
By Alwayshuntress

Wow. For a short week, a lot happened in it. Ivy decided to help Liam find a reason to smile, Deacon continued indulging in his (IMO) strange obsession with Brooke, and Ridge rediscovered his talent for a brief moment by channeling it through Caroline.

Unwilling to wait even 24 hours for an answer, Deacon evolved into a bit of a stalker and dropped in on Brooke for breakfast. Really? Talk about desperation. To make things even worse, I swear the dialogue between Breacon has devolved into the same lines, mildly rewritten, that Bill was spouting off to Brooke when she was contemplating getting back together with Ridge.

Interestingly, Deacon did concede that Brooke might be hesitant to marry him because of Bridget (and the media play – because seriously, that should be a paparazzi’s wet dream to get the details to THAT little scandal – even 20+ years later), which is when Brooke said that Bridget had forgiven him. Ummm, that’s great and all, but there’s a huge difference between being able to let something go in order to move forward with your life and being dragged back into that past by the betraying duo in question deciding to get married (especially when the paps WOULD be all over it and throwing it in her face). On the other hand, I still like Breacon (these days) better than Brill. So I don’t know.

While Deacon was begging Brooke to marry him, Hope walked in, which was weird and contrived all by itself. I thought she lived at Wyatt’s house? Why is she at Brooke’s first thing in the morning while Brooke was still putting on her jewelry?

Of course, that served as an excuse for Breacon to pat their child on the back and praise her before asking her how married life was, which led to Hope stressing how everything had come about and commenting that she’d hardly had a chance to catch her breath between waiting for Liam and then marrying Wyatt. When Brooke asked her how she was feeling now that she’d had a little time, the Logan Princess’s ‘happy glow’ took on a noticeably brittle bent.

“Now that I have – I’m… *forced laugh* I’m… I’m thinking about all the things I didn’t know… then.”

Which is why you don’t marry someone hours after someone else fails to show up. Period.

“Honey. I know you. You never would have married Wyatt if you didn’t love him.”

Which means she lied to everyone including her fiance about how she felt about Wyatt when she repeatedly told Liam (and anyone else who would listen) that she didn’t want Wyatt and she only wanted Liam, and about a dozen variations of that.

“Oh no. Of course not. It’s just that I can’t pretend that Liam showing up doesn’t matter.”

When Brooke stepped in to ask if Liam had shown up to the Eiffel Tower on time, Hope confirmed that she would probably have been his wife instead. (Not probably, definitively.)

“You did what any person would do under the circumstance.”

Erm, no she didn’t, Deacon. I can’t think of a single person I know (even ones in love with more than one person) who would think that one brother was as good as the next and just exchange fiances in a matter of hours, much less husbands.

“Hope… you ARE committed to your marriage, aren’t you?”

Well, gee, Deacon, when you say it in that tone… The bemused look Hope gave her ‘dad’ made me laugh because she looked a little bit like she was thinking, ‘Who are you to ask me about MY commitments.’ I know I was.

“Wyatt makes me SO happy.”

Good, then move along now already. *sigh* I wish it would be that easy, but the sighs alone (hers, not mine) tell me it won’t be.

“But you can’t forget what happened in Paris.”

“No. I gave Liam a choice. I told him, you meet me at the Eiffel Tower at 3 o’clock or we’re done. I’m moving on with my life.”

Ummm, no, no she didn’t. During their ‘me, me, me’ discussion, Liam even mentioned he wasn’t sure he could get the time off of work and all Hope did was ask him to try. There were no ultimatums or dire warnings of any kind issued. That’s not the kind of thing the writers can just decide happened off-screen, either. Nope. Nice try.

“I waited for him. I looked for him.”

I wait longer for a lunch date than she waited for Liam – much less the supposed love of my life. Hell, Liam waited at the church for her to show up for an hour and a half before starting to think she wasn’t coming. As far as the looking for him part? Oh, please. If he could see her from the bridge than she could have seen the pair swimming in the Seine if she’d bothered actually doing more than kinda looking around a little while standing utterly still. No pity here for the Hopeless Wonder. None at all.

Then Hope whined about not finding out about what had happened with Ivy until after she got back to LA and I just wanted someone in that room to smack some sense into her, but it will never happen. The ONLY reason Hope didn’t know was she couldn’t be bothered to answer phone calls from Forrester International before, during or after her marriage to Wyatt. It’s beyond stupid that anyone is looking with pity or sympathy towards this chick. She married Wyatt because she CHOSE to. No one bribed, tricked or manipulated her into it. No one needed to because Hope is a selfish, entitled brat who only cares about making herself happy. For a brief moment this storyline has even managed to make me feel sorry for Wyatt for being stuck with her. A VERY brief moment.

A lovely Caroline surprised her husband at work by arriving home one day earlier than expected because she missed him. One of the first things she said to him was to ask how many times Maya had hit on him while she’d been gone. Too many would have been the right answer, but Rick brushed it off to rant instead about Ridge’s failure to show him any work. Interestingly, he even commented that maybe there was more wrong with Ridge than he was wiling to admit. Rick’s getting smarter; I credit Caroline.

Katie dropped in on Ridge at work and I just have to ask: What the HELL what that little air kiss she gave his ‘cheek’ as a greeting? Bah. Ridge spent a few minutes venting about Pam and then about not having anything to show Rick with a looming deadline. While he was stressing out, Rick walked into the office with an attitude and chip on his shoulder (I take back what I said earlier because he still has zero people skills), demanding to know if Ridge had anything to show him.

“All in good time, Rick… all in good time. If that’s a problem for you, let me kn-”

“You better believe it’s a problem. You know Ridge, I hate pulling rank here, but your designs for Couture – I need to see them. I need to see them now.”

That’s when Caroline, obviously sensing something was wrong from the look on Katie’s face, stepped in and told Rick sweetly to allow the designer his eccentricities. I have to say – she’s smooth. She even inserted the fact that she had some Couture designs of her own into the conversation, which prompted Rick to shout Hallelujah before leaving after Ridge assured him he’d see designs at the end of the day.

Rick and Katie left while Caroline stayed to talk to Ridge about work. Ridge asked if Caroline wanted to show him her designs and she lit up, excited about getting a chance to impress her brother-in-law that she idolized (fashion-wise at least).

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

In Rick’s office, he was grilling Katie and trying to find out if there was even a collection to discuss. To Katie’s infinite credit, she managed to dance around every pointed question the Logan-Forrester hybrid kept riddling her with before admonishing him about putting her in a bad position.

Rick backed off a bit, albeit less than gracefully, finally just asking her to intervene with Ridge on his behalf because the stress of being kept in the dark was apparently getting him.

“You know, Katie, for me. Could you do me a favor? If there’s anybody who can get through to Ridge and his colossal ego, it’s you.”

Back in Ridge’s office, the colossal ego and his wannabe protege were still discussing the amazing results.

“I know it’s a lot to ask… but could you help me? Pretty please?”

Even though Ridge didn’t agree to show off his sketches, Caroline happily showed him hers. As they examined and discussed one of her sketches, Ridge seemed to be connecting to design for the first time since he came back to work.

“Focus, focus on the woman you’re designing for. It’s her dress. It’s her story, but don’t over think it. A couture dress can take hundreds of hours to finish, but to the client it needs to seem effortless.”

As Caroline tried to make the suggested changes, her uncertainty overshadowed her talent and she finally asked him to just show her instead of telling her. Reluctantly Ridge put his hand over hers and they started to draw together. When Caroline commented on his trembling hand, he dismissed it and told her not to worry about it.

A few minutes later, the dress had a new front and back, while Ridge looked every bit as happy as Caroline did over the transformation.

“We make a really good team.”

“Yes. We do.”

Yay! Unfortunately this lets Bill off the hook way too soon, but I love Ridge and have been frustrated with him doing nothing but being an angry, cranky man. I want my sexy, romantic, artistic lead back – it’s not like Bill ever learns anything anyway.

They continued to flatter each other, going back and forth with compliments in a charming and engaging way that left me smiling. I am seriously a Kari fan, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I saw some serious chemistry there between those two. I would prefer for the writers to leave them as close colleagues who just mesh super well as collaborators, but I have my doubts it will be left as anything so simple. Regardless, they were lovely to watch this week.

“The woman wears the dress, not the other way around. You have got to remember that.”

Ridge told Caroline that they should continue to work together before telling her to take her design that they had just tweaked and hand it to Rick as one of the Couture Collection. Caroline about passed out from shock before pretty much jumping for joy. She’s said for a while her dream would be to work with Ridge and design Couture. I guess she’s got her wish.

Katie went to talk with Ridge while Caroline was showing off the design and Ridge told her about his breakthrough. Absolutely glowing from happiness, Katie and he embraced before Katie asked him to show her and that’s when the heartbreak happened all over again. Ridge couldn’t duplicate his success with Caroline’s designs on his own. Hey, small steps right? A little breakthrough is still a step forward and in Ridge’s case, any progress is great news. Katie looked uncertain, though, as she asked him, “But you could with Caroline?” She even looked a tad bit, dare I say, jealous. It’s pretty obvious that Rica (maybe? Cage? I hate using Cridge again) is going to be a ‘thing’ even if it doesn’t develop into a romance and the writers just use it to sow seeds of doubt into the couples.

“That’s it. I know how to finish my collection. I will finish it through Caroline.”

In Rick’s office, he was feeling the same kind of uncertainty. After his wife told him that she had drawn the sketch, with a TON of Ridge’s input and his hand, literally, guiding hers, he was excited and proud of her. That’s when Caroline gushed a bit too much about their connection for Rick’s liking.

“To feel his talent and his brilliance just coursing through me.”

Aaaaand the green-eyed monster is alive and well.

While Ridge was getting his mojo back, Aly and Ivy were discussing the ways the newest Forrester was hoping to help Liam’s get his back. I am loving the friendship these two are building and loving even more the fact that it seems to be liberating Aly from her narrow view of Hope… and Lope.

“Hope makes him too serious. I want to help him move on from her.”

As Ivy confessed to her growing interest in Liam and the kiss that they’d shared at Bikini, Hope was walking nearby and paused behind a plant to eavesdrop. After the quirky redhead wondered out loud if Hope was letting Liam go and Ivy shrugged and said it didn’t matter since she was married to Wyatt, Hope finally showed her face, not even bothering to pretend she hadn’t heard the conversation.

“Yes, I am.”

The irritation was clear in Hope’s voice even as she tried to hide it as she asked Aly for some proofs before telling the ladies to ‘get back to their conversation.’ I can understand it in this case. It has to feel a bit like a scene out of ‘Mean Girls’ when you walk in on co-workers talking about you (even if you’ve given them just cause). Very very awkward to say the least. That’s when Aly took the jewels that Ivy wanted her to get to Liam and bailed as quick as she could. I would have, too, since the blonde woman was decidedly tense, although up to that point, she handled it rather well. That all changed when Aly scurried off and Hope sat down across from Ivy.

After a brief attempt at small talk, Ivy gave up and asked if Hope wanted ‘to say hi to the elephant in the room’ since she’d obviously overheard the previous conversation. Hope admitted she had and asked Ivy if they were dating. When Ivy said no, but she’d say yes if he asked her, that’s when Hope got out of line.

“I think if Liam asked you… maybe you should say no.”

My reaction was a lot less nice than Ivy’s bewildered ‘excuse me’ uttered in a tone that indicated that she just couldn’t believe she’d heard Hope right. Of course, this is Hope and she doesn’t share her toys… even when she throws them away.

“I just think that your timing is off, you know? That’s all. Liam and I had such an intense and umm… complicated relationship and it, it ended so abruptly that I think he’s still processing that. I just, I think it would be better if you left Liam alone.”

Okay, I have a few choice comments to say here, so let’s dissect this.

Her timing is off? Like Wyatt’s maybe? Not that Hope had a problem with him jumping the gun. Or heck, lets go back a few months to when Liam was grieving the death of his baby and the loss of his marriage and Hope expected him to be instantly ready to move on? *eyeroll* It ended so abruptly that Liam’s still processing the end of the relationship? So jumping into marriage and Wyatt’s bed mere hours after (not even) breaking-up with Liam was just fine, but DATING (and not screwing) is moving too fast and out of line? *facepalm* That last little bit sounded like a warning to back off (to me) and was uttered with such a ‘butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth’ bitchy smile that I could swear that was Brooke going after Taylor on my screen. Just wow.

Hope’s next assertion was that Liam wasn’t ready for a new relationship and Ivy gave her an ‘I’m not stupid’ look before taking out her verbal pins and starting to poke holes in Hope’s little bubble that she lives in.

“Hope, you can’t have them both.”

Exactly. La Loganette instantly started babbling about how that wasn’t what she wanted and how could she make Ivy understand what she really meant. *eyeroll* We KNOW what she really meant. Hope’s completely transparent.

“Liam’s been through a lot lately, he’s had to deal with some things.”

“Yeah. Like your relationship with his brother.”

The complete and utter amusement on Ivy’s face had me cheering. The pretty brunette wasn’t letting the blonde get to her at all.

“Liam has to accept that Wyatt and I are married.”

Yeah, and why wouldn’t spending time with an attractive, single woman who was interested in him help him to do that? Oh, I know the answer to that one – because Hope wants him moping after her. When she told Ivy that she was relived that Ivy had been there when the news of the marriage broke, she smirked at her and told her that he needed a friend, but not to be rushed into another relationship. Seriously? That’s advice WYATT should have been given by the little wannabe psychiatrist, but since she didn’t think WYATT was out of line for rushing her into a marriage, she really needs to step off at this point. Ivy pointedly asked Hope how it was any of her business who Liam spent time with.

“Liam’s general well-being is always going to be my business.”

Uh huh… especially if he moves on (remember every time he was with Steffy?). Just. Like. Brooke.

“Oh, really. How does your husband feel about that?”

I busted a gut laughing at that. Thank you, Ivy. thank you very, very much.

“What you really need to know is that he feels things VERY deeply and right now he’s hurting.”

And she doesn’t and isn’t. That’s what she was saying, and she didn’t even realize it. Liam needs time to heal because he’s deep and truly cares whereas she’s flighty and doesn’t and therefore didn’t need any time to move from one ‘love’ to another one. If this conversation wasn’t making me laugh so hard, I might have been annoyed at the obnoxious little *bleep*.

“Yeah, I know that, which is why I’m trying to help him.”

“Well, I think the best way for you to do that would be to leave him alone, because when you try to help, things get a little…”

Hope made a face and trailed off before Ivy urged her to complete the thought. At this point Ivy was getting annoyed, and it showed, but Hope obviously didn’t notice or didn’t care.

“Oh, I was just going to say that things would be a lot different if you hadn’t FALLEN into the Seinne, but you know… Did uh… did anyone see that happen by the way?”

Well, there was nothing subtle about that insinuation and Ivy picked up on it instantly and called Hope out, while the irritating blonde acted shocked that Ivy would even think she’d suspected her of falling into the river on purpose. Supposedly Hope’s this worldly chick who’s been to Paris and the Eiffel tower before and yet somehow missed the PSA saying that a fall into the Seine is almost always deadly? Riiiight.

“It’s not my actions that were questionable. I mean why couldn’t you wait a little while before rushing off to marry Wyatt?”


“I mean. Blood tells, right?”

Double ouch. Hope having to ask what she meant by that really made me giggle. Seriously? How could she not put two and two together and get four? Brooke dated two brothers and Hope dated two brothers. Of course, that’s when things started devolving even faster and Hope pulled rank.

“WOW. The way you are speaking to me right now is so wildly inappropriate. I’m your BOSS.”

Well, now. The minute she started trying to warn her employee off of her ex and telling her who she could and couldn’t date, I’d say the conversation had already exited work appropriate and gone personal, pulling the ‘boss card’ just because she didn’t like where the conversation veered to was ridiculous.

“I was brought here by my Uncle Eric because I’m talented and because I’m a Forrester. This is my name, my family’s business, my legacy. You’re a Logan.”

“Don’t get it twisted, Ivy. You were brought on to be a part of Hope for the Future. MY line. MY name. Show me some respect.”

“Yeah. Absolutely. As much as you deserve.”


Over at Spencer Publications, Little Miss Matchmaker was gauging Liam’s interest in Ivy while he checked out the jewelry for the Eye On Fashion shoot. Deftly switching the conversation from discussing the jewelry to discussing the woman, she mentioned that Liam was now free to look.

“She married your brother. That kinda makes you available now.”

“I’m sorry is that an arrow in your pocket, Miss Cupid?”

“Do you want it to be?”

I wish he’d just ponied up and said yes, but I guess he’s learned from past heartbreaks that it’s a good idea to take a few heartbeats in between.

“I don’t know. It’s a little early for another relationship.”

That’s when Aly told him she understood, but while he adjusted to being single again, she didn’t see the harm in his spending time with Ivy.

“But get to know Ivy. She is so awesome. Plus… she’s a Forrester.”

When Liam (and I) looked confused and asked her what that had to do with anything, she smiled and told him it was because Ivy was family and that meant they’d get to keep him around. An extremely flattered Liam lit up like a Christmas tree and pulled the petite woman into his arms for a bear hug. These two are adorable and I love, love, love their friendship.

Hope headed home after her showdown with Ivy, which apparently wound down after the respect comments, to get a hug and spend some quality time with her adoring husband, who had a pizza and salad waiting for her.

While they chatted, her new hubby asked her if she’d had a chance to look at Ivy’s latest ideas and when Hope said she had, he praised them saying that the new Aussie addition was giving his mother a run for her money in the talent department. That’s when Hope, once again, jumped the shark, by saying something unbelievably ridiculous.

“Yup, and she might even be more like your mother than we realized.”

Seriously, chica? *facepalm* I can’t WAIT for her to find out Ivy WAS pushed into the Seine, and by Quinn no less. When Hope gets jealous, she gets really stupid. Even Wyatt looked confused. I took some glee in the fact that he’s about to get an earful about Liam and the woman who wants him.

“What does Ivy have in common with my mother?”

For some reason, Hope decided to whitewash her role in what happened and told Wyatt about the end part, that she instigated. Like Ivy won’t tell him her side the minute Wyatt talks to her? They work together. *eyeroll* Right now, hating her even more than usual.

“I don’t know. I’m probably being overly sensitive.”

You think?

“She just wanted to make it very clear that I am a LOGAN and SHE is a FORRESTER.”

Yeah, only after Hope pulled the boss card while being a nasty, envious piece of work in general. Her dutiful husband, who, like Liam and every other person on the canvas practically, can only see the ‘Hope’s a perfect Angel’ side of things, spent a few minutes telling her how amazing she was and how she’s a Spencer now and blah, blah, blah.

“It’s not just the business side of things, I’m also a little, um, uncomfortable with her behavior.”

Wyatt looked a tad bit worried when he asked what else Ivy did. It’s a natural question, especially after Hope compared Ivy to Quinn.

“Well… she, um… she kissed Liam.”

Hope’s WTF look was only surpassed by her newly wedded husband, the difference was that Wyatt’s look was over Hope’s reaction. *snickers* To give him credit, he took it in stride and laughed it off.

“Liam kissed Ivy. I didn’t know my bro had any game.”

Of course, Hope had to check the humor and say that she thought Ivy had been the one doing the kissing – twice. When Wyatt smirked and said good for Liam and praised him for moving right along, Hope shook her head and said it wasn’t a good idea. When Fuller Spawn asked her why, she gave him a ‘duh’ look and said it was too soon. Unbelievable. It wasn’t too soon for HER to get married, but it’s too soon for him to date? Bah. She just gets more and more unlikeable.

“What kind of woman pursues a man after he’s just gone through a break-up like the one we had?”

Ummmm, look closer to home, Blondie, because that hubby pursued a WOMAN who’d just gone through that same supposed ‘break-up’. I wonder if she realized how insulting she was being to Wyatt (and herself actually), right then? Not to mention Hope kissing a man who was MARRIED, the day his wife came home from the hospital after a brutal miscarriage. Good grief. Can someone write her life down and just read it to her point by point? *head… desk*

“It makes me question her character.”

No comment.

“Liam is SO vulnerable right now. Don’t you think that makes her seem a LITTLE opportunistic?”

Wyatt, Paris, Elopement. That is all. Of course, he tried to change the subject by saying that he’d rather not talk about Liam in their home (he’s your brother numb-nuts, that’s going to be hard) and kissed Hope.

“Okay… but you know what? I don’t think it’s going to be an issue much longer because I MAY have told Ivy to back off.”

“What is happening right now?”

Welcome to the Hope see-saw, Wyatt. Up one moment and down the next. Enjoy the ride. It is, after all, what he signed up for.

“Was I out of line?”

YES!!! Wyatt responded tactfully by telling her that he could see why Ivy took offense and when Hope asserted that she didn’t think Liam was attracted to the brunette, she just didn’t think he needed someone making moves on him so soon (*cough cough* elopement), he smirked and said that Liam was a guy and guys always needed that, which made me grin.

“Liam’s going to be okay. Don’t worry. You should think about this from Ivy’s perspective. I mean, Liam is her hero. He jumped into the Seine to save her.”

Oh, Hope really wasn’t happy about that one. *grin*

Bill gave Liam a pep talk at the office, while still hiding the fact he knew about the wedding ahead of time and could have stopped it. The talk included telling him to go hang out with real people instead of moping around with the cat. When is Hope going to have a conversation with Wyatt about where her precious ‘Boo’ has gone? That’s when the evil, but always gorgeous, Quinn stepped into the office to lighten things up.

“Oh, calm down. Look… no sword and I promise I won’t touch either of yours unless you want me to.”

The fact that she included Liam in that statement tells me that the writers are definitely paying attention to the number of viewers who are concerned that Liam and Quinn’s onscreen chemistry might take them down a dark and (IMO) hot, but icky path.

“Do you know that I get physically ill when you’re around?”

Who could blame Liam for that?

“You should call your doctor, I’m sure there’s a pill for that.”

I love to hate Quinn. Those one-liners can be absolutely epic and today was definitely one of her ‘on’ days.

“You mean a vaccination.”

Good one, Bill. *smirks*

Liam decided retreat was the better form of valor, which is usually true around Quinn to be fair, and ran off to the BBQ that Aly and Ivy were having. I can’t blame him for ditching Cruella De Ville in favor of delicious food and a flirty brunette.

“What do you want, Morticia?”

Quill’s banter always makes me laugh. This is a couple that needs to happen (IMO). Of course, there’s redeeming to be done for both of them and what better way to do that then together?

“SO many things, Bill, and I’m sure most of them are not legal.”

Ohhhhh, my.

As the conversation danced around from Liam, to Wyatt and finally to Ivy, Quinn’s dislike of Ivy and pro-Liv stance made Bill put two and two together and he asked the Evil One if she had pushed Ivy into the Seine.

“It was some of my best work.”

She just can’t keep her mouth shut. Like every bad guy, she needed to gloat to someone. Sheila gloated, too, but she chose the listener carefully. They were either in on her crimes OR they were her victims. Quinn’s just being a dummy.

“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t take care of this one last little detail.”

Once she was done admitting that she’d stalked Liam to Paris and endangered both Liam and Ivy’s lives, she then gloated about how Hope and Wyatt were married and Bill should be happy for his son.

“You messed up Liam’s life.”

She tried to KILL him, why would she care about messing his life up. Seriously?

“Do you not get that I have THREE sons?”

Nope, she doesn’t get it and she doesn’t care. The only son she thinks Bill should worry about is Wyatt because she thinks he’s the only one who deserves to be loved. The others are just spoiled brats in her eyes, who’ve had everything handed to them – whether that’s true or not.

Bill immediately laid down the law and told Quinn he was telling Liam and Hope what she’d done which prompted a VERY smug Quinn to tell him that he wasn’t going to say anything to anyone, then she asked if he wanted to know why. Aaaaand just like that, my hope’s just got dashed. Easy come, easy go right? I already hate where this is going. *sigh*

Aly and Caroline chatted while Ivy helped Oliver with the ‘barby’, and Aly let it slip that Ivy had a crush on Liam. Caroline was uncertain about it being a good idea since Liam was still hung up on Hope. While it’s a valid question, I do have to wonder if she’s going to have a talk with Hope about being engaged to one brother and marrying another within hours – or is Liam the only one who has to wait to be happy?

“She’s not trying to push things. I think she just wants to see Liam smile again.”

Right then, Liam walked in and handed Ivy a bottle of wine while the beautifully curvy lady directed his attention to the few Australian decorations around the room and presented him with a Koala pin.

“I’m really glad that you’re here. You seemed like you needed a bit of a vacation, and seeing as you’re too busy to go to Australia, I thought I would bring it to you.”

Adorably, Ivy had accounted for Liam being a Pescatarian (not a vegetarian apparently) and gotten him some authentic Yabbies, which are an Australian crayfish. Her Aussie BBQ wouldn’t have been complete without teaching everyone how to throw a boomerang and handing Liam a toast coated with Veg Spread. His reaction was the same as mine the time I tried it, so I cracked up. As he made the most disgusted face before smoothing it out and trying valiantly to look like he was okay, Ivy laughed and asked him if he hated it.

“I don’t HATE it. It’s weird and it’s… unique.”

I wish they let Scott do more comedy, because this scene (like when he found Quill in bed together) was perfection and highly entertaining.

Caroline scolded Liam for spending too much time on his phone while at the party and he instantly apologized, citing his father’s being back at the company causing an influx of emails. I was glad someone finally said something, the irony being it was Caroline the internet/social site Queen. If SHE says you’re spending too much time online, you need to stop.

A slightly disappointed Ivy was talking with Aly about Liam’s seeming inability to be enjoying himself at the little party. Aly tried to excuse him, but Ivy admitted she understood he was thinking about Hope and then she mentioned the little ‘discussion’ that Hope had had with her about leaving Liam alone.

“I don’t understand. I mean, she’s married to Wyatt now.”

Yes, one would think it would be that simple. Married to one man and warning someone off of another one is a bit counter-intuitive to most people and I thought it was adorable that Aly truly didn’t get it.

“I really wanted Liam to have fun tonight, let loose. Maybe Hope is right. Maybe it is too soon.”

No, processing and wallowing are NOT the same thing and right now, Liam’s doing a lot of wallowing. There’s a huge difference between wanting to date someone and have some fun, while still allowing them space to heal (Ivy, so far) and expecting them to completely forget about their history and loss and put you front and center instantly (Hope).

A little bit later, as the party was winding down and Aly and her faithful rusty knight ducked out to get ice-cream, Liam dashed Ivy’s hopes again by bailing on the idea of the two of them tagging along. Once the other couples had left, Ivy took a deep breath and gently, but firmly let the clueless male off the hook.

“Liam, I really like you and I totally understand that you’re going through this breakup right now, so I don’t want to be putting pressure on you or seeming like I’m chasing you. So maybe tonight was a really bad idea. ‘Cause I would be lying to you if I didn’t tell you I kinda had my hopes up.”

I’m a little mixed here on the one hand, really glad she was upfront and honest but on the other, that’s just not information Liam really needed right now (IMO).

A very confused Liam apparently hadn’t registered that it was all COUPLES at the BBQ and was only then putting two and two together. Really? How ridiculous for him not to have realized it was supposed to be a ‘come hang out with me because I’m sweet and sexy and you like me’ party not a ‘come and wallow and stay on your phone all night in the company of people’ party. *smacks Liam upside the head* With a reasonable attempt at a smile, Ivy bid him a friendly good night, leaving him to let himself out as she started cleaning up. After a couple of moments of beating himself up (apparently) Liam walked over to her, put his hand on her shoulder and waited for her to turn around to face him before moving in and giving her a very sweet, very romantic kiss.

“Night’s not over yet.”

Oh my. *cheers* Liv has serious potential, I just hope the writers are willing to let Lope die for a good long while, even if they don’t want to drop it. Heck even Bridge vs. Tridge wasn’t a ping pong ball romance the way Hott vs. Lope has been.

Looking forward to next week when Hope hears about LIAM putting the moves on Ivy *smirk*, Quinn tells Bill all the reasons why he’s not going to tattle on her *sigh* and Ridge begins to make Rickie-poo jealous with his close relationship to his younger brother’s wife. The things that make you go hmmmm.

Pet Peeve: The fact that everyone on this show acts like people are interchangeable. It’s beyond annoying. Hope with Liam and Wyatt. Deacon thinking Brooke should marry him instead of Bill – and skip the dating part entirely – and that’s just what’s going on right now. Recently there’s been way TOO much of ‘loving the one you’re with’ and they’re almost ALL guilty of it. The ones that aren’t simply haven’t been on screen long enough to BE guilty of it. I’m sure their time is coming. New ideas please.

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