
Sunday. When I turned my light out finally last night Mike was still watching TV in his room. I slept and then got up a little after 2.00 am for the loo and he was still awake though reading. I slept then got up again at 3.00 am and he was finally asleep. When I woke at 5.20 am I convinced myself just a few minutes more and didn’t wake again until….wait for it, 7.40 am. I expected to be in deep doo-doo as I rushed t the kitchen fastening my dressing gown as I went and bouncing off the walls off balance. That didn’t help much when I turned sharp left in the lounge thus taking away the luxury of a wall on my right hand side. I bounced off the cabinet on the left then almost somersaulted over Mike’s chair on my right. I’d accuse him of booby trapping me if it weren’t that the chair is always in that position and it did break my fall. Still a little gloomy, and so was the weather, I turned the kitchen light on and made my way over to the tank. On went the light and as I reached for the foot slot I started babbling ” I’m so sorry I’m a little late but I must have been tired last night and slept in forgive me.” As I babbled like the proverbial brook I dropped an algae wafer into the water. One of the plecs came off the front glass and swam towards the wafer but stopped as it saw the albino heading in the same direction from the corner of the tank it had been watching me from. Pulling up close by it seemed to not it’s head and the plec came forward to eat. While it’s attention was elsewhere I turned and move away. It reinds me of an Alky Prawn type gangster of the 20’s in  white suit.

I half filled a mug with milk, took my sprays and then took my meds using most of the milk, leaving just enough in the bottom for my coffee. I had an Americano this morning and took it back to my room. I was fairly sure I’d see nothing of Mike before 9.00 am and it was just 08.10 am now. I made a start on the mail and there was a lot this morning much of it requiring comments from me or at the least re-tweets. There was also some personal mail I needed to answer which I tried to do early on. 9.00 am came and went and I didn’t seem to have made a dent in the list. By 10.00 am I was perhaps three quarters done and still no sign of Mike to call a halt to it. As my guest he does own some of my time and attention though he says he doesn’t get any.He finally made a move at 10.20 am so I called a break and went to make him a coffee. When I placed it on the table in front of him you’d swear he’d gone back to sleep though I hoped not as he was still smoking, or rather his cigarette was. I nipped back to just finish the message I’d been in the middle of and was an extra one down when I heard “Good morning, thank you” called out. Quickly finishing what I was on I went through to join him.

We were an age deciding what to do today which means I was desperately  trying to find a way to avoid going hunting for cars with him. He’s a real car enthusiast and wants a new one with an electric roof, enough seats for the grandchildren, enough boot room for shopping and with a full leather interior. I’m only interested in leg room and boot room in a car and whether or not it’s a sports car with a go-faster strip doesn’t interest me. Nor does fuel, mpg, speed, interior fittings or colour. Hunting for cars would bore me to tears. Mike loves to talk about them and believe me can talk for hours to the right person. If he’s going to talk to a salesman, I don’t want to be withing 50 miles. Anyway as it happens time was getting on and it was 11.40 am before we were dressed. Mike had an old handbag of his mother’s made of Bakelite, very unusual, you don’t often see a man carry a bag so well. He had wanted to show it to an Antiques dealer for some time but kept forgetting ( you have to make allowances at his age). This week he’s finally remembered so decided to take it to him on our way to lunch. The man was unfortunately not very knowledgeable about such things and offered to take it to another dealer next week who specialises in unusual items. Probably worth £20-£30 he said. We left and went to lunch.

It was fairly early when we got to The Ivy, probably an hour earlier than usual. We managed a few words with Angie and with young Rob but it was a few minutes before Tariq escaped from the kitchen for hugs.He saw today’s chocolates and claimed them for his own. As he told Angie they were his we both shook our heads no so she told him off for being greedy. Angie made our drinks while we decided on food. Mike said  he wouldn’t laugh if I asked for bacon again so I ended up with BLT’s today and a small bucket of chips. Odd kind of Sunday dinner. Mike asked for two rounds of cheese on toast, one with bacon on and one with an egg so his choice wasn’t much better. I took my pre-food tablet and went out for a cigarette while the sun was still shining. As we came back in Tariq brought the meals over. Nothing less than wonderful. We managed another small chat with him again before we left and I had to tell Mike and him to stop teasing Rob about his orientation and I don’t mean his map reading. His haircut is fair game though since Mike, Tariq and myself can all be challenged on that score. Mind you, Mike is folically challenged anyway. Forget I said that, he has plans to cut my hair next week sometime after the loss adjustor has been.

We drove home and I helped Mike put his luggage in the boot and waved him off as he drove to the garage before heading home to Rugby. I as usual came through to attack the mail. I took a break at 5.00 pm so I could takes some tabs and eat something which I did in front of a Sandra Bullock film. Good entertainment and I’m sure I have a crush on her. At 8.0 pm I came back through and tried to get the list to nothing before doing the blog but I had to give up. Now this is done I can go back to it. I wish you all a Wonderful Week. Hugs all round.

Monday.Dyslexia rules K.O. As I got up at 5.27 am this morning. By the time I’d been for a wee then come back, turned on the computer and signed into my emails, kit wasn’t even 4.00 am. I really must learn to differentiate between 3’s and 5’s sometime soon. I was up, I was awake despite getting less than 3 hours sleep, nothing for it but to make the best of it. Only one major personal message today meant the normal work flowed well and it was just approaching 6.00 am when I caught up with both addresses. What to do? It’s too early to put the washing machine on an for the same reason far too early to put the hoover on and show the neighbors how domesticated but  how ignorant I am.I know, I’ll give the fish a treat and light them up early. They won’t know how dark it is outside. I was talking all the while as I entered the kitchen and turned on the light, an talking continuously as I went over and pressed the light switch for the tank. I try to avoid sudden shocks The albino was underneath the flap where I put the food but I assumed he was just waiting for breakfast. I dropped a few pellets in. One of them touched him on the back as it dropped and like a scalded cat he shot off to his favourite corner where he turned to face me and glared. I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise. Stuttering apologies I closed the flap and backed away. I backed far enough  to turn the kitchen light off and kept backing until I was safely in the lounge. I sat in my chair with a cigarette in my shaking hand and wondered about retribution. That fish is not forgiving.

After I’d managed to put the cigarette  out I relaxed and nodded off. The next I knew it was 7.50 am. I had to go back in the kitchen but didn’t need the light so I hoped I wouldn’t be noticed.All three plecs were on the front glass and I was fascinated as it seemed they were in a race to the top. Their wriggling little bodies full of rhythm as they swept the glass clean, mouths open. Of their boss there was no sign so I took my meds as fast as possible, made a coffee and took it back to my room. Quite a bit of post   had come in since I’d finished earlier. As I refreshed it, everything after 3.40 am came in. It’s all those odd people who don’t sleep that do all this writing. I started answering, then at 8.30 am went to turn the washing machine on. By 9.15 am I was clear again and able to put my shoes on and take my prescription request to the chemist.

I wasn’t out above ten minutes and came back to start the hoovering with my newest toy, a cyclonic vac. I sprinkled all the carpets with powder, found the washing cycle was over and started the drying cycle which lasts 3 hours then came back and turned the vacuum on. I thought the carpet was going to disappear with the suction so I lessened it and then made sure the brushes were out on the head to deal with carpets, and in gain when it came to the floors. Dust bunnies everywhere committed suicide by diving into the hose. It was done in no time. I thought about dusting but left it at that. They say it’s the thought that counts don’t they? Back top the computer to keep ahead of the game, there was plenty to keep me going. I worked solidly until 11.30 am when it was time to apply some thought to lunch.

Checking the fridge I saw there was a fair bit of pre-cooked meat  that had just reached it’s ‘best eat by’ date so I grabbed that, did myself some boiled potatoes and petit pois and voila, my lunch. Despite having eaten a ‘healthy’ meal ( compared to usual) I was still forced to finish off the BFG  Michael had left uneaten. We can’t have wastage can we? How lucky we didn’t but a lemon meringue this weekend too. I somehow managed to keep my eyes open right to the end on my programme and saw the auction. In case I fell asleep I went back to my desk as soon as I’d washed the pots.I’m thinking about buying paper plates and plastic cutlery purely in the interests of saving water. There wasn’t too much post thankfully so that when 2.15 pm came round I was up to date and able to go watch a new quiz. I confess I saw much of it through flickering  eyelids. The next think I knew it was 3.48 pm and the blasted phone was ringing.I turned the TV off and checked the phone for messages . Another PPI advert. They’re so annoying. Nothing I need text Yvonne or Mike about anyway.

I was working my way through messages and I noticed on said ‘Why don’t we get married?” I thought I was being propositioned again and I’d have something to moan about but it was just an advert from a firm I used to get a veil for Yvonne’s wedding. I didn’t look to far into it as I don’t think the stiletto’s  will suit me anymore. I grabbed myself a choc ice ( dark choc of course) and waded my way through the rest of the pile. With perfect timing I finished just before 5.15 pm when my ‘Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is’ comes on. So that I could take the second set of food tabs I bunged a piece of toast in the toaster and took it through with a mince pie I just happened to find lying around. I stayed there for 2 quizzes and a Celebrity Road Trip (Antiques) before calling it a day at 8.00 pm.It was time to come through and try and catch up for the night and do the blog as well. So far thing are working out OK. All being well I’ll be able to read from about 11.00 pm.

Tuesday. I managed an impressive 6.38 am this morning. No need to rush as I’m not going to see Yvonne as the Home Security people are calling. I might as well make the best of their expertise. Since there was no rush to dress I went through to the kitchen , turned the tank light on an stuck some food in the hole. Just like that! Pure bravado. I was away from there before it had time to register on the fish that I was even awake. I was able to turn the kitchen light on and concentrate on taking my medications without my hands shaking….too much. As usual I made a coffee (Columbian-I always hope no-one has used the pods to smuggle cocaine) and took it through with me. I turned the computer on and sat back waiting for the fun to begin.

And the fun did begin as two people I follow had posted funnies which made it a great way to start the day. There was a fair bit of mail but not enough to worry me if I’m staying in. But, 9.00 am and I had to get dressed in case my security people came with the warden. A knock on the door at 9.30 am revealed Darren my postman with a little parcel which was a watch I ordered off ebay, I’m back to where I was with watches now. It was late morning when the warden came and told me it’s been put off till Friday and then they’ll set up in the close so everyone can see them and get advice. It would have been handy to know that yesterday. When they are here Mike can ask about the viability  of CCTV at the front where people pass by and I know my next door neighbour wants to ask about getting some at the back where it’s dark. I knocked off for lunch.

I half watched my Antique programme today as my mind was elsewhere. Having the loss adjustor on Friday is worrying me. No doubt I’ll be expected to speak and that will be very difficult and I’m worried about them wriggling out of paying too. That won’t make me very happy, in fact it might make me angry and like the Hulk who knows what I’ll do. I’m very slow to anger but equally slow to forgive afterwards. I was reading an excellent piece this afternoon by a comedian talking about Robin Williams and why comedians get so depressed. He was talking about suicide and said it’s like the little glass box on the wall, an option that’s there in an emergency . I know what he means, it’s one of those things you really want to break it but you have to fight not to. I’d just knocked off the mail again at 3.00 pm when there was a knock at the door. My drugs from the chemist. It’s a fantastic service they run. The warden was still around and I asked her to ring up and make an appointment for a blood test as I found the gubbins and a reminder in with the drugs. That Doctor knows how to catch me out so I can’t ignore phone messages. I’m going next Monday at 8.45 am.

I allowed myself an hour ( and 20 minutes but who’s counting) in my chair where I dozed quite nicely and then managed to get another hour on mail before my 5.15 pm break with the Antiques. I was just glancing out of the window when I saw Ugo and Reuben approach. I opened the front door and Reuben put on his shy face until I tickled his tummy then he was all smiles. I took him and we did our usual tour of the lounge, looking in the mirror first then pointing out the photographs of hiss Mum and Dad. All the while I was trying to get him to say who they are but nothing forthcoming today except a gibberish story. When I put him down I regretted it though, the walking has much improved even though he still likes to touch a hand. If he has a table though no hands are needed and he whipped round my table with no help. The hands were everywhere, blood test request, cigarette lighter, pens. I kept trying to count his hands as I’m sure there were extras up his sleeve. Ugo gave him some food which gave me blessed relief. Soon enough he was done and free again. Ugo went off to the chippie to get his own tea and left the ruffian with me. We went walkabout round all the rooms.

When Ugo came back he’s also brought something for me despite the fact I’d already had a main meal. We put Reuben in his pushchair and fed him a couple of his rice crackers. I ate as much of my sausage and chips as I could and Ugo ate his tea in relative peace. I made his a chocolate pudding afterwards and opened some Cadbury’s buttons to give Reuben two. He had no problem demolishing them. They left about 6.30 pm and I tuned into one of my quizzes after waving them off having had hugs and kisses from Reuben. Once that battle and the ‘Put Your Money…’were over I turned the TV off and came through. It took quite a time to do the mail so it’s almost 11.30 pm and time for a read. I started a dystopian book last night, not my usual genre.The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I have to say I’m quite enjoying it so far.

Wednesday. A not quite so impressive 4.36 am today. I’d actually been up an hour earlier to visit the loo but had no problem convincing myself to go back to bed. This time I headed for my chair hoping that might do the trick but no joy, so, lighting a cigarette I went through to turn the computer on. There’s obviously some attempt either to send me barmy or turn me aggressive with the constant pitching of these seers and mystics. If these women know so much about me, and know when my luckiest times will be then they should tell me knowing that’s the best chance they have of getting paid. Telling me they know my lucky numbers is no good unless they prove it by telling me what they are and when best to play them. As an added bonus if the lottery comes up I’ll run down the street naked….. Oh no, that’s my wish not theirs isn’t it.

With some of the silly messages this morning having woken me properly I headed for the kitchen at 6.00 am to feed the fish. I turned the kitchen light on first to give them warning and walked over to the tank. I don’t know how it’s possible for an albino, but he was in his corner watching me and looked very dark and brooding. You’d think it would be very white and brooding wouldn’t you? The plecs were lying quite close to him like the Royal Guard and I couldn’t help wondering if he was a despot or a fair ruler. I know for sure if he was my size it would probably be war or at the very least the cutting of diplomatic relations. Since no-one moved when the food went in I moved away, got my meds and made myself a coffee , a nice medium roast today. Even when I have a latte outside I have to ask for a single shot except in Temptations where it’s done automatically. Angie in the Ivy always remembers for me.

At 9.00 am I got dressed and headed out to Pauline’s for some fresh bread.I”m trying the sliced loaf instead of the baps today. I got most of the way home before remembering I’d gone out for sugar and hadn’t bought it. Never mind. I heard a voice and turning round found one of my neighbours Margaret trying to catch me up. I waited.She was away when the burglary happened and wanted to know if there was any news. “Have they caught the evil little sods?” was how she put it. I told her I’d heard nothing and the conversation became more general. Darren turned up with the last watch from ebay and asked me to look after a parcel for another neighbour who’d gone out. She’d left a note on her door asking him to leave it in her outside cupboard. That seems to be an invitation to pinch it to me. Anyway  he said he can’t do that so it’s ended up on my coffee table now. Gwynneth can pick it up when she gets home.

At lunchtime I chose the easy option of cold chicken, microchips with pickled onions and beetroot. Thinking of the size of my stomach which has gone from bowling ball to medicine ball I did without my bread ration. I stayed awake for my programme and once the pots had been washed headed back to work. As tonight is games night I needed to be as ahead as possible. I managed OK and by 3.30 was pretty much up to date. That gave me the perfect excuse to have a cat nap in my chair. At 4..45 pm I made myself a sandwich to take my second lot of food tabs for the day. The bread was very nice and the ham and Branston pickle weren’t bad either. I put on the TV and caught the end of one antiques programme and the start of a new one. I nipped to see if Gwyneth was back but she was still gallivanting somewhere. Just after 5.30 pm Dil and Matt arrived. I checked my phone and Lee couldn’t make it. I sorted drinks for them and then got the card table out…what a great buy it was. We started out with Yahtzee and I refuse to say which smirking, screaming with delight yahoo won but needless to say it was neither Matt or myself. Out came the cards and while I tried Gwyneth’s house again Matt drew up the page for Nomination Whist. I refuse to say which smirking, screaming with delight Yahoo won but needless to say it was neither Matt nor Dil. Modesty prevents me from saying more, well that and the fear of retribution. Lastly we started on the cribbage and as Dil dealt there was a knock on the door. It was Gwyneth after the pubs had finally thrown her out. Actually as it’s her birthday tomorrow she’d been on an outing and had a lovely day. I wished her goodnight and came back into the room to re-commence play. Do you ever get the feeling you shouldn’t have. Battle was commenced and was going well until the points began to dry up for all of us and there was precious little scoring at the pegging  stage either. At the end I refuse to say which smirking, screaming with delight yahoo actually won but needless to say it was neither Dil nor myself and someone will find his supply of chocolate biscuits and cigarettes suddenly drying up.

The opposition left at 9.30 pm so I darted about tidying up and washing the pots before taking my night time meds. I moved as quickly as my little legs would take me to get back to my room and check the post out. 118 since 3.30 pm. Not too bad I suppose but still took me until 11.40 to get up to date. Now the blog is done I need to hit the pit. I want to try and change the beds tomorrow if I can manage it. Night all.

Thursday. So what woke me up at 3.29 am this morning I wonder. I’m certainly not going to accept that I may have snored myself awake. That’s patently ridiculous. I mean if I snored like Ju used to infer I’d never have got any sleep at all as she said she didn’t. She used to describe such things with an elegance that belied the truth like I’d be told that the centre for Earthquake Studies had just rung to see if we were OK. Or maybe she’d just had to re-hang all the pictures that had come down with the vibration. Perhaps even that the curtains were pulled vertical when I breathed in and flattened against the window when I breathed out. Oddly she used to complain I was too quiet too. That I’d be in a sitting position and would breath in then forget to breathe out for ages then it would burst out. Do these sound like the ramblings of a rational person? Of course not, she was in her Enid Blyton mode making up stories as she went along. I know Mike was very fond of Ju and for her sake he seems to have adopted her attitude and says when I’m snoring in my room, his bed is moving back and forth in his.

I worked on my mail until 7.00 am then went to feed the fish. Only one plec is in sight this morning but my albino cory is still not talking to me, head stuck into a corner as it is. He won’t turn round when I talk. I decided to play tit-for-tat and spun on my heel to turn away which sent me crashing to the ground. No damage to the ankle but plenty to the pride. What is it they say about pride going before a fall? I took my sprays and swallowed the tablets before making myself a coffee which I took back to my room. I very quickly wrote a birthday card for Gwynneth and slipped out to pop it in her letterbox. Perhaps I should have got dressed first as a group of youngsters on their way to school passed through the tunnel separating the close from the road. A manic being in stripes with ‘Animal’ lounge pants must have been disconcerting. Luckily I didn’t scream when I saw them. I had a text message from Mike asking if I was being MuJo’d today as he’s coming early, though he gave no indication of what early means. I asked if he’d be there by 9.30 am which elicited a rather rude remark from him.

At about 10.00 am when I’d managed to get up to date on the post I went to make Mike’s bed. New pillows and I put the old ones straight in the bin, new duvet and I need to sort the old one out into the loft in case it’s ever needed. Changing beds is quite a hefty job for me and takes a while as I need to catch my breath a lot. For some reason it keeps running away. I’ve put the bedding in the wash which will be a relief for him as he can have the bedding he likes now, the more manly one. I’ll need to do my bed soon as it’ll be time to sleep under the covers as it gets cooler. Since he tells me he’s going to cut my hair this weekend it may be getting cooler sooner than I think.

Just before noon another text from Mike to say he’ll be leaving as soon as he’s fueled up ( The Car’s already fooled up) and bought some cigarettes. I decided to have some lunch If I waited till 3.00 pm when he gets here I wouldn’t be able to have a second set of food tablets without eating late in the evening, which I don’t like to do. I kept it simple with pizza and chips with a little bread and butter. It went down nicely though as I was chewing my next-to-last mouthful there was a knock on the door. The usual gibbering wreck opened it and there were the Jehovah’s Witnesses again. The lead one is such a pretty , soft spoken lady but she still scares me. To be honest though it’s very difficult to get an inkling of who’s with her sometimes. Today she asked whether I disliked them visiting and unfortunately I had to nod in agreement. She can see answering the door is a negative effect unless I know who is there. I was able to get back and finish the last two chips on my plate. Another text confirmed he’s on the way.

After the antiques programme I returned to work  until 2.30 pm and then returned to the kitchen to prepare his mug. He caught me on the hop and arrived 15 minutes earlier than I expected but I still managed to have the drink ready. He explained he’d intended to come in time for lunch but problems at his flat had prevented it. Still he’s here now ready for the meeting in the morning. We had a good natter and answered some questions on a TV quiz show brfore I came back to work. I need to be back there by 5.15 pm for a TV show I want. I made it ! I had to wrestle the TV remote from Mike in order to turn over from the quiz he wanted to the antiques show I wanted but I won when I reminded him that quiz hour starts at 6.00 pm. Maybe I should have pointed out that antique hour starts again from 7.00 pm but there’s no way I can remember everything is there? After that I normally dart off and come to work but he extracted his revenge on me by making me stay an extra hour watching a neutral but fascinating programme on Stonehenge and the fairly recent discoveries of just how big the site was. There were many more parts to the whole than just the ‘Sun’ circle of stones. Also the precision with which these originally white stones were joined together and the use of Presseli stones from South Wales was quite awesome. You could just imagine seeing the place for the first time with the sun shining off the huge white uprights being awe inspiring. Anyway, I watched that then he grudgingly let me come through.

I’d been working on the mail backlog steadily and was making good progress when I suddenly hit a mental block and had to go and ask Mike……”You know after the first couple of Star Wars films they stuck one in that preceded them all, what do you call it?”  “A prequel” he told me after minimum thought. I came back and restarted. A few minutes later he followed me in and asked me what I’m writing about Star Wars for. I had to explain I wasn’t. I knew the word I wanted but couldn’t remember what it was, that was the only way I could think of getting at it. In the full light of my room he happened to notice a spot on my forehead I must have been scratching. I’d drawn blood. That was it, I got a clout for that, and told to cut my bl**Dy nails ( he’s the only person I know can swear in asterisks). When I told him I had done so today he demanded an inspection then got another clout because they weren’t filed well enough. It’s worse than being a school kid. Next time I’m booking a manicure. Well, a little bit more mail come in to
get rid of
answer so I’d better get to it if I want to be in bed before midnight. Hugs all.

Tales on a Bus.

Friday. Perhaps because I went through to chat to Mike last night before I had a read I was awake later and therefore slept longer so it was 6.30 am before I crawled out of bed this morning. I certainly didn’t expect it to be a problem at the time so without even turning on the computer I strolled to the loo and from there to the kitchen. It was early for the fish but maybe a treat would get me back in their good books, that and the fact I needed to do my weekly drugs once I’d taken the morning’s selection. I could see two of the plecs but that was it. They’re extremely good at camouflage so I wasn’t too worried about the third but not seeing the albino did worry me a bit. He’s usually out even if he’s plotting in his corner. Today it took me ages to catch a glimpse of white as he hid under the bridge no doubt enjoying my panic. I tried to act nonchalant as I close the food lid and turn away but if he’d seen the relief on my face……..

I took my meds and filled the pots for the week again. I got my little travel pill box and put two meals worth of food tabs in ready for going out then I had my sprays and made a coffee. It was almost 7.30 am so after turning the computer on I washed and dressed ready to pop out a little later. The mail box was chocka on a day I could well have done without it. Amongst the little gems I had to contend with today were a message from someone with Amazingly Accurate Predictions and I couldn’t help thinking if she was that good she’d have known just what I was going to say, and the second word was OFF! There was a message to tell me I have a tax rebate, such a shame it’s not from the real Tax Office and there was a notice that I have  a message on my NatWest Account which is a modern day miracle since I don’t bank with them. When all these people buy list of email addresses or whatever I must be on every one. Mike’s alarm went of at 8.00 am which caught me by surprise as he told me last night he was setting it for half past. I finished the letter I was answering then made him a coffee to coincide with the second call. I made sure he heard me before returning to the computer.

At 8.45 am I had to go to Pauline’s for milk and cigarettes and lucky for me she was quiet enough to be able to do my lottery tickets too. I got home as quickly as possible not knowing where the Insurance loss adjuster was coming from nor what time he’s be here. We were told between 9.00 am – 1.00 pm when Mike spoke to the company the other day. As it happens he arrived about 9.15 am and I moved into the kitchen as Mike opened the door for him and introduced himself. Fair play, he seemed a pleasant young man and I felt able to move into the lounge to my chair after he’d sat down and Mike explained that I find it difficult to talk to strangers so he’d do it. That seemed acceptable. One thing that worried me from the off was that at no time did he ask how the thieves had got in though he said he hadn’t had the police report yet. He asked some questions about the missing items and values but he didn’t ask where they’d been taken from.Despite being told we were in our separate bedrooms when it happened he did ask how many bedrooms we had??? Anyway, we produced a photograph of me wearing the Albert chain and a photograph of me wearing the Fossil watch. Since we produced the tin for the watch and the box for the tablet he seemed satisfied. He also asked about other things and Mike mentioned the bowl that had been smashed and even brought the pewter foot in to show him. I was asked how much I’d paid for it and I said £60 as my wife had expensive tastes but it might have taken longer to say it than read it with the stutter.Rest assured I don’t suffer the stutter generally with people I know unless I’m really stressed. A couple more simple questions about how long I’d been here and he explained the fact he’d come meant nothing sinister. It was in fact the opposite to try and assess whether claims are genuine obviously, but to expedite any claims that are. He intimated my claim rang no alarm bells but wouldn’t say how much , what proportion, what items would be covered. He left. The postman arrived with two real treats for me, one a postcard from my lovely friend Paula who’s been holidaying in Scarborough and judging by her Vlog has been having a whale of a time. The other safe inside an envelope was another postcard but this time from my wonderful friend Lottie in Spain, this one has  Flamenco dancer and her partner on the front but the skirt is made of material with lacy edges to all of the layers. Lottie was telling me to look at the dancer’s expression. It’s so stern but with the look of a rabbit caught in the car headlights. It’s quite comical.

I went back to work for a while to try and make some headway but as time was getting on I had to give up and get ready to go out with Mike. We were going to Flint so I could try and get batteries in my (new to me)Fossil watches and Mike wanted to call in at a garage to see a friend. The shop I went into wouldn’t do my watches as they didn’t want to break the waterproof seals and suggested I went to a jewellers who carry spare seals. Damn, the jeweller I used before charged a fortune for a new battery. We went for a coffee at Temptations as soon as I’d been able to get some chocolates and Mike had his banter with Ceri a day early though not quite so much as they were busy. He was disappointed at the garage that they didn’t have a car he wanted. By now it was 1.30 pm and both were starving so we shot of for lunch at the Ivy. Just Tariq and Shella in today but it was fairly quiet so we got a few words with him,mostly insulting ones. Tariq checked with a friend in Rhyl whether a little jewellery shop was open so I could get the batteries done. It was open till 3.30 pm . Finishing at the Ivy it was almost 3.00 pm we decided there wouldn’t be chance to drive there, find parking and then walk to the shop before closing so we went home.

At home it was 3.30 and I had to dive straight into work if I was to be free to watch TV with Mike at 5.15 am. It’s good both coming up with valuations and seeing who’s closer. By the time I had to go through I still had a backlog to carry through which I couldn’t touch again until 9.00 pm when I could come through and leave Mike to his own devices. Fortunately there are no women around so it’s fairly quiet. I worked on mail till 10.30 pm then had a break to do the blog. I’m now going back into battle again to see if the assessor has sent me a copy of his report as he said he would.

Reuben does his hair.

Saturday.What the hell kind of night was that? I was in bed about midnight, had a short read and then turned the light off. At 2.00 am I still hadn’t settled and got up to go to the loo. As I passed Mike’s door he nearly had a heart attack seeing my shadow. He hadn’t been able to sleep either. H egot up and went to the lounge where we sat and talked about his nightmares which were bad enough to make sure he wouldn’t sleep later either. At 3.15 am I said I was going to give it another try and Mike said he’d try too . I managed to nod off but was awake again before 4.00 am. Another visit to the loo showed me Mike was playing games on his tablet and he said he hadn’t slept at all. I thought I’d try nodding off in my chair so went through and tried to settle there. Even my chair had lumps where I didn’t need them but I bore it until 5.30 am when I decided I might as well be answering emails. That lasted until 6.30 am when I suddenly felt tired. I dropped into bed and dropped off. At 8.01 am I woke up and knew that was it. I got dressed and went through to sort the fish. As I passed by Mike’s room I thought he’d finally nodded off until he stained my floor by speaking to me.

I saw to the fish and this morning I didn’t care whether the albino was sulking at me or not. I was late- DEAL WITH IT! Tablets were first on my list then going round to deal with the bins and getting all the recycling out. It was just as well I did because the bin men turned up early today. As I came back in to wash my hands Mike had got himself up. Not a single battle to get him out of bed this morning, I don’t believe it. Late or not after he’d had his coffee I had to risk him driving asleep so I could get the shopping. It must be one of our quickest expeditions ever. We were home again by 10.30 am. I unpacked and put away the shopping while Mike went to the bathroom. I thought he’d gone to sleep in there but he was skiving. I fully expected him to go to bed but he sat in the lounge as I went back to my mail. To be honest both he and I expected me to be Zzzzing over the keyboard within minutes.I worked straight through until 1.00 pm until Mike came through and mentioned food. It was at that point I remembered I hadn’t even had a coffee today let alone food. And, because we hadn’t come home via Flint, Temptations and Mike’s banter with Ceri he’d missed out on his teasted toecake.

I gathered the chocolates together and we headed for The Ivy, getting there about 1.30 pm after going through the usual two sets of traffic lights on the continuous, never-ending (I know, the same thing but just for emphasis) Coast Road roadworks. If it isn’t one Utility Company digging them up it’s another. Party and Brewery not being able to organise come to mind about that point. Angie gave us both a kiss for her chocs and today I’d brought an extra box of toffees for Rob to take home. He deserves them just for allowing Mike to take the mick out of his hair so often. I had a jacket potato and beans today, completely by accident a couple of rashers of bacon had slipped onto the plate too. Mike had the Ivy Burger which came with ham, gherkins, an omelette and enough stuff to require a JCB to lift it. After lunch Mike managed to ask Shella if Tariq could come out to play but she told us he already was, playing with a bonfire in the car park. We went and had a good natter with him before leaving.

It was getting on for 4.00 pm getting home so leaving Mike to nod in his chair I went straight back to my mail until 6.00 pm at which point Mike demanded some attention. Actually he demanded I get a chair and come and have my hair cut while there was still some natural light and before he went to sleep properly. Deciding the new tram track style isn’t quite my style I shifted my bum into gear and took a chair through. Once he’d finished all I got was “Sorry I took a bit too much off over your left ear.” Once we’d cleaned up I made tea and just told him “Sorry I only had enough beetroot for half your sandwich.” I stayed around until 9.00 pm alternately chatting and watching episodes of a great UK comedy Dinnerladies with Victoria Wood and written by her. She has the cream of the comedy crop working with her for that. When that ended I came through to work on both the mail and the blog and Mike went to watch TV in his bed. He’s even promised to leave the remote accessible so I can turn it off when he falls asleep.                                                     Have a Great New Week everyone.

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