
**************************** 08/08/2013 ***************************

PLEASE NOTE: I made this meme layout, but I did NOT make up the questions! Got them off Facebook!! Credit goes to the creator~


Righto~ felt like doing this Anime challenge thingy. I'm aware I've named it 'Daily Anime Challenge Meme' but really, it's more of a 30 day challenge where you do one question a day for 30 days. So as the days go by, I shall add the rest of the questions~ I missed the first yesterday due to internet mess-ups, so did a double quezzie today. Alrighty, here we go:


Kimba, The White Lion~ Tie between these four. I honestly can't remember which of them I saw first but they were all aired in the same year in the very early 90s. I was around 5-7yo when I saw them. And I also had no idea I watching Anime. Thought they were all just toons. I loved Kimba 'cause I've always loved animals, at the time lions especially, plus he's so cute and almost resembles a white puppy.

The Jungle Book: Shonen Mowgli~ Use to especially hire this when I missed it on TV. My favs were always Bageera and the wolves. Even named my two goldfish Acruu and Sara after the 2 brothers. Always use to sing the opening and ending themes as a kid. XD;

Dogtanian And The Three Muskehounds~ Everybody here in SA knew this as Brakenjan 'cause we never got the English but Afrikaans version. To this day, ask anyone over 20 and they'll know it. And it has such a unique theme tune, you can never forget it! XD It was also my fav thing about it 'cause, believe it or not, some parts use to scare me as a kid and didn't help that it was in Afrikaans and I didn't know what was going on. Amazingly, Robin and I are watching it again (Eng version) and enjoying it again! So nostalgic! The characters are all so cute!

The Moomins~ Couldn't get an Eng logo. I don't remember much of these guys other than their hippo-like appearances, and the main character was friends with some boy, and his mom wore a red striped dress/apron thingy.


Beyblade~ There's a surprise. An Anime I can honestly watch over and over and never get bored. Love the animation, love the characters and just love everything about the storyline, flaws and all. An honest classic!

Samurai 7~ Whoops, totally forgot about this epic Anime! Sowy, was pretty late. Anyhoo~ it was the very first series aired on Animax (RIP ) and I never paid any attention to it, but once my cousin started watching it, I had another look... and fell in love! Of course, based on Akira Kurosawa's famous Seven Samurai movie, and has fairly recently been reproduced as a 2 part manga series based more so on the Anime. Great story, bad sad ending.

Legendz: Tale Of The Dragon Kings~ An adorable and very humorous series! Went crazy for from the first ep. Just wish it was better appreciated. WE NEED MORE FANS!!!

Pokemon~ Oh, we go way back! At one stage I lost interest, but I seriously can't abandon it altogether; it's just one of those Animes that stick with you. ^^ It was such a big part of my childhood, and still is many years later. XD


Kai Hiwatari (Beyblade)~ One does not simply have a single fav male character, so I chose the 4 outta my 4 top fav Anime! Kai was my very first fictional character crush way back then, and still is a HUGE fav and inspiration nowadays. His designs always amazing me, as well as over all personality: he may act cold and uncaring, but when the time comes, he's proven to be a great leader, support and an extremely powerful contender.

Kyuzo (Samurai 7)~ At first I didn't find him very attractive or anything, but once I started seeing more of him as the series progressed, I was blown away by his skills and personality, and soon found myself falling for him. XD He's like an Adult!Kai, seriously; very quiet and menacing with those red eyes, but he too has shown he has compassion and honour. The former more so in the manga, but it's definitely there.

Shiron, the Windragon (Legendz)~ Wow, now this character was the very reason for me even checking out the Anime; I'm a total dragon lover (duh) so when I saw pics of this blue and white dragon wearing a pilot hat, I had to see what it was all about, and completely fell for the series. What's even better is that I adore Shiron's personality and how he and Shu get along. XD

Lance, the Dragon Master (Pokemon)~ The first of the Pokemon characters I really fell for; not just 'cause of the Dragons, but also his character; he's incredibly modest for a champion and as such a strong sense of justice and protecting everyone. Gotta love him! GIVE HIM MORE SCREENTIME!


Maylene (Pokemon)~ Late again thanks to internetz. Had a hard time choosing female characters since I always go for males, but once I started really thinking, came up with a few that I found I liked. Have always adored Maylene for some reason. It must be due to the fact that she's super modest and sweet even though she's a majorly tough gal that trains with her Pokemon! She even goes through rough stages which makes her believable and I like to picture her with either Paul or Reggie... It also helps that her main partner is a Lucario

Rin (InuYasha)~ Love Rin, basically the same as Kagome, but chose Rin for this thanks to Robin. XD She's just too adorable and has such a strong adoration and loyalty to Sesshomaru... I really want these to pair up... well, at least when Rin grows up a bit, but now it's like a father and daughter thing and is too sweet.

Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)~ Sophie's a character I liked from the start of the movie, even when she turns into an old lady. XD She's really generous and considerate but with an added authority about her. She has her fearful moments but she takes charge without getting rude or anything, just an over all lovely gal and makes the perfect match for Howl.

Togame (Katanagatari)~ Togame's a character I got a little annoyed at to begin with 'cause she talks a LOT! But the more you watch, the more you find to be liking her. She's very humorous and knows what she wants but has proven to be very sweet too. The Anime itself is unique with the style. People who know me well know I'm never really a huge of female characters unless they're something special like these 4 mentioned, so yeah. Another character that almost made it here was Hinata from Naruto.


Bakugan: Battle Brawlers~ And all seasons after. I've been 'shunned' by a couple people as a joke thanks to watching this show. XD Started watching it a lot when it first came on, but wow, I lost interest pretty quickly. It has a very Pokemon, Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh, B-Daman etc. feel to it, but the fight scenes and dialogue/actions are pretty cheesy at times. Howeverrrrr~ Even to this day, I find myself adoring certain characters from it, namely Drago, Wyvern, Skyress, Shun Kazami, Ace and Spectra.

Dinosaur King~ Okay, I love dinosaurs and some of the hot characters like Rex and Seth... but when you start combing the odd 3D animation together and summoning Dinos together with cards and all that jazz, making them fight and having no traces of blood... you're gonna lose viewers pretty quickly. XD; I watched for awhile til Rex found out about his history and then kinda ditched the show 'cause it got a bit much afterwards.

Battle B-Daman~ And yet it's pronounced 'mon'. XD Omgosh, one of the oddest Animes around. Very much like Beyblade and various others but with added Excel Saga twists. XD I enjoyed watching Grey and some of the other hotties whose names I forget... but I just couldn't wrap my head around the scottish one being a DUDE!!! Yeah, weird one that I watched for a while but gave up in the end. XD;


Deltora Quest~ First published into a book series. I love my fantasy genre and thanks to ~aussie-dragon, I found out the story contains dragons! Hope this is true for the Anime as well. She told me to read the books first, so maybe before seeing the Anime I'll do just that.

Fairy Tail~ Made by the same company as DBZ so it looks promising and has quite a following. Love the little blue, winged kitty and the 2 guys... then of course they had to add a huge-breasted character. Anyhoo~ Hope to see it soon.

Fruits Basket~ Been meaning to see this for ages. Apparently the characters turn into their Chinese Zodiac animals so I'm really curious about it.

Hetalia: Axis Powers~ Everyone's been telling me to see this. XD I have no idea what it's really all about except that all the characters are named after their countries... which sounds interesting.


Kai Hiwatari (Beyblade)~ Now this was an evil question! Do people even KNOW how many Anime crushes I have! At least one for every fandom I'm apart of! ... Oh well, had to choose just 6 for the sake of the meme. So first up is, you guessed it, Mr. Hiwatari himself. Chose a G-Rev pic this time since I thought it was only appropriate I go for the oldest season... otherwise I'd be deemed a cougar. Anyhoos~ One of my fav scenes ever!

Shiron (Legendz)~ Basically naming all my characters from the FAV MALE CHARACTERS quezzie except for the last 2. I'm aware Shiron's a dragon, but meh, a hot one at that.

Kyuzo (Samurai 7)~ The hectically skilled samurai who's as quiet as they come. Haha~ Love the guy.

Lance (Pokemon)~ Hard time choosing here since I also adore Sir Aaron, Steven Stone, Riley and many others, but Lance triumphs overall!

Sesshomaru (InuYasha)~ Also adore InuYasha, but Sesshy just has this... thing about him that makes me swoon~ If you're not a fan of Sessy... you're lying!! XD

Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach)~ Again, also love Toshiro and Uryu Ishida, but Byakuya is the eldest which makes him right for me. Plus, like Sessy, he's just got the fab about him~~


InuYashaxKagome (InuYasha)~ A lot of the same characters are appearing, sorry. XD Love these 2 as a couple! Don't dare say Kikiyo's the right woman for InuYasha!! KAGOME ALL THE WAY! Love their bickering! XD

SesshomaruxRin (InuYasha)~ Another Inu pairing. XD These 2 are just adorable together. As I mentioned earlier, I know Rin is currently faaaaarrr too young for Sessy, but wait til she grows up. They have such a sweet bond... weird as that may sound for Sess. XD;

ShichikaxTogame (Katanagatari)~ They 2 were meant for each other! Love 'em!... I'd say more but it might ruin the series for anyone wanting to watch it. Had to add a CHEERIO pic! XD

HowlxSophie (Howl's Moving Castle)~ A typically beautiful Ghibli film pairing, but these 2 actually remain together. XD So sweet, both of them. I nearly put HakuxChihiro from Spirited Away, but they're still kids, so these 2 won. XD Gah, choosing favs is hard....


Coming the following day~


Disclaimer~ I do not own questions, as mentioned earlier.

Other Fandoms: 30 Day Anime Challenge Meme~ by ~Drag0n-Mistr3ss

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Many thanks for views, favs and comments~


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