On Saturday, Aug. 17, sailors donned pink and raised money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation as they sailed around Shilshole Bay.
At last count, the event raised almost $38,000, and more checks are rolling in. During the race, teams earned money for each buoy they rounded, either by purchasing themselves or asking for donations. Each buoy rounded amounted to $100 if funded. Teams could prearrange buoy purchases before the race. There was also a silent auction.
Last year, the Seattle Pink Boat Regatta raised $36,000.
Some changes happened between last year, Seattle’s first annual Pink Boat Regatta, and this year. According to Three Sheets NW, founder Thomas Watson bailed on the project he started. He had initially planned to raise up to $1 million for breast cancer research and had intended to embark on a ‘round-the-world journey in his pink boat, which would have been a world record for the size of his boat.
But, life interrupted.
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