

This is part of my series on Niall’s past “relationships”.  I had thought Amy might just be a friend the press decided to report about.  That’s actually the image they were trying to give, but looking into it made me realize how much bigger it was than I thought and how orchestrated it was.

Before you start on the timeline, there are some things you need to be familiar with.  Besides Niall and Amy, there were two other major players involved pretty much every time they showed up together.

One is Georgia, Amy’s sister.  The other is Darren who knew Niall from Mullingar, was rumored to be Amy’s good friend, and who also was suspected to be dating Amy or Georgia. There was a lot of confusion over what exactly Darren and Amy’s, and Niall and Amy’s relationships were.

Timeline As It Happened

Arthur’s Day Sep 27, 2012



It was easy to figure out Amy, Niall, and Darren were all supposed to have been together on Sep 27 because Amy’s sister posted it and tagged them.



However, the picture Amy posted clearly isn’t from Sep 27. It has to be a snapshot of the Polaroid that was seen in the TMH tour video when it was released later in Feb 2013.  That’s why the quality of the picture was a little weird.



According to a video masterpost that is extremely thorough about dating things, the TMH tour video in question was filmed on Sep 23rd and/or 24th.



Not only was the picture not taken day of, but it was probably only taken for the video itself, for work.  They were together on Sep 27th according to Georgia, so why not use a new picture actually from that day?

Plus, it’s kind of odd that Amy would call Niall her fave Irish lad when she was supposed to be close to Darren and had only just been introduced to Niall. The post seems to have been designed to draw attention and be suggestive of them dating while not confirming anything.

Alicia Keys Concert Sep 28, 2012


Niall didn’t say anything about St. Arthur’s, but the next day he tagged Darren, Amy, Georgia, and Eoghan while tweeting about a concert they went to.



Georgia later tweeted a picture of them as well.



Amy on Twitter Oct 4, 2012

Both Niall’s tweet and Amy’s response scream “this is promo while trying to appear natural”.



Amy on Twitter Oct 11, 2012

Amy posted another picture without any real explanation of what they were doing together that day.  Since it was the second one and the fans had more time to recognize Amy at that point, there was a lot more speculation.



Niall on Twitter Oct 16, 2012

The second and last time Niall mentioned Amy on Twitter directly was when he brought her up and tagged her in response to a fan question.  Liking someone’s eyes, smile, or laugh are often associated with romance, so this again seems to have been calculated to be suggestive of a relationship.



X Factor Oct 20, 2012

Fans were alerted that Amy and Niall were together at The X Factor because Darren tweeted about it.



He’d already posted several pictures of him and Niall from the last month, done a Twitcam with Niall, and he and Niall had talked on Twitter a couple days beforehand, so at least a few fans would have been following him by that point.



Once again, everything was very, very public.



This picture picture showed up that night, but where did this picture come from?



The earliest source on Twitter I can find is on Oct 20, 2012, but it’s clearly not the main source.



I tried to reverse image search it and I checked Olly’s Twitter and Instagram, Darren’s Twitter, Niall’s Twitter and Instagram, Amy’s Twitter, Georgia’s Twitter, The X Factor Twitter, The Xtra Factor Twitter, and The X Factor UK Music Twitter.

My best guess is that it originated from an update account which happens sometimes and since this was in 2012, a lot of update accounts from then have been deleted, potentially erasing the source of some pictures.  When there’s no other source than an update account, it often means it’s something 1DHQ wanted the fandom to see.

There could be another source, but I couldn’t find it.

Charity Game Oct 22, 2012

Along with Harry and Liam, Niall, Amy, and Darren were down on the field for Louis’ charity game.




The more a new “girlfriend” is linked to the other boys’ “girlfriends”, the more suspect it is given established stunting patterns.  While Eleanor wasn’t on the field for Louis’ charity game, she was in the stands and meant to be seen.



Even though they don’t seem to have interacted, I would classify this as a double date of some sort or at least a group stunting night.  It’s an established pattern.




Amy on Twitter Oct 23, 2012

The next day Amy tweeted Liam with a picture of him and her front and center. It conspicuously avoids making Niall the main focus, but it clearly places her with Niall and by this time fans knew the situation.



Movie Oct 24, 2012

Neither Amy nor Niall mentioned each other when talking about the movie, but it’s the same movie on the same night and Darren tagged them as being in the group anyway.



When I did my post about Narbara, I noted that the first interaction was Barbara tagging him about going to Hunger Games.



It seems to be another pattern since Zerrie also had a Twitter conversation about a movie early on in their fauxmance.



And a similar situation with Elounor.



Promo (questionable in Perrie’s case) for the movie/play while also serving to make everyone aware that a date occurred.

Amy on Twitter Oct 25, 2012

Amy replied to a tweet Ben Winston made about Niall.



This was part of a chain of tweets referring to a football game they’d had.



It was 11 a side, meaning they had a large group and Amy chiming in is probably meant to hint that she was part of it.  Again, she was connected to Niall, but it was in a sideways manner since the tweet she replied to wasn’t even his tweet and no one ever actually mentioned her being there.


Derby Game Oct 27, 2012

Niall and Amy attended a Derby game together not long after.  Notice the pap picture is labeled as “Niall Horan from One Direction with girlfriend Amy Green”.  As far as I know, there wasn’t too much if any press speculation about Amy and Niall yet at that point.  The story actually broke the day after.



There was a picture of Niall and Amy entering the game, but only one.  I don’t know what the source was, but with so many people at a sporting event, the assumption would be that someone would be a fan and recognize Niall.



That doesn’t mean it wasn’t planned though.

The game was odd in multiple ways.  There are several pictures of Niall inside afterwards, but the only fan picture and the only picture outside seems to be this one.



This is purely conjecture with nothing solid to back it up, but I kind of wonder if this girl was asked to take and post a picture of Niall and Amy and that’s why she’s the only one with a photo of Niall from that day.

There don’t seem to be any fan pics of Niall from the crowd that day which is odd again.  I was looking through pics of him at games and there always seem to be a decent number.  I assume that means he must have been somewhere fans couldn’t see.

There were pap pics though.  I think they must have been released on the pap site around midnight UK time that night based on when people started reposting them on Twitter.  They were then used in the articles breaking the story about Niall and Amy having a relationship the next day.



The last thing I want to point out is how oddly Niall was dressed.  It was so formal compared to his normal dress for games.  It was a regular game as far as I could tell.  I guess it’s supposed to be making it seem like a date, but it just sticks out as weird.



Relationship Starts (Mirror) Oct 28, 2012


The Mirror broke the relationship story by referring to The X Factor the week before instead of the charity game or Derby game.  Considering they didn’t use the pap pics from the Derby game, that makes the fact that Amy was labeled Niall’s girlfriend in the caption stand out even more.  Other sites did use those pap pics though.



Since this is from The Examiner, I normally wouldn’t include it, but aside from the amusing name slip up, it brings up two interesting points.  First, that Niall was still being linked to Demi Lovato off and on through it all.  Second, that Niall was calling himself single through all of this.  I decided to put the denials of having a relationship in a separate section further towards the end.

Anyway, good job Examiner people for trying to explain away the contradiction although it seems like the confusion was set up intentionally.  Funny the type of guy, dare I say stereotypical bro-tank fratboy (hmm, TMH tour outfits), this paints Niall as.



10-28-2012 New Couple Alert?? Niall Horan Has Moved On From Demi Lovato!  (Perez Hilton)

10-28-2012  Niall’s loved up: One Direction singer Niall Horan dating 20-year-old drama student  (Mirror)


Niall Horan reportedly has ‘friends with benefits’ relationship with Amy Green

10-29-2012 One Direction’s Niall Horan Is Still Single! Denies Relationship With Drama Student!  (Perez Hilton)

10-29-2012  One Direction’s Niall Horan: Sexy New Girlfriend Revealed?  (Hollywood Life)

Journalist Nov 4, 2012



Random journalist is random and, therefore, believable, I guess?



He was at The X Factor that night and was placing Amy and Niall there. Interesting development given how this guy is repeating what The Mirror’s “sources” did according to them.



Niall and Amy being there was confirmed through separate pictures.  I didn’t try to find the sources for Niall’s.  I got tired.



Amy’s was tweeted from her account although it doesn’t seem to be there anymore.



Internet Hate (The Sun) Nov 6, 2012

The Sun was the source of the “quotes” this time.



11-6-2012 Niall tells his girl to block the net trolls  (The Sun Irish Showbiz 33)

Rizzle Kicks Concert Nov 16, 2012

Niall, Amy, and two members of the London Irish Crew (LIC) went to a Rizzle Kicks Concert when Niall returned from doing album promo in Europe and the US.



It’s a rule of thumb that most pappings aren’t random but are planned by the artist’s team.  If you think about it, it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement providing low effort and high return for the pap agency and fuel for PR approved stories on the artist’s side.

I bring this up because this was at night after a concert from an artist that is relatively unknown and the sidewalk looks deserted, yet a pap was there.  In fact the pap got multiple clear pictures from the front and none of Niall’s group protested at all.  This was clearly a sanctioned pap walk.



Something else is that Amy posted a pic of the night, but it doesn’t include Niall and

even if you assume he’s taking the picture and that’s why he’s not in it, she didn’t tag him either.

Considering everyone knows he was there because of the pap pics and stories, that seems like an exercise in futility, or more likely, she was being “discrete” again.



This is the new info from the Mirror’s “source”.



11-17-2012  “Niall couldn’t wait to see Amy”: One Direction star reunited with his student girlfriend  (Mirror)

11-20-2012  Are you sure you’re just friends? One Direction’s Niall Horan looks loved-up as he walks hand-in-hand with drama student pal Amy Green  (Daily Mail)

11-21-2012  Niall’s lovelife blossoms as 1D album hits US No 1  (Herald)

11-21-2012  Niall Horan’s Hot Date Night With College Student Amy Green  (Hollywood Life)

Amy on Twitter Jan 26, 2013

There seems to have been a quiet period in December and January, but Amy was back at it, linking herself to a conversation about Niall without actually replying to him directly again.  Also promo for Conor Maynard.



Break Up (Mirror) Feb 16, 2013

Once again, it’s The Mirror that broke the story.



2-16-2013  “Too busy” for love: 1D star Niall Horan dumps “devastated” model Amy Green  (Mirror)


Let’s talk about this particular bit.



The Mirror claimed that Amy broke up with her former boyfriend to date Niall. This was repeated throughout the rest of the break up press.  The press never mentioned her having a boyfriend at any other point in the stunt that I know of, so this is a random fact to throw in suddenly.  I don’t know why they’d suddenly add that unless it had a purpose.

Since Darren was tangled up in the whole stunt from start to finish as far as the fandom was concerned (check the Darren section below), my guess is that the line was put in there to make fans think Amy had broken up with Darren to date Niall.  1DHQ was taking care to muddy the waters around Amy and Darren even if that aspect didn’t end up in stories.

I don’t know if it worked since I didn’t really see anyone talking about it, but it started planting that seed of Niall dating girls who were already attached for anyone who saw it.  The next time people read about him ignoring Zoe Whelan to date other people or sleeping with Louise Thompson who already had a boyfriend, it would have been subconsciously easier to accept it since a pattern of behavior was being established.

Amy on Twitter Feb 17, 2013

Georgia and Amy’s response to the article on Twitter were indirect, but people obviously put the pieces together and many of the break up articles released after the first day included the two tweets below.



Amy retweeted Georgia’s tweet although it looks like it’s been deleted since.



2-17-2013  Niall heading in wrong direction for love | Irish Examiner

2-17-2013 Niall Horan Calls Off Relationship With Drama Student He Denied Dating In October!  (Perez Hilton)

2-17-2012 1D Niall splits from girlfriend  (The Sun Showbiz 38)

2-18-2013 Why Did Niall Horan and Amy Green Split After Only Four Months?  (Wet Paint)

2-18-2013   Too busy for love? Niall Horan splits from model girlfriend because of hectic One Direction schedule  (Daily Mail)

2-20-2013 Niall Horan never dated ‘ex’  (Irish Daily Star 3.5)

TMH Tour Video Feb 23, 2013

I had no idea until I went through the Namy tag, but Amy was in the TMH tour videos.






This was filmed in late September, but it was released at the first TMH concert.

I’m not sure how far they were thinking ahead when they made the TMH videos.  The set up for Amy and Niall started only a few days later, so it had to have been planned by the time they were filming.

However, it seems like a poor choice to announce Niall and Amy’s break up and then have her appear several times in the tour videos only a week later. Those videos ran throughout TMH too, so she was up onscreen the whole year after it “ended”.

Maybe that’s what they wanted- a reminder of Niall’s “relationship” to do the work for them instead of having to deal with a new stunt.  Maybe the stunt was supposed to last a little longer and it ended early.  Maybe they didn’t think about the timing of the release or didn’t remember she was an extra in them.

I don’t know, but it’s awkward.

Niall on Twitter May 4, 2013

It seems like Niall decided to defend Amy’s honor on Twitter in May 2013 out of the blue.  The original tweet he responded to was deleted, so I had to take it from an article.  Sorry about the language.




5-6-2013 Niall Horan hits out as ‘fan’ blasts ex girlfriend  (Irish Daily Star 3.12)

Amy on Twitter July 18, 2013

Amy again popped back up to wish Niall’s Dad a happy birthday, at the same time implying she’s met him although that was never hinted at before that I found.



Livestream Slip Up Aug 12, 2013

Niall did the first 1D Twitcam in a long time on Aug 12th and didn’t succeed at shutting off the camera before greeting a guest that had just arrived.  The stream was reported to have frozen after that.



Despite the poor quality, fans were able to identify Amy from the nickname Niall yelled.



I’m not sure if the slip up was planned or not.  If it was planned, then Niall is a better actor than I thought because he was struggling with the camera a lot at the beginning of the Twitcam.  A lot of articles didn’t ID the “mysterious girl” as Amy even though many fans were able to put it together.

8-13-2013  Niall Horan’s a Green day fan (Irish Mirror)

8-13-2013  Niall Horan hugs 'friend’ during webchat  (Daily Mail)

8-13-2013  Niall Horan gets caught cuddling during live web chat  (Daily Mail)

8-13-2013  Oh no… he hugged a girl! One Direction fans overreact to Niall’s friendly greeting to female friend on webcam  (Daily Mail)

8-13-2013  Niall Horan accidentally fails to turn off LIVE webcam as 100k fans witness 1D star hugging mystery girl  (Mirror)

8-13-2013  Niall Horan narrowly avoids embarrassment in latest Twitcam to 100k fans - Just Sayin’  (Mirror)

Fans fume over One Direction star Niall’s embrace with girl (Irish Daily Star)

It also would make sense for Amy to be there since it seems like she’s probably really Niall’s friend and part of the LIC.  What got caught on the Twitcam wasn’t at all romantic, but was very much two friends who hadn’t met up in a long time.  He called her by her nickname, told her the house had changed since she’d last seen it, and the hug was enthusiastic rather than intimate.




Actually, technically it could be Georgia since her last name is also Green and she probably gets called by the same nickname.

At the same time, there were some articles that ID’ed her and Niall yelling her nickname was a huge help in fans being able to tell the difference between Amy and some random, blurry brunette.  Just the fact that there were so many articles when it could have easily been ignored makes it questionable.

If you think about it, the fact that Niall had a Twitcam at all is odd since there hadn’t been any in 2013.  Maybe the boys weren’t trusted to do them anymore, but they ok’ed one for Niall since he didn’t have a relationship in the band to accidentally out.

That still doesn’t make sense, though, since if they wanted him to be careful, they probably would have checked the circumstances of the Twitcam that was planned and asked him to do it on a day when no one would be around.  Also, even if Niall isn’t dating a band member, he could still have slipped up about the others.

On the other hand, this was August 2013, so Niall was right in the middle of the Ed/Ellie/Niall set up at that time.  There wasn’t really a need to show him with another girl at that point.  However, the Amy situation had been brought back up in May and then again in July through Twitter, so it’s not clear if they were done with her or not.  She showed up again in Sep 2014 and June 2015, so who knows.

I can’t make up my mind about whether that was a natural slip up or not.

Amy on Twitter Sep 13, 2013

Again, Amy coming out of nowhere about a month later.



That means there were minor interactions in Jan, Feb, May, July, Aug, and Sep in 2013 if you count the quiet months before the break up and the months after together.

Niall’s Birthday Sep 6, 2014

I had no idea at the time, but Amy and Georgia were at Niall’s 21st birthday party in the UK.



They left in the same car with Niall and another of his friends.



Amy also posted a picture on her Instagram, but she didn’t tag Niall or anyone else.



It may have just been a regular industry part that Amy attended as a friend. While there were pictures of her taken and one or two of her in the same frame as Niall made it into articles, she wasn’t mentioned at all.

Night Club June 24, 2015

Amy reappeared in what seems like a very deliberate way in 2015 by leaving a club with Niall.




The club was likely done on purpose given that she was called a mystery brunette and there was no reason for Niall to be at a popular celeb spot or for the paps to be there to take pictures unless they were told to be.  This was around the time he was linked to Melissa, Samantha Jade, Jade Thirwall, and Ariana Grande, so it seems like they were just pulling girls out of every corner to throw into the press with him.

5-25-2015 1D party partners Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan enjoy another wild night out as they emerge bleary-eyed from a club with a mystery brunette (Daily Mail)

Denials and Confirmations

Obviously the Amy and Niall situation was reported on multiple times over the course of several months.  What’s strange is that Niall denied being in a relationship with anyone throughout, yet papers kept reporting and Niall didn’t stop publicly hanging out with Amy in ways that were bound to look suggestive to the fans.

Even after he reportedly had to comfort Amy after she was trolled by fans, he was papped at a concert with her within a week and a half.  It apparently never occurred to either of them that they could hang out and just not broadcast it over public social media.

Twitcam with Darren Oct 2, 2012

During Niall’s Twitcam he answered a fan’s question about whether he had a girlfriend with “No, I don’t have a girlfriend”.



Now Interview Oct 29, 2012

During a print interview released on Oct 29th Niall suppposedly said he was definitely single.



Darren on Twitcam Nov 6, 2012

Based on Darren’s tweets about doing a Twitcam and the fan reaction afterwards, it looks like he probably denied a relationship between Niall and Amy during it.




Barbara Walters Nov 13, 2012

When asked who was available/out there, Niall raised his hand and said “I’m out”.  Although it aired in December, it was filmed in November.



Extra TV on Nov 26, 2012

During an interview with Extra TV, NIall said that he, Harry, and Liam were “single pringles”.



Niall on Twitter Dec 4, 2012

Niall responded that a fan was right when they tweeted about him being a single happy Irishman.



Twist Magazine ~Dec 15, 2012

Twist magazine fueled Darren and Amy rumors by denying Niall was dating Amy because they said Amy was dating Darren.  Darren wasn’t mentioned in articles I saw otherwise.



People and Relationships

Amy The Intern

I found some chatter online about Amy being an intern.



I’m not sure how people found out originally, but it looks like it’s true.  I found her business profile and like her Twitter says, she works on TV behind the scenes.




The profile is very well done and extensive, including her stint as an intern with Fulwell 73 on the One Direction tour VT’s.



She wasn’t in the TMH videos because she was a friend.  She was in them because she was part of the staff.



She has a career in entertainment and like so many other of the people linked to One Direction, she would have definitely benefited from more experience, exposure, and behind the scenes connections.

Darren The Third Wheel

Based on how Darren tweeted Niall since early 2011 and that he seems to know Niall’s cousin Deo based on his Twitter activity, he probably knew Niall from home.  There’s an impression that he and Niall are good friends, but I can’t seem to find pictures of them together from before the whole thing with Amy started.



The thing is that Darren tweeted him a ton and they do seem like they knew each other, but Niall never tweeted Darren except between September 17th and October 24th in 2012, right around the stunt.

Darren seemed to be in London around that time pursuing a music career, giving he and Niall a chance to hang out.  It makes sense that they’d reconnect, but the fact that it was so public when Niall hadn’t ever tweeted him before that is odd.



Niall’s Twitter interactions with his other friends from home is similar, with them tweeting him a lot and him rarely responding, making me think he wasn’t supposed to talk to them on his Twitter and had another method of answering. If Niall suddenly started tweeting Darren all the time, it makes sense that there was a specific purpose behind it.



Darren was at:

the Alicia Keys concert

Arthur’s Day

the first X Factor trip

the charity game

the Paranormal Activity 4 movie

For hanging out as friends that’s not too weird, but considering all the signs that Amy was a deliberate fake relationship, it’s curious that Darren was at so many of their stunt outings.

It could be that he was dating Amy, that he was Amy’s friend and there to make it more comfortable for everyone, that he and Niall had just reconnected and were hanging out a ton, that he and Niall were dating, or that he was part of the stunt in another way.

My conclusion given how Niall talking to Darren on Twitter brought him to the attention of the fandom, Darren was at so many of the outings with Amy even though he didn’t really have to be, and how Darren clearly has made music his career, is that Darren was part of the stunt to get exposure and promotion for himself.

On October 22nd around when the charity game was, Darren and Amy talked for what seems to be the only time on Twitter.



Around 45 minutes later an update account reported that Darren and Amy were dating.  I can’t find the original as it doesn’t seem to be on the Insiders1D account at all and I can’t trace it before the tweet below.



There were a few people who noticed Darren in the background and mused about the possibility of him being Amy’s boyfriend before Oct 22, but it was scattered and no one picked it up.

Since the tweet between Darren and Amy isn’t all that suggestive, I don’t think it was necessarily the reason that the idea of Amy and Darren dating became so widespread.  It was likely because of the update account’s “insider” information.

On Oct 24th Darren tweeted about seeing the movie with Niall, Amy, and her sister Georgia.



He and Georgia were talking on Twitter a bit too.




She posted a pic of Darren and Georgia saying that they’d been hanging out. This would imply Niall left after the movie but everyone else stayed.



An hour or two later he posted the link to his Facebook fan page.  I don’t know if it was just created then or not.  His Twitter is full of promotion for his music, so it’s not an unusual tweet.



Then, from the tone of his tweet about being single, it sounds like One Direction fans were probably asking him whether he was dating Amy or Georgia.



10 minutes after saying he was single, he posted the picture of Amy with no caption or explanation.




There are three things that jump out at me here.

1) He mentioned Niall, did promo for himself, then indirectly addressed One Direction fans and posted something of interest to them.

2) He denied dating anyone and then posted the only picture of Amy that can be found on his account, plus his only interaction with her on Twitter was just a couple days before that.

3) He posted a pic that Georgia had already posted an hour or two before. Georgia probably had it since she supposedly took the picture, so why did Darren save it and then repost?


It seems like Darren was a deliberate part of the stunt, so knowing that, it means the official narrative about whether Amy was dating Niall or his friend was purposefully muddied.  They wanted people to wonder.

I’m guessing this served 2 purposes.  First, it kept everything more ambiguous and, therefore, made it seem natural and like it wasn’t planned.

Second, if you consider all the denials of a relationship and the confusion about Darren, the line in the press about Niall being friends with benefits with Amy is probably the impression a lot of fans got.  Image: “Niall loves sex with girls a lot, but he loves it too much to commit to a relationship”.  The same as Harry’s image for the most part.

If you separately consider the line in the press about Amy breaking up with her previously unmentioned boyfriend for Niall, Darren is the one fans thought might have been dating Amy, so it looks like he got in between them.  We’ve seen that narrative expanded and repeated over and over again for Niall since then with Ruth Hicks, Louise Thompson, Ellie Goulding, and Melissa Whitelaw.

Hometown Friends

I’m suspicious of Niall and Amy or Amy and Darren being hometown friends. That was one of the narratives and was something many in the fandom believed.  Either Niall knew Amy from home or Darren was friends with her and introduced her to Niall as the story went.

Darren and Niall definitely have roots in Mullingar and know the same people including Deo and Sean Cullen, so it’s confirmed they did know each other before.  Amy is questionable though.

The first obvious point is that Niall and Darren never interacted with Amy on Twitter before the stunt began.

Niall tweeted his hometown friends a lot in 2010, 2011, and 2012 compared to any year since, but Amy isn’t mentioned.  Compare that to his female friend from Mullingar, Shanon.  Shanon tweeted Niall much more often than he tweeted her (as per the norm apparently since the same thing is true for Darren), but he did tweet her multiple times a year from 2010-2012.




That’s what his Twitter interaction with Amy should probably look like, but it doesn’t.

A second point I already mentioned is how she and Darren barely interacted over Twitter.  Since Darren and Niall did know each other from back home and she was supposed to know Darren and possibly Niall, that doesn’t make a lot of sense.




A third point is that Amy cheered on Harry during The X Factor.  There’s nothing wrong with being a friend of one boy and a fan of another, but you’d think if she knew Niall, she would have been cheering for him or would have mentioned knowing him or something at least.



The fourth point is Georgia was only ever in contact with Niall or Darren during the stunt and not before or after. First there are Darren’s tweets to her.



Then there’s also her tweets to him.


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