

UPDATE 6/20/15 Please Read

Hello Everybody, currently we have rented out the following dates for the rest of the year for Pickleweed one. The remaining funds will be floated for next years rentals, or for Bayrc/Baylands events.



7/26 *Both Pickleweed 1 and 2 are rented for the Bayrc Fly In*






September and October are not rented as they are unpopular months to rent so there should be no real issues there.

Lastly, I want to thank everybody involved that helped make this happen both with donating and assisting, and for providing input.


So What about 2016?

- The funds that are available now including the awesome donations from Hiller will be used to pay for a days 6 months in advance. That is the soonest we can begin renting!


Site: Pickleweed Site 1

The time has come to start collecting money for rentals. This is the way it will work:

Payment Confinements and Agreements

- Your money paid is a donation, and goes into a blind pot of money for this year of rental, and will be paid month to month . So the sooner you pay, the better. if we end up with 3 months of rental we will fill the weekends in consecutive order according to the funds available. So keep in mind this can end up short toward the end of the year.

- You will be paying to a personal paypal account via a specific email address, this will be used to track the sales BUT it is your responsibility to keep a record of the sale for future needs.

- Donation is FINAL! We will NOT be refunding anybody any money.

Other important items to know:

- The money is a donation! It does not guarantee a full year rental, nor does it provide any sort of priority for the site(s) rented, table/power use or parking.

- To be explicitly clear the donation is for the good of the entire community of flyers as a whole.

- Your donation and the rental is helping the entire group of flyers not just the people who donated.

Because we are a great community and people are willing to help out!


$85 - per site, per day. We have about 30 Sundays, so we need 30 people to donate!

$XX - If you don't want to pay the full amount but are willing to pitch in you can pay what you want.


Pickleweed Site 1

is it is rented we will use Site 2, if that's rented we will try for an adjacent site. If that fails we will not rent that day.

Money left over?

We will leave this open for now since that is pretty far away!

How to pay:

Paypal - This is preferred, less chance of something going wrong. I will provide PP info soon.

In cash - try to use PP, it's much easier to track donations but if you must pay in cash then please try to inform us ahead of time.

Please sent PP donations to the following address as a GIFT/FRIEND/FAMILY ONLY of $85!

* it will show up as a payment from "Tuned Graphics*(can't change the business name)

Please include your full name and a phone number
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Final Notes: - 3/27/15

- Right now we have about ~20 people who have given us a yes to donating the $85 a month each. That's still a decent amount off; we need your help speaking with people about donating!

- Until at least 1/2 the goal is reached I will not be renting any locations. So donate quickly!

Who's is in charge of all this:

Right now myself (Joey) and Ray have been working on this. And many people have talked to me about their questions and concerns and we're still willing to listen. So please feel free to contact myself or Ray!

How Much Money are We Talking?
- $85/per day Pickleweed 1

- $85/per day PIckleweed 2

- Total of $340/per month, per side

We are asking for $85 per person, PER YEAR! Not per month.

Thank you List NOTE: I need to update this list!

___________________________ Round 1 Donations_____________________

- Toyman - Mike - Donated!

- Ruud - Ruud - Donated!

- Joaquin - Donated!

- Gooniac -Ray - Donated!

- IslandStumbler - Ron - Donated!

- Kasra - Donated!

- Some Other Dude with no name - Donated!

- MaydayJoey - Joey - Donated!

- Dedstik - Harry - Donated!

- littleaeros - Frank and Mary - Donated!!

- Wattzup - Brian Trueb Dontated!

- Dortys - Diaz - Donated!

- Tom77 - Tom - Donated!

- Ken loo - Donated!

- piccolo831 - Eric Bitonio - Donated!

___________________________ Round 2 Donations_____________________

- Frank Mokaya - Donated!

- Ran Grumer - Donated!

- Jaime Angulo - Donated!

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