[[include page="index editing" editable="true"]]
Text Linking
Text linking comes in two basic forms. The two forms are direct text and mapped links. These two forms are easily recognized when viewing the page in the WikiText Editor.
The direct text link implies that the word or words hyperlinked are the exact name of the page it is linking to.
Mapped text hyperlinks one or more words to a specific page. Notice in the following example that a pipe { | } divides the page name from the text that will form the link.
These two forms can also be applied to link to pages not found on the BattleCollege wiki. You can display and link a url at the same time in the following way.
This link hyperlinks to the "Help" page.
[[help|Get help here]]
Get help here
"Get help here" is now linked to the "Help" page.
Unmapped external
No comment
Mapped external
[[http://www.privateerpress.com|Privateer Press]]
Privateer Press
No comment
Image Uploading and Linking
It is important that all images intended for use on this wiki be uploaded before use. Linking images off-site can cause a lot of problems. See the Basic Do's and Don'ts on this page for more details.
To access the images that are on this Wiki click on the Manage Wiki link in the left menu. Under the Content section, click the "File" icon. Before you upload an image, first check to see if the image has already been uploaded to the Wiki. Just type in the full name of the model in the search box. This way we can avoid having multiple copies of the same image and save space. If the image isn't uploaded into our Wiki, then feel free to upload it.
To upload an image, first be sure you are logged into the wiki and then click the "Upload files" button and browse to the image(s) on your computer that you need to upload. After the upload is complete, the page will even give you the wiki code for adding an image to a page.
You can find more information on coding for images here.