“Hey, I can’t speak the truth about my wife? My cheater wife?”
Ummmm, kissing isn’t considered adultery, but sex sure is, so as far as I’m concerned, the one who gets to call anyone names would be the one he used and abused to get his job while sexing up an employee.
“Do you understand how hypocritical you sound right now? You are living with Maya, Rick. You sleep with her every night. I get that you’re in pain, hell I even sympathize, but you don’t get to be a bully just because you’re in pain. Just because you CAN.”
Yeah, it’s too bad no one ever taught him that growing up. Rick hated hearing it, though, and told Liam to shut up and stop lecturing him before winging on about betrayal and blah, blah, blah. Ivy interjected again that Rick still loved Caroline and Rick told her to stay out of it or she’d be following Caroline out the door.
“I AM CEO. I can fire whoever I damn well please.”
“Oh, God, you love saying that don’t you? ‘I’m the CEO of this company.’ Well, why don’t you back it up instead of acting like a pissed off little child. Do you think you’re father would be proud of you right now? Do you think he’d be proud that he left the future of Forrester Creations in your hands?”
No… but I’m hoping he fires Ridge, Caroline and Ivy and the company tanks, forcing Eric to sell to Ridge, his kids and Caroline.
“Do you think you are in any way being fair? Because if I know anything about your history with this company, Rick, it’s that you of all people should know what it feels like to be treated unfairly.”
Wait… what the frack? Rick’s used, exploited and abused his family, his family ties and the company repeatedly for his own gain and motives and gotten away with it every single time. He hasn’t been treated unfairly because he’s NEVER, not once, been held accountable. What the hell is Liam going on about? Rick didn’t care anyway.
“Why am I listening to this? By the way, you touch me again and you will have a fight on your hands. You two? Australia and New York are only a flight away. You’re officially on notice, now get out of my office. ALL of you.”
“Okay, fine. You’re on your little power trip. You’re throwing your weight around. You’re trying to intimidate people, but just remember who you’re talking to, Rick. These women are not unprotected. Caroline is a Spencer and Ivy is my girlfriend and if you disrespect them again, I’ll be in your face again, except next time, I may bring more than a friendly shove.”
“Well aren’t you your father’s son.”
Well, Rick’s got all of Eric’s worst qualities rolled into all of Brooke’s, so he may not want to start throwing THAT stone.
“When it comes to protecting the people I love from someone like you? Oh yeah. Yeah, I am.”
Rick looked SO pissed off, I couldn’t stop laughing. Caroline even shot him a ‘you should be ashamed’ look before slamming the door.
Once everyone had left the office, Rick sat down and poured himself a stiff drink. After he downed it, he pulled out his briefcase and unwrapped the gun that he’d stolen from Eric/Stephanie and stared at it in a very ‘psycho’ sort of way. Yeah, he’s unraveling.
Ivy met up with Liam after work and he surprised her with candles, roses and romantic music for their dinner date. She teased him about being able to tell what he had planned and he laughed and handed her a glass of wine. Ivy toasted him for always having her back and being someone she could count on. It’s always nice when that happens. I’m just hoping he doesn’t screw it up this time.
“I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll jump into rivers. I’ll shove CEOs because you’re the one who came into my life and taught me that caring about a woman doesn’t have to be a struggle and it doesn’t have to be about overcoming obstacles all the time. I mean, you reminded me that love can be fun.”
“Well, it is, when you find the right person. I think I’ve found the right person.”
Liam kissed her and told her that he knew he had. That’s when he took her by the hand and led her into his bedroom where they made love for the first time. Have I seen hotter love scenes on B&B? Yes, I have. But this was loving, soft and sweetly passionate. It felt very real and I enjoyed the subtlety of it.
Over at the Fuller loft, Brooke was filling Deacon in on what was going on with Hott and then she brought up his girlfriend while Deacon was pouring himself a drink. In typical Brooke fashion, she ignored the fact that the alcoholic was drinking and told him to pour her one, too, instead. Yeah, let’s encourage the bad behavior instead of reminding him of why he’d stopped and all the hard work it took to get there. Unreal. She’s home for thirty seconds and I just wish she would got back to Italy.
Quinn walked in as Breacon was sharing a drink and discussing their daughter. She wanted to know about Hott and when Brooke said that it looked like Hope was staying in Italy for a while, Quinn told her that couldn’t happen and Brooke needed to get through to her and make her come home. Brooke didn’t take that well as she told Quinn that Hope could decide for herself when she returned to the fold.
“Well, she has to think about somebody else besides herself. She has a husband.”
Deacon tried to diffuse the situation by reminding her that Wyatt was in Italy, too. Quinn dismissed that by arguing that Hope could be ignoring him in Italy, too, and then she told everyone that she didn’t like how Hope was handling it. So what? Why should Hope care what Quinn thinks? *smh*
“YOU don’t have any say over how Hope handles losing her child.”
True, but Brooke jumped the shark when she followed it up by blaming Quinn AGAIN for Hope’s miscarriage. Unreal. I really, REALLY haven’t missed that tired old refrain.
“It’s ALL your fault.”
Yeah. Brooke’s a bitch. Nothing’s changed. Can she go away again, please? When Deacon told her to knock it off, Brooke copped an attitude and excused herself with one last parting shot about how Hope would do what SHE needed to do to recover. Guess it really steamed her to see Deacon so concerned for Quinn. Ridge is with Caroline. Deacon’s with Quinn. Bill’s wooing Katie. Since Eric’s gone fishing, she really doesn’t have anyone caressing her… ego. Bet she’ll try to change that real fast. I wonder which happy couple she’ll try to break up first?
Caroline and Ridge talked about the day’s events with no explanation as to where he’d been during the meeting. Ridge commented that he should have been there and Caroline told him she could handle the spoiled brat (my words), but that he’d asked if Rica had kissed again. When she told him how Rick had reacted to it, Ridge pulled her into his arms and told her that he’d hoped Rick would grow up a bit, but that he’d always been angry and Caroline shouldn’t have to put up with it or worry about it.
After their Rick chat, the two settled into designing and seemed to have a wonderful time flirting and talking while they practiced their craft and played off of each other’s talents in between kisses. They’re so hot and sexy together. I just love it.
At Forrester, Maya and Rick were kissing in the CEO office and Rick told her about the divorce papers being on their way to the office and that Caroline would get them later that day before telling her that they meant that the adulterous duo could ‘finally’ move on. Right, because it’s been SUCH a long time between their first drunken adulterous romp and him moving her into his father’s bed. A whole 2.5 moths? Yeah, that’s a LIFETIME.
Chris walked in with the papers and when Rick looked unsettled, Maya told him that he didn’t need to pretend that ending a marriage was easy. Then she kissed him and told him to sign while she went and got ready for the celebration they were going to have once he was done.
Back at the Forrester mansion, Maya was running around in a red Merry Widow, complete with stockings and heels, and lighting candles all over the living room because THAT wouldn’t be rude or uncomfortable for Aly to walk in on… especially if she had Oliver with her. No wonder Aly and Ivy feel so poorly about having Raya move in to the main house, they clearly think they own it and Ivy and Aly just need to suck up any discomfort Raya may cause them. Someone knocked on the door and Maya rushed to answer it because clearly ONLY Rick could possibly have been knocking. *facepalm*
Naturally, it was Brooke. Stay classy, Maya. *smirk*
“Brooke… hi.”
Oh, yeah. Miss Wannabe was definitely uncomfortable with the original Wannabe staring her down.
“You’re back.”
Talk about stating the obvious.
“And you’re wearing my lingerie.”
That had me dying. Apparently Brooke meant her line, but still. So Maya’s shagging Rick in his FATHER’S bed while wearing his MOTHER’S lingerie? Psychs would have a FIELD DAY with this one. Just… wow. All around. *snicker*
Maya, with no inclination to grab a robe or anything, stood there bold as brass, talking to Brooke. Maya told her that Rick wasn’t home yet and Brooke told her she knew because she’d already been by the guest house.
“Oh no. We’re living up here now.”
Brooke was blindsided by that statement, looking completely confused as she walked into the living room and put her purse down before catching sight of Maya’s hideous portrait hanging where Stephanie’s used to. Maya tried, pathetically, to calm Brooke down by telling her it was Rick’s idea to take it down and that he’d stuffed it in the garage until Eric came home.
“This is ridiculous. This is SO disrespectful.”
And if anyone knows about disrespectful, it’s Brooke.
Meanwhile, Rick had signed the papers and handed them back to his lawyer. Then he picked up his glass that had refilled (more than once?) and drank more before telling his lawyer that he had another mission for him and pulling out the gun. When the lawyer asked whose it was, Rick said it had belonged to Stephanie and Chris offered to check the will and find out who she’d left it to. Rick told him not to bother, just to get rid of it. He DOES know that’s illegal on more than one front right? Moron. Chris didn’t even bother to fill him in on that fact. Double moron. When the idiot lawyer asked him why he wanted it gone so badly, Rick told him that he just didn’t trust himself with it before giving him that creepy ‘aren’t I cute’ half smile he does so well.
Chris loaded the gun with the bullets Rick so handily had with him and when he told Rick that he and his wife went to the range every month, Rick offered him the gun for his wife. It’s not even his to give away, a fact that the lawyer suddenly seemed to forget as he was all gratified and surprised that the brat was willing to part with it.
The second rate lawyer grabbed his briefcase and told Rick he’d be right back after filing the paperwork and ran out, leaving the gun with the client who had said he couldn’t be trusted with one. Seriously? What a dumbass. Should he keep it? No. He needed to take it, keep it safe and return it to it’s legal owner – not leave it with a narcissistic, infantile, tantrum throwing, self righteous bully. Unreal.
Rick saw the gun and picked it up before chasing after his lawyer, gun in hand, and once he’d failed to catch Speedy, he did what any intelligent, rational person would do – he looked into the office of two people he knew were romantically involved who could make him angry enough to set HIMSELF on fire just to make them suffer. Of course. Brilliant. He’s not smart enough to be trusted to tie his shoelaces, much less run a frigging company.
As Caroline and Ridge kissed on the couch, he lifted the gun and shot it three times. I can’t help it, the lyrics ‘Bang, bang, bang, boy… you’re going down, down, down, boy’ keep playing in my head whenever I think of that moment. I can’t wait!
Here’s hoping it’s not all in his head! Will both of Caroline and Ridge be wounded? Will Caroline have taken the brunt of the injury? Will Rica have some fantastic blackmail material on Rick for being a piss poor shot? Will this become a giant attempted murder/murder whodunnit, with Rick being at the center of it, but blackmailing his lawyer into being his alibi since the bullets were loaded into the gun by the incompetent fool? Will Brooke manage to make Maya feel small, even though no one else has managed to shame her even a little? Will little Nicole turn that sarcastic attitude into something even more fun to watch? Will Steffy finally shake things up and teach Rick a MUCH needed lesson? I guess we’ll see!
Pet Peeve of the Week: The 7000th episode lacking any reference to Taylor/Hunter Tylo. That’s completely wrong for all her fans. She played a pivotal role many times during this soap’s 7000 episode run and if they could devote that much time to Hope, they could have spared a few moments for Taylor. I also noticed no time spared for Darla, Sheila, Thomas or Phoebe. Seems bizarre considering all the flashbacks that could have encompassed so many more faces. (I did LOVE seeing Sally, though!)