
Horse riding is a rarity in the modern world. Technology based transportation facilities replaced the time when horses were being used for transportation. In the old days, horses were an important part of daily existence, whether it is for trading, transportation or warfare.

Horse riding is also called equestrianism. Equestrianism requires skill and expertise. The term horse riding is inclusive of the use of horses for working purposes and recreational activities.

There is no exact date about when was the horses were first used. Based on available evidences, man started to ride horses around 6000 BC. However, there are also evidences like horse-pulled chariot drawings seen in caves that it started as early as 3000 BC or back to the Bronze Age. The earliest record of horse riding was recently found in a tomb in Egypt believed to date around 1600 BC. Egyptians used chariot horses for warfare purposes.

There are controversies as to who were the first people who used horses. Often mentioned are the Brahmins of India, the Chinese and the Assyrians in eastern Mediterranean.

During the archaic period (5th to 15th century), horses were classified through their usage, not by breed. Chargers were for warfare and carthorses were for pulling carts. This culture has contributed to the present styles of horse riding namely, the Western and the English riding styles. The basic components of both styles are the same, except for the purpose and equipment used.

Western horse riding style is believed to have originated in Northern Mexico and Southwestern United States in the mid 1600′s. There is no communication between the rider and the horse in this horse riding style. The person rides the horse for work purposes such as to tend and rope cattle. They wear protective clothing and uses deep seated saddles.

The English riding style emerged in Europe and regarded as the customary way of horse riding. The rider and the horse communicates, thus there are people who are called horse whisperers or horse trainers. In English horse riding, the appearance of the rider is refined and the saddle used is lightweight with a flat seat.

Today, the use of horses for trading and warfare is over. One can use horse riding for recreation, sports or exercise. Riding a horse bareback develops proper balance and is good for strengthening the spine and muscle stimulation. For those who love the countryside, horse riding has the advantage because of the flexibility of the horses to trek anywhere.

Have fun in the outdoors, explore, enjoy and be safe always.

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