Thank you Glenda/Esther!
Below are the topics and themes I put together based on the
above and our discussions:
Brand Publishing Theme: Schooling Moms --
Teaching moms the benefits of being more involved in their
children's education
Get Involved! This is how you can make your children's school
better. (¡Involúcrate! Así puedes lograr que la
escuela de tus hijos sea mejor)
5 ways to be a part of you child's education (Se parte de la
educación de tus hijos de estas X formas)
3 activities that will guarantee your children's educational
success (Estas X actividades le garantizarán el éxito
académico a tus hijos)
5 household habits that can actually help your kids do better
in school (X hábitos en la casa que ayudarán a tus
hijos a ser mejores en la escuela)
Why should school be the best place for your kids to learn and
grow? (X razones por las que la escuela es el mejor lugar para tus
Branded Video Theme: Bits of Inspiration --
Demonstrating the benefits of creativity and learning to inspire
moms to make their kids education a priority.
Little kids who do BIG things -- (Ninos pequenos que haran cosas
grandes) Even the smallest little acts like counting stars at night
can be early signs of greatness. A live action video will feature a
series of children who tell us what their favorite thing to do is,
framing each one with big subtitles that reveal what each one could
likely be when they grow up.
Back to Basics! Why it's so important for children to read
(Descubre los beneficios de la lectura en el rendimiento escolar de
tus hijos) A series of high definition images and graphics deliver
crucial facts and information moms should know to remind their
children to read, not just for school but for fun.
How to set up a reward system for your children that works
(Cómo premiar a los niños de forma eficaz) -- With so
many distractions and challenges children face today, they can
sometimes lack the motivation they need to keep moving forward. An
animated video will demonstrate the tips and tricks moms need to
get them on track.
Facebook Live Opportunity: New to Batanga
Media, Facebook Live events provide the opportunity for brands to
connect with audiences on a live platform that allows for questions
and engagement. We will collaborate with ESSA to select an
educational expert to co-host the event with our iMujer editors and
deliver value to Hispanic moms by providing them with the important
tips and information they need to ensure their children's success
in school.
Please me know if you have any questions or changes before EOD