07 October 2015 | Wildlife Conservation Society News Release
NEW YORK – WCS today unveiled its WCS: 2020 strategic plan, supported by a new WCS.org website and brand identity, with the goal to conserve the world’s largest wild places in 15 priority regions, home to more than 50 percent of the world’s biodiversity.
A primary component of the strategy includes WCS conserving ecologically intact wild places in 15 priority terrestrial and marine regions; and reversing the decline of six priority groups of species across their range. It further calls for maintaining viable populations of critically endangered species in WCS’s five wildlife parks in New York City, including the Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium.
Said WCS President and CEO Cristián Samper: “The urgency to preserve the world’s wildlife, and all of its biodiversity demands that we step up our efforts beyond conservation as usual. Our choices today can give us a fighting chance to save wildlife – to preserve the intricate balance of species and the systems that all lives depend on. WCS: 2020 addresses that urgency.
“A major emphasis in our strategy is the importance of collaboration. To achieve our ambitious goal, we will continue to form partnerships to ensure we can leverage our impact to truly address the enormous threats facing wildlife and all of nature. We commit ourselves with this strategy to stay focused on our mission to save wildlife, while also realizing our work cannot be implemented in a vacuum and without partners.
“Last week, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals are an action plan ‘for people, planet and prosperity.’ With our 2020 strategy, we commit to supporting the world’s agenda and to recognize that the health and welfare of people and communities across the globe are inextricably connected to the mission of protecting wildlife and wild places.”
Key components of WCS: 2020 include:
The goal: To conserve the world’s largest wild places in 15 priority regions, home to more than 50 percent of the world’s biodiversity.
Three core strategies: to Discover, to Protect, and to Inspire
Through Science: WCS will produce and disseminate the information and knowledge necessary to inform and improve conservation and management action in the wild places that we seek to conserve, and to measure the impact of our work.
Through Conservation Action: WCS will help to conserve ecologically intact wild places in 15 priority terrestrial and marine regions and their wildlife, and reverse the decline of six priority groups of species across their range– elephants, apes, big cats, sharks & rays, whales & dolphins, and tortoises & freshwater turtles. We will also help maintain viable populations of critically endangered species in our zoos and aquarium.
Through Engagement and Education: WCS will activate a conservation movement of a diverse, influential and enduring global audience that is invested and empowered to protect wild nature, using the powerful experiences at our zoos and aquarium; enduring impact of our education programs; and the great reach of digital tools.
The priority regions include:
1. Arctic Beringia (Arctic coasts and seas of Alaska, Western Canada, and Russia)
2. Spine of the North American Continent (North American coniferous forests)
3. Eastern North American Forests (Adirondacks, Northern Ontario, and boreal forests)
4. New York Seascape (Coasts and seas of the mid-Atlantic)
5. Mesoamerica & Western Caribbean (Forests, coasts, and coral reefs in Belize, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua)
6. Andes, Amazon & Orinoco (Forests, grasslands, and wetlands of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela)
7. Patagonia (Coasts of Argentina and Chile)
8. Central Africa & Gulf of Guinea (Forests and coast, including Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda)
9. Eastern African Forests & Savannah (Savannah, woodland, and forest including Kenya, Mozambique, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia)
10. Madagascar and Western Indian Ocean (Coral reefs and island forests of Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania)
11. Temperate Asian Mountains and Grasslands (Grasslands, forests, and mountains of central and northeast Asia)
12. South Asia and Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal)
13. Greater Mekong & Coast (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam)
14. Southeast Asian Archipelago (Forests, coasts, and reefs of Indonesia and Malaysia)
15. Melanesia (“Ridge to reef” in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands)
The priority species are: elephants, apes, big cats, sharks & rays, whales & dolphins, and tortoises & freshwater turtles. These species: 1) are deeply valued, 2) are critical to the ecological functioning of priority landscapes and seascapes, 3) are threatened, and 4) are powerful flagships for the conservation of our priority regions and for addressing critical conservation issues globally.
The key components of the new brand identity include a new logo and the new tagline: “We Stand for WildlifeSM.”
Said Samper: “WCS is an organization with an extraordinary breadth of activities and audiences. Connecting it all is a simple statement: We Stand for Wildlife. The logo, a simple “W” with colors predominant in nature, symbolizes our organization’s mission to save wildlife and wild places around the globe. Made of simple geometry, the mark can project a wide range of expressions from serious to lively, capable of containing colors and images, designed to appeal to everyone from park visitors to policy makers. Today it stands for WCS. Tomorrow it will represent a commitment to wildlife that we invite the world to share.
“We have developed this new website and brand identity to rally the support of millions, behind our strategy’s main goal to save wildlife.”
WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society)
MISSION: WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. To achieve our mission, WCS, based at the Bronx Zoo, harnesses the power of its Global Conservation Program in nearly 60 nations and in all the world’s oceans and its five wildlife parks in New York City, visited by 4 million people annually. WCS combines its expertise in the field, zoos, and aquarium to achieve its conservation mission. Visit: newsroom.wcs.org Follow: @WCSNewsroom. For more information: 347-840-1242.
CONTACT: MARY DIXON: (1-347-840-1242; mdixon@wcs.org)
STEPHEN SAUTNER: (1-718-220-3682; ssautner@wcs.org)
For more information about endangered species go to Bagheera.com
Find organizations saving endangered species at Saving Endangered Species.com
For more information about endangered tigers go to Tigers In Crisis.com
Find organizations saving endangered tigers at Saving Endangered Tigers.com