

9 awesome paid iPhone apps you can download for free right now


Happy Friday! It's time to get some more paid iPhone apps that are completely free to download for a limited time. Today we've scrounged up nine ...

What Will Apple Announce At WWDC 2015? Predictions For Apple TV, Apple Watch, and A New ... - Forbes

Digital health needs to target Android - iMedicalApps

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Tech Times

iPhone success in China fuels local appetite for apps

Economic Times

Apple has persuaded developers in China to write apps for the iPhone, helping make that country the largest market for downloads last quarter.

How To Fix App Store Downloads on iPhone and iPad - The Mac Observer

Pebble Time's iOS app hasn't been approved by Apple yet - Engadget

Two iOS 9 concept videos imagine the future of the iPhone 6 - BGR

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5 free Android apps that do amazing things Apple's iPhone can't


The creators of this app say it brings the iOS UX to Android. While that suggests this might be something you can do on the iPhone… not quite — good ...

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5 best, free .pdf reader and editor apps for Android, iPhone and iPad, and Windows Phone

Phone Arena

So, whether you just want to be able to read PDF files on your Android, iPhone, iPad, or Windows Phone device, or go deeper still and do some edits, ...

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iPhone & iPad Apps Gone Free – June 5, 2015


Need more apps for your favorite device? iOSnoops can help! Here are 49 iPhoneand iPad apps that have just gone free. This apps gone free alert ...

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Newly Released iPhone & iPad Apps – June 5, 2015


iOSnoops is constantly on the lookout for new apps, and here are 43 iPhone and iPad apps that were released recently. This new apps alert includes ...

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iPhone & iPad App Price Drops – June 5, 2015


We've selected 34 iPhone and iPad apps that are over 30% off. ... Remember, prices can change quickly and without notice, these apps may not be on ...

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Enlight versus Pixelmator: image editing apps go head to head


In March, Enlight won against Filters for iPhone in an App Smackdown. Since then, Pixelmator has released its powerful image editing app for the ...

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The Auto Channel

Subaru StarLink prices- iPhone & Android apps coming later

AUTO Connected Car News

Later in the model year, remotes services via a website and mobile app, ill be available free for iPhones and Android smartphones. The app will ...

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The Silver Ink

Pebble Time IOS Application is still under review

The Silver Ink

“The Pebble Time iPhone app, as we've all noticed, is not yet live on the iTunes AppStore. It remains “in review.” This unexpected circumstance pains ...

Apple Is Keeping Pebble In App Store Limbo - ReadWrite

Don't blame Apple for Pebble Time's iOS app review holdup - PCWorld

Apple Inc. (AAPL) To Unveil Tool Kit For Watch App Developers - Bidness ETC

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