One of the advantages of having a smart TV is that you can bypass the dumb cable channels, particularly CNN. A smart TV gives you direct access to YouTube channels like Right Side Broadcasting, which covers the Donald J. Trump rallies without commercial interference and endless commentary from liberal talking heads. The crowd at the rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Monday night broke into cries of “CNN Sucks” when the candidate referred to the channel’s disgraceful coverage of the campaign.
Mediaite highlighted the reaction of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who said, in regard to Trump’s criticism of CNN, “…I think this is very high on the list of irresponsible things the guy [Trump] has done.” What Trump did was blast the channel for failing to report on the size of the Trump rallies. “I wish those cameras would show this crowd, because if they would, people would be amazed,” Trump said. “They never show the crowd.”
There’s a reason for that. The media don’t want to validate the fact that vast numbers of people show up to Trump rallies, and that paid staffers and Democratic Party machine operatives turn out for Hillary. Reporters, of course, “swell” the ranks of these events, giving the impression there are more ordinary people in attendance than there really are.
Speaking directly to the reporters and their camera crews in the back of the arena, Trump said, “Show the crowd. They don’t want to turn around. Look at the cameras—they face straight…They don’t want us to win and they don’t show these crowds. But you look at these crowds. Bernie Sanders never came close.” However, Right Side Broadcasting did show the crowd (at about 34:12 in the video of the Wilkes-Barre rally).
For very good reasons, Trump supporters are in the vast majority of Americans who do not have trust and confidence in the mass media. As noted by the Gallup poll, the percentage of people who trust the news media to report “fully, accurately and fairly” has “dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history.”
“They are so dishonest,” Trump said about the media, as the crowd broke into chants of “CNN Sucks” (at 35:25 in the rally video).
Trump added, “If Crooked Hillary Clinton were up here and had this kind of crowd, the cameras would be showing the crowd all day long.”
As the make-up of this rally suggests, the real story of this campaign is how the Democrats have abandoned the working class to Trump. On a campaign swing through the “Rust Belt” of Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton had said that the white working class had been “left out and left behind.” That was before she called Trump’s supporters “deplorable.”
My old home town of Toledo, Ohio, where I graduated from college, used to be known as the glass capital of the world. Now it imports glass from China.
Many towns in the “Rust Belt” are dying coal and steel towns that are fast becoming what a local TV station called “ghost towns.” But the heroin problem is growing from coast to coast.
Trump says the nation’s heroin problem can be traced to the failure to keep the southern border secure. He says heroin is “pouring across” the border and calls it poison. If the media would bother to fact-check this assertion, they would find it was true. A border wall would put a major crimp in the heroin trafficking into the U.S.
For her part, however, in a secret speech to the Brazilian bank Banco Itau, Clinton said that “her dream” is a “hemispheric common market” with “open trade and open borders.” Her press operatives insist that she was talking about energy moving across borders. But that’s not what the speech says. She does mention that at “some time in the future” there will be “energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.” But the promise of “open trade and open borders” is mentioned as a precondition for such trade in energy.
How does Mrs. Clinton propose to let energy in and keep heroin out? The candidate has a fancy “Initiative to Combat America’s Deadly Epidemic of Drug and Alcohol Addiction” that ignores the border. The policy declares that “Clinton believes that naloxone, a rescue drug that stops opioid overdoses from becoming fatal, must be in the basic toolkit for every first responder.” This is important, but way behind what is now being practiced in cities and towns around America. Even in my local area of Calvert County, Maryland, just outside of D.C., the problem is so bad that ordinary citizens, not just first responders, are being trained in how to treat heroin overdoses with naloxone. I went through such training, after listening to parents talk about losing their kids to drugs. One mother wanted the training just so she could be equipped to deal with the prospect of finding her son overdosing on drugs in her own home. The heroin is coming across the border so easily, and so fast, that it is cheaper than prescription pills. The drug overdose mortality rate is on the rise in my area and nationally.
Drug cases increasingly fill the pages of my local paper. Here are just a few:
Mary’s County [Maryland] Sheriff’s Office deputies and detectives responded Aug. 31 to a 911 call for a possible overdose at a location in California [Maryland].
An Owings [Maryland] man posted a $50,000 bond Oct. 2 after he was pulled over by a deputy and allegedly found to be in possession of marijuana, used hypodermic syringes and heroin in his car.
A Prince George’s County man and an Owings woman are incarcerated on various drug possession charges for a Sept. 15 incident in which they were allegedly found with PCP, cocaine and marijuana in amounts indicating intent to distribute.
But some conservatives have lost sight of the real problems facing the country. Writing in The Weekly Standard, William Kristol wonders, “Is Trump a Sufferable Evil?” He has a problem with how Trump has talked privately about women, calling such talk “disgusting.” His recommendation is that the Republican Party dump the candidate. Trump has flaws, but it is Trump—and Trump alone—who is talking openly about the evils of drug trafficking into the United States. He is the only candidate who recommends a border wall that could stop the flow of this poison.
Perhaps Kristol, like other elites, lives in a gated community and believes he can protect his family members from the drug scourge. But most of America is witnessing the growing drug problem in their local communities. They want help. They’re not concerned about sex talk.
“The two groups with the most to lose with a Donald Trump victory on Nov. 8 would be the Mexican drug cartels and their Chinese suppliers,” writes William C. Triplett II, the former chief Republican counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “The reason is pretty simple: Mr. Trump has made securing the border his principal campaign theme. If the border is secured by a wall or some combination of means against the flood of illegal aliens and potential terrorists, then it automatically puts a major hit on the flow of narcotics across the border. If they can’t get the illegals in, they can’t get the dope in, either.”
“Absent the threat of a Trump victory in November, the Mexican drug cartels and their Chinese suppliers must have a bounce in their step these days,” Triplett continues. “To begin with, even if we didn’t have open borders as de-facto administration policy, the reality that heroin and other illegal drugs from Mexico are widely available and cheap would confirm that the doors are open. There is more than enough supply available on street corners from coast to coast.”
On the other hand, he notes that “…the cartels will look forward optimistically to a Hillary Clinton presidency…Nothing in her record as a U.S. senator or secretary of state suggests that blocking the illegal importation of narcotics would be on her radar screen.”
The Triplett column appeared before we learned that the Democratic candidate was secretly promising foreigners that the U.S. border would remain open.
How disgusting is that, Mr. Kristol?
CNN sucks. And so do the commentators who turn a blind eye to the drugs ravaging our communities and killing our people.
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