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List of some books we have


A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics by Peter Szekeres

A First Course in Abstract Algebra by John B. Fraleigh

A first course in probability 6th edition by Ross

A First Course in String Theory by Barton Zwiebach

A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis 2nd edition by Clifford A. Shaffer

A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics by Philip L. Taylor

A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation by Michel Le Bellac

Accompany Digital Systems Principles and Applications 10th edition by Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss

Accompany Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals 1st edition by Stephen J. Chapman

Accompany Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 8th edition by Robert L. Boylestad; Louis Nashelsky; Franz J. Monseen

Accompany Elementary Statistics 9th edition by Milton Loyer

Accompany Engineering circuit analysis 6th edition by Hayt

Accompany Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory 2nd edition by John R. Reitz, Frederick J. Milford

Accompany Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 5th edition by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi

Accompany Introduction to algorithms by Sussman J

Accompany Physics for Poets 2nd edition by Robert H. March

Accompany Principles of geotechnical engineering 6th edition by braja M. DAS

Adaptive Control 2nd edition by Karl Johan Astrom, Bjorn Wittenmark

Adaptive filter thoery 4th edition by Simon Haykin

Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL by Michael D. Ciletti (Selected problems)

Advanced engineering electromagnetics by Constantine A. Balanis

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 8th edition by Erwin Kreyszig

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9th edition by Erwin Kreyszig

Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics 3rd edition by Glyn James

Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students 4th edition by T. H. G. Megson (2007)

Algebra and Trigonometry and Precalculus 3rd edition by Penna and Bittinger Beecher

An introduction to database systems 8th edition by C J Date

An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations by James C. Robinson

An Introduction to Signals and Systems 1st edition by John Stuller

An Introduction to The Finite Element Method 3rd edition by J. N. REDDY

Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits 4th edition by Srikanth Vaidianathan and Haoyuee Wang

Analytical Mechanics 7th edition by Fowles and Cassiday

Antenna Theory Analysis and Design 2nd Edition Balanis

Antennas for all Applications 3rd edition by John D. Kraus & Ronald J. Marhefka

Anton Calculus 8th edition by Anton

Applied Numerical Analysis 7th edition by Curtis F. Gerald,Patrick O. Wheatley

Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems 4th edition by Richard Haberman

Applied Quantum Mechanics by A. F. J. Levi

Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers 3rd edition by Montgomery,Runger

Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers 4th edition by Montgomery,Runger

Applied Strength of Materials 4th edition by Robert L. Mott

Artificial Intelligence A ModernApproach 2nd edition by StuartJ. Russelland, Peter Norvig

Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers 3rd edition by Kip R. Irvine

Automatic Control Systems 8th edition by Kuo and Golnaraghi

Basic Electrical Engineering by Nagrath, D P Kothari, Nagrath D P Kothari I J Nagrath, I J Nagrath (2002)

Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th edition by J. David Irwin (Selected Problems)

Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 8th edition by J. David Irwin

C++ How to Program 3rd C++ How to Program 3rd edition by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

C++ How to Program 3rd edition by Deitel & Nieto

Calculus 5th edition by James Stewart

Calculus A Complete Course 6th edition by R.A. Adams

Calculus Early Transcendentals 5th edition by Stewart

Calculus early transcendentals 7th edition by Anton Bivens Davis

calculus multivariable 4th edition by Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, et al

Calculus Single Variable by Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum, et al

Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics 3rd edition by Stanley I. Sandler

Chemical Enginering Vol 6 edition by 4th Coulson and Richardson

Classical Dynamics A Contemporary Approach by Jorge V. Jose, Eugene J. Saletan

Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems 5th edition by Stephen T. Thornton, Jerry B. Marion

Classical Electrodynamics 2nd edition by John David Jackson by Kasper van Wijk

Classical Mechanics - An Undergraduate Text by R. Douglas Gregory

Classical Mechanics 2nd edition by Goldstein & Safko

CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd edition by Sung-Mo Kang,Yusuf Leblebici

CMOS VLSI Design 3rd edition by ananymous

Communication Networks Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures byAlberto Leon-Garcia

Communication Systems 4th edition by Bruce carlson

Communication Systems 4th edition by Simon Haykin

Communication Systems Engineering 2nd edition by John G. Proakis Masoud Salehi

Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation) by Karkenahalli Srinivas, Clive A. J. Fletcher

Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach 3rd edition by James F.Kurose,Keith W. Ross

Computer Networks 4th edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Computer Networks A Systems Approach 2nd edition by Peterson and Davie

Computer Organization 5th edition by Hamacher,Vranesic and Zaky

Computer Organization and Design The HardwareSoftware Interface 3rd edition by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy

Computer-Controlled Systems 3rd edition by Karl J. Astrom

Concepts of Programming Languages 7th edition by Robert Sebesta

Control systems Principles and Design 2nd edition by Madan Gopal

Control Systems Engineering 4th edition by Norman S. Nise

Corporate Finance 6th edition by Ross

Cryptography and network security-principles and practice 4th edition by William Stallings

Data and computer communications 7th edition by William Stallings

Data Communications and Networking 4th edition by Behroz Forouzan

Database Management Systems 3rd edition by Raghu Ramakrishnan Johannes Gehrke

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits by Behzad Razavi

Design of Nonlinear Control Systems with the Highest Derivative in Feedback 1st edition by Valery D. Yurkevich (student solution manual)

Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits 3rd edition by Franco, Sergio

Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits 3rd edition by Muller Kamins

Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problem 2nd edition by JOHNPOLKING and DAVID ARNOLD

Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problem 2nd edition by John Polking

Digital and Analog Communication Systems 7th edition by Leon W. Couch

Digital Communication 4th edition by Proakis

Digital Communications 5th edition by John Proakis

Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications 2nd edition by Bernard sklar

Digital Control and state variable methods by M.Gopal

Digital Design 2nd edition by M. Morris Mano,Michael D. Ciletti

Digital Design 3rd edition by M. Morris Mano,Michael D. Ciletti

Digital Design 4th edition by Morris Mano

Digital Design-Principles and Practices 3rd edition by John F. Wakerly (selected problems)

Digital Fundamentals 9th edition byThomas L. Floyd

Digital Image Processing 2nd edition by Rafael C. Gonzalez

Digital Integrated Circuits 2nd edition by Rabaey

Digital Integrated Circuits by Thomas A. DeMassa & Zack Ciccone

Digital Logic Design 2nd edition by M. Morris Mano

Digital Signal Processing - A Modern Introduction 1st edition by Cengage learning Ashok Ambardar

Digital Signal Processing - A Computer-Based Approach 1st edition by Sanjit K. Mitra

Digital Signal Processing 2nd edition by Sanjit K. Mitra

Digital Signal Processing 3rd edition by Sanjit K. Mitra

Digital Signal Processing 4th edition by John G. Proakis and Dimitri s G. Manolakis

Digital Signal Processing by Thomas J. Cavicchi

Digital signal processing 2nd edition by Proakis manolakis

Digital Signal Processing Signals, Systems, and Filters by Andreas Antoniou

Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab 2nd edition by Vinay K Ingle Proakis

Digital Systems-Principles and Applications 10th edition by Ronald Tocci, Neal S. Widmer & Gregory L. Moss

Discrete Mathematics with Applications 3rd edition by Susanna S. Epp

Discrete Time Signal Processing 2nd edition by Alan V. Oppenheim

Discrete time signal processing 3rd edition by Alan V. Oppenheim

Econometric Analysis 5th edition by William H. Greene

Electric Circuits 7th edition by Nilsson

Electric Circuits 8th edition by Nilsson

Electric Machinery 6th edition by Fitzgerald Kingsley

Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th edition by Stephen J. Chapman

Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals 1st edition by Stephen Chapman

Electric Machines Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB by Jim Cathey

Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications 3rd edition by Allan R. Hambley

Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems 6th edition by Theodore Wildi

Electromagnetic Fields and Energy 1st edition by Haus and Melcher

Electromagnetics for Engineers by Ulaby

Electromagnetism Major American Universities Ph.D. Qualifying by Lim Yung-Kuo

Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design 2nd edition by Donald A. Neamen

Electronic Devices 6th edition by Thomas L. Floyd

Electronic devices - electron flow version 4th edition by Thomas l.Floyd

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory with Lab Solutions, and Test Item File 8th edition by Robert Boylestad

Electronic Physics by Strabman

Elementary Differential Equation 8th edition by Boyce

Elementary Differential Equations And Boundary Value Problems 7th edition by Boyce And Diprima

Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications 9th edition by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres

Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics by Jhon W. Norbury

Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications 5th edition by Kenneth H. Rosen

Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications 6th edition by Kenneth H. Rosen

Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 3rd edition by Richard M. Felder,Ronald W. Rousseau

Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd edition by H. Scott Fogler

Elements of electromagnetics 2nd edition by Sadiku

Elements of electromagnetics 3rd edition by Sadiku

Elements of Power System Analysis 4th edition by William D. Stevenson

Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing 2nd edition by Jonathan W. Valvano

Engineering Circuit Analysis 6th edition by Hayt

Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th edition by Hayt

Engineering Electromagnetics 7th edition by Hayt

Engineering Electromagnetics 2nd edition by Nathan Ida

Engineering Electromagnetics 6th edition by William H. Hayt Jr. and Hohn A. Buck

Engineering Fluid Mechanics 7th edition by Clayton T. Crowe, Donald F. Elger & John A. Roberson

Engineering Mathematics 4th John edition by Bird

Engineering Mathematics 4th edition by NEWNES

Engineering Mechanic STATICS 10th edition by R.C. Hibbeler

Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics 2nd edition by Riley and Sturges

Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics 11th edition by R. C. Hibbeler

Engineering Mechanics - STATICS 4th edition by Bedford and Fowler

Engineering mechanics - statics 10th edition by R. C. Hibbeler

Engineering mechanics Dynamics 4th edition by Bedford and Fowler

Engineering Mechanics Dynamics 5th edition by J.L Meriam

Engineering Mechanics Statics 6th edition by J.L Meriam

Engineering Mechanics Statics 11th edition by R.C.Hibbeler

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 4th edition by G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, A. Emami

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 6th edition by G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, A. Emami

Field and Wave Electromagnetics 2nd edition by Wesley Cheng

Field and Wave Electromagnetics International Edition Inrenational edition by David K

Fluid Mechanics 1st edition by CENGEL

Fluid Mechanics 5th edition by White

Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications 10th edition by E. John Finnemore, Joseph B Franzini

Fracture mechanics fundamentals and applications 2nd edition by Northam Anderson

Fundamental of Electric Circuits 3rd edition by C. K. Alexander M. N. O. Sadiku

Fundamental of engineering electromagnetics by David Cheng

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design 1st edition by S. Brown Z. Vranesic

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design 1st edition by S. Brown, Z. Vranesic

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 2nd edition by C. K. Alexander M. N. O. Sadiku

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 3rd edition by C. K. Alexander M. N. O. Sadiku

Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics by M. j. moran h. n. shapiro

Fundamentals of Fluid mechanics 4th edition by Munson

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 3rd edition (Student solution manual)

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 4th edition by Incropera & Dewitt

Fundamentals of logic design 5th edition by Charles Roth

Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 3rd edition by Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek

Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 4th edition by Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek

Fundamentals of Physics 7th edition by Halliday, Resnick & Walker

Fundamentals of Physics 8th edition by Halliday, Resnick & Walker

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 2nd edition by R.W. Erickson

Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices 1st edition by B. Jayant Baliga

Fundamentals of Signals and systems using web and matlab 3rd edition by Edward W. Kamen, Bonnie S Heck

Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics by Chih-Tang Sah

Fundamentals of Thermal Fluid Sciences edition by Yunus A. Cengel, Robert H. Turner, Yunus Cengel, Robert Turner

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Richard Sonntag Claus Borgnakke Gordon Van Wylen

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication by Tse and Viswanath

Heat Transfer A Practical Approach 2nd ediion by Yunus A. Cengel, Yunus Cengel

How English Works A Grammar Handbook with Readings Instructor's Manual by Ann Raimes

Introduction to Algorithms 2nd edition by Philip Bille

Introduction to Algorithms 2nd edition by Thomas H. Cormen

Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics 6th edition by j. m. smith

Introduction to Communication Systems 3rd edition by Stremler

Introduction to Computing and Programming with JAVA-A Multimedia Approach 1st edition by Mark Guzdial and Barbara Ericson

Introduction to electric circuits 6th edition by Dorf Svaboda

Introduction to Electric Circuits 7th edition by Richard C. Dorf & James A. Svoboda

Introduction to Electrodynamics 3rd edition by David J. Griffiths

Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science 3rd edition

Introduction to Ergonomics by Robert Bridger

Introduction to fluid mechanics 5th edition by Fox and mcdonald

Introduction to fluid mechanics 6th edition by Fox and mcdonald

Introduction to Java Programming 7th edition by Y. Daniel Liang

Introduction to Linear Algebra 3rd edition by Gilbert Strang

Introduction to Linear Programming 1st edition by L. N. Vaserstein (student solution manual)

Introduction to Probability by Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (1995) by David J. Griffiths

Introduction to Solid State Physics by Charles Kittel

Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems by John P Uyemura

Introduction to Wireless Systems by P.M. Shankar

IP Telephony Solution guide

IT Networking Labs by Tom Cavaiani

Java How to Program 5th edtion by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

Journey into Mathematics An Introduction to Proofs by Joseph J. Rotman (Book and solution manual)

KC's Problems and Solutions for Microelectronic Circuits 4th edition by Adel S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, Kenneth C. Smith

Labview for engineers 1st edition by R.W. Larsen

Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David C. Lay

Linear Algebra by Otto Bretscher

Linear Algebra with Applications 6th edition by Leon

Linear dynamic systems and signals by Zoran Gajic (with matlab experiments and power point slides)

Linear circuit analysis 2nd edition by R. A. DeCarlo and P. Lin

Linear Systems And Signals 1st edition by B P Lathi

Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals 3rd edition by Morris Mano & Charles Kime

Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals 4th edition by Morris Mano

Managerial Accounting 11th edition by Eric W. Noreen, Peter C. Brewer, Ray H. Garrison

Materials and Processes in Manufacturing 9th edition by E. Paul DeGarmo, Solutions Manual by Barney E. Klamecki

Materials Science and Engineering 6th edition by Callister

Materials Science and Engineering 7th edition by Callister

Materials Science by Milton Ohring

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering 3rd edition by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson

Mathematical Models in Biology An Introduction by Elizabeth S. Allman, John A. Rhodes

Mathematical Olympiad in China Problems and Solutions

Mathematical Proofs A Transition to Advanced Mathematics 2nd edition by Gary Chartrand, Albert D. Polimeni, Ping Zhang

Mathematics for Economists by Carl P. Simon Lawrence Blume

MATLAB Programming for Engineers by Tephen J. Chapman, Cengage Learning (m files)

Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra by Carl D. Meyer (Book and solution manual)

Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines 1st edition by Collins

Mechanical Engineering Design 7th edition by Shigley

Mechanical Engineering Design 8th edition by Shigley

Mechanical Vibrations 3rd edition by Singiresu Rao

Mechanics of Fluids 5th edition by Frank White

Mechanics of Fluids 8th edition by Massey

Mechanics of Materials 3rd edition by Beer

Mechanics of Materials 4th edition by Hibbeler

Mechanics of materials 6th edition by James Gere

Mechanics of Materials 6th edition by R. C. Hibbeler

Mechanics of Materials 7th edition by R. C. Hibbeler

Microelectronic Circuit Design 2nd edition by Richard C. Jaeger and Travis N. Blalock

Microelectronic Circuit Design 3rd edition by Richard C. Jaeger and Travis N. Blalock

Microelectronic Circuit Design 3rd edition by R. Jaeger

Microelectronic circuits 5th edition by Adel S. Sedra kennethSmith

Microelectronics 1 and 2 by Dr. Wen Ching Chang

Microprocessors and Interfacing-Programming and Hardware 2nd by Douglas V. Hall

Microwave and RF design of wireless systems by David M Pozar

Microwave Engineering 2nd edition by David M Pozar

Microwave Engineering 3rd edition by David M Pozar

Microwave transistor amplifiers analysis and design 2nd edition by Guillermo Gonzalez

Millman - Microelectronics digital and analog circuits and systems by Thomas V. Papathomas

Mobile Communications 2nd edition by Jochen H. Schiller

Modern Control Engineering 3rd edition by K. OGATA

Modern Control Systems 11th edition by Richard C. Dorf Robert H Bishop

Modern Control Systems 12th edition by Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop

Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems 3rd edition by B P Lathi

Modern Digital Signal Processing by Roberto Cristi

Modern physics by Randy Harris

Multivariable Calculus 4th edition by Stewart Dan Clegg Barbara Frank

Musculoskeletal Function An Anatomy and Kinesiology Laboratory Manual by Dortha Esch Esch

Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials

Network Flows Theory, Algorithms, And Applications by Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin

Network Simulation Experiments Manual (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) by Emad Aboelela

Neural networks and learning machines 3rd edition by Simon S. Haykin

Nonlinear Programming 2nd edition by Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Numerical Analysis 8th edition by Richard L. Burden, J Douglas Faires

Numerical Methods For Engineers 4th edition by Chapra

Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations An Introduction by K. W. Morton, D. F. Mayers

Operating Systems 4th edition by Stallings

Optimal Control Theory An Introduction by Donald E. Kirk

Options, Futures and Other Derivatives 4th edition by John Hull, John C. Hull

Options, Futures and Other Derivatives 5th edition by John Hull, John C. Hull

Organic chemistry 5th edition by Robert C. Athkins and Francis Carey

Organic Chemistry 7th edition by Susan McMurry

Partial Differential Equations With Fourier Series And Boundary Value Problems 2nd edition by Nakhle H.Asmar

Physical Chemistry 7th edition by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula

Physical Chemistry 8th edition by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula

Physical Chemistry by Prem Dhawan

Physics 5th edition by Halliday , Resnick , Krane

Physics for Scientist and Engineers 1st edition by Knight

Physics for Scientists and Engineers 5th edition by Paul A. Tipler, Gene Mosca

Physics For Scientists And Engineers 6th edition by Serway And Jewett

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 3rd edition

PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems 1st edition by Mazidi (Book and solution manual)

Piping and Pipeline Calculations Manual Construction, Design Fabrication and Examination by Phillip Ellenberger

Power Electronics-Converters, Applications and Design 2nd edition by Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins

Power Electronics-Converters, Applications and Design 3rd edition by Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins (Solutions to Supplemental Problems)

Power System Analysis by John Grainger and William Stevenson

Power Systems Analysis and Design 4th edition by Glover J. Duncan, Sarma Mulkutla .S

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 2nd edition by Giorgio Rizzoni

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 4th edition by Giorgio Rizzoni

Principles of Communications Systems, Modulation and Noise 5th edition by William H. Tranter and Rodger E. Ziemer

Principles of Digital Communication and Coding 1st edition by Andrew J. Viterbi and Jim K. Omura

Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices 3rd edition by Safa O. Kasap

Principles of Neurocomputing for Science and Engineering 1st edition by Fredric M. Ham and Ivica Kostanic

Principles of Physics 4th edition by Serway and Jewett

Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering by Alberto Leon-Garcia

Probability and Statistical Inference 7th edition by Robert Hogg, Elliot A. Tanis

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences by Jay L. Devore

Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientist 8th edition by Sharon Myers , Keying Ye, Walpole

Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 3rd edition by Anthony Hayter

Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by HAYLER

Probability and Stochastic Processes 2nd edition by David J. Goodman

Probability Random Variables And Stochastic Processes 4th edition by Papoulis

Probability Random Variables and Random Signal Principles 4th edition by Peyton Peebles Jr

Process Control Instrumentation Technology 8th edition by Johnson

Process Dynamics and Control 2nd edition by Dale E. Seborg

Process systems analysis and control by Donald r. Coughanowr

Programmable logic controllers 1st edition by Rehg and Sartori

Project Management Casebook by Karen M. Bursic, A. Yaroslav Vlasak

Quantum Field Theory 2007 by Mark Srednick

Quantum Physics 3rd edition by Stephen Gasiorowicz

RF circuit Design Theory and Application by Ludwig bretchkol

Scientific Computing with Case Studies 1st edition by Dianne P. O'Leary

Semiconductor Device Fundamentals by Robert Pierret

Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology 1st edition by Michael Quirk and Julian Serda

Semiconductor Physics and Devices Basic Principles 3rd edition

Signal Processing and Linear Systems by B P Lathi

Signal Processing First by Mclellan , Schafer and Yoder

Signals and Systems 2nd edition by Oppenheim Willsky

Signals and Systems 2003 by M.J. Roberts

Signals and Systems Analysis of Signals Through Linear Systems by M.J. Roberts

Signals and Systems 2nd edition by Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen

Signals, Systems and Transforms 4th edition by Phillips, Parr and Riskin

Sipser's Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Ching Law

Solid State Electronic Device 6th edition by Ben Streetman

Skill - Assessment Exercises to Accompany Control Systems Engineering 3rd edition by Norman S. Nise

Starting Out with Java 5 Lab Manual to Accompany Starting out with Java 5 by Diane Christen

Statistical digital signal processing and modeling by Monson hayes

Statistical Physics of Fields by Mehran Kardar

statistical physics of particles by Mehran Kardar

Structural analysis 5th edition by Hibbeler

Student Solution Manual for Essential Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson

System Dynamics 3rd edition by Katsuhiko Ogata

System Dynamics and Response 1st edition by S. Graham Kelly

The 8051 Microcontroller 4th edition by I. Scott MacKenzie and Raphael C.-W. Phan

The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware, and Applications 4th edition by Walter A. Triebel, Avtar Singh

The ARRL Instructor's Manual for Technician and General License Courses by American Radio Relay League

The Art of Electronics by Thomas C. Hayes & Paul Horowitz (student solution manual)

The C++ Programming Language 3rd edition by Bjarne Stroustrup

The Calculus 7th edition by Louis Leithold

The Language of Machines, An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages by Robert W. Floyd, Richard Beigel

The Science and Engineering of Materials 4th edition by Donald R. Askeland Frank Haddleton

The Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems 1st edition by Edward A. Lee and Pravin Varaiya

Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 5th edition by Yunus A Cengel and Michael A Boles

Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 6th edition by Yunus A Cengel and Michael A Boles

Thomas Calculus 11th edition by George B.Thomas

Thomas' Calculus, Eleventh Edition (Thomas Series) 11th edition by George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel D. Hass, Frank R. Giordano

Transport Phenomena 2nd edition by Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot

Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems 2nd edition by George A. Truskey, Fan Yuan, David F. Katz

Unit operations of chemical engineering 7th edition by Warren l. Mccabe

University physics 11th edition by Young and Freedman

Vector Calculus , Linear Algebra and Differential Forms 2nd edition by Hubbard and Burke

Vector Mechanics for Engineers , Dynamics 6th edition by Beer

Vector Mechanics for Engineers , Dynamics 7th edition by Beer

Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics 8th edition by Beer

Vector Mechanics Statics 7th edition by Beer and Johnston

VHDL for Engineers International Edition by Kenneth L. Short

Wireless Communications 1st edition by A. F. Molisch

Wireless Communications 1st edition by Andrea Goldsmith

Wireless Communications Principles and Practice 2nd edition by Theodore S. Rappaport

Zill's a First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications (7th ed.) and Zill & Cullen's Diferential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems (5th ed.)


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