
I did it again and I’m sorry

๑•́ㅿ•̀๑) ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ  I really need to answer my inbox stuff much more frequently so I don’t get this backed up.  The drill is the same as always: if I didn’t delete your ask for being rude, something I don’t want to discuss openly on my blog, repetitive, or irrelevant in a bad way, your answer is below the cut.

I didn’t really order these unfortunately, so it might be a bit hard to find your ask.  Oh, if you sent something today, I’m probably still working on those, so you won’t find most of them here.

funnyasduck(.)net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/funny-pale-irish-girl-sun-bathing-sand-pics-e1425492261167(.)jpg could be me maybe food helps or won’t cause harm, but my doctor also says to stay out of the sun as much as possible as well. No sun without sunscreen, I trust in SFP30/50

Yeah, UV light (which is found in sunlight) has long been known as harmful.  I mean, you have to expect that something that literally burns your skin without touching it isn’t good for you in large doses.

Niall’s flat always looks so clean in pictures. Even that awards(?) and the other things, that you can see in ariana’s Obama picture, are all standing in the same distance to each other And some people say all guys are dirty

Niall is SO clean.  People have made masterposts about how neat and organized he is.  They’re my favorite masterposts really XD  He’s got a hat case just so he can stack his snapbacks up neatly and everything.  Guys definitely have stereotypes that aren’t true about them just like girls and there are plenty of guys out there who don’t think it’s okay to break those stereotypes even if it’s what’s natural to them.

That guy who tweeted Niall is a rugby player and he is hottttt, he’s one of my faves!! It makes it even better cause they can bond over rugby and then have arguments over whether Ireland or Wales are better, and then anger and lust, the best combination!!!

Ah, I think I remembered him as a boxer because someone was trying to get them to do a charity boxing match around the time the first Twitter fight happened.  Niall would have been at a severe disadvantage at that >:(  But yeah, never happened.  They seem to be comfortable friends who like to banter now and I wouldn’t say no to fanfic of them…

I think Louis and Lauren might date like he never got linked to Camila like that but this time he is spotted with Lauren I’m the car like his first Eleanor date ,besides they linked Perrie to Niall before zayn js

Okay, one important thing to remember is that one occurrence doesn’t make for a pattern.  Lots of girls are linked to 1D and lots of celebrities in particular are linked to more than 1 of the boys at some point, especially if they have a long association.  I don’t think they’re going to go the fake dating route with 5H right now, at least not with celebs.  They’re still a bit young for that and I think they’re trying to do things a little differently with them anyway.

I’ve always wondered why management thought “relationship stunting” could help promote Little Mix (most especially, as the girl in the relationship is actually famous, compared to a non famous person dating a famous person). Like I understand relationship stunting as a way to “up” or “better” someone’s image, EX: all the talk about Taylor being able to say she “helped out a friend (Harry)” the fandom mentioned a few weeks ago. But how is showing you’re in a relationship going to promo the band+

I don’t know if you sent more, but I don’t think I got it if you did.  Relationship stunting only works for promo for the boys if it’s someone famous.  If it’s a regular person getting a decent amount of press, it’s pretty much guaranteed to be fake, but you’re right that it doesn’t help promo.  That’s mostly for bearding I’d say.

With Little Mix, tying their names to a bigger artist’s name in the press works up to a point because people who see Zayn’s name, for instance, read the article and find out about Perrie and Little Mix.  This only works for a while, though, before you would want to move on.  Also, knowing about an artist doesn’t guarantee you’ll become a fan.

In other words: Modest has always been stupid in 80% of what they do.

I have a question. I know Liam lives in Surrey, Harry lives in Malibu, Zayn in Barnet I believe. But what part of London do Niall and Louis live in. (Im not looking for an exact address Im not going to visit. LOL) Thanks.

I don’t really keep track.  I’m not from the UK, so the different parts of London are completely unknown to me.  It came up recently for Niall, so I know he lives in Hertfordshire, but that’s it.  Harry does have a house in London too, but the theory is that that house is a decoy and that Harry and Louis live together elsewhere in the city.

I really think modest meant to push a Niall and Jade romance but literally no one bought it or started treating it like a joke so now they’re trying to backtrack again which is why it’s all so sloppy

Well, with the gift of hindsight, I really think they’re going for Niall/Ariana more. ;)  I still don’t think they’ll go for a big relationship between those two.  I think we’ll get a lot before the Summertime Ball, then we won’t hear much during the tour.  I don’t think anything will ever be confirmed, and I’d be surprised if the papers even called her his girlfriend.

Hi! Two things: first, I really like your blog. Thank you for updating it. This is all incredibly interesting. Second, I want to let you know, as a former mixer, that jade does not have a boyfriend right now. She’s the only single one in LM right now. Jesy is with Jake, Leigh is with Jordan, Perrie is “with” Zayn. I want to talk about this more with you so give me a second to send another ask.

Hi. Okay. I’ve always found the one direction/LM connection interesting (other than zerrie). I’ve read before that Liam and Jade knew each other pre-xfactor. Also, there was a point in time when Jesy was single and people/media used to link Niall and her together. There was also when they did the Harry/Jade thing. Niall and Jade was always the most intriguing to me because he’s said, “Jade is a cutie” on twitter. He also follows her on insta. I think it’s just PR hype. But tell me your thoughts

XD  Thank you for bothering to read it!  It’s funny that a lot of fans still think Jade has a boyfriend even though it’s been almost a year since they broke up according to the press.  I was on Twitter and tons of people thought she had a boyfriend.  Meh.  Anyway, PR hype for sure in my opinion.  I think Niall has been linked to everyone but Leigh-Anne, but it’s just what happens when a boyband and girlband associate at all.  Everyone ends up linked with everyone unless there are other motives at play.  I think anything that plays out too publicly is 99% a set up.


Nothing has come of them yet, but I think those rumors were definitely on purpose.  I would agree that they were a sort of test balloon to gauge interest. They seem to do that a decent amount.  They put hints of a story or a full story out, but in an obscure place, and see how the fandom climate is.  I really think the strange “hack” about Niall leaving the band in December was a test balloon for the Zayn stunt too.  It’s just too convenient.

Hello! It’s just a rumor and it probably means nothing but there’s a rumor going around on twitter saying “Liam was seen near the city Zayn lives in” even if it’s just a rumor you think there’s anything significant behind it because it was started?

It didn’t spread very far and I don’t think we even got a BG, so who knows.  I like the headcanon, so I’m keeping it XD

A+ on the NiHat post! A brilliant parody and PR-strategy reveal at the same time:) Why do you think M!M/Syco still bothers so much with LM tho? Isn’t it just costing them rn and they should cut ties to focus on 1D? They’re sabotaging a world famous band with all the Zerrie bs and Niall’s too obvious promo to promote a girl band that almost nobody knows. I think it’s actually ridic we have to factor in Zerrie drama and LM’s single/album for Zayn’s return given their musical insignificance!½

I know the stunt would’ve probably happened anyway, tho there are still doubts about how much of it was actually planned. The fall out raised Zayn’s profile and that of Louis, Liam and Niall. So LM maybe isn’t a decisive factor, but it still baffles me we actually have to take them into account, seeing how big of a band 1D is. They could’ve done so much other stuff to raise the boys’ profiles and were at one point (or Azoff?). But the Zerrie bs and now Niall’s promo just leaves me stunned. 2/2

The NiHat post is one of my favorites that I’ve made XD  I prefer to make fun posts or to go back and do thorough things like my Niall knee masterpost, but since things are what they are, I’m going to be spewing out my reasoning about Zayn leaving until that’s over instead.

I don’t agree with the people saying Little Mix’s album being delayed is delaying the stunt.  I think since the stunt started there was a plan that they were going to follow.  Some slight adjustments were probably made and maybe there’s some petty squabbling between teams about how the boys come off in the press, but I don’t think the master plan is in flux.  The more we see, the more it looks like everything had a specific timeline.

Modest still gets some money from the fashion promo Little Mix does I guess. If I were them, I wouldn’t let an album release happen though because albums aren’t big moneymakers and they probably won’t make enough off them to be worth the trouble.  Who knows though.  Again, Modest has consistently shown a complete lack of judgement in when to let go of things and switch tracks.

Do u miss ZAYN being in the band YES! oh my god, honestly I was distraught the day we all found out he left. watched all he music videos, interviews, video diaries, listened to the albums and whatnot. I don’t think it’s even hit me that one direction is only 4 guys now. I’m still absolutely gutted. however, I know that zayn had his reasons, which are extremely valid, and I think that everyone should try to understand that. zayns cousin shasha posted this on ask fm.. what do you think about it?

Just for the record, this is a very difficult ask to read.  I think most of it is a quote and you’re asking me about it.  Not all their family members are going to know what’s going on.  The more people you tell, the more likely someone is going to make a big slip up after all.  She’s a cousin, so I doubt she’s first on the list of people to tell.  I’m not sure how old she is, but that might be another factor too.  She sounds kind of young.  Even if she knows, she can’t tell anyone the truth anyway.  It’s either an NDA or just family loyalty.

i think modest just wants more promo for 5sos, they’ve started getting irrelevant now that they aren’t permanently attached to one direction and their fans don’t like their opening band

I don’t know that 5SOS are irrelevant.  They’re not as big as One Direction, no, but that’s a huge bar to set.  I looked into it and I like the music and videos of their opening band, but I understand there’s some disagreement over whether one of the original members who happened to be the founder left amicably or was forced out.  I personally don’t think anyone is ever going to know, so I think people need to get over it or just ignore the band instead of deliberately hating them.

Why do you think niall @‘ed that person who tweeted about him having girlfriends

Good question.  There are a few possibilities I think.  Either it was shade by Niall or it was a social media manager and it was supposed to support the idea that Niall doesn’t care what the press says because clearly he likes his girlfriend anyway.  Personally I think it was Niall throwing shade, but no way to know for sure.

Some role is nice, but there are definitely nicer roles than “homewrecker”… It’s just so obvious promo, let’s hope for just some articles until whatever happens to LM :D

Yeah, I don’t like homewrecker Niall narratives.  I don’t think they’re going to be an issue for much longer anyway and his current situation doesn’t follow the pattern yet either.  Ariana’s not currently with someone anyway.

do you know what this love island thing exactly is? :)

British reality show about dating I guess.  I would assume this girl was already signed up to be on it, they let her act as the cheating girl so she would get promo, and in return got to make some headlines about Zayn in relation to the show.  1DHQ wins, the girl wins, and Love Island wins.  I find it interesting that they blew their story so soon though.  I thought it would be during the Caroline Flack interview that’s after the Summertime Ball.  What she did end up saying made Zayn look better because it’s denying that any cheating happened, but it still wasn’t the right moment for it unless they have something else they haven’t “revealed” yet.

Do you think something will happen with Paige ?

Who’s Paige???

LMAO.  I love the differing levels everyone is on sometimes.  Paige is one of the people Harry has been linked to before.  I think she’s a socialite mostly, maybe a model.  If you’ve seen a picture of a girl supposedly sitting on Harry’s lap as he leans back on his hands (you can’t see his head), that’s her.  She’s the worst of anyone he’s been linked to in my opinion.  Apparently she and her friends hung out with Harry, got tickets from him to a show, then proceeded to go and film themselves mocking the show and the fans.  It was nasty and obviously something that betrayed Harry’s trust in her as a decent human being.  I believe he stopped hanging out with her shortly thereafter, probably because someone let him know what happened.

I think Harry’s Instagram followed Paige or liked one of her pictures.  I don’t know and I don’t care.  It’s clear to me that Harry wouldn’t associate her whether forced to or not at this point.

It never really hits me how young Harry is until you see him with his family. What their management did to him is just so sad.

It’s hard to remember how young all of them are, for sure.  I keep forgetting I’m older by at least 2 years.  They’ve been through so much at their age and I think they carry themselves quite well for the type of situation they’re in.  What their management has done to all of them is sad which is why everyone so desperately wants a management change.  If you manage to be worse than even the standard of crappiness that abounds in the entertainment industry, it’s pretty damn bad.

Do you think the band will split with these rumors ?

Nope.  I really need to find a way to show that I’m popping the “p” on that.  The whole thing only continues to look like a stunt, act like a stunt, and smell like a stunt, so why would I believe that they’re splitting up just because that’s what the official narrative is hinting at?  I can’t stress enough that although we don’t know much for sure, it’s amazingly obvious there IS a new team pulling some media strings and that no one would EVER bother to do unless they had a deal on the table.  No company is going to be making a deal with a band that plans on splitting up.  It’s not worth it.

Niall and Katy Perry was funny :D But then Niall “made out” with Katy Perry in the newspapers, but seemingly no one cared about Melissa, as the videos afterwards were from exactly that day though, and then just suddenly re-appeared somehow in February. The videos from November were really strange anyways, like really obvious look at that girl? Promo wise, I would guess that (in their usual manner at least) some articles for ticket promo in advance of the Oceanian leg would’ve been good.

I’m sorry, but I’m really confused by the points you’re trying to make.  They seem to jump all over the place.  I’m assuming you’re saying Melissa was for promo for the Australian leg.  I guess it was supposed to function that way a bit, but either they didn’t try very hard or they just utterly failed anyway because it just looks like an aimless mess.

If you think zerrie were doing it not modest we will get more stunting ?

If Zerrie were doing what rather than Modest?  Zerrie isn’t doing anything without Modest.  I doubt Zayn spends any time whatsoever with Perrie when he doesn’t have to. Neither he nor Liam have ever shown any warmth towards her.

I dont know if its me or but Gemma looks some how different. I cant put my finger on why though.

She may.  People change their hair, their makeup, their clothes style, etc. Lighting, hair, and makeup can have a MASSIVE effect on someone’s appearance.  A good chunk of rumors about weight loss, plastic surgery, etc come from people just not understanding that concept.

What do you think about Liam sad tweets during sophiam break up

I think they were planned to hint at a breakup without coming out with it officially.  I also think the songs he tweeted were a bit sketchy because they weren’t just sad songs, but if you look at the rest of the lyrics, they’re rather shadetastic.  That would have been Liam’s influence on the situation.

i always go back and forth when it comes to sophiam regardless if they are real or not theyve out to be friends to some extent

I think Liam gets along with Sophia a slight bit better than Zayn gets along with Perrie, but I don’t think they HAVE to be friends.  I have to work with the clients I’m assigned to and not strangle them (a very difficult task 50% of the time only achieved because I deal with them by phone), but that’s what being in customer service is.  I guarantee you my clients don’t know how much I hate them because it’s my job for them to think I’m at least professional.  The same would apply to Sophia and Liam.  They could be friends, but they may well not be.  It’s their job for people not to see it if they hate each other or couldn’t give a damn about each other.

Hello to you! Thanks for your reply, I was the anon about the secret relationship thing with Niall. I was really curious about your opinion on this issue, because to me you are reliable source when it comes to these things. I like the way you talk about Niall, very respectfulI. I look forward to your post! Can’t wait to read it! Again, thank you very much! (means a lot to me). -X

I think the post you were talking about was the one that was already posted? Maybe the one I still haven’t posted yet.  I can probably get the Narbara one done fairly quickly, so I should get on that soon.  I’m glad you like my views on Niall.  I very much want the fandom to have a more respectful and realistic tone when they discuss him.  If I can influence that at all, I’ll be happy.  I’m always up for talking about Niall, so don’t be afraid to come by. <3

Oh, it’s no problem at all, Faro-London is just 2h45min apart by plane, it’s no problem at all. I mean if they’re going to do some rehearsals in the UK, doesn’t look like it since Louis is lost in space

I’m getting the feeling you must be the same person using the smileys all the time (whoops, they got erased when I cut and pasted between different platforms)… but that’s cool because I think I generally like your asks ^.^  It doesn’t look like they ended up rehearsing at all, so despite your very good point, I think everyone was mostly where they said they were.

(Part 2) But to keep her from the press, he does need to do all those PR stunts (like Barbara and I think Melissa as well?), also that was what the expose blog was saying. I’m a huge fan of your blog (it’s one of my favs) and I’m very curious to hear what your opinion on this is! Do you think it’s possible? Have a lovely day!! X

I don’t think I got the first ask probably.  That or it got separated somewhere else.  I’m thinking you’re saying Niall has a secret girlfriend and the reason he stunts is to divert any suspicion about his love life.  His stunting has been strangely low key a lot of the time, so it’s possible that’s why.  You wouldn’t need tons of stunting in that case.  You would just need to keep him linked to girls occasionally to make it look like he’s been playing the field.  Some of his stunts clearly serve other purposes, though, like the Ed/Ellie/Niall one, the Louise Thompson one, and the current Ariana one.  Anything is possible and I’m not sure we’ll ever have enough data to say with any certainty.

1 It probably depends what kind of music Zayn wants to do now, I really liked the song from Israel in this years Eurovision youtube(.)com/watch?v=-w-2K9U8UIs it’s really combining arabic/asian and western styles and dance. It’s a style that is played in many clubs in Europe, but usually just in Turkish/Arabic though, but liked by anybody. If Zayn and NB want to do something like that in English it could be quite successful. I just doubt they’d ever do something like that as a group.

2 It’s nothing against them or their genre, they’re good in what they’re doing, just Zayn somehow somtimes got Idk lost? Maybe intentionally, maybe not, like in that video with the high note and Ben zooms on someone else :’D And sometimes you just don’t feel right, even though you’re good. I was trained in classical music and was quite good in that but had to do more musical/pop in uni. I was good in that too, but I just feel more home in something else, even thugh what we did was great as well.

See, the issue is not someone saying that Zayn didn’t get to shine.  The issue is implying that ANY of them have gotten to shine.  The fact that they’ve all been limited and not reached their full potentials needs to be acknowledged and respected.  I see far too many people dumping on Louis, Niall, and Liam’s voices in particular simply because they don’t really appreciate their unique strengths.

Zayn has the most showy voice in One Direction.  He does the runs and impressive high notes in the songs.  He’s got a classically good voice.  All of those things are going to be easy for anyone to understand.  That doesn’t mean that his voice is more valuable than Harry, Niall, Louis, or Liam’s.  Just because they sing a different part or have different qualities to their voices doesn’t mean they aren’t just as amazing.

It’s the difference between a bleach blonde and a mousy brunette.  The mousy brunette is probably gorgeous, but most people are going to zero in on the blonde because of the standards of beauty in our society.  Both have equal appeal, but one is going to get much more attention.

I love Zayn, I love his voice, and I don’t think he’s shown us everything he can do.  However, I think Harry and Louis could sound loads better with proper vocal training, I think Liam could shine so brightly if he’d take more solos and sing different styles of music, and I think Niall should be singing acoustic songs with a folky or alternative feel rather than pop to showcase his strengths.

ALL of them have so much to give and saying Zayn is “the one” who’s been buried is incorrect and inadvertently insults the talents of the others.  I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it because I know it’s just a slight phrasing that probably wasn’t even intentional, but since you spoke up, I feel justified in telling you exactly why I’m not overreacting.

In addition, saying only Zayn would have to do a certain style of music away from One Direction is again, ignoring others.  You know what I’d love to hear? Niall singing traditional Irish songs.  With the way he loves Ireland and how often he sings snippets of this and that, I would say he’s probably for it too. Listen to Ed Sheeran singing and tell me that One Direction would put that on an album with their current type of music.  Not a chance.  If Niall were to sing that, it would have to be away from One Direction.

I’m all for celebrating Zayn, but never by taking away from others.  The same goes for all the boys.

Sjdnkwnsla. I read your Niall amatory post and I just. That was so on point. And I’ve been on the Larry side of the fandom since forever and it is true that we get self involved. VERY self - involved.

I think there’s a fine line between enjoying things and self-celebration.  Every analysis group I’ve seen crosses that line into self-celebration that makes me uncomfortable.  It’s akin to arrogance and mocking people with other perspectives.  Those things cloud judgement and don’t foster a good communal atmosphere.

I’m the first to admit I’m not always patient or kind.  I try not to be mean, but I’m a very blunt person without even trying and I have a short temper for people who I think should know better than what they’re saying to me.  I try to keep a check on myself, but I can always do better.  However, the one thing that I do a decent job of is not thinking too well of myself.  I’m wrong far too often to get too confident anyway XP

I’m not sure if that was completely relevant.. Anyway!  Thank you for the post love XD  I try not to rant about Niall being ignored too often, but it pops out occasionally.  ^.^;;;

Do you have any predictions of what might be happening in the next couple weeks?

Um… take my predictions with a 1% likelihood of coming true exactly as I say them.

With that disclaimer, I think there will be some event or reason to get the press talking about Zayn interacting with OT4 during the Summertime Ball. I think that will start the ball rolling for his return.  I also think Ariana will be linked to Niall until the Summertime Ball and that the story will die off quietly afterwards.

I’m thinking Perrie will be painted nicely as helping reconcile the band rather than using a breakup to push Zayn back.  I think Zayn will rejoin the tour either during the European leg after a few shows or in the break before the US leg. After he returns, it will probably be revealed that they split amicably because it just isn’t working.  Right after that the new Little Mix single will drop.  Maybe the album after that.

I think instead of debuting all the new songs in the US, they’re going to be adding songs bit by bit, kind of like they added Stockholm Syndrome. Hopefully with better results though XP

I also think we’re going to get an article very soon linking One Direction to a new management, but only with speculation.  Less than a month or two after that, we’ll get an official announcement.  I think Louis and Harry will interact more and more on stage during tour, and that they’ll come out either before the UK/Ireland leg or right around the 5th album releases.  In any case, I’m still pretty strong on thinking it will be within the year.  I also think we’ll start seeing more seeding for Ziam, but fairly subtle and slow.

After whatever touring they do for the 5th album, I think they’ll take a real break.  I don’t think it will be for years, but for maybe 18 months at the most.  I think there’s far too much they still want to do and weren’t allowed to do for them to leave for that long.  They’ll be so much freer artistically after a management change.  During the break one or two or maybe more will probably be working on solo endeavors of one sort or another.

That’s the way I see it, but obviously I could be wrong on any count and I very much doubt I’m right about all of it.

Sucks for Niall with the voting, but as EU citizen he can vote the EU parliament for England/UK and his local government in England, if he’s registered there. Even though the EU elections are a total chaos, every EU citizen is eligible to vote for the country they’re living in or often their home country, just never ever for both countries.

I don’t really know too much about how the EU works.  I’m sure if Niall feels strongly about something, he’ll find a way to participate.  He posted the rainbow shamrock and that was huge to me whether he was able to vote or not XD

that picture of liam and the hat is the angle. the guy in the forefront of the pic is holding the hats up and i’m guessing putting them on a rack?

Are you trying to kill my hopes and dreams?  Nope!  That’s my job and my job only.  My headcanon lives on!!!

I notice that literally within 48 hours of each other I’m seeing posts HIGHLY conflicting between Zayn is working too hard, pushing himself too hard and his family is concerned because of his “mental health and stress-related departure from 1D and NB’s “oh no you won’t see anything from Zayn for at least two years while he rests and relaxes, no solo album no way what ever do you mean” -_______-

It gets confusing out there in the media, so try to remember 1) there are certain outlets that we know are bigger players than the others, 2) there are definitely two sides at work (New Team- US, Billboard and People in particular; Modest- UK, the Daily Mail and the Sun in particular, maybe also Hollywood Life and Reveal), 3) even the same side might be throwing out different stories to see which is best received, so just wait for the dust to settle and things will make more sense.  The media is my weak point, so I’m with you.

Perrie solo in the new song fits what Liam said about zayn leaving “got no tiMe”

True, it really does.  However, words are very flexible and our minds are good at making connections, so I think just about any phrase could seem meaningful to the current situation.  Heck, I can play two words from One Direction with just about any word.  I think the next single they apparently filmed a video for may actually be the relevant one.

That billboard paragraph you reblogged had an OT5 pic, not surprised tbh..

Yep, Billboard is very much following orders, so a continued linking of Zayn to OT4 will continue or I’ll eat Niall’s hat.

Funny how blind gossip once again showed how they are hired by modest trying their best to show that their team did nothing wrong at all like cover it up alittle so we wont notice it it’s the the Paige blind item

I’m not sure I saw that particular one.  I’m not much interested in Paige and I don’t think she’s going to be more than a tiny blip that barely anyone notices. Based on the fact that there’s been nothing more about her since you sent this (sorry I’m so late), I think I’m probably right.

Wait what is homophobic Niall joke ?

Oh boy. Okay, I personally don’t think it’s even homophobic to start with, plus I think Eoghan is actually the responsible party.  What happened was that Bressie, Eoghan, and Niall were out together and while Bressie went to the bathroom, his phone was taken and a tweet was posted.  It read, “I’ve been experimenting with my sexuality. No conclusions reached as of yet but it’s been a fun ride so far.”  Then when Bressie got back from the bathroom, he said, “The last tweet came to you from @eoghanmcdermo and @NiallOfficial. School boy error” and a picture of all three of them was posted.

Now, people misinterpreted that second tweet as Bressie being embarrassed or distasteful at the insinuation he wasn’t straight.  I think it’s pretty clear he was actually referring to leaving his phone lying around to get hijacked and he also made that clarification later when responding to people on Twitter.

Second, when he was responding to people on Twitter, he only mentioned that Eoghan was careless but meant no harm with the tweet.  He didn’t say Niall. Two scenarios are equally possible.  1) Niall was involved but when they all realized it was going to get criticism, Bressie left Niall out from any further answers to protect him.  2) Niall wasn’t involved at all, it was mostly Eoghan, and the second tweet was because Bressie just assumed both of the people he left his phone with were involved when he got back to the table.  Afterwards he learned it was Eoghan’s idea what to tweet.

I don’t think the tweet was homophobic and here’s why: you can only assume it’s homophobic if you automatically assume Eoghan views being not-straight as a bad thing.  Jokes are based on irony.  Bressie was clear that he’s straight when he was replying afterwards and I think that’s something Eoghan would be well aware of, so him saying Bressie is experimenting is funny to him because it’s not true.  The appeal was that he was pretending to be Bressie while saying something he knew Bressie wouldn’t say.

Tweeting what was tweeted was thoughtless, but I don’t think he was saying it because he thinks being non-straight is embarrassing.  Therefore, I don’t think it should be called homophobic.

Yes, it was careless because it’s a sensitive topic. Everyone has things they’re sensitive about; it’s just that some of those things have more history attached and so are socially unacceptable to joke about.  For instance, I’m sensitive about people assuming everyone has two parents because my mom died (and some people are also orphans or fostered or were abandoned, etc).  However, far fewer people are going to protest a joke about parents dying because it doesn’t occur to them that it’s hurtful.

This is a difficult topic and I’m sure my point of view will upset some people.  I think everyone is very concerned with being PC about the popular topics, so they don’t take time to really examine the logic of things and look at comparable situations.  Not everything that upsets you is racist or homophobic. I think those words need to be saved for situations that have ill intention or have a clear negative tone towards the group in question.  This will be advantageous in several ways.  For one, it will foster more goodwill between people of different races and sexual orientations because well-meaning people will no longer be attacked for lesser offenses.

What are you going to naturally feel if you make an unintentionally offensive comment and then are called a loaded word like “racist” or “homophobe”? You’re going to feel attacked and you won’t necessarily feel any connection to the group trying to educate you.  If it happens enough, people who would gladly be allies will just throw their hands up and say good riddance instead.

I know that idea is also going to sit badly with people because they feel a persecuted group has every right to expect a non-persecuted group to make extreme efforts to correct the wrongs of the past.  However, people are individuals and they just aren’t going to feel responsibility for a group they don’t associate themselves with.  They ARE going to feel victimized if they’re treated with hostile words.  If you’re being strategic and you really want to gain ground for your group, you need to understand what’s going to gain you friends and allies.  This is the way it is and it’s the smart and productive way to do things.

Have you seen the interview where Niall goes hard for Zayn’s mum’s cooking :’D? But they are cute, I don’t get a romantic vibe, it’s what I would describe as bromance :D It’s like my bro behaves with his “brat” (brother) despite both having a wife/girlfriend.

Hm, I do think I’ve heard of it and probably seen it, but I don’t remember it well right now.  I love to ship Ziall, but I personally don’t see any real chemistry between them in real life either.

It’s a huge thing in general if that referendum goes through in Ireland, as they’re having a big catholic tradition. I’m not from Ireland, but the church tries to brainwash you quite a lot. My catholic kindergarten was “revolutionary” as the headmaster was divorced and still employed by the catholic church. But that woman wasn’t allowed to live together with her new partner and or marry him It’s great to see that many people, probably especially younger ones, are having different views :)

I think people are currently underestimating how much the world is going to change as the 90s generation ages into positions of power.  I think views are radically different between generations and that things like the vote in Ireland are going to happen more and more.  I know views on gender roles and relationship dynamics are changing drastically in Japan, LGBT causes are gaining amazing ground in the US, and I’m sure similar things are happening in other countries that I haven’t been focused on.

We are the heroes of our time ;)

Do you think Zayn actually wants to hang out with perrie? Like I am a ziam shipper but like his is them hanging out not awkward. I just don’t see how you hold a fake relationship like that.

It’s a job.  That’s all it is.  I’ve sat in class all year biting my tongue about teachers I hate with a passion and those teachers thought we were on good terms.  I hate my current general manager but he thinks I’m one of the good children employees.  My clients make me want to tear my hair out on a biweekly basis, but it’s imperative I don’t actually let them know how impossible I think they are.  If I can do these things, so can Zayn and Perrie for the very short periods we see them together.

What’s the longest they’e been seen together anyway?  I think her birthday festival would probably be it or the time they were on the This Is Us red carpet. Otherwise all we have is pictures and vines.  Anyone can pretend to get along for a few seconds at a time.

twitter(.)com/OvallesRuth/status/601787203522433024 lol

Whoops, it’s gone now.  Don’t remember what it was.

my friend was saying that shes going to mute zayn if he mentioned lm/promos for them and im sitting here like PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE bc then we can finally get over this mess

Well, Zayn hasn’t actually promo-ed.  It’s been Niall, so I think Zayn is safe from being muted for now.

Do you think partying with t swift made Louis second most tweeted about ?

It probably got him attention?  One Direction fans are quite good at tweeting, but I don’t think One Direction has hit the top 3 even during times like the first WWA concert.  I would assume Louis getting mentioned along with Taylor boosted him up, yes.

It kinda annoys/saddens me that the “Harry goes into the background and disassociates himself from the boys during the break” narrative almost makes it feel like he was forced to stay in LA the entire time. I’m sure he could’ve gone back to the UK and still kept away from the boys but could visit his family and friends there. I was just hoping he’d be back in the UK during the second month off.

It seems like he’s made up some time in the last week or so.  You have to understand that people at his age spend a large amount of time away from home anyway.  In the US, if he went to college, he would be about ready to graduate, so he’d have spent the last 4 years only going home during vacations anyway.  I didn’t see my dad for over a year and then it was only a couple days (I live across the country).

It’s upsetting if Harry wanted to go home and wasn’t allowed, but when people talk about how little they get to see their family, I think they often forget that it’s not all that abnormal for people their age.  Maybe it’s less usual in England because it’s smaller and easier to travel around, but still.

Do you think that the no control campaign was really started by the fans or do you think management is behind it? There so shady I just never know.

I think it was started by fans, but I definitely think strings were pulled with Billboard and radio stations by (likely) the New Mgmt team.

i feel really good, we have a right to feel good, right? i mean put all reasons aside, maybe they just took him out to promote little mix, maybe that is the only reason they started this mess. I am feeling 80% sure we’ll have him back InshaAllah (i agree with you they should spare liam, they have hurt so many people in all this, btw about harry being the redeemer, you remember that article saying harry tried to convince zayn to not marry perrie, i mean)

I think there’s a lot more going on than Little Mix promo, but yes, we are allowed to be optimistic and feel good about the future.  We need more positive thinking around here almost always XD

I was just thinking, say if this stunt was planned for a little while – maybe that’s why there are no southern dates in North America? this is their shortest NA tour yet. if the stunt was planned for a little while, they did that on purpose because they knew NA wouldn’t sell as well this time around (it’s not even selling well now) so when Zayn comes back they’ll add southern dates

At this point I don’t think even Zayn’s return could fill the unsold stadiums to the point where there’s going to be a slew of new dates.  I think the theory that the tour specifically avoids states that aren’t friendly to the LGBT+ community makes more sense at least, but I honestly don’t know why everything was scheduled so strangely.  I suppose they could have expected a better response to the stunt and that they expected to be able to release new dates.

Maybe they knew they were going to bring WWA to Europe again, so they didn’t do the normal cities, but did new cities instead to mitigate damages. That would also imply the tour was pre-planned.  Note that I don’t believe their management having things planned means that the boys knew what was going to happen ahead of time.

(Anon Billboard) if I remember correctly the article  released after the article published by The Sun.

I’m sorry, but that really isn’t helpful.  Give me the title or a link.

The infamous “I’m not gay” “Same day” video… What did you hear?

I think it was two voices overlapping slightly for sure, meaning he would never have been saying “I’m gay, it’s unfortunate” as it’s two people.  I think it was likely “[my birthday is the] same day” and “that’s unfortunate”.  Having a Dec 24th birthday is a well-known curse in terms of presents and birthday party attendance.

Zayn is supposed to feature in NB next album and NB did say that he was most likely going to use that song a a single so maybe that’s the solo release we will get from Zayn?

I think we’ll definitely get a Zayn song since it’s been said several times and making it a single would be smartest.

If in the future Zayn say that the real reason why he "left” the band is not Perrie, in the eyes of the general public Liam it will be considered a liar?

It’s very unlikely.  You have to realize how many people are hearing what Liam’s saying in the first place and how many will remember.  Most of the fandom will have heard and remember, but the fandom isn’t going to care all that much.  Actually, anything Zayn said about leaving is far more likely to be scrutinized than what Liam said.  Even so, I don’t think there will be a big fuss.  People have short memories and a little positive press can go a long way towards making people forget anything sketchy from the past.

hi ok i was watching some of my personal concert footage so this isn’t as random as it seems (hopefully haha). but why do u think zayn seemed so happy during many of the otra shows if the situation was truly problematic? he’s known for his smugness (at least in my friend group), so it seems extremely weird for him to appear so much more cheerful than normal if he was aware of all of the shit was about to happen. thoughts???

(same anon from earlier about zayns happiness in the final tour dates) do u think he was actually affected by the cheating rumors? there have been sooo many in the past, even more so with the other boys, but they seem to not care and shake it off (if u know what im saying harry) or *deny* it (@Louis_Tomlinson). idk.. i know im about 2 months late hahaha but this is just so weird to me

Well, I personally don’t think the boys knew about this stunt ahead of time.  It’s possible it was pulled by Modest on the spot, but I think there’s more evidence that it was planned as far back as November at least.  That would explain why Zayn was acting happy- because neither he nor the others had any idea it was coming.  I find the change in their demeanor between the second to last concert he was at and the last to be fairly striking.  However, I don’t think it’s the reaction they would have had if they knew what was coming.

The same is true for how I think the boys acted between Zayn leaving tour and Zayn “quitting”.  I think they fully expected him to return after a little Zerrie stunting.  Then, after the announcement, they looked quite upset at the airport and they continued doing things like Niall wearing all black and Liam saying “I miss you” in concert.

Since there are tons of unrelated reasons to think this is a stunt rather than Zayn quitting, I’d take these things to mean that the boys weren’t in on the plan.  Which is… ouch.  No wonder they’ve been struggling with it even though it’s fake if they didn’t even get a chance to protest or prepare.  Obviously this speculation is based off how I interpreted the boys’ moods, so I could be wrong, but that’s how I see it.

Did Zayn get upset about rumors with Lauren?  Well, obviously he wouldn’t care what Perrie thought since they’re not actually dating.  He’s been subjected to terrible stories before.  Personally, I would be much more upset by having drug rumors spread about me than by having cheating rumors spread about me if 1) I knew both weren’t true and 2) I had a steady partner who knew both weren’t true.  I think Zayn has been through a lot and I see no reason for that particular “cheating scandal” to be a problem.  It seems we’re getting closer and closer to a management change, so any smart person would keep their head down and endure in that situation.

Yeah sure, Niall’s behaviour doesn’t mean anything else than he’s not really showing any interesting in stunting, which is understandable. But it’s also not really giving off that “womaniser” vibe they’re trying to sell atm ;) I think if he doesn’t want to show someone he just doesn’t. And I hope if he should show off someone it’s like unquestionable “in your face”, I just can’t imagine that some person is tentative with anybody except someone they should care for or forgets all their manners :D

Again, I just think it’s up to interpretation.  I think Niall gives off signals that he very much likes women and sex, so when I see him around women, I see chemistry depending on who it is and how he’s acting with them.  Niall can no more control how his body naturally angles itself around people he’s attracted to than Louis can control his flamboyant tendencies.  Louis basically had to shut himself down completely to stop himself from being flamboyant.  I see Niall having chemistry with women, but other people may well not see it, so again, there’s no way to tell for sure.

I also think Niall would be quite a caring boyfriend based on things both he and the boys have said before.  Seeing him walking in front of a girl while ignoring her struggling to get over a barrier?  I don’t think that’s Niall.  I think that’s Niall trying to get through a stunt without giving the press too much to write about. Even if it were just a friend, I think Niall is more attentive than that.

Hello so I am here to tell you how much I love when you answer your asks with long answers like I enjoy reading then and I feel like I learned a lot ,you are so awesome

XD  I talk a lot, so it’s kind of natural for me.  It only happens when I get a topic I have a good number of coherent opinions about.  That’s not always the case, so it doesn’t mean anyone’s asks are boring.  It just has to do with how well I feel I understand the topic and my own feelings about it.  I’m glad my ramblings are enjoyable rather than annoying.

I don’t know about anyone else but if I was given a chance to sleep with any of the members of one direction, I would definitely pick Niall and Liam would be a close second, maybe.

@ my last anon who said Niall’s image is too cute to be seen as sexual. (also, I’d pick Niall or Zayn probably if I had a miraculous chance and they were into it)

The honda civic tour is also catering mostly rock bands that are pretty big with girls and that are really radio friendly. I’ve seen MCR in 2011 (not as part of that tour though), but there were 75% girls between 14 and 18, but it was also a smaller hall in Europe, around 3,000 people. Maybe it’s different in the US. Blink 182 last year was maybe 50:50, a tidbit more guys were probably standing, we just got seats and there were mostly couples :’D But “hardrock” are more bands like Metallica etc.

Hopefully being under a cut will save me from outrage, but I’ve always thought of Metallica as… metal.  Of course I’m not a fan, so I’m not very informed.  I don’t think hard rock bands have been mainstream popular since the 80s though, so if Honda only sponsors big bands, it makes sense that they wouldn’t be hard rock.

In your opinion to announce the return of Zayn will use facebook or twitter? I thought they could use the profile of Zayn and maybe this silence could mean something.

Interesting question… I guess I’ve been imagining him just showing up at an event or it being announced via a video on the One Direction channel.  Maybe an announcement through a respectable outlet, although the way things are going, I can see the Sun getting an exclusive.  You’re right though.  There very well could be an announcement via social media first just as there was for Zayn leaving.  I would say Facebook for a sense of parallelism and unity in the story, but I don’t think we can really expect that from Modest either.  I think his Twitter has been on or off since he left, so the current inactivity isn’t too weird.  However, it could definitely be used to make a comeback announcement if they wanted.

Billboard wrote an article on the trend of twitter?

Yep.  I looked through Billboard’s articles when I was looking for Niall stuff, and they don’t really write about relationships or small stuff like Twitter outrage.  At least they haven’t written about those things in relation to One Direction before.  It just shows how abnormal their coverage has been since just before Zayn’s leave.  They’re definitely under marching orders.

Hi! Sorry this is such a weird and awkward question, but do you think that it’s possible that Niall brought the brunette, which stepped into the same car as him after partying in the Libertine, to his home? I know, awkward… But what do you think? Your blog is awesome!!

Um.. possible but not likely.  If Niall’s going to take anyone home, there are ways he can do it without putting that person in the line of fire of the media and fans.

Is Brian McFadden back with Westlife? Thought he left them like ages ago? He’s a kind of rebel or at least not afraid of negative backlash, that song was really controversially discussed youtube(.)com/watch?v=WsW8wiWDa0A It probably depends really much what experiences you’ve made, I don’t think we were screwed there, but we also weren’t hit and were raised with critical thinking. The least conservative people I know went through that kind of education, but critical questioning is a must :D

Um, I’m kind of confused about what you’re talking about.  I looked at the link, but I didn’t watch it because I didn’t really have time.  I’m not a Westlife fan in particular and I have no idea about whether Brian left them, returned to them, or what.  Sorry!

What do you hate in your asks :) ,also who do you think in the band is the kindest ?

I dislike people asking me about stuff I just stated an opinion about and people who are referring to a post I made that they clearly didn’t read properly.  If I’m going to say something, I’m going to say it once.  I’m not going to repeat myself endlessly.  I get that people may not follow me or may not have been following me for long, but if I just posted the thing they’re talking about that same day, XP.

I also dislike people who come to argue with me and constantly state an opposite opinion.  At a certain point, I have to just assume people are trolling me rather than trying to have a conversation.  If your opinion disagrees with mine at the level of basic principles, you aren’t going to change my mind and there are other blogs that will be more agreeable for you to follow.

One set of my basic principles is that the boys are good people, have strong relationships between all of them, and that they should be given the benefit of the doubt.  Another set of my basic principles is that being in entertainment is hard, it’s business at its heart for all but the performers and fans, and that you can trust about 1% of what’s written online whether it be social media or reporters.  If you’re coming to me without understanding and agreeing with those basic principles, our conversation will go nowhere.

My last pet peeve is people who are being constantly negative or are presenting wild theories with no factual basis.  Anything could be true, but panicking, being pessimistic, and bringing in factors that aren’t related by a mile is just unnecessary and tedious when done repetitively.

I think of Liam as the kindest.  He’s gentle, earnest, enthusiastic, and kind which is how I normally think of kindness.  I think the others are kind, but him having that other combination of traits really emphasizes it.

If the boys are teaming up with Honda and doing buy two take two to sale the tour should not they bring zayn now ?

I think they clearly still need to sell US tickets, so I think Zayn needs to come back before then if that’s a priority.  However, he doesn’t need to come back immediately based on that alone.

No Lauren was the only one in the club but fifth harmony were with her in the after party earlier

I feel like the other girls were in the party based on the fact that Dinah apparently got kicked out XD  It’s not overly important, but they were all out by the cars at one point although Louis was only pictured with Lauren in the car.

Who knows with Niall, personally I get no vibe from him at all, I know guys like him that are gay and some that are not. But he reminds me pretty much of the left guy, who’s just laughing. They got asked what they are doing in their hotel room, when they do share a room hubba94(.)tumblr(.)com/post/27120450469/andre-were-watching-dvds-and-having-some-fun there Even though those both are officially straight *cough*it’s football so you don’t question stuff like that*cough*

I see him in pictures with guys and think they would be a cute couple, but I can’t tell if that’s because I actually see chemistry or if it’s because I have a slash heart.  I would still be happy for him as long as he’s happy no matter who he does or doesn’t date.

Why do Larry people always say that ziam is not real


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