Plying the Pearl River by Andy Evansen [image via]
How fabulous is this watercolor? So many little things make it really stand out as a knock out piece. The water is wonderful and that little splash from the oar… brilliant! It’s fabulous how the little pops of bright color highlight just the perfect amount. Andy has some amazing work, check out his website if you get a chance!
This painting, Plying the River Pearl, was accepted into the 2014 American Watercolor Society show in New York! Congratulations Andy!
Read a blip about Andy from his website:
Andy began painting watercolors in the mid 1990′s, is largely self-taught, and has studied with such well-known watercolorists as Skip Lawrence, Eric Weigardt, and Alvaro Castagnet. He served as President of the Minnesota Watercolor Society from 2004-2006 and teaches workshops around the United States.
His paintings have appeared on the cover of American Artist’s Watercolor magazine and in International Artist, Watercolor Artist, Plein Air and American Art Collector magazines. His award-winning paintings are in collections on 4 continents. He was awarded the Bronze Medal of Honor at the 2012 AmericanWatercolor Society Exhibition and was jut elected a signature member of the prestigious Plein-Air Painters of America.
Andy has some great events in line for 2014 as well as quite a few workshops… if anyone is interested, check out his website, it has all the information!
O n e Y e a r A g o: How to make an organized grocery list!
T w o Y e a r s A g o: A Charleston sunset…
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Catch you back here tomorrow!
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