
Bargain eBook Hunter traps these FREE eBooks just for you! Get them quick before they get away!

Due to international copyrights, not all eBooks will be available or similarly priced outside of the United States. – Holly

Forbidden Fruit (New Adult May December Romance) by Selena Kitt

Genre(s): Coming of Age | Romance

From bestselling and award-winning author Selena Kitt – Over a Million Books Sold!

Leah and Erica have been best friends and have gone to the same Catholic school since just about forever. Leah spends so much time with the Nolans–just Erica and her handsome father now, since Erica’s mother died–that she’s practically part of the family. When the girls find something naughty under Mr. Nolan’s bed, their strict, repressive upbringing makes it all the more exciting as they begin their experimentation. Leah’s exploration presses deeper, and eventually she finds herself in love for the first time, torn between her best friend and her best friend’s father.

NOTE TO READERS: This story appeared in another, now rather infamous book of mine (UNDER MR. NOLAN’S BED). This tale, previously titled Plaid Skirt Confessions, is a slightly less naughty, but no less sexy re-telling of those events–updated and redressed for your reading pleasure with an ending that may leave you a little more satisfied.

The Nolan Trilogy




Related Titles

Under Mr. Nolan’s Bed (Original)


“Did she go home?” I whispered, conscious of Erica sleeping in the other room.

He swallowed and shook his head. His eyes were pleading with me, trying to tell me something, but I couldn’t understand. “No. She’s sleeping in my bed.”

“Why?” I felt tears stinging my eyes and I willed them not to fall. “What did I do?”

He sighed, closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair. “Oh Leah. Nothing. Everything. I don’t know.”

“Do you really like her?” I whispered, blinking fast and taking a step toward him. He didn’t move back, and we were almost belly to belly. “Is she…is she what you want?”

He opened his eyes and looked down at me, arms hanging at his sides, head down. He looked defeated. “No.”

“Then why?” I hissed, shoving at his chest with the flat of my palm. “You asked her out again! You cooked her dinner! You slept with her! Why?”

“I don’t know!” He shook his head.

“Why did you do what you did? Putting the magazines and videos on my bed? Was it supposed to scare her off?”
I sighed, crossing my arms.

“That was Erica’s idea, not mine.”


Yank (New Adult Romance) by Selena Kitt

Genre(s): Coming of Age | Romance

From Bestselling and Award-Winning Author Selena Kitt – Over a Million Books Sold!

David has been brightening up his gray Surrey, England days with the porn collection hidden in his parents’ shed, but when he finds that their American foreign exchange student, Dawn, has discovered his magazines, things really begin to heat up. David’s parents insist that he look for a job, but Dawn has the week off and is determined to work on her tan. Distracted David finds himself increasingly tempted by their seductive foreign exchange student, who makes it very clear what she wants. In spite of the Study Abroad program’s policy that no “relations” are allowed between a student and anyone in their host family–not to mention David’s mother’s insistence that they treat each other as “brother and sister,”–Dawn’s teasing ways slowly break down the barrier between them until they both give in to their lust. But what are they going to do about the feelings that have developed between them in the meantime?

NOTE: This story appeared in another book titled NAUGHTY BITS. Previously titled Foreign Exchange, this is a slightly less naughty, but no less sexy re-telling–updated and redressed for your reading pleasure.



I woke up with a grunt, hearing my name being hissed from beside the bed. It was dark, but I could make out her outline in the moonlight coming through the window. She was on her hands and knees, crawling toward me.”Dawn?” I felt her find the bed with a thud.

“Ow.” She whimpered. “Christ!”

I reached for her, groping in the dark. My hand found her arm, helping her up into the bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Ta,” she said, thanking me. I could smell the alcohol on her now. “It’s a long way when you’re legless.”

“Shhhh!” I looked toward my door. I was listening for my Mum or Dad but didn’t hear them. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”

“That’s where I am.” She crawled up against me in the dark and pressed me down, snuggling up against my bare chest. “Hey, you sleep naked! When did you start that?”

“Since I was fourteen,” I whispered. “Keep your voice down, Dawn.”"I am.”

She kissed my shoulder. “You feel good.”

“Okay.” I tried to untangle her limbs from mine. “You are pretty well lashed, and I think this is a bad idea. C’mon, let’s go.”

“Noooo!” She slid her bare foot up the inside of my calf. She’d lost her heels somewhere, I noticed, but I could feel the skirt and blouse pressed against me, her body full and warm underneath, flushed from the alcohol. “Don’t make me go.”

“I think you’d better.” I tried to sit, but she was clinging to me too tightly.

“I’ll scream,” she whispered into my ear, her breath hot against my neck.

“You will not.” I edged my way out from under her. I heard her intake of breath and knew she really meant to do it.

What was wrong with her? Panicked, I rolled onto her, finding her mouth with my hand in the dark and pressing it there, hard.

“Button it!” I hissed, feeling her wiggling and squirming underneath me. Her skirt was riding high up and I felt her bare thighs against mine, her skin like velvet.

“Unbutton it,” she murmured when I moved my hand away from her mouth, her fingers working her blouse from top to bottom between us.

Why was she coming onto me like this all of a sudden? I didn’t get it.


Hussy (New Adult Interracial Romance) by Selena Kitt

Genre(s): Coming of Age | Romance

From bestselling and award-winning author Selena Kitt – Over a Million Books Sold!

The Eskimos may have over a hundred words for snow, but that doesn’t even come close to how many words the English language has for “slut”–and Lindsey has been called them all. “Hussy” is Lindsey’s personal favorite, given to her by her own grandmother, who likes to pat her on the hand and whisper, “Don’t worry, dear–a hussy is just a woman with the morals of a man.”

But Lindsey’s not ashamed of her reputation. She knows she’s earned it–and she’s proud of it. After all, you only live once, right? In fact, she goes out of her way to make it known to every guy she comes in contact with, she’s available for the taking–the rougher, the better.

That is until Lindsey meets Lieutenant Zachary Davis, a man who refuses to treat her like the trash she believes she really is.

But can Lindsey change her impulsive ways and learn to value herself the way the Zach does?

Note: Previously published as “Falling Down.”


“You’re a very pretty girl.”

She shrugged. “Yeah? So?”

He adjusted his white hat, still meeting her eyes. “So you don’t have to do that to get attention.”

Lindsey frowned, snapping her legs together and sitting straight up. “Do what?”

“You know what.” “What are you all dressed up for–a parade or something?”

Lindsey squinted at him and saw he was wearing a name tag: Lieutenant Zachary Davis.

“I’m a recruiter.”

“For what?” Lindsey snorted, looking him up and down. Even the man’s shoes were white! “The Pillsbury Dough Boy?!”

He raised an eyebrow in her direction. “The U.S. Navy.”

“So you’re… what… a sailor?”

“On a nuclear submarine, but yes.” He cocked his head at her. “Do you have any interest in the Navy?”

She rolled her eyes. “Only if we’re at war.”

“We are.”

“Yeah, well… not here we’re not.”

“So what are you interested in…Lindsey?”

He’d obviously been paying attention. She leaned forward, putting her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. “Sex… Zach.”

“Is that all?”

“No…” She glanced over at the secretary, who was rifling through papers at her desk, but clearly listening to them. “I also like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.”


Basic Leathercrafting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started (How To Basic Series) by William Hollis

Genre(s): Crafts & Hobbies | Leathercrafts

Step-by-step instructions and photos illustrate basic leathercrafting techniques: from choosing leather, stamping and decorating, stitching and lacing, and finishing. Detailed how-to information teaches what you need to learn to get started in this fun and popular craft. Both traditional and contemporary styles are covered in this beginner’s guide.


The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump: A Novel by Jackie Macgirvin

Genre(s): Christian Fiction | Religion & Spirituality

Welcome to The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump. It’s a fish out of water story about how God turns 32-year-old Julie’s manicured, pedicured, self-absorbed designer life upside down.
Julie, a nominal Christian, heads to New York for a weekend shopping binge. On a deserted train, she sits next to a stranger who turns out to be Jesus. After a wonderful, healing conversation she agrees to His request to, “feed My lambs.” When she gets off the train she’s in India.
Her charmed life is shattered–she must care for 12 “filthy orphans” living on a dump before she can return to her comfortable life. She lives on the street and overwhelming new challenges arise daily. While squatting in an alley, going to the bathroom, an orphan, named Ravi, steals her designer purse. Unbeknownst to Julie, Ravi, who speaks English, holds the key to her communicating with the other orphans.
Will Julie learn 1) to trust the Lord when nothing is in her control? 2) that she doesn’t have to perform to be loved? and 3) that her life is built on a shaky foundation? Can she protect the orphans from a predator who steals and maims children and sends them out to beg? How will God provide food when her wallet is stolen? Can she find safe homes for the children?
The answers to these questions will also be the answers to many of your questions about God, life and yourself. Pick up a copy of The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump and jump into a great adventure!


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