
Bob Dylan has been awarded a Nobel Prize for literature for the amzing body of work he's produced. It got me thinking. Do you know what Nobel prizes are awarded for? I think we all know about the Peace prize. The rest are Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine .

I was interested to see who from the UK had won a prize. The list is at the bottom of the page. I was rather surprised by some of the names that were there and perhaps some that weren't. Clearly Winston Churchill deserved a Nobel Prize, but for literature? I was also interested to note that David Trimble was the last UK recipient of a Peace prize. Our last winner of a literature prize was Doris Lessing. I'm not really qualified to comment on the prizes for Physics, Chemistry or Medicine. It is good to see Alexander Fleming inventor of Penecillin there. I guess I was surprised that I didn't see Stephen Hawkings name in there. He is probably the physicist who is best known.

Anyway, I thought I'd compile my own list. As I said, I can't really comment too much on the scientific categories, beyond the obvious one.

1. Sir Bob Geldolf/Midge Ure - Peace prize for Live Aid/Band Aid
2. Joni Mitchell - Literature
3. Stephen Hawkings - Physics
4. JK Rowling - Literature
5. Pope Francis - Peace
6. Tim Berners Lee (inventor of the world Wide Web) - Medicine
7. Ken Loach - Peace
8. John Lydon - Literature
9. Julio Palmaz (inventor of the vascular stent) - Medicine
10. Paul Simon - Literature

Here's why
1. Sir Bob Geldolf/Midge Ure - Peace prize for Live Aid/Band Aid
Saved millions of people. I was amazed not to see them in the list.

2. Joni Mitchell - Literature
An awesome wordsmith. If Bob Dylan deserves a prize then Ms Mitchell most certainly does. The list of winners is very light in females. I think women are often overlooked.

3. Stephen Hawkings - Physics
Popularised physics. An inspiration to us all.

4. JK Rowling - Literature
I suspect that no one on the planet has got more people picking up books than JK Rowling. For that alone she deserves the prize. I suspect she's not highbrow enough for the panel.

5. Pope Francis - Peace
For most of my life I've felt a bit embarrassed to say I'm a Roman Catholic. Pope Francis has changed that. A truly spiritual man who seems to me to be doing hs best to spread peace and reconciliation.

6. Tim Berners Lee (inventor of the world Wide Web) - Medicine
Can someone who doesn't work in the field win the prize? Tim Berners Lee should, because the World Wide Web has transformed medicine.

7. Ken Loach - Peace
Ken Loach has spent his life educating us all through his films. I can't think of anyone who deserves a Nobel prize more.

8. John Lydon - Literature
To some this may seem an odd choice, but to me Lydon is the epitome of the triumph of the underdog His lyrics are sharp and difficult and his books spiky, but I believe he's made a huge difference and has taught many of us who felt downtrodden to stand up for ourselves.

9. Julio Palmaz (inventor of the vascular stent) - Medicine
I've got at least half a dozen friends who have been saved by vascular stents. It is one of my missions to get Juli Palmaz a bit of recognition, if for no other reason than he's given me many precious evenings with friends who would probably have died.

10. Paul Simon - Literature
To me another one up there with Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell. Simon has done more than anyone to popularise world music. His songs are beautiful and haunting.

And here's the full list of UK winners. I'm both proud of it and slighly disappointed.

United Kingdom

Oliver Hart, Economics, 2016

Fraser Stoddart, Chemistry, 2016

David J. Thouless, Physics, 2016

F. Duncan M. Haldane, Physics, 2016

John M. Kosterlitz, Physics, 2016

Angus Deaton, Economics, 2015

Tomas Lindahl, born in Sweden, Chemistry, 2015

John O'Keefe, born in the United States, Physiology or Medicine, 2014

Michael Levitt*, as an Israeli citizen, Chemistry, 2013

Peter Higgs, Physics, 2013

John B. Gurdon, Physiology or Medicine, 2012

Konstantin Novoselov, born in Russia, Physics, 2010

Robert G. Edwards, Physiology or Medicine, 2010

Doris Lessing, born in Iran, Literature, 2007

Sir Martin J. Evans, Physiology or Medicine, 2007

Oliver Smithies*, Physiology or Medicine, 2007

Harold Pinter, Literature, 2005

Clive W. J. Granger*, Economics, 2003

Anthony J. Leggett*, Physics, 2003

Peter Mansfield, Physiology or Medicine, 2003

Sydney Brenner, born in South Africa, Physiology or Medicine, 2002

John E. Sulston, Physiology or Medicine, 2002

Tim Hunt, Physiology or Medicine, 2001

Paul Nurse, Physiology or Medicine, 2001

V. S. Naipaul, born in Trinidad, Literature, 2001

David Trimble, Peace, 1998

John Pople, Chemistry, 1998

John E. Walker, Chemistry, 1997

Harold Kroto, Chemistry, 1996

James A. Mirrlees, Economics, 1996

Joseph Rotblat*, born in then Russian Empire, now Poland, Peace, 1995

Richard J. Roberts, Physiology or Medicine, 1993

Michael Smith*, Chemistry, 1993

Ronald Coase,based in the United States Economics, 1991

James W. Black, Physiology or Medicine, 1988

Niels Kaj Jerne*, Physiology or Medicine, 1984

César Milstein, born in Argentina, Physiology or Medicine, 1984

Richard Stone, Economics, 1984

William Golding, Literature, 1983

Aaron Klug, born in Lithuania, Chemistry, 1982

John Robert Vane, Physiology or Medicine, 1982

Elias Canetti, born in Bulgaria, Literature, 1981

Frederick Sanger, Chemistry, 1980

Arthur Lewis, born on St. Lucia, Economics, 1979

Godfrey Hounsfield, Physiology or Medicine, 1979

Peter D. Mitchell, Chemistry, 1978

James Meade, Economics, 1977

Nevill Francis Mott, Physics, 1977

Amnesty International, Peace, 1977

Betty Williams, Peace, 1976

John Cornforth, born in Australia, Chemistry, 1975

Christian de Duve*, Physiology or Medicine, 1974

Friedrich Hayek, born in Austria, Economics, 1974

Martin Ryle, Physics, 1974

Antony Hewish, Physics, 1974

Patrick White*, Literature, 1973

Geoffrey Wilkinson, Chemistry, 1973

Brian David Josephson, Physics, 1973

Rodney Robert Porter, Physiology or Medicine, 1972

John Hicks, Economics, 1972

Dennis Gabor, born in Hungary, Physics, 1971

Bernard Katz, born in Germany, Physiology or Medicine, 1970

Derek Harold Richard Barton, Chemistry, 1969

Ronald George Wreyford Norrish, Chemistry, 1967

George Porter, Chemistry, 1967

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Chemistry, 1964

Andrew Huxley, Physiology or Medicine, 1963

Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Physiology or Medicine, 1963

John Kendrew, Chemistry, 1962

Max Perutz, born in Austria, Chemistry, 1962

Francis Crick, Physiology or Medicine, 1962

Maurice Wilkins, born in New Zealand, Physiology or Medicine, 1962

Peter Medawar, born in Brazil (British citizen only), Physiology or Medicine, 1960

Philip Noel-Baker, Peace, 1959

Frederick Sanger, Chemistry, 1958

Alexander R. Todd, Baron Todd, Chemistry, 1957

Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, Chemistry, 1956

Max Born, born in then Germany, now Poland, Physics, 1954

Winston Churchill, Literature, 1953

Hans Adolf Krebs, born in Germany, Physiology or Medicine, 1953

Archer John Porter Martin, Chemistry, 1952

Richard Laurence Millington Synge, Chemistry, 1952

John Cockcroft, Physics, 1951

Bertrand Russell, Literature, 1950

Cecil Frank Powell, Physics, 1950

John Boyd Orr, Peace, 1949

T. S. Eliot, born in the United States, Literature, 1948

Patrick Blackett, Baron Blackett, Physics, 1948

Edward Victor Appleton, Physics, 1947

Robert Robinson, Chemistry, 1947

Friends Service Council, Peace, 1947

Ernst Boris Chain, born in Germany, Physiology or Medicine, 1945

Alexander Fleming, Physiology or Medicine, 1945

George Paget Thomson, Physics, 1937

Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, Peace, 1937

Norman Haworth, Chemistry, 1937

Henry Hallett Dale, Physiology or Medicine, 1936

James Chadwick, Physics, 1935

Arthur Henderson, Peace, 1934

Norman Angell, Peace, 1933

Paul Dirac, Physics, 1933

Charles Scott Sherrington, Physiology or Medicine, 1932

John Galsworthy, Literature, 1932

Edgar Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian, Physiology or Medicine, 1932

Arthur Harden, Chemistry, 1929

Frederick Hopkins, Physiology or Medicine, 1929

Owen Willans Richardson, Physics, 1928

Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, Physics, 1927

Austen Chamberlain, Peace, 1925

George Bernard Shaw, born in Ireland, Literature, 1925

John James Rickard Macleod*, Physiology or Medicine, 1923

Francis William Aston, Chemistry, 1922

Frederick Soddy, Chemistry, 1921

Charles Glover Barkla, Physics, 1917

William Henry Bragg, Physics, 1915

William Lawrence Bragg, born in Australia, Physics, 1915

Ernest Rutherford, born in New Zealand, Chemistry, 1908

Rudyard Kipling*, born in India, Literature, 1907

J. J. Thomson, Physics, 1906

John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, Physics, 1904

William Ramsay, Chemistry, 1904

William Randal Cremer, Peace, 1903

Ronald Ross*, born in India, Physiology or Medicine, 1902

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