
Favorite Character: Dark Pit I really love him. He's a very well developed dark clone that isn't the stereotypical "I'm gonna destroy (insert original)!" he eventually helps Pit. Plus, his theme is awesome and he's hot. 13-year-old me would explain this better
Despised Character: Reaper & Reapette They're so annoying! They take forever to kill too, especially in the original NES game, in my opinion
Favorite Game: Kid Icarus: Uprising Gonna go with KI:U since this was my first Kid Icarus game. This game actually made me develop new friendships, both online and in real life
Despised Game: Don't have one
Most Overrated Character: Viridi Don't get the wrong idea, I like Viridi, but I've seen her shipped with like everyone. Especially Pit and Dark Pit, neither of those ships are good
Most Underrated Character: I don't think anyone is underrated, however, I do think that Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters is underrated, especially since it may be non-canon due to the fact that it never got released in Japan, for some reason
Favorite Villain: Medusa She's pretty cool. The original villain and using the last bit of her life to help Pit, that's awesome. I have yet to battle her in the original NES version, but it seems intense
Despised Villain: Amazon Pandora Don't like that extremely revealing outfit and seemed flirtatious.
Favorite Couple: Don't have one. I don't ship anyone except for crack ships
Despised Couple: Palutena X Pit I can't stand this ship. I always thought that the relation between Palutena and Pit was like mother-son, not girlfriend-boyfriend. Palutena seems too old for Pit as well

Kid Icarus Controversy Meme by CrystalisZelda
Kid Icarus characters (c) Nintendo

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