
By Alwayshuntress

Okay. First things first. This week didn’t have a whole lot of happy for any fan base, I don’t think. Overall it was a morass of unpleasant, sneaky, underhanded, nasty behavior and plotting. In fact, I think the only thing it had actually going for it was the puppies and kittens – and a rare sighting of Kridge.

Aly has a lot of anger towards Taylor, something that the writers continued to drive home as the show opened on Monday. There are a few things I just don’t get about this story line. I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but how was Aly kept ‘in the dark’ about Taylor and Thorne’s 18 month relationship that ended right around when Stephanie died? Aly accompanied them to Thanksgiving dinner (it was mentioned she was with RJ, even though she was off-screen) and TnT (as Thorne and Taylor have been affectionately called for years) were clearly a couple then. This rewriting and ignoring history, especially RECENT history, is ridiculous and definitely insults the viewers.

Oliver tried to diffuse a little of the anger by telling Aly that Taylor couldn’t hurt her anymore. This is another part that bothers me. Oliver knows Taylor and he’s talking about her like he doesn’t. It’s weird.

After hammering home how much she hates Taylor and how evil Taylor is some more, she then told Oliver just how perfect and wonderful her parents’ relationship was, even making the assumption that had Darla not died, her parents would still be together. Granted, I know in reality a child would idolize her parents’ relationship in this kind of situation, but in soap world I get to snort a little, think, “Oh, isn’t that naively cute,” and remind myself of all the ways this isn’t the case. Not the least of which is Thorne cheated on Macy with Brooke and both Darla and Thorne betrayed Macy, which is why little ol’ Aly exists in the first place. Yes, at the time of Darla’s death, they were solid, but had she survived, they wouldn’t have stayed that way.

Now Aly is looking at Oliver with the same rose colored glasses on.

“I have a pretty strong intuition about people. I know I can trust you.”

Well, darlin’, that intuition is failing big time – although to give her credit, she did know when Wyatt and Quinn were up to stuff or had shady histories.

Oliver insisting that they keep their fledgling relationship a secret just smacks of sneakiness, especially when Aly expressed a desire to tell everyone and he shot her down quickly.

“Besides, you don’t need anyone’s permission or approval. You can make your own decisions. You know what feels right to you.”

See what he did there? He played on her frustration and fear that everyone wants to protect her and sees her as a child. Well played, douchebag… well played.

Really fast, I do want to touch on the apparent character assassination of Oliver going on right now. I actually don’t see it as such. Back when Amber was trying to come between Lope, he did everything he could to manipulate and mislead the two love birds – just like Amber. They made one heck of a team. He even lied, convincingly, to Hope’s face about whether or not he’d slept with Amber. When you add everything he did then to kissing Maya, even though he’s friendly with her fiance, I’d say the fact that Oliver’s morals are fluid has been well established. He’s never been above hurting other people to get what he wanted or to protect what he wanted. I’m not saying he’s evil, but he’s not the white washed sweetie pie a lot of people are remembering, either. He’s a gray character, and honestly those are the best kind… what he’s doing to Aly isn’t gray, though – it’s disgusting and rings of Deacon and Rick’s past horrible behaviors.

Just when I wanted to try to cut Oliver some slack because just maybe he is falling for his ‘Miss F’ *gag* (I hate that nickname), he does something new that makes me doubt him. When Aly had him confirm that they were boyfriend and girlfriend right before going home, she looked so happy as she bid him goodnight. All I could do was flash back to all of the times she has mentioned being bullied and teased in school and my heart broke a little for her. I admit, I was Aly in junior high and high school, so that doesn’t leave me in an objective spot. When Oliver made a bit of a face, as he mouthed, “Boyfriend? Wow,” after she left, I just wanted to smack him.

The next day, Oliver was having a little conversation on the phone with Aly when my favorite rarely seen character, Othello, made an appearance and started quizzing him a little on the redhead. Even Othello thinks Ollie is up to something and they’re friends… I think that says a lot about why Oliver won’t go public until he’s bedded the lovely ginger and secured his spot in her life.

While checking out new music (I can only assume it’s for an HFTF campaign or fashion show), Oliver let it slip how uncertain he is about his position at Forrester and Othello instantly sensed that there was something rotten in Denmark.

“That’s the sudden interest in Aly.”

When Oliver commented that he liked Aly because she’s sweet and unspoiled, the man with the gorgeous dreadlocks reminded him that you can’t pick someone to plan your future with because they’re sweet.

“You’re supposed to be in love. You know that.”

“I’m sure I could be.”

Wow. The warmth and commitment that resounded in his voice was astounding. *sigh* His next few comments were about how he could be the person Aly needs to lean on and when Othello replied that in return he could bask in the Forrester luxury, Oliver whipped his phone out and started showing him pictures of the estate and it’s views and talked about the tennis courts and swimming pool. I admit it… I was wrong. He totally IS into Aly. (I really need a sarcasm font.)

Stealing a page from Wyatt’s playbook, Oliver borrowed his RV in order to whisk the Forrester checkbook… I mean lady… that he has his eye on away from prying eyes who might pass onto her all the icky and questionable things he’s been saying before he has a chance to seduce fair maiden. Apparently his respect for Aly and the HFTF morality campaign extended to the moment he was claiming to have them because pressuring Aly into a surprise getaway doesn’t scream of honor or respect. Yes, I know he didn’t force her to go, but it couldn’t be more clear to me that Aly is out of her depth and Oliver knows it – and he’s absolutely okay with it.

“I’ll make it special for you Aly…I promise.”

What a scuzzweazel.

Naturally, Aly’s dire claim that everything would be fine as long as Taylor stays away from her family was followed with Thorne and Taylor in bed together halfway around the world. As usual, they were sweet and sexy all at once. I adore Taylor and I do have to say I’m getting just a bit tired of her being passed around the Forrester men for plot driven story lines. I actually LIKE TnT (even though I adore Tridge pre 2006) and think they have a great chemistry, BUT the Forrester musical bed game is driving me slightly nuts. Here’s hoping the powers that be stop having Taylor play it.

Their discussion of Aly and her hatred for Taylor felt weird. They spoke about the aborted wedding plans, but not a single word about their recent 12-18 month dating entanglement that ‘fizzled’ right around when Stephanie died. To hear them talking about Aly’s issues as though they wouldn’t have had to deal with them before was just bizarre and it felt very disjointed. I hope it makes more sense the next time we see them because while it was lovely to see TnT on my screen, their conversation didn’t make a whole lot of sense history wise.

Liam and Hope spent some time talking about their new reality and I couldn’t help but be distracted by how miserable Kim Matula looked during it all. It’s strange because she was really believable with the whole ‘I’m torn’ crapola, but right now it just feels like the last thing Kim wants is a Lope redux. I can’t really blame her about being tired of the triangles, but Hope’s supposed to truly be torn between two men that she loves and it’s just not buyable if KM can’t get on board. Hey, maybe I’m wrong and she was just having an off day, but I remember feeling the same way the last time this triangle was in full swing.

“Liam asked me for equal time… and I agreed.”

And she couldn’t sound LESS thrilled about it. *Sigh* If we have to have triangles, can’t they be ones that are actually believable? If Hope looks like someone just gut punched her every time she talks about dating Liam, it’s really going to be hard to get behind Lope OR be surprised when it fails miserably. A little suspense. That’s all I’m asking for.

“We have been so good together, why are you stepping away?”

Good question, Wyatt. Hope? Got a good answer?

“I’m not. I’m not stepping away. In fact, I actually… I need this time to move forward.”

Guess not. *Facepalm*

“So you’re going to date both of us?”

“Yeah… and I’d really like you to be a part of this, but if you can’t, I understand…”

Let me get this straight. Hope just told Wyatt that if he didn’t get on board she was going to date Liam anyway… even if it meant losing Wyatt? Yeah, that’s me, cleaning out my ears. What self-respecting male would go along with sharing his girlfriend after hearing that? Surely not Mr. “I’m a real man” Wyatt Fuller?

He hemmed and hawed (and yes, I felt a little sorry for him during it) and then he kissed her, because who won’t take a little humiliation dished out at the hand of their girlfriend… when she’s a blonde Logan at least. After some requisite kissing, he got right down to the same complaint he’s had back when Hope first chose to date both brothers and he thought he should get to have sex with Hope since Liam already had.

“You and Liam have had a few weddings. You lived together… I mean, am I going to get that, too? I just want to know…”

Hope laughed it off, but it made me think ‘pattern’ because so much of this feels like a competition to Wyatt – down to his “my brother is a genius” when Hope revealed they wouldn’t be having sex during this brotherly audition.

“You know I don’t like this, either.” Uh huh… whatever. “I watched my mom ping pong men around and I never thought I’d be guilty of the same thing.”

And yet, here we are… with Hope doing exactly what her mother did: ping ponging two brothers around.

Hope finally admitted she loved Wyatt (to his face), but it came as a package deal.

“I’m in love with two brothers.”

Which, for some reason, inspired another passionate kiss from Wyatt because she loves him, TOO. Really? It’s official, both Liam and Wyatt are lapdogs and should be put down to spare viewers anymore misery. Sorry guys.

After the passionate kiss, Wyatt proved he not only doesn’t respect boundaries Hope sets or the stress the almost accidental pregnancy caused her, he also doesn’t respect her so-called morals that both he and Liam go on and on ad nauseum about. He made a serious move to convince her to stay the night and have sex again. Shame on him.

Granted, Hope turned him down, but then we had a complete and utter redux of a previous scene between these two.

“Can I do this?” As Wyatt kissed her shoulder. When Hope smiled and says yes, Wyatt kissed the other shoulder. “How about this?” Followed by a sigh, a giggle and a nod.

Come ON writers. You already did this exact scene. It was cute the first time, but the second time during the exact same kind of conversation, between the same two characters? Give. Me. A. Break.

Quinn walked in on a depressed Wyatt and immediately started insulting Liam when she heard about the new dating arrangements. I was about to start tuning her out because, good grief it is getting old, when she surprised me.

“I’m beginning to think that Hope doesn’t deserve you.”

Thank you! Finally, a little realism. Unfortunately it didn’t last, but at least it was awesome to hear. Naturally, Wyatt shut her down the second she said it and told his mother to never say that again.

Quinn instantly changed her tune, although she couldn’t resist a dig about Hope choosing which brother she wants – and it was awesome to hear a character on my screen say it that way. There are moments where I swear Quinn is channeling the sassier forums posters. Naturally, Quinn couldn’t resist remarking on how worried she is about their company if Liam wins Hope back. I’m growing less and less convinced that what is nearest and dearest to Quinn is Wyatt and more and more convinced it’s her company.

When Wyatt commented about how at least Bill was staying out of it, Quinn rebutted him by asking how he knew Bill wasn’t giving his number one son all the love and support Wyatt should be getting instead.

“I’m not a kid anymore. I don’t need Dad to come and rescue me… anymore than I need you, too.”

Go Wyatt! I’m so sick of parents interfering in their kids love lives on this show and it’s wonderful to see one of those kids wanting them ALL to back off. His mother’s insistence that he is the true Spencer and will have the life he deserves was a blatant “I’m not listening” moment. Even a blind person could have seen the hamster wheel turning and from Wyatt’s expression, I’d say he did, too. The question is: will he stop her before she gets out of hand or let her do her thing since he can do what he’s always done once those machinations come to light. “Hey, I didn’t know. I told her not to.” Time will tell I suppose.

I really didn’t like how Quinn and Wyatt both mocked Liam’s passion about animal rights. It wasn’t in any way endearing and just made them both come across as unfeeling bullies.

“Isn’t he sweet. He shouldn’t wear a sword necklace, he should wear a butter knife around his neck.”

Right because anyone who prefers to eat vegetarian and respects the lives and rights of animals isn’t a real man. Who wrote that garbage? Can we spank them? Please? I’d say we should spank Quinn, but I think she’d enjoy it.

Quinn ran straight over to Bill’s the minute she left Wyatt’s, waited for Brooke to leave and then pounced on Bill in Brill’s bedroom where she proceeded to demand that Bill support Wyatt over Liam. Let me get this straight. Wyatt has Quinn unequivocally on his side and Liam has no mother, but the one parent Liam does have is supposed to support Wyatt because Quinn doesn’t think it’s fair that Bill has decided NOT to take sides? Liam already doesn’t have a parent scheming to help him get his way but Wyatt is supposed to have TWO? That little maneuver really disgusted me.

Bill instantly came to Wyatt’s defense by telling the Dark One to check herself because their son is strong and capable of fighting his own battles without mommy and daddy butting in. Honestly as much as I am looking forward to Brooke finding out about Quill, I really am getting sick of Quinn talking her son up one moment and the next proving she doesn’t believe a thing she says. Get a grip lady.

“Wyatt won Hope fair and square.”

Ummmm, I guess it’s a good thing Quinn isn’t Pinocchio or she’s never be able to turn her head without hitting someone.

“It’s not fair for Liam to come in the backdoor using an experience that’s personal to them.”

Like a failed wedding? Or an ex-wife they’re insecure about?

“You need to admit that Liam is wrong and throw some support Wyatt’s way.”

“I just want you to show as much respect to Wyatt as you do to Liam.”

Like buying him his own home and offering him a position at SP? Oh, wait… he already did those things. Of course, what Quinn really means is that she wants Bill to take a big old Spencer sized dump on Liam just to make Quinn and Wyatt happy. Ugh. Just so many reasons to not like Quinn right now.

Of course, while we were getting our fill of Quill, we were also treated to a little bit of Litt (Liam and Wyatt). I really can’t believe that Wyatt chased Liam down just to tell him he won’t get away with it (basically) and that his manipulation of Hope was transparent and easily prevailed over.

“I gave her a chance to end things clean. It was very simple.”

And it was. Hope has strung both men along by privately professing feelings for each to them while in relationships with the other brother. She happily kept each of them waiting in the eves for when the other screws up and has often enjoyed the fighting over her – there’s NO way Wyatt doesn’t know this. All she did to Liam recently was exactly what she’d done to Wyatt before. This isn’t new behavior for her. The reason Cooper Spawn has continued to believe he has a chance with her is because she has let him believe it by telling him she loves him, but can’t be with him, letting him kiss her, etc. It’s time for Fuller Spawn to put the blame where it goes – on Hope.

Bill waking Brooke up with a ringtone of a horse whinnying was lame… not romantic and if I was Brooke, the first thing I would do would be to change it. The ‘stallion’ and whinny thing is overdone and way worse than the ‘cha, cha, cha’ ever was.

Invariably their talk turned from Brooke’s (suddenly) famous french toast (two years ago she didn’t know her way around a stove) to Katie and how horrible she is being and how unfair she’s treating Bill.

“I don’t think she’ll ever get past what she BELIEVES we did to her.”

Believes? (And yes, the emphasis was his, not mine.) Really? He USED her love for him to manipulate her after romancing her, bedding her and convincing her he wanted to make their family whole. Instead, he tried to circumvent the divorce agreement that he and Justin both felt was tilted towards Bill’s side that Bill needed to sign it immediately. That’s why the papers were to reinstate Bill as CEO and change the custody agreement and not to nullify the divorce proceedings. I don’t think Katie imagined that, just like I don’t think Katie imagined Brooke and Bill flirting and supporting each other while Katie and Bill were supposedly trying to put their marriage back together. Lame.

On the plus side, while Brooke is still fixated at beating Katie… er, I mean, helping Bill win, *insert eye roll here* Bill brought up building his own company from the ground up. Hey, he has the money and the time. I think this is a fantastic idea… clearly Brooke didn’t, though, since she kept eying those papers like they were the Holy Grail.

“What about Will? That’s not going to solve the problem of equal custody.”

No, but you know what would? Going back to court and speaking to a judge, but Bill isn’t about doing things legally, nope. He’d rather whine, bitch and moan about Katie doing him wrong when he’s the one who SIGNED THE DIVORCE PAPERS that gave Katie legal custody (she gets to trump Bill on things like schools and immunizations) while Bill got shared custody with a specific visitation (that’s a normal custody arrangement, by the way, even if it’s not the only way to do it) schedule lined up. Anyone else remember Bill ditching his assigned weekend so he could, at the last minute, go on a vacation with Brooke, instead of seeing his son? Of course, he bitched about the unfairness of Katie not letting him switch weekends when he could have scheduled his sudden vacation for another weekend. Always Katie’s fault. Never fails.

“I love my sister and I don’t want her to be stripped of anything, but you shouldn’t be marginalized at your company.”

Of course it was fine when Eric, Stephanie, Thorne and Ridge were marginalized at their own company because that was different. Brooke was the one winning then, not Katie.

“The same way you shouldn’t have to beg to have equal custody of Will.”

He doesn’t have to beg, he just has to go back to family court. He has the money, I don’t see what the problem is.

“You’re a good father and you’re a wonderful person.”

Who does little things like use and abuse his wife, cheat on his wife (multiple times), locks his wife in a tower room, plots to kill a pregnant woman, drives drunk, conceals crimes, blackmails people, bribes people, gets confessed murderers out of jail to ruin weddings and so forth. Yup. He’s stellar. A regular knight in shining armor.

A bit later, Brill got to spend some time with Will at Brooke’s house where, you guessed it, Bill whined about how unfair it was that he couldn’t see more of Will. Stop the kvetching and get a lawyer. Naturally, Brooke doesn’t consider this, either, and instead sneaks yet another look at the papers that I still can’t believe she’s kept.

“Katie gets to spend all the time in the world with him, play at being CEO run my company into the ground while she’s doing it…”

Yeah – no. How condescending. The only people who think she’s running the company into the ground are Justin and Bill. Karen told her profits had leveled off and considering the changes Katie made, that’s not surprising. She added a daycare and stopped firing employees right before they’d qualify for pensions (just for starters). Those things tend to slow profits down because they cost money, but they also tend to help with productivity and such in the long run, which is why Karen believed Katie when she said she could change the situation.

“For the first time in my life I feel completely powerless.”

49% of a major corporation, all the money in the world and he feels completely powerless? Can we have a murder mystery starring Bill and have DD come back as a doppelganger that’s a less pathetic version of himself? Of course, Brooke was eating up every word Bill uttered and feeling sorry for him. Where’s that pity for Katie when it comes to HOW he got those papers signed? Also, the way they talk in front of Katie’s son about her is nauseating.

Kridge finally graced our screens again when Ridge met up with Katie for her lunch hour, which they apparently spent kissing instead of eating.

“Who needs food when I have these lips…”

I couldn’t agree more, Katie.

After a bit of kissing and flirting, which I loved, the conversation invariably turned to Katie understanding that Bill wished he had more time with Will and Ridge taking a very hard line against it. Ridge apparently believes that with everything Bill has done, he’s lucky he can see Will at all. Considering Ridge’s general loathing of Bill since the Steffy affair, I can understand why he feels that way and his recent treatment of Katie would just add to the angst. What surprises me is how nicely Katie speaks about Bill, even when she’s speaking to someone who hates him and who would clearly be a good sounding board for her negative feelings.

Once they’d dropped the topic and were enjoying each others lips again, *wink* it got interrupted by Brooke, who walked into Katie’s office like she had been invited. Talk about awkward!

Ridge brought up RJ’s recent attempts to get his mom to let him come home from boarding school; a list titled ‘Top 10 reasons why his parents should let him come to school in Los Angeles’ and Brooke admitted she’d gotten the text and they would ‘have to discuss it’. Apparently BILL’S desire to spend more time with his son is supremely important, even more than her sister, but RIDGE’S desire to spend more time with his son (and his son’s desire to spend more time with his parents) isn’t. Brooke was perfectly willing to have RJ live at home with her and Ridge when she was using it as a bargaining chip to get Ridge to marry her, but now she could care less about it. Just more proof that this isn’t about making Bill happy, this is about punishing Ridge and Katie by using their children to hurt them.

“Bill’s going through a very difficult time right now.”

Okay, this just peeves me off badly. The man who did something completely unforgivable (remember saying that, Brooke?) just a couple months ago is going through a very difficult time and the woman he hurt UNFORGIVEABLY is supposed to what? Feel sorry for him?

When Brooke insisted Katie wasn’t being fair because she wouldn’t let Will spend the night, Katie made some very valid points.

“He’s a toddler. He needs structure and stability. We’re on a schedule.”

And if Bill thinks the custody agreement isn’t fair or that that schedule isn’t important he should GET A LAWYER. I know I keep saying, but why hasn’t anyone on screen said it yet? Good grief.

Then Brooke brought up the CEO spot and told Katie Bill was the only person for the job and everyone knew it.

“I even went to speak with Karen about it.”

Didn’t Brooke get all bent out of shape because Katie didn’t want her working with Ridge? Katie didn’t even tell Eric to fire Brooke or remove her from her position, but Brooke literally asked Karen to fire Katie. Hypocrite of the week, folks.

“But she was adamant to keep you in the position. So here I am. I’ve come to speak with you as your sister.”

Ummm, no. Just no.

“You’re happy. I’m happy. Ridge is happy. We’re all happy with our jobs and what we’re doing, but the only person that’s miserable is Bill.”

Brooke just admitted out loud that she doesn’t care if Katie is miserable as long as Bill is happy and has his job back – because if Bill has his job back, where does that leave Katie? Without a job she’s enjoying and Brooke just admitted that she knows Katie is happy as CEO.

“Bill has done his penance.”

Really? When?

“He did hurt you, but he’s paid the price.”

Again… when? If he gets his position back as CEO, exactly what price has he paid? An extended vacation where he got to bed his sister-in-law regularly?

“He wants to spend more time with his son. He wants to work.”

What’s stopping him? Get a lawyer and review custody. Oh yeah – and get a job.

It was obvious to me that Katie was softening on the idea of letting Bill spend more time with Will until Brooke just had to stick her nose in. I could see the minute Katie’s back went up. All Brooke does is make things worse and she could care less as long as it’s about what she wants.

“Come on, this is killing Bill. Being away from his job. Being apart from his child.”

Oh, but Ridge having his job as CEO/president back was a problem even though that was his position before and it doesn’t matter that RIDGE wants his son with him does it? Nope. *beats head against desk* Seriously, I am two seconds away from throwing something at my screen in the hopes it miraculously passes through and hits Brooke hard enough in the head to give her amnesia. *sigh*

“We’re sisters and I really don’t want to do this. I don’t want our relationship to suffer any more than it already has. What you’re doing is wrong so if you’re not going to fix it Katie, I will.”

Translation: “You won’t let me have my way, so I’m going to use papers that were signed under false pretenses (hint: fraud) and that I should have destroyed, but I kept as a bargaining chip in case I ever wanted to schtup Bill again, to get what I want. Sisterhood, and you, be damned.”

“Don’t do this Brooke. Don’t use them against me. You KNOW what he did to get me to sign them.”

And this is where Brooke becomes utterly unwatchable to me because she can look her SISTER in the eyes as she cries, know how badly Bill hurt her and still side with Bill.

When Brooke ran back to Bill’s to prevent Ridge from picking up Will, she had a cold mean little smile on her face as Ridge answered the phone. The thing is, she knew Katie was crying and she didn’t care because she’d won and it showed clearly in her face. Brooke Logan only loves people who kiss her backside; once you don’t fit into that category any more, she has no use for you. This show completely disgusts me right now. I can only hope Katie GETS A LAWYER because she needs one and she’d win in court due to the fact that what Bill and Justin did was fraud. It’s a crime and the papers wouldn’t be enforceable.

I saved the best for last this week because I really needed a pick me up after all that nastiness.

Bob Barker guested on the show for Liam’s spay/neuter and adopt form a shelter campaign. His being on the show was fantastic and it was awesome to see Liam get involved in a story line/PSA that the actor himself is extremely involved in. This is one of my passions, too, I just hope they continue and do a bit more with it and don’t just stop after three days.

“There are people and organizations across the country, devoting their time, their energy and their money to finding homes for these cats and dogs, but they’re doomed to disappointment because the homes do not exist. The only answer is spay and neuter.”

Liam invited Hope to join him at the shelter where he surprised her with his planned feature article and Bob Barker mixed in among all the precious little furry friends in need of homes. This is something that’s always been near and dear to my heart as well so I have to admit a soft spot for these scenes – I even liked Hope in them.

“If we could get more people across the country, when they are ready for a new companion animal, to go to a shelter, we would be a no kill nation very quickly.”

<3 I can only hope. The best part of this week was when Liam adopted the cat for Lope to share – and it was a cat, not a kitten. The reality is even better, though, because Scott Clifton adopted the cat and brought it to his forever home.


Pet Peeve Of The Week: Pretty much everything that happened this week – except the animals.

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