
Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-22 http://t.co/hkfW47Zzbj ->

Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-22: Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-15 htt… http://t.co/ENMChVQIao ->

NC Man Admits To Music Copyright Infringement – Goldsboro Daily News http://t.co/QijGehmeZJ ->

Internet naming body moves to crack down on '.sucks' http://t.co/CVyeOESiHe ->

Website operators face legal compliance challenge when moderating user comments http://t.co/I3Y52P5uDl ->

Google ordered to remove links to stories about Google removing links to stories http://t.co/97UCKzCkLr ->

Target agrees to pay Visa card issuers up to $67 million for 2013 data breach http://t.co/kyotfaLupu ->

Carmaker alliance set up to support cybersecurity http://t.co/H2o0qWvpp4 ->

Ashley Madison hack sends shivers through hook-up, porn sites http://t.co/P12EnuSzdN ->

Graffiti Artist Sues Moschino for Copyright Infringement http://t.co/A4wPHIsZ8Y ->

News: ICO issues enforcement notice against Google to delist search results https://t.co/JasfvrT2Ec ->

Strasbourg: Satamedia v Finland, A strict application of data protection law http://t.co/omCm7um5yN ->

My Copyright Rules: Seven cooked by Nine in legal pressure test http://t.co/LdHGEJKjHu ->

Why is the New York Times Coverage on Artist Rights So Oddly Inconsistent? http://t.co/CjJTqPNjPJ ->

Unusable Copies and Copyright Infringement http://t.co/A787BfbXVp ->

“Browsewrap” Terms and Conditions Provide Sufficient Notice to Defeat False Advertising Class action http://t.co/OmTZirIqUA ->

Can Ashley Madison use copyright law to stop leaked data? Note Canada can protect databases contrary to claim http://t.co/GNXrxcFRgV ->

Steven Johnson & A Thesis That Isn't http://t.co/uwiZLgVzKd ->

Technology Apologist Complex https://t.co/UJo4OouZ06 ->

Court Orders 20 Big Piracy Sites Blocked in Denmark http://t.co/fFh6YMdWmo ->

Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-23: Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-22 http:… http://t.co/do43E6NONL ->

Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-23 http://t.co/7VZNulm6Ot ->

Keyword Advertising claim dismissed in Vancouver Community College v. Vancouver Career College 2015 BCSC 1470 http://t.co/lEymEvRZPC ->

Person has a reasonable expectation of privacy in a text message R. v. Pelucco, 2015 BCCA 370 http://t.co/XZJ67NsOkf ->

FTC can sue companies with poor information security, appeals court says http://t.co/HQQbWdcg7P ->

Ashley Madison hack: 2 unconfirmed suicides linked to breach, Toronto police say http://t.co/b31q7CyIzX ->

Ashley Madison aftermath: Confessions, suicide reports and hot on the hacker’s trail http://t.co/tZHTdiN8F6 ->

Custom in the UK is required to sustain a passing off case http://t.co/ATk9NEXdAe ->

Online Trust Alliance releases draft “Trust Framework” for the Internet of Things http://t.co/5N6opdjJGD ->

UK PIPCU has now requested that domain registrars disable 317 piracy sites http://t.co/m8tmnStWrb ->

Lawsuit Filed against eBay, PayPal for Infringement and RICO Violations http://t.co/yYIbZKxNV6 ->

City Can’t Use Copyright To Censor Critical Videos–Inglewood v. Teixeira http://t.co/UGLVtOxN9g ->

The New York Times sells out artists: Shallow data paints a too-rosy picture of “thriving” creative class http://t.co/2zfqPdETT9 ->

Changing who you count | Stats Chat http://t.co/gpPDLifC7H ->

Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-24 http://t.co/k5XMeqEYXp ->

Computer and Internet Weekly Updates for 2015-08-24: Carmaker alliance set up to support cybersecurity http://… http://t.co/oHkJPxAoii ->

Keyword advertising not passing off: Vancouver Community College v. Vancouver Career College http://t.co/EnlYHmJlzK ->

Keyword advertising not passing off: Vancouver Community College v. Vancouver Career College: Search engines m… http://t.co/t2BNYRX8pp ->

Domain Name Disputes: What You Need to Know http://t.co/IcLfSiuQn7 ->

Fox News Scores Big Court Win Against TVEyes http://t.co/pWyU2Hx7hl ->

Billboard – Are Creators Really Thriving in the Digital Age? Doesn't Look Like It http://t.co/CwUHAXdfIM ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-25 http://t.co/Vtin165J5f ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-25: Ashley Madison hack: 2 unconfirmed suicides linked to breach, To… http://t.co/dI8npApFBX ->

RT Support Team @McCarthy_ca One Walk to Conquer Cancer: http://t.co/HCFTVpjCFr Pls RT #OneWalkShoeSelfie @hcarroll1 http://t.co/VXMOJz02IJ" ->

How new global tax rules could erode your financial privacy http://t.co/5GjybuGOI2 ->

So you just want politicians to leave you alone? Good luck with that. https://t.co/9H12qkTpFo ->

Copyright preemption notwithstanding no copyright protection and no copyright claims http://t.co/qw7YCmyTm0 ->

A fourth law of robotics? Copyright and the law and ethics of machine co-production. | http://t.co/TFkexJDb1L ->

Sotheby’s Australia countersue copyright agency Viscopy http://t.co/fR5NH33v5h ->

Live-Streaming Apps and Sporting Events – Copyright Law Concerns https://t.co/OgMPLZjiaF ->

Thailand’s new Copyright Act in force | IFRRO http://t.co/ez3zRbINQV ->

The Game Sued For Copyright Infringement http://t.co/lR2piFIOuv ->

Google Images: EU Commish opens new front against Chocolate Factory http://t.co/1M1fNlm3jN ->

Judge Denies Man Copyright For Basic Chicken Sandwich http://t.co/4HLZP7hPCH ->

Data breach management – making use of legal privilege http://t.co/nIMDjl5E12 ->

What the Ashley Madison case highlights about jurisdiction in data protection cases http://t.co/sS9f5f1BJV ->

Ashley Madison faces proposed class-action suit over half-deleted data http://t.co/76aDVvZxAD ->

Comity for the Internet? Recent Court Decisions on the right to be de-indexed https://t.co/NwJ1iJCAgc ->

Domain Name Disputes: What You Need to Know – Part 2 http://t.co/8on3EgnUQi ->

Hashtags Are Not Trademarks—Eksouzian v. Albanese http://t.co/XtVLvLGdAX ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-26: Billboard – Are Creators Really Thriving in the Digital Age? Doe… http://t.co/kjOORrqH8X ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-26 http://t.co/M1AqmrqMJN ->

Nova Scotia judge reserves decision on law inspired by Rehtaeh Parsons http://t.co/KannKsvUjV ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-27 http://t.co/GzRKYX3esa ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-27: How new global tax rules could erode your financial privacy http… http://t.co/dPwtSJ6at0 ->

Almost None of the Women in the Ashley Madison Database Ever Used the Site http://t.co/w2uANOU9lw ->

Computer and Internet Updates for 2015-08-28 http://t.co/XqOeMGIZjB ->

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