
By Alwayshuntress

Well, things are certainly getting hot for a few people this week. Bill found himself in the hot-seat, Maya was trying to heat up an old connection in a new way, and Deacon got hot under the collar while reminiscing about Brooke and her bedroom. I absolutely loved the closing shots last week and the opening shot this week. Ridge holding on tight to Justin’s tie and shaking him was epic and wonderful to behold. That little rat deserves to be put in the hot seat after the crap he pulls for his boss. One thing’s for sure, this is not the old Ridge. I cannot WAIT to find out what’s going on with him and just maybe, find out what happened in Paris.

Bill was busy still covering his ass with Brooke when Katie walked in and called him on the carpet.

“Listen. You’re the father of my child and I really don’t want to think you had anything to do with this, but I’ve learned from experience that I should never underestimate what you’re capable of – and we all know that you have a complicated relationship with ‘the truth.’ So why don’t you just tell me what happened.”

I died laughing when she made quotes with her fingers as she said that. Of course, once again, everyone’s asking the wrong questions and not noticing that Bill is only denying trying to KILL Ridge, not being the one behind the ‘accident.’ *Sigh* Where’s Steffy when you need her?

Naturally, Bill ditched to head to the office as soon as he was done with his denial because he knows Katie would read him if given enough time. Unlike Brooke, Katie’s not mesmerized by the size of his… bank account. *wink*

Brooke, obviously frustrated, instantly jumped on the ‘Ridge’s memory is a puzzle and none of the pieces fit’ train that Bill had so kindly fueled up for her and left running. Katie refused to get on board, telling Brooke that Bill’s denial wasn’t proof of anything and that’s when Hope walked in. The oldest Logan filled Hope in on Ridge’s accusations and surprise, surprise, Hope was Team Ridge.

“The Ridge I know, I mean, the Ridge we all know, would not accuse someone of something like this if they had any kind of doubts. Even if the person was Bill.”

During Brooke’s next impassioned plea for everyone to get off Bill’s back because he’s SUCH a good guy, Deacon walked in saying he could totally believe Bill was capable of such a  horrible thing. I’m thrilled Deacon’s around right now for a few reasons, but the best one so far is that Brooke and Bill both hate it.

Deacon ran to put the flavored ice, that he’d brought for Hope as a surprise, into a bowl before eavesdropping on the rest of the conversation and then butting in because he’s willing to work real hard to earn back Brooke’s favor (why?) and look good to Hope. When it became obvious Deacon wasn’t going to brushed aside, the Logan women gave up and just included him.

“The question is, is Bill capable of murder when he feels trapped and pushed into a corner.”

Duh? Come on, Katie. Is she seriously forgetting Amber?

“Bill and I are in love. We’re getting married. He couldn’t DO something like this… could he?”

Finally, the light dawns for the aging blonde. The entire conversation was an interesting one (and often amusing) that saw a slow shift from steadfast faith from Brooke for Bill to genuine concern that she was backing the wrong horse.

The new resident bad boy zeroed in on Bill’s minions as the chink in Bill’s blackened armor and knew instantly who the weak link was. The minute Allison’s name came up, Deacon flashed back to the interesting conversation/seduction he’d had with the one-time secretary turned cyber warrior back during Hope and Liam’s Italy wedding and I could just see the plotting begin behind those blue eyes. This should be good.

Meanwhile back at Bill’s office, Bill had just finished materializing (thank you, Scotty) at Spencer Publications a couple minutes after he left Brooke’s home. Arriving just in time to save poor Justin from big, bad Ridge and try, unsuccessfully, to convince Ridge it was all in his head. Asserting again that he was going to find a way to prove Bill was behind everything that had happened, the former designer gave the fraudulent CEO a dire warning.

“I don’t have any proof yet, but when I do you’ll lose everything. Your business, your family… and Brooke.”

Go Ridge!

After Ridge had walked out, Justin and Bill put their handsome, but rotten, heads together and poo-pooed the idea that Ridge could ever measure up wit-wise to the Terrible Three. Why is it RIDGE never sticks around to eavesdrop? His life would be so much easier right now if he took a page out of Mr Snidely Whiplash’s playbook and got sneaky.

Allison wasn’t far away, per the usual lately, and she popped in just to make sure that all the loose-ends were tidied up while Justin and Bill headed home. Amusingly, the second Deacon called, Bill’s lapdog just ate up the flattery and got all breathless over the fact he was teasing her about being back in her life. If she hadn’t been so nasty and gleeful over what Ridge was going though, I might actually feel sorry for her but as things lie, I’m just looking forward to this.

While the now-brunette minion was panting after Deacon, Bill had gone home to continue deceiving his newest ‘best girl’, inadvertently raising her suspicions instead of laying them to rest because he just doesn’t know when to shut up. Guilty people usually don’t.

“I’m trying to be as patient and understanding as I can, but my patience has it’s limits and then–”

“And then you push back.”

That naturally led to Brooke attempting to put Bill on the spot by asking him if he’d tried to kill Ridge and he truthfully denied it. *facepalm* Seriously? When are people going to ask if he ordered Justin to dump Ridge into the gulf? They’re assuming a motive instead of asking about an action. Gah.

The next morning, Bill once again brought up marrying Brooke ASAP, this time by finalizing plans to marry her in Catalina – that same day. Brooke looked flattered, but I don’t see what’s flattering about a guy repeatedly ignoring your opinion and stated wishes, over and over again. He’s being a jerk and she looks pleased. Of course, she also completely reversed her previous “I want to do this right with the whole family there” position, out of nowhere and told him that of course, she wanted to get married that day, right then – without ANY of her family present, even Rick and Hope. *forehead… desk*

Katie and Ridge were having a discussion of their own where Katie admitted that Bill could be ruthless in his personal life, but then she had to go and be stupid.

“But Ridge. We’re talking about attempted murder.”

Yeah, and? This is the SAME MAN who planned and carried out an attempt on Amber’s life, stopping only when, during a hesitation, the wind and a branch teamed up to do his dirty work for him. No, he didn’t actually TRY to kill Amber, but he did plan it and might well have carried through and Katie always believed he’d actually tried to kill Amber, so why the sudden uncertainty? This is also the guy who lied straight-faced to Steffy, Liam and her entire family about her having a life threatening injury just to get his way. Then there’s the (as Hope put it) “epiphany in Aspen”. Ruthless? The man can be a monster.

Luckily, Deacon was wasting NO time getting close to Allison. I really wish I could feel badly about what he’s doing, but… ‘c’est la vie. One thing’s for sure, Sean Kanan still plays charming bad boy like no one else. Even DD doesn’t come close.

“It’s on the yacht and that’s still in the middle east.”

The minute she said it, Allison’s eyes got large as she registered that she’d just said something that she shouldn’t have. Of course, Deacon being the king of smooth ignored it completely and kept talking about yachts and rich people as though she hadn’t said anything of any particular value. He’s good – unfortunately he pushed just a bit too far and mentioned Justin as a pilot for Bill and the pretty if unscrupulous brunette got worried and rushed him out of the office.

Adele brought the records over for Kari to scour but, just like Minions #1 and 2 had said, there was nothing for them to find. After much frustration, Adele left and Ridge told Katie that there was no such thing as a perfect crime, which foreshadowed the doorbell ringing quite nicely. Especially when the person at the door was Deacon, with a bit of helpful gossip to share.

Deacon explained how he’d gotten a bit of helpful info out of Bill’s faithful female sidekick and suddenly Ridge’s mood went from dour to pleased when he found out why there was no trail of Bill having chartered a helicopter.

While I definitely think this is a step in the right direction to proving Bustin are dirty rotten liars, I don’t think it’s a smoking gun. Ridge’s pronouncement that Bill was out of business thanks to this ‘proof’ was a bit premature.

“His helicopter was in Abu Dhabi. Justin was flying it. He’s lying to everybody including Brooke. I’m going to put him behind bars.”

PLEASE??? Even if it’s just for a couple of weeks, I would LOVE to see Bill in one of those lovely orange jumpsuits. He deserves it after how nasty he’s been about anyone with a criminal background.

While Ridge was looking self-satisfied and trying to figure out what his exact next move was going to be, Allison called Deacon and let it slip that Bill would be with his new bride that evening so she’d be free once all the arrangements were done with the Catalina wedding. Once Ridge heard that Bill was using a chopper to run over to the island to check things out, he ran out of the door with a cryptic comment, leaving a concerned Katie behind.

Somehow, Ridge managed to get into the ‘Pilots Only’ lounge/dressing room where he was laying in wait for Justin. As Justin went to put his flight jacket on, Ridge knocked him out with a right cross. I’m team Ridge in this storyline, but he’s pushing things a bit far. I’m getting tired of seeing him solving his issues by punching people. It’s time for a new trick.

Bill showed up and turned to follow the silent guy who passed him all dressed up in a SP flight jacket. Maybe I’m just nitpicking here, but I have a few issues with this: 1) Ridge is white. 2) Ridge has long, shaggy hair 3) Ridge is burlier than Justin. HOW could Bill not see the difference while walking behind him to the copter? Is he really that smug and unaware? I guess so.

“She’s finally going to be mine. Forrester? He can’t stop us. Who does he think he’s dealing with anyway? I’m always in the drivers seat. He’s no match for me.”

Right. Because Bill’s just so smart that no one on earth could possibly outwit him. Well, unless you count the fact that Bill just watched a man fall out of a helicopter to his presumed death and still didn’t think to buckle in first thing before telling his pilot to take off… Seriously?

At the same time that the hot, ethically challenged lawyer/pilot was taking a much deserved catnap, Deacon was busy trying to convince Brooke that not only was she wrong about HIM, but she was also wrong about Bill. Honestly, he should have taken Katie with him. It would probably have gone better. I expected the plea session to go longer, but Deacon never forced his way into the house, leaving it possible for Brooke to rail at him that no one could ever prove Bill was behind Ridge’s accident and then apparently close the door.

Next thing I knew, Katie was ringing Brooke’s bell, apparently at Brooke’s request as Katie had no idea why she had been summoned. Brooke spent a minute ranting that she’d invited Katie over to basically get rid of Deacon who was on a tear about Bill. Feigning cluelessness, Katie asked what he’d said and Brooke dismissed it as ‘nothing important.’ Important enough to disrupt Katie’s afternoon, but not important enough to tell her why. *eye roll* Of course Brooke did tell her little sister that she and Bill were getting married that day and she wanted Katie to hear it from her. Well, this sounds annoyingly familiar.

As Brooke was trying to get Katie’s stamp of approval and Allison was finding a slowly recovering Justin in the Pilot’s Only area of the airport (is she suddenly a pilot, too?), Bill was continuing to gloat to his pilot about what a chump Ridge was.

“No wedding crashers this time. Forrester. What a joke, huh?”

For me the only ‘joke’ was in a chopper, with no doors and not buckled in who hadn’t taken his eyes off of his phone long enough to notice his pilot was a white guy with hair. Moron. Of course, that’s right about the time, when they were well up in the air, that he decided that buckling in just MIGHT be a good idea.

“Where’s my seatbelt?”

“You looking for this?” Ridge held the buckle up and turned to smirk at his nemesis with a quip. “And here the only thing you thought I’d studied in Paris was poetry.”

Even better, when Bill got upset and ordered Ridge to put ‘his’ helicopter down on the ground (it’s not his, he borrowed it) ‘now’, Ridge just smiled and mocked him.

“Don’t tell me your nervous… stallion.” Ha ha ha.

When Ridge told Bill to admit what he’d done, Bill, predictably, told Ridge to stuff it and so Ridge banked the helicopter sharply as Bill braced himself. Now one of two things was going on here. Either there was an open window or there was an open door. If there was an open door, then Bill’s an ever bigger moron for not closing it when he got in, but from the amount of wind and the lack of screaming they had to do (compared to the yelling Ridge had to do for Brooke to hear him in Abu Dhabi), I’m voting for open window – still scary, but no where near as dangerous. Since Bill knew what Ridge was about to do, I don’t even remotely see this as the same thing that Bill had Justin do. Ridge knew Bill wasn’t about to fall out of the copter. The man free climbs.

“Man. You are trying my patience, Billy.”

As Bill was getting lessons in how to hang on tight, Katie was trying to convince Brooke to put the wedding off for a couple of days until they could be sure that Bill was who Brooke thought he was. When Brooke protested because she and Bill had waited so long (what???) to finally (???) get married, Katie pointed out that a couple of days wouldn’t make a difference and then asked if it was Bill who was pushing to get married right then. Obviously, Brooke didn’t like the question even as she answered it. I’m just trying to figure out how yesterday Brooke wasn’t sure if Bill had hurt Ridge, but the minute Bill says he has a wedding planned, she is completely back on Team Bill again. Weddings, cakes and dresses have got to be like crack to that blonde. That’s the only excuse I can see for this behavior.

“Bill is capable of anything and if you don’t believe that then you are marrying a man that you don’t know.”

I’d listen to Katie, she should know.

“Look. I don’t care what you say. By the end of the day I AM going to be Mrs. Bill Spencer and there’s nothing that you and Ridge can do to stop it.”

Wait, isn’t this the same woman who was cooing about how she wanted her wedding to be a moment for the family to come together? Obviously. *throws popcorn at her monitor*

“Air Abu Dhabi is confirming it now. Brooke’s going to know the truth. Now are you going to tell her or should I?”

To which there was really only one thing for Bill to say.

“Yeah. I did it. You bet I did it. Now put my chopper down and I’ll tell Brooke.”

Go Ridge!

Back at Brooke’s, Brooke was letting Katie know, in no uncertain terms, that she was wrong about Bill, which was when Bill walked in all somber and pissed off, followed by a remarkably zen Ridge. La Logan was anything but zen as she lit into the eldest Forrester son, making sure he knew he was utterly out of line while Bill just stood there and let her defend him.

“You know, you can have these thoughts but keep them in your head. I don’t want to hear any more accusations.”

Amusingly, Ridge completely ignored her and once Bill told everyone that Ridge had hijacked the helicopter, but he wasn’t pressing charges, he continued to replay the events of both days while the Gelding just stood behind Brooke looking madder than hell. Awwww. LOL.

Looking increasingly stressed out, Brooke rounded on Bill and asked him to defend himself.

“Nothing to defend. It was my helicopter. Justin was the pilot and I ordered him to dump him in the water.”

Now, I get having a hard time processing being wrong about someone, but considering Brooke knows a lot of the crap Bill’s willing to do, the level of shock and horror was just insane.

“I just meant to teach him a lesson.”

And that makes it better? Or okay? He knew how much trouble he was in or he wouldn’t have spent all that time covering his tracks and trying to convince everyone that Ridge was just crazy and losing it.

During all of the Kari vs. Brill drama, Wyatt was running around Malibu and Forrester Creations with that ugly blue rock in that awful sun ray setting in a jewelry box that he was keeping in his messenger bag. Really? What a knuckle headed thing to do. If Mr Montemayor had known how carelessly he’d protect it, I highly doubt he’d be resting easy in his grave about having chosen the right person to own it after he died.

After hiding it when Liam and Hope walked in, they all then played a verbal game of ‘Who’s on First’ while patting each other on the back. I guess we’re supposed to have found that funny? Meh. Bored now.

I was super excited to see Ivy walk in, because at least that meant the Terrible Threesome had to interact with someone else. After the first few moments where Ivy and Wyatt did the obligatory butt-kissing, tension started happening.

“My facility and my employees are the best.”

Ummmm, I thought this was his mom’s business and he worked there and did the paperwork because she didn’t like to be bothered with it?

“We will do an excellent job at executing your designs.”

So Quinn Artisan Jewelers is going to be used to manufacture her replacement’s jewelry? Then what’s the point of Ivy not relocating her business and firing all of her employees because they’re clearly not going to be needed? This makes no sense to me. Also there’s the added bonus that he just told Ivy that his people were better than hers. Maybe it was just me, but I thought she looked a little bit put out over it, too. I hope so, because that could be fun. *smirk*

During a Forrester meeting, Ivy got introduced to Othello, who is now being billed as the Beat Man – maybe this means we’ll see more of him even if he was only around for the one scene so far. I could use a bit more Othello and a bit less Hope. While bestowing her adorable smile on the King of Beats, the newest Forrester female also got to display a reasonable knowledge of what he does. Points for Ivy. Hope filled him in on Ivy being a very talented jewelry designer who was going to be working at FC and he asked if she’d be working with Wyatt and his mom.

Aly quickly filled Othello in that Wyatt and Quinn were no longer with Forrester, right as Carter appeared with Wyatt following closely behind as the gorgeous lawyer apologized for being late while wrapping up Wyatt’s contract.

The look of surprise on Aly’s face really irritated me. Not because she shouldn’t feel surprised, but because people should have told her (and the rest of the people who’s be familiar with what happened) what was going on so she didn’t look stupid for trying to give Othello info that he didn’t have.

When the young redhead heard that Wyatt was back, she looked upset (I’m not sure why – I thought she and Wyatt were cool suddenly due to Aly’s head being turned by Ollie) and she looked worried when she asked Liam if he was okay with it. Really fast… why was Liam even AT an FC meeting? I am all shades of confused? Is it SP business? Is he representing his father for some reason? *shakes head*

Maya took a moment to kiss Eric’s butt so well that it’s clear where her attention has shifted as she congratulated him on making a great choice by bringing Wyatt back. I REALLY hope she’s just trying to be extra nice because she’s afraid of being fired, but I’m seriously worried we’re about to see Eric making out with a woman young enough to be his great grand-daughter. In fact, maybe that’s why his ‘neice’ is his neice and not his great-niece? To make him look younger for an icky romance coming our way? *shudder* Eric assured her it was Liam and Hope’s idea, but she wouldn’t be swayed.

“Well, I’m sure you gave it the stamp of approval.”

Queue super saccharine smile, appreciative glance and batting lashes. Oy vey. Both Oliver and Carter looked irritated. Apparently they both jumped to the exact same conclusion I have. I already HATE this storyline.

When Aly pointed out that severing ties with QA might be best for HFTF, Eric disagreed and said that Wyatt had proven himself, leading to Maya’s third brown-nosing attempt in as many minutes.

“I couldn’t agree more. Good point Eric.”

Flirty smile complete with twinkling eyes. Yeah, I’m with Carter. This is ridiculous – not that he said anything, but the look and eye roll said it for him.

Once the meeting was over, Ivy and Wyatt spent some time bonding and fantasizing about what Ivy would do if she could base a collection off of the blue diamond, which was all Wyatt needed to trust her with the super secret fact that he’s carrying around the HFTF diamond in his handbag. *sigh* I hope someone steals it. I really do.

“Ricardo Montemayor willed it to me.”

Right about then was when Liam walked in and Wyatt hid the gem quickly before ducking out to go show it to Hope, who was having an awkward encounter of her own with her father, who was clearly harboring romantic fantasies about Brooke and he reuniting – complete with some super sexy flashbacks of his cheating on Bridget with her mother.

Hope spent some time trying to convince Deacon to let any romantic ideas he might have go while Liam and Ivy were recording a video for her mother back in Australia. Interestingly, I saw just as much chemistry between Wyatt and Ivy as I saw between Liam and Ivy, so where all of this is going is anyone’s guess. Although, I’m betting on a Livy and Hott outcome by the end of the summer – at least short term.

Wyatt whisked Hope out to the terrace to talk about Ivy and to give her the diamond, which we all saw coming. I’m just trying to figure out why any guy would give that kind of gift to his brother’s fiance. It’s just wrong on so many levels. Aside from that, Hope’s accepting it would be every bit as bad. I don’t care how much you want something, you do NOT accept things that expensive from your ex. No matter what.

I really don’t want Liam stuck with this chick.

Across town, Brooke was giving Bill a look of complete disbelief as he tried, desperately, to convince her that what he’d done was no big deal.

“Tell me you understand.”

Don’t worry, Bill. The wedding’s still on because Brooke wouldn’t let a little thing like aggravated assault get in the way of her bedroom fun. QUINN was evil for just sending a selfie, but that’s WAY worse than actually giving the order to dump Ridge out of the helicopter. Way worse.

*sigh* See you next week when Hope accepts a 100 million dollar gift that has special meaning for her and the ex giving it to her and Brooke lets Bill off the hook with a ‘shame on you’. For icing on the poo cake, we just might get to watch Maya making goo-goo eyes at Eric. Yay!

Pet Peeve of the Week: Brooke is NOT unforgettable and I am seriously tired of everyone saying she is. It’s ridiculous. The idea that a single person would be the perfect, unsurpassable mate for every person they date/sleep with/marry, with their lure somehow rendering their lovers incapable of moving on is stupid. Beyond stupid. I’m super sick of it.

Pet Peeve of the Week 2: Hope telling Liam that maybe he could get to work on his relationship with Wyatt now that Quinn was out of the way. Does this chick really not understand that the primary reason Liam and Wyatt haven’t bonded has been her? In fact, Quinn only got involved because HOPE flirted and kissed on both guys and got Wyatt’s hope’s up in the first place. No pun intended. Maybe if she stopped treating the brothers like they’re as interchangeable as her underwear, they could get along for more than a heartbeat.

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