

Welp now that I got your attention hopefully, I'd like to say a few things to the ones that willing let me use their fursonas for this by their own free will ;3 (Lmao Im gonna get so much hate for this xD)

I've now reach the 1000s in subs on YT. I am currently doing a special for it, but I thought I'd like to do something a little more.. eh.. personal..? for ya guys since you've all helped me so much through my growth and development since I've joined the simming community :3

Imma just go in order here~
If you dont feel like reading essays then I got the names bolded so just look for your's <3

Dragon X Sparky

Heya gurl!!! xD
I know we dont talk as much as we used to.. and I am sorry for that
You were my first like.. actual friend I got on here that I could actually.. show my face to. You've helped me so much with growing outa my shell and actually getting to know everyone. Without ya, I'd probably be a lot more shy and reserved to everyone. cx
I really hope we do talk more in the future. I'm always available via Skype (I'm on Invisible tho so that probably why ya havent messaged heh..) LOVE YA BAE

Pup Info:
Name- Aerna
Gender- Female
Eye Color- Blue
Traits: Hyper, Proud

Twilight X Silvershadow

Now dont go yelling at me cuz you're both girls! You said you're fave char was Silver, and I have a feeling you knew what I was doing this whole time so I better not here any complaint ;3 (I aint telling who was the dude either xD)

Now Twi.. I honestly wonder how we do get along so well (in my opinion) and how we deal with each other x'D We constantly tease eachother like crazy and rarely have moments where we both are serious!
But I am glad we did meet. You do mean a lot to me :3 I know ya got some struggles going on irl and I just hope that you know that you're not alone in this. I am (as well as many others) are here for you. I care for you and I dont like seeing you in pain ;3;
It does really shock me of how similar we are. We both had some rough pasts but yet.. we both remain strong. You are a role model for me in so many ways and a sturdy shoulder to lean on

Pup Info:
Name- Sky
Gender- Female
Eye Color- Sky-blue
Traits: Hunter, Quiet

Mist X Eagletalon

Heyo Mist!!! Ya like the Char I chose for ya ;3 He reminds me a lot of you~ Crazy and teasy, but yet very loyal to all their friends and give helpful advice.
You were one of the first Simmers I've watched and actually grew close to. Even though we dont talk as much it is always great to talk with you! You are such an inspiration to me :3
I know I say it a lot but chu are amazing <3 You are like a sister to me

Pup Info:
Name- Rascal
Gender- Male
Eye Color- Yellow
Traits- Hyper, Playful

Pix X Hollowfang

SUP SISTAH XDDDDDDD Ya finally glad ya know what I've been doing ;3 Kinda drove ya insane and spam da shit outa me in Insta o3o
Anywho, chu are another awesome friend to me. Our chats are always epic and you never leave things boring :3 Ya honestly brought out a more teasy and hyper personality outa me ;3 But I can never really be in a bad mood with you
Sure we have our fights, but so far we got through them. I hope to stay friends for you for a long time to come. I do feel bad you get restricted a lot becuz you are an amazing person. If there is anything I can help ya with, do let me know. :3

Pup Info:
Name- Drea
Gender- Female
Eye Color- Yellow
Traits- Independent, Quiet

Xenia X Dawn

Hehehee I bet ya didnt see this coming ;3 I chose Dawn becuz well.. whenever I show pics of her to you ya always say she's ya bae (or something like that.. sorry Im nervous)
Imma keep it simple here but I do have a lot more to say :3
I'm sure I've said this so many times now, but when we first met, ya kinda did intimidate me. I laugh at myself for that cuz when we started getting closer and such, ya turned out to be a big ol' floofy teddy bear!!!
I always enjoy when we talk (which now is every day) and at some days, It can be a highlight :3 Yes we both have our days when we're cranky or depressed af.. but that doesnt make you any less special to me
I just wanna say thanks for putting up with my.. quirks x'D I dont often mean to get at ya when I'm in a bad mood and I dont think you do either..
Love ya bae

Pup Info:
Name- Faye
Gender- Female
Eye Color- Yellow
Traits- Friendly, Independent

Trailer X Thorn

Another requested one~ Dun come crying to me once ya mate kills ya ;3 You knew the consequences~
Now for the mushy crap.. XP
Gotta say I've known ya for least amount of time outa every one here. But somehow I can easily claim ya as one of mah closest friends! We talk almost every day now and its always been blast! (Except when ya dont take me with ya on the boat -3-) I love seeing your doggies!! Especially da little Piggy ;3
Thank ya for being such a great friend. There have been a few times where I was depressed af but when I'd talk to you ya some how cheered me up o3o
I love ya bae, and now are happy that ya can see yourself with floof ;3 I'll send ya better pics at messenger no worries :3
And congrats on the new soon-to-be getting laptop!!!!

Pup Info:
Name- Creek
Gender- Female
Eye Color- Yellow
Traits- Adventurous, Aggressive

Shinnie X The Creature

Lmao you had to have known that this was coming ya bitch ;3 I still havent forgiven ya for breeding me with that drunken monster!!!! Now payback time >:3 I HOPE YA GET EATEN BY YA NEW SON!!! c;< (Jk ily Otto-chan <3)
You were another one of the first simmers I watched. Ya helped me a lot as I started developing some experience in the simming community. I believe you were the second simmer I talked to.. I cant remember x'D
But anyways, I love ya Shinnie <3 Thank you so much for all the support. I love all our talks at messenger and how you can be so understanding at times.. almost like you've been through some of the experiences I had.. eh.. bleh XP IM NOT GONNA GET INTO THAT THO!!!
Thank ya for all the support you've given me for all the.. welp its almost been two years so xD Damn where has all the time gone o3o DID YOU STEAL IT SHINNIE?! GIVE IT BACK!!! D:<
Damn I'm so terrible at trying to be sweet and mushy x'D
Uhm.. what else.. Owh ye!!! If we ever meet, the first thing imma do is give ya a hug ta piss ya off for breaking my heart on messenger ya bish ;3

Pup Info:
Name- Shriek
Gender- Male
Eye Color- One Blind Eye and Brown
Traits- Aggressive, Noisy

Spirit X Badgerling (Not gonna reveal his true name yet xD)

I faintly recall you saying that you liked this guy in one of my SS episodes.. I cant remember heh
Do not get any ideas by this young lady!! This does not mean you can go out and see boys!! (Jk Jk x'D)
We dont talk as much as I do with the others.. which is a shame since you are really funny and great person to talk to :3 I still find it funny that ya some how became my 'daughter' in the midst of it.. how did that even start..? XD
You were another inspiration to me. At first when we met at DA I didnt know that SpiritHorse XDogs was actually you o3o Thats how we met tho I think XD And I'm glad we did (Crap emojis stopped working but I would've put a heart there ^^') But anyways, ya have helped me a lot too. Ya taught me some new techniques with your vids and I believe you're the one that taught me the slow thing on sims ;3
You are flipping awesome bae <3 Dont let anyone tell ya otherwise!!! If they cant see that then they deserve to burn! Chu are truly amazing cx

Pup Info:
Name- Gibson
Gender- Male
Eye Color- Dark Yellow and Brown
Traits- Friendly, Loyal

Dena X Dusty

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand last but not least, one of my oldest buddies <3
I had no idea who to breed you with.. so I just went with Dusty since he is a lot like you in some ways x'D
Mushy crap again.. ugh xD
When I first meet ya, tbh I didnt know what to make of ya. You were always so open with me and treated me like a friend right away. I couldnt help but become friends with you over time :3
Chu are crazy, chu are insane, chu are loyal, chu are a real friend. Ya helped me in some pretty emotional times of mine in the past.. I really thank you for that cx Not sure where I would be without you..
You are a true friend to me and I hope we meet one day Sistah <333333
I am always here for ya bae :3 If you ever need some one to talk to dont be afraid to come to Xeen or I or anyone else ya may be close to!

Pup Info:
Name- Widow
Gender- Female
Eye Color- Mystery color.. xD
Traits- Clueless, Hyper

Also.. I didnt make one for you this time since I already did an Experimental Litter on ya, but Marble you also had made a huge impact on me. You are truly like a sister to me. I love ya so much. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. So many times you have helped me when I was down. You probably never noticed it cuz I usually dont outwardly say I'm depressed but.. still thank you :3
I am also here for you and every one else if you need me <3 Dun give up bae and stay strong!!!

To see Marble Pup, here's da link ;3 silverwolf1020.deviantart.com/…


OMFG THAT TOOK OVER AN HOUR O3O Bahahahahaha I spent a whole day on you guys to counting the puppies x'D Hope ya all appreciate it despite that I had ya raped at console xD

Now I gotta sleep.. My mom suddenly dropped a bomb after telling me I start school on Wednesday for over a week now, But NOPE! It starts tomorrow o3o Luckily I dun have to walk up at 5:30 anymore tho.. ugh..
So sorry if there are any grammar or spelling errors. I'll try to fix them tomorrow along with sending the links to your new children x3


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