
This piece is dedicated to Jake Parker who is a man of many talents - and that alone is really an understatement. I've only just caught up on his stuff this week and was blown away by how far he's progressed in his career. I purchased his Missile Mouse books a few years back and that was how I got exposed to his stuff.

Nevertheless here you see two characters - one that I know of and one who is new to me.
Missile Mouse to your left and Wake (from his new series: Sky Heart) - both share a common trait: they are heroes to the core.

I won't forget the quote that Mr. Parker used from MM's father: "Promise me that you'll remember this - you are a mouse that matters".

Mr Parker has taught me alot this past week after browsing through his work, he inspired me. In fact he's given me purpose and I will do what I can to make sure that my art matters. More on this when I post my journal in an hours time!

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