Stella stayed home from school for a couple of days this week because she said her throat felt "wet". I don't even know what that means. In her defense, she had a runny nose and a pretty awful cough, too. We both enjoyed not having to rush her out the door in the morning. And Elliot really liked having a playmate. We're counting down until spring break next month, and then summer will come soon after that. We're getting trunky over here!
I just finished remaking a wedding dress for a bride. It was sort of a big job, so to reward myself, I ordered a little print from artist Emily Jeffords. I have long admired her work and I am excited to have some of it hanging in my home.
Also, are you a cat person? I'm not, but the other five people who live in my house most definitely are. They thought this video of cats welcoming soldiers home was really funny. Cats can be so mean.
I am looking forward to going out with Mike tonight, but other than that our weekend, as usual, is wide, wide open. Have a good one!