
This section of our site is called “Featured Podcast of the Week”.

With so many podcasts that are out there these days, I thought I’d make it easier for you to find great content by featuring an episode from many of the great podcasts out there.

The podcast below is another great podcast you should consider subscribing to. It’s one of my favorite podcasts besides “The Podcast Report”.

(NOTE: You can listen to other featured podcasts of the week by clicking here.)

The podcast for today is ILoveMarketing.com.

Here’s the Description of the “I Love Marketing” Podcast

I Love Marketing is an ever expanding world-wide community of people that love marketing and want to keep innovating and learning. This podcast is for Entrepreneurs, small business owners or even start-ups that want inspiration and ACTIONABLE marketing strategies about direct mail ideas, lead generation, lead conversion, getting referrals, email marketing and more. Joe and Dean also discuss psychology, books, people and productivity delivered every Monday to help jump start your week!

Here is the Episode Description

In 1999, at the age of 24, Tony Hsieh (pronounced Shay) sold LinkExchange, the company he co-founded, to Microsoft for $265 million. He then joined us as an advisor and investor, and eventually became CEO, where he helped us grow from almost no sales to over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales annually, while simultaneously making Fortune magazines annual Best Companies to Work For list. In November 2009, Zappos.com, Inc. was acquired by Amazon.com in a deal valued at $1.2 billion on the day of closing.

Why you will want to listen to it:

Where the name Zappos came from

Personal and Emotional Connection (PEC): Customer Service is more about an attitude and the ability to help a customer and go above and beyond

The long-term vision & values are dictated from the top, but then, most of the decision making comes from the frontline employees, because they’re the ones that are closest to the customers anyway

Why they offer all “new hires” this crazy offer at the end of their first week: their pay for that week, plus a $2,000 bonus to LEAVE the company

“How can we create that environment and what processes can we have where employees feel like they not only have permission but are encouraged to just be themselves and let their true individuality and creativity shine?”

How he thinks of himself as “the architect of the greenhouse” when it comes to company culture

Definition of ‘Brand’: A shortcut to an emotion or a set of emotions. Consumers/customers are in control of your brand

Why he says that a brand is NOT controlled by the company connected to it anymore

How culture and brand are connected

Hire for Culture: “We have these 10 core values, and we want people that basically have the same personal core values.”

And more

Our Last Featured Podcast

Featured #Podcast of the Week: Relaunch: Scott Aughtmon: How I Entered Into the Content Marketing Space

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