
“I feel like anyone who says, ‘I’m spiritual’ sounds a little wanky. But yeah, I definitely consider myself to be more spiritual than religious. I’m not super tied-in to certain rules but I think it’s naive to say nothing exists and there’s nothing above us more powerful than us. I think that’s a little narrow-minded. I definitely believe in karma. I think ‘everything happens for a reason’ is a difficult one because there’s a lot of shit happening in the world right now that’s so unfair. So it’s hard to look at that stuff and think, ’ Well, everything happens for a reason.’ But I definitely think there’s something - it’s not just us. Because, you know, it’s kind of crazy to think that it’s just us. I’m not saying I believe in aliens, but you know what I mean.”

- Harry talking about being spiritual rather than religious in Another Man Magazine (via zaynispureperfection)

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