Some stroller accessories will make your life easier. We've found some stroller accessories you'll want to get for yourself because they're just as ingenious as they are practical:
Lascal Buggy Board – This nifty platform with wheels attaches to the back of your stroller and gives a pretty smooth ride for toddlers and younger children. If you've got a need for transporting a second child who tires easily of walking, this product makes getting from one place to another much easier.
Junior Sunshade – Have you been trying to adjust the stroller canopy just so and you can never get it to provide the right sun protection? Get a Junior Sunshade. This product gives your child additional coverage from the sun with a rating of 50+ ultraviolet protective factor (UPF). The best part? It even looks good over your regular stroller canopy.
Padded Umbrella Stroller Bag – Taking your stroller along to the airport? You'll want to protect your stroller if you've decided to check it in. The J.L. Childress Padded Umbrella Stroller Bag can accommodate most lightweight strollers and umbrella strollers, keeping them protected. Use the padded shoulder strap for easy transport.
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